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8387074 No.8387074 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Momiji have the worst fanbase? Yesterday some faggot called her his waifu, the day before some pervert was going on about wanting to have casual whore sex with her. Does Momiji attract second/a/ries?

>> No.8387088

>Does Momiji attract second/a/ries?

>> No.8387087

I think it's the dog ears

>> No.8387090

Well, duh, she's Inuyasha-lite. That's why ZUN hasn't done anything interesting with her. It's a miracle she still exists.

>> No.8387094
File: 338 KB, 700x482, 50790451dcafcd23bea408232018ffdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because she's linked to Aya.

And Aya corrupts everything.

>> No.8387104

Someone please define ``secondary´´ for me.

>> No.8387106
File: 431 KB, 1024x768, 1324462245112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Aya...

>> No.8387109


I think it's someone who doesn't actually play the games but just follows the fanworks... which are extensive.

What was it, more than a quarter of Comiket is touhou doujin related now?

>> No.8387110
File: 403 KB, 600x834, 485e0a4ec8388eb4bf3f7b529c4faa26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, its true, she does have some Inuyasha qualities, But shes not a furry and shes not repulsive. I never noticed until now, because I only watch one episode of that piece of crap.

I could almost feel that shes been tainted now, but shes just so cute.

>> No.8387115

Fun fact: there is no conceivable way in which OP's question could lead to interesting or productive discussion

>> No.8387120

Okay, thank you.

>> No.8387125
File: 280 KB, 800x600, ae4da24df32770cab787f3fc42ae7781e25a152f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, thats exactly what I thought when I hit the submit button after I wrote it.

>> No.8387127

I guess I'm a second/a/ry because I only like Touhou for the fanart and I frequent both /a/ and /jp/.

>> No.8387130

Fun fact: OP is a faggot.

>> No.8387152


When did it become wrong to declare love for one's waifu again?

Do new /jp/ browsers actually believe that copypasta?

>> No.8387159

Thats pretty much a secondary yes.

>> No.8387161


>> No.8387189

At least play one of the games at least once.

Even if you play superior cave shmups, the touhou games are worth a try.

>> No.8387191

I've seen them played. I have absolutely no interest in that kind of game.

>> No.8387204

>At least play one of the games at least once.
Why do people keep saying this?

>> No.8387213

Fuck off, true fans of touhou don't need the games. The fighting games are okay, because it's easy money at tournaments. There is literally no reason to play the bullet hell games, though.

>> No.8387215

Maybe because its logical. Sorry if its to much for you.

>> No.8387214

Go back to >>>/waifu/

>> No.8387223

You people are like pirates trying to justify pirating. Just come clean.

>> No.8387224

2012 /jp/ - second/a/ries
That works is nice.

>> No.8387243

>Maybe because its logical.
I don't understand!

>> No.8389617

Just ignore them. I also never played the games and I know more about Touhou than most 'primaries' I've met.

>> No.8389643

>Does Momiji attract second/a/ries?
Yes. She's becoming more and more a character loved by new fans or "secondaries".

She's not a favorite but there's nothing wrong with her, really.

>> No.8389851

I like Momiji, but I can see where op is coming from..
Typical conversation with a momiji fan

"Is that a Momiji avatar? Momiji's my waifu"
"Yeah? You play touhou?"
"Actually I've never played a touhou game and don't know anything about the series aside from Momiji and a few characters"
[Are you sure you want to remove this friend?]

Only the dead can know peace from this evil.

>> No.8389886

Holy shit, learn to take it easy. At least you did him a favor and removed yourself from his list. I'm pretty sure he was thankful, but it's just a friends list, not like it matters much.

>> No.8389893

Momiji always had a small but solid primary fanbase, to the point where you always saw it spelled 'Momizi', but those days are dead and gone and I don't know what is up with character love these days.

>> No.8389895

Touhou elitism... when you have nothing left to be proud of.

>> No.8389912

>Only the dead can know peace from this evil.
Is that some /v/ meme? Is that you Kettle?

>> No.8389910

I'm a primary, but there's nothing wrong with liking a character who doesn't really have much "primary satisfaction", I guess.

I like her because she's practically a blank slate with all the traits that I like already attributed to her.
And she's the cutest.
