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8383581 No.8383581 [Reply] [Original]

You are approached by a Wizard. He offers to turn you into an ageless/immortal* little girl.

1. Eternal life as a little girl. You get to have the appearance of a 9~11 year old girl, are ageless, and immortal*

2. The Wizard promises to protect you from all forms of harm, retaliating against attackers if you so wish. This does not go beyond PROTECTION. You may not use the powers of the Wizard to directly harm anyone unless they have already harmed you, and only if you have not in any way purposefully provoked them.

3. The Wizard is willing to be your friend, perhaps more if things progress this way. He is neither distinctly unlikeable nor distinctly likeable -- he is a fairly average conversation partner and capable of sympathy but will not coddle you or give you any particularly special treatment.

4. In cases where you are going to public places and need to have an adult, the Wizard will either

a. Conjure up a very human-like Homunculus that you can give simple orders to

b. Go with you, acting as your father


>> No.8383583

5. You will be given a "magical allowance." The Wizard will give you one simple wish per day and one complex wish per year.

a. A simple wish can be no bigger than a $20 value, and simple wishes can not be saved up. You can, however, simply wish for a $20 allowance and save it up to spend on real-world goods.

b. A complex wish is essentially your christmas and birthday present combined, and can be something very very big. There are no strict stipulations on the wish, but the Wizard has the right to refuse and tell you to pick another wish. You can wish for any number of things, including temporary magic powers like the ability to fly for a year

1. However old you are now is how many years you get "free," to live your life in any way you want. After that period of time, you must either serve the Wizard and do his bidding OR give up your life. See point number 2 for more details on this.


>> No.8383592

3. If you contact any of your old friends/internet friends, you are not allowed to let them know who you once were. If you try, the magic keeping you in your form will either force them to forget OR simply stop working and return you to your normal form... it's a 50% chance either way. Should you return to your normal form, you still owe the rest of your natural life to the Wizard, even though you're no longer a girl or immortal*.

4. You are forced to wear a Chastity Belt that only the Wizard is capable of unlocking. He will only unlock if for you if you are in true love (as true as love is possible for you; if you don't believe in love, you don't get sex!!) -- you are not allowed to be a whore.


>> No.8383588

2. You are not reborn, and none of your friends or family are aware of the change. In the case that you are not living on your own and are living with parents or friends, you will instead live with the Wizard in a place of your choosing (at least during your "free" years) regardless of cost. You must, however, pay the Wizard rent in the form of backbreaking hard labor -- doing tough jobs that are very difficult for a little girl like lifting and moving heavy objects -- for at least two hours per day. If your "free" years are up, you must do this work for at least eight hours per day. In all cases, you may work extra hours per day and carry over hours so you can have more free time. Hours (within 6.5 hours) spent sleeping DO NOT COUNT towards any of these totals and are "free" hours... however, you will be punished if you oversleep.


>> No.8383600

1. Increased labor time. The amount of hours or days it is increased depends on how severe your "crime" was.
2. Physical harm, ranging from a light bare-bottom open-handed spanking to a spanking from a metal-buckled belt.
3. Loss of daily -- or even yearly! -- wishes.
4. Loss of certain priveledges.

I'm not going to lie, this was kind of fun to type up

Would you do it? Would you take the deal?

* You are still subject to pain and the human condition. You must eat, sleep, and take care of yourself as a normal human has to.

>> No.8383596

5. You can not draw attention to yourself! Becoming famous in any way will result in punishment. As such, it is a good idea to move around every two or three years (since you don't age) if you leave the house often, or simply not leave the house very often.

6. Using Magic Powers in public in an obvious way will result in punishment.

7. Theft, murder, and other morally objectionable things will also result in punishment. Breaking ENFORCED laws in your country will also result in punishment -- that includes the laws you currently break, like piracy!

8. If you find a way to exploit any of the things you have been given, the Wizard will find a suitable punishment for you.


>> No.8383604

[x] Touch fluffy tail

>> No.8383621

Kill the wizard.

>> No.8383623
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>that includes the laws you currently break, like piracy!

Go to hell, Wizard.

>> No.8383633

Yeah, fuck the wizard. Let's all gang up on him and steal his powers.

>> No.8383638

Hey... hey what if...
We fall in love with the Wizard?

>> No.8383643

He'll turn you to stone!

Go ahead!

>> No.8383669


I can't believe I wasted my time reading this shit. That sounds like a terrible deal. Oh cool, 18 years to be the little girl? That'd be cool if I didn't have to live the rest of my immortal life as his bitch.

>> No.8383672

I will become a Wizard myself and turn into a little girl, playing by my own rules.

>> No.8383673

You get payed $20/day for it :]

>> No.8383691


The comes to 7,300 dollars a year. No thanks.

>> No.8383703

You're a 10 year old girl, what kind of money were you expecting to make?

>> No.8383704

Eh, that sounds pretty good but at the same time there are a lot of not-so-cool-sounding things.
Not to mention that wizard might seems like a huge dick, and I don't wanna be the slave of a huge dick D:

>> No.8383707

>I'm not going to lie, this was kind of fun to type up
Take it to /d/.

>> No.8383723

/jp/ - Fetish Culture

>> No.8383730

I tried to make this as non-fetishistic as possible! That's why there's a chastity belt and hard labor instead of sucking cocks, dudes

>> No.8383735

>I tried to make this as non-fetishistic as possible! That's why there's a chastity belt
Is this nigga serious?

>> No.8383736

This thread is gay. You're gay.

>> No.8383742

I don't know how old or naive or simple-minded you are, but Chastity belts aren't a fetish thing. Not by nature.

Anything can be made fetishistic, really. Especially here on /jp/.

>> No.8383744

I don't think this is that fetishistic. I don't think I would do it, though. I'm lazy as fuck.

>> No.8383755

Yeah, it's completely normal and non sexual to turn into a little girl just to be forced to become a slave to a wizard and being punished in various ways.

>> No.8383762

It's not normal but I don't see how it's sexual

>> No.8383767

Why does it have to be a wizard? Why not a Witch? I'd even take a scary looking hag over an old man if I had to choose.

>> No.8383782

Why would anyone ever take the deal? I don't see the appeal of it with the slavery and the inability to become a slut.

>> No.8383790

Who would want to be a slut?

>> No.8383822
File: 58 KB, 320x239, 5734003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8383588 6.5 hours of sleep

>> No.8383844

no one wants to be a little girl, freak

>> No.8383869

I'd take it, let's face it, after you live your free years and become the wizards servant, you're basically going to be his loli fuck slave, that seems pretty hot to me.
I'd love to be a little girl getting some hard fucking from a wizard every day, I bet he knows some great little magic tricks, bet he's great with bondage too, fuck yea, I'd be his slave.

>> No.8383877

he's gay

>> No.8383898

>You must, however, pay the Wizard rent in the form of backbreaking hard labor -- doing tough jobs that are very difficult for a little girl like lifting and moving heavy objects -- for at least two hours per day. If your "free" years are up, you must do this work for at least eight hours per day.
Is this the entirety of the "serve the Wizard and do his bidding" part or is there more? Can I use the $20/day to hire a nigger to do my work for me?

>> No.8383899

i could escape and he could find another person
the only person i would like to have sex with is myself
especially if loli

>> No.8383907

>I don't know how old or naive or simple-minded you are, but Chastity belts aren't a fetish thing.Not by nature.
By nature, they are a fetish thing.
It gives a person sexual control over another person. It's a form of bondage. It's a form of domination.

Take it to /d/. They love this stuff.

>> No.8383912

You can't make anyone else do the work for you, but if you're a good girl you get more free time and if you are nice all year you can use your end-of-the-year wish to lessen the burden on you

>> No.8383915
File: 289 KB, 610x715, fuulhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw see shitton of rules

>> No.8383935

Can't I just be a d&d wizard like him? Actually, fuck that, I'd only be able to use a few spells a day before years of training.

>> No.8383939

I'd take it if I'm allowed to tell my parents/relatives. Immortality makes any punishment meaningless, so it's basically free wish-granting wizard. But my family would be quite saddened if they thought I died or something.

>> No.8383944

I would be all for it if I could masturbate.

>> No.8383965

This is a deal breaker:

Can I wish for a blessed greased +2 gray dragon scale mail?

>> No.8384045

You can't tell your parents, but you can have the Wizard put a memory in everyone's head that you went off to become a somewhat successful businessman in a foreign country that doesn't have internet access, and then you can write letters from time to time

>> No.8384048

You can, but if I were you I'd wish for a Blessed Greased +3 Silver Dragon Scale Mail

>> No.8384072


>Received: Blessed Greased +0 Silver Dragon Scale Mail

>> No.8384080

yo this wizzad shit is gay nigga ima kill this bitch n steal his powers n shit you know like rob banks n shit damnnnn that would be the shit

>> No.8384081

2/5 chance

>> No.8384097

Can I run away from the wizard and become a loli fuck slave for some dirty old men instead?

>> No.8384109

I'm fapping to the idea of a wizard spanking immortal little girls RIGHT NOW.

>> No.8384300

Damn, what's with the eternity of hard labor?

>> No.8384319


>> No.8384333

> I don't wanna be the slave of a huge dick
Are you sure?

>> No.8384337

Can the 8 hours of labor be sex instead? Can I use one of my wishes to make me strong enough that the labor is tolerable?

>> No.8384349

How hard is it to fly?

Can I just fly for a year instead of lifting?

>> No.8384350

I have absolutely no idea how or why you thought up this list of rules!??

Would you take the deal if it were made to yourself, OP??

>> No.8384356

Is that working 8 hours, or 8 hours worth of child-labor equivalent work?

>> No.8384368

What if we'd rather do the dick-sucking?

>> No.8384390

Stop thinking about sex all the time! When you're a little girl, you'll have a significantly smaller libido anyway.

It's magic!

Of course! I would try to find ways to be resourceful with my wishes and utilize my time well.

Feel free to suck dicks in your leisure time.

>> No.8384417

Bullshit; he's a damn wizard. He's beyond material wealth.
He's only making you do labor because he likes making you work. It's about power and control. He's totally getting off on it.

>> No.8384427

get the fuck out of here you dumb faggot. no wizard would waste his time turning some fat fucking slob disgusting man child on /jp/ into a little girl. he'd turn you into a fat fucking rat which is fitting for idiots who think delusions like "little girls are pure xD"

>> No.8384435

Or he's just a bored crazy old man that likes making up games

>> No.8384462

The though of having an enchanted transgendered loli field slave who _consented_ to his bondage--and who he can totally barehanded spank if she messes up--has gotten mister wizard so hard that he has damage reduction 10/-.

>> No.8384485

I for one. If you wish to be the little girl slave you probably also wish to be (treated as) a slut.

>> No.8384482


What about one of my wishes making me strong enough that the labor is tolerable?

>> No.8384483

Alright, let me get my robe and wizard hat and we can get this show on the road.
Who here is really good at suspension of disbelief?

>> No.8384487

What's the point of those zippers?

>> No.8384498

There so he can take his tank-top off without having to pull it over his head, potentially damaging his beautiful raven hair.

>> No.8384513

Ohh Jesus you expect me to read all that shit?

Its my dream to be the little but I dont plan to sign a 5 page contract. Wizard sounds like a creep. To much fine print. Immortality is a hazard. OP try to make a better post next time.

>> No.8384527

Wizard is not a male witch.

>> No.8384541

Who cares, dweeb?

>> No.8384556
File: 31 KB, 498x363, 1303299721596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s make a tl;dr shall we?

-Immortal little girl who cannot be killed.
-“Magical allowance system”, perhaps possible to use for investment for even bigger returns?

-No sex. (=.=)
-6.5hr sleep curfew. (you’ll DIE – that’s not even enough for an adult; and little girls need more sleep than adults do)
-Throw away previous life (a plus for some?)
-Cannot get famous. (Greatly limits your potential – you can’t get too rich, so premium creature comforts will elude you; you can’t get too successful in anything, so you’ll forever remain an anon, I could go on...)
-No freedom (constant obligation for chores, must live with him (big minus especially during free years), constant threat of punishment (even leaving aside the lawbreaking problem; why is the wizard scared of me “exploiting” my powers? Is he scared I’ll get more powerful or something??)

Conclusion: A deal that traps you as an eternal slave-loli for a scheming ojii-san who undoubtedly has a fetish for 9-11yo girls being dominated by pointless rules and chastity belts. NO DEAL!!!

Although I’m sure quite a few of /jp/ will like that idea...

>> No.8384597
File: 13 KB, 220x324, freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why's he dreaming up games involving little girls being dominated, as opposed to something else??

>> No.8384604

He's done everything else. Who knows how old this dude is?

>> No.8384609

Kill the wizard by tricking him to his own death and gain his powers so you take it easy for the rest of your life

>> No.8384652
File: 18 KB, 332x421, 1311057368288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you telling me that after a person's achieved the highest form of knowledge, power, enlightenment and all the rest of it, they can think of no greater pleasure than to dominate little girls!!???


>> No.8384681

I will become a wizard myself in about 7 years, so I don't see the upside to this deal.

>> No.8384685

I smack him in the face and tell him to get back to writing.

>> No.8384686


Answer this please OP

>> No.8384745
File: 135 KB, 1024x768, Wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will fight this so-called "wizard" and takes his powers.

>> No.8384932
File: 638 KB, 900x1273, XXG-6-e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, just go to animeotk.com and start a RP there. You're losing your time on /jp/

>> No.8384997

May I use my yearly wishes to acquire the opportunity to become an apprentice under the wizard? Wizard lolis, nigga.

>> No.8385042

No, pretty sure the Wizard only wants you as his eternal loli slut. Its in the fine print.

>> No.8385044

You aren't even allowed to masturbate? Can you at least use your greater wish to wish you can have it removed subject to some magical contract of not having sexual activity with anyone but yourself?

Also, 6.5 hours sleep is not enough for an adult to live comfortably on, let alone a little girl who will need more sleep than an adult.

>> No.8385053

Would you post the rest or an archive or something?
I don't want to register on animeotk.

>> No.8385064

Holy fuck 21 years without masturbating. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on OP.

>> No.8385072
File: 84 KB, 431x486, fuzakennna0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are not allowed to be a whore.
I stopped reading there. What's the point of being a little girl if you can't be a whore.

>> No.8385102

what if I fall in love with a witch and have her kill that shitty wizard

>> No.8385134

>Ask wizard for Touhou powers

>> No.8386967


>> No.8386986

I instead of making this deal I would instead agree in exchange for an antimagic ring and then beat him to death with a chair for dashing my hopes of being the little girl I wanted to be.

>> No.8386986,1 [INTERNAL] 

It died!
