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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8383351 No.8383351 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you watch anime and play games about High School kids when you've been out of High School for years now? You should have already experienced your own adventure and love.

>> No.8383365
File: 42 KB, 704x396, autism14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should have already experienced your own adventure and love

>> No.8383366


>> No.8383371

I remember when I snickered when reading this question when something similar was asked on /a/ a few years back.

No job and a meaningless degree.

>> No.8383367

The girls in the background are cuter.

>> No.8383376

I don't. I play games about manly men shooting things dead.

>> No.8383382

It's called escapism you dunderhead.

>> No.8383399

Not to take a troll question too seriously, but--
I did have my time, and I enjoyed it so much I don't mind checking out what other people's idealistic versions of it are, particularly if it means there are cute girls in uniforms in it, a factor sadly lacking from my own history.

>> No.8383487

The people on those boards are still in High School. I like to think /jp/'s median age is 25-30.

>> No.8383542


>> No.8383551

I tend to prefer games about working adults, but considering idealistic romance high school stories are about 80% of the total content, I make do with what I have

>> No.8383556

I hate and avoid high school-based media for this reason.

>> No.8383566

christ, I can't unsee the QUALITY

>> No.8383590

At heart I'm still 15.

>> No.8383609

Are you sure you have the right hobby?

>> No.8383652

But my parents wouldn't by me a guitar when I was in highschool so keion fills this extremely painful hole in my life.

>> No.8384105

You want to know why? Last season of Geriatric Wars lacked both action and cute girls.

>> No.8384114

3d high school is nothing like 2d high school, man.

>> No.8384131

I'm still underaged...
...only in my heart though...
sad, isn't it? you realize just how awsome could be your high school life only after watching anime and reading/playing VNs.

>> No.8384146

Real high school life could never be awesome. It’s completely unrealistic and purposely made to screw with the brains of naive people. It purposely draws up perfect and impossible worlds just to crush the hopes and dreams of all the otaku watching it. It forces them to have impossible goals and expectations in life and, when they inevitably can’t succeed, they’ll fail and forever seclude themselves inside their parents’ homes as hikikomoris. And then buy more anime DVDs or watch more anime, which is the much more sinister purpose of anime.

Cute boys who watch anime and want you to help them with their problems don’t exist. They will never exist and in real life they will just hate you and think you are a disgusting, worthless human that no one wants to associate with. While you’re busy watching your beloved anime he’ll go out and fuck every college party slut while listening to Lady Gaga and posting on Facebook about how much he loves to get drunk and have sex every Friday night.

Cute boys who innocently fall in love with you and accept you for who you are don’t exist either. If a boy understands your disgusting anime hobby, they’re horrifically ugly, obese social outcasts with no defining personality traits, just like you.

Doki-doki high school days don’t exist. Boys that buy chocolate for you on Valentine’s Day don’t exist. Boys who plan to confess their love to you on Christmas Eve don’t exist.

Nothing you want out of life is real. Out there, everything is terrible.

So just stay inside and keep fantasizing until you die.

>> No.8384183

>Cute boys
i see you've got some copypasta prepared, but i'm not gay, dude.

>> No.8384210

I actually enjoyed high school and wish I could rewind time and do it again. Games and shows are the next best thing, I guess.

But next time around I would save more often so I could get at least one girl's true end.

>> No.8384229

It was written by a girl. From /jp/. Who killed herself.

>> No.8384232
File: 253 KB, 1000x812, 1325839620297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because fuck you.

>> No.8384246

The writers do it because it's easy and the characters don't really behave like they're in highschool so it's just a vehicle for the story which is the most important thing to be paying attention to.

>> No.8384260

It's kind of paradoxical though, because you only realize it after watching anime and reading/playing VNs. But those are the kind of interests that isolate from/makes us lost interest in most people.
Some greek tragedy.
Why's the world so cruel!! Goddammit!!

>> No.8384264

i want that brown girl. fuck that VN.

>> No.8384273

cuz my high school wasn't creepy as HELL like Another

>> No.8384311

Because 2D highschool is as much of a fantasy setting as middle earth is. Are you saying I shouldn't read high fantasy because I am too old for stories?

I am 25, still in college, and works at Target; I don't care where or how I get my escapism fix. I enjoy stories about adults all the same too.

>> No.8384325

In anime/VNs why do characters sometimes act like they're thirty in one scene and then in another scene act like they are twelve even thouygh they are supposed to be 17?

>> No.8384336

In anime/VNs why do they go through long love confession scenes when real 17 year olds fuck regularly?

>> No.8384344

I did both. I think most people do. Chinese cartoons just focus on the former and dramatize it because it's a fucking cartoon.

>> No.8384348

What do you mean you did both? Are you implying you had some sort of normal high school life filled with love and sex?


>> No.8384354

Sometimes I do the same just to see my friends freak out.

>> No.8384362
File: 43 KB, 340x372, Abenobashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I did. But then I grew up.

>> No.8384367

Story of my life.

>> No.8384371

>If a boy understands your disgusting anime hobby, they’re horrifically ugly, obese social outcasts with no defining personality traits, just like you.
Welps, she did deserve to die.

>> No.8384376

I don't think you guys belong here.

>> No.8384392

>Boys that buy chocolate for you on Valentine’s Day don’t exist.
Aren't girls supposed to buy the chocolate for the boys on Valentine's Day?

>> No.8384396

Why not? You were normal once. I just happened to be a little luckier in my normal years.
Unless everyone on /jp/ has been retconned to be a TRUNEET from birth.

>> No.8384401

I've been kind of like that, the only interaction with the outside world was school.

>> No.8384412

>You were normal once
I was never interested in 3DPD. Kindly leave normalfag.

>> No.8384422

In Japan, yeah. Not on the West, I guess. White pigs are very egocentric.

>> No.8384468

There is no such thing as "normal" years. You are born a miserable, defunct failure who can't interact with other people, slug your way through grade school before dropping out, and finally become a perma-NEET.

Deviating from this path in any significant way like having sex or friends disqualifies you from being a member of /jp/. Discontinue browsing immediately.

>> No.8384658


>> No.8384678

Don't patronize me, normalshit.


>> No.8384778

why is there a nigger girl in OP's pic

>> No.8384783

KSdevs wanted it to be diverse and forgot it was supposed to be in Japan.

>> No.8384791

Op, I do it because I wish I could go back to high school really.. I miss those days. Nostalgia ftw.
