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8377927 No.8377927 [Reply] [Original]

What does your family think about you /jp/?

My mom is cool but everyone else thinks i need to grow up.

>> No.8378136

Everyone aroud me think /jp/ is for kids... Fuck off ! I do whaterver i want dont be influenced by others

>> No.8378146


umm pls dont swear this is sfw board

>> No.8378147

ljpl = culture blog

>> No.8378159 [DELETED] 
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Nothing out of the usual. I'm still 14 and lead rather common life going to school and shit. Got a couple (male) friends I go out once in a while, and not one suspects me of being a sick fuck.

>> No.8378163

They think my IIDX habit is mildly interesting, and they don't care enough to know about anything else /jp/ related that I'm interested in. It's not my life, though.

>> No.8378180

Nothing out of the usual. I'm still 34 and lead rather common life going to school and shit. Got a couple (male) friends I go out once in a while, and not one suspects me of being a sick fuck.

>> No.8378173

I think I'm going to be sick.

>> No.8378205 [DELETED] 

Nothing out of the usual. I'm still 21 and retain my anal virginity. No one suspects I'm gay.

>> No.8378219

They are pretty ok with how things are, they just want me to be happy.

>> No.8378240

They support my interest in Japan, anime, vidya games and they're happy I have something I enjoy so much.

>> No.8378263

You guys are lucky. no one seems to care if i'm happy.

>> No.8378288

Your waifu cares.

>> No.8378307

I don't talk to anyone in my family other than my mother, so I don't know/care what they think.

>> No.8378324

My dad found Final Fantasy IX to be too Japanese, so I don't think he'd approve of my hobbies. I don't live with him anymore though.

>> No.8378320


I don't hear much from my sister or niece and nephew, but when we do speak on the phone, we get along just fine. I believe my sister thinks pretty highly of me seeing I'm in a professional career.

I speak to my mother more often, and help her out financially when I can seeing she's disabled, old, and always poor as fuck. My mom has always held a pretty high opinion of me, even during my jobless dropout years.

I got along pretty well with my father, but he passed away back in 2003 so this is all old news. He was happy that I turned my life around after years of basically NEET life, though he never really understood how I would make money with computers. Despite us not having a ton in common because he was so old fashioned, I believe he was proud in his own way.

>> No.8378326


Great blog post as always, piggy.

>> No.8378344


dont bully sudo

>> No.8378358

Dont bully sudo you frigin homo gaynerdlord.
ill fuk ur shit up of you continue!!

>> No.8378348
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>> No.8378354

I was the one supposed to be going places, the success that brought the family up to prosperity, but as a jobless, homeless, habitual ne'er-do-well, my family doesn't look kindly on me. They were annoying anyway, so I feel much better without the burden

>> No.8378359

Don't you dare bully Sudo-sama!

>> No.8378367
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>> No.8378376

They probably think I'm weird or something. My mother still has hope that I'll get a decent job and a girlfriend someday ;_;

>> No.8378377
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gtfo sudo defence force

>> No.8378381


Hey, we're the same age... Glorious useless information.

>> No.8378390


You should just talk to her and tell you that you can't. I had to have that talk with my mother not too long ago. I had to explain that I'm not really capable of that sort of thing, and it was hard to convince her, but it finally got her to stop torturing me about not having a girlfriend.

>> No.8378394


>jobless, homeless, habitual ne'er-do-well

You could always fire those test stills back up... or not. Do whatever makes you happy I guess.

>> No.8378403
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Op here, That is true...

Konata cares

>> No.8378425

This is a bad idea, it's futile and often destructive to reveal yourself to people who won't understand. Better to let them keep hoping and suffer through the occasional speech. Or find a better thing to say like you're not thinking about it at the time. Very rarely do these sorts of people actually want to hear why you do what you do. Most times it's only self-interest. In any conversation about it, they usually only start it to force you in their desired direction. Have no faith in them, unless you have a good reason to.

>> No.8378439

Just 3 more years until you reach your true potential, eh?

>> No.8378456

Trick is getting to a place that has that job market.
My skills are rather deprecated now, but still better than any layman or wannabe unpaid MMO 'beta tester'.

>> No.8378459

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>> No.8378471

they think i'm retarded. my mother thinks i want to be a little girl and it's the force motivating me to do very literally everything i do.

>> No.8378491

    / \
They bought me a cake today so it must be my birthday.

>> No.8378564

I don't know what my family thinks about me, I'm not my family, I'm me, idiot.
