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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.8377064

KS fallout
Hopefully they leave sooner than later

>> No.8377072

Fuck off, ``faggot''

>> No.8377069

Why do you not start by telling us your name?

>> No.8377079

Probably you.

>> No.8377085



>> No.8377087

Apparently /jp/ shitposters are shitposting everywhere else other than /jp/ as well. This is only one reason out of a million why /jp/ is in this state

>> No.8377089
File: 96 KB, 355x330, disgustedaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8377092
File: 341 KB, 836x1180, efdefc3dd3a8fafaacc4a32012114e78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to save that poor Reimu plushie.

>> No.8377096

/jp/ shitposters are pretty much the best shitposters on 4chan

>> No.8377100

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>> No.8377101
File: 56 KB, 431x542, ritsu_megane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to know who has so much free time on his hands.
It feels like these people are some IRC group of the subhuman tripusers who bare a grudge against /jp/.

>> No.8377106


I just want to know why you're such an autistmal nerd

>> No.8377110

Probably fallout from the KS shitstorm.
They are probably mad because /jp/ didnt buy in into the hype. Gotta follow the majority view and spam KS as the best thing since slice bread next time.

>> No.8377115

this spam began much earier than KS.

>> No.8377125

much earier you say?

>> No.8377130

the steamgroup, IRC, etc etc does it, just like you said.

>> No.8377135

I obviously meant to say "earlier"*

>> No.8377177

Anonymous Wed Jan 04 13:39:45 2012 No.59378977

>>/a/ has fun with KS
>>/jp/ gets extremely anal about the entire thing for some reason and elitist over visual novels
>I don't get it. Why are they mad that other people are enjoying themselves with something they waited quite a while for?

Anonymous Wed Jan 04 13:43:16 2012 No.59379052

>It just shows how horrible /jp/ is these days.
I doubt any of the idiots above have ever read a VN.

>Their more then likely a bunch of idiots from /v/ that liked touhou and decided to nestled themselves there. Hating on translated VNs and things like katawa shoujo is nothing more then a false sense of elitism they have. Anyone from when the split happened has already left it for /a/ or 2ch/2chan.

>> No.8377182

>Anyone from when the split happened has already left it for /a/ or 2ch/2chan.

>> No.8377187

The /jp/ archive has moved to http://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/.. Please update your bookmarks.

>> No.8377188

Oh yeah, so it's totally our fault when we get angry that some people hype this fucking game on here with shitty threads over and over again.From what I heard it's not even that great even though I will have to play it myself to judge it.

>> No.8377192

Go into it with an open mind. Be happy to be proven wrong.
I'm not saying you will be, but I shared your attitude and I've enjoyed it (for the most part).

This. What the hell, how naive can you be?

>> No.8377190
File: 115 KB, 500x555, jewnes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, sure.

>> No.8377191

stop this shit warosu devs

>> No.8377194

I'm on to you Woxxy.

>> No.8377200

You see, what annoys me so much about this whole thing that people come here and claim it's the greatest stuff ever even though they probally have never played a VN before

>> No.8377199

Typical Foolz devs, spreading FUD.

If it was Jewnes' archive he'd have told us. Many many times.

>> No.8377202

>The funniest part about /jp/ is that they're pretty much a textbook case of cognitive dissonance. They claim to be indifferent towards Japan and the Japanese, only to make cam threads to watch the boring lives of ordinary Japanese people and rage threads when 2ch banned posting from foreign IPs. They're bitter misogynists, but they make tons of threads about how they wish they were/are becoming female. They look down on other boards as groupthink hiveminds, yet they tell anyone who isn't/doesn't pretend to be a Hikikomori NEET to fuck off. They constantly shit on "normalfags" and brag about their autism bucks and how proud they are of their lifestyle, and yet depression/suicide threads are one of the most common fixtures on their board.

>i give you a 2011 since that's when you found /jp/. even now the fig threads are filled with sabers, rins, and other type-moon shit. if you make a thread asking for their favorite vn it's always full of retards who like tsukihime and fate stay night. whenever a /jp/tard links their vndb profile they're giving tsukihime 9/10.

>all the /jp/tards who eat up any shit vn that's produced all love type-moon, but some are just in the closest. they're like narutards on /a/ who just keep quiet about liking it and then show off their naruto figures and discuss the weekly chapter release

>The group mentality and elitism is admirable, but they no longer have anything of content left on the board.
>It's like using a brand-new battle tank to defend a hill made of horse shit.

>> No.8377218

Who cares? Let the kids enjoy their VN. As long as they don't spam /jp/, I don't have a problem with it.
As for all this spam and shit, just follow the three golden rules and you'll be alright:

1. Ignore & hide shit threads.
2. Report shit threads.
3. Keep calm and carry on.

>> No.8377216

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8377220

Just go search the archive or you can browse them now. They are seriously kind of agitated that they are people that dont share their view.

>> No.8377267

So it's true. A group of less than a dozen people can displace the entire population and culture of an imageboard.

"Raiding" has certainly evolved.

>> No.8377290

Funny, I was thinking the same thing earlier.

>> No.8377306

It's not terribly surprising, they're just using old psyops tactics from the raiding days of /b/.

Interesting to see it modernized like this though.
