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8375308 No.8375308 [Reply] [Original]

So when is Shin Koihime Musou getting an English release? Fan or official I don't care.

>> No.8375320

probably never
i doubt the first one sold much in english

>> No.8375325

It's already been released.


>> No.8375337


It sold "enough" according mangagamer. They mainly don't want to translate shin because it's fuckoff huge.

Supposedly they plan to release a Nexton game at the end of next year, and Nexton owns Baseson.

Nexton also owns a fuckton of other eroge brands though, so I would not get my hopes up

>> No.8375357

Everything is in your hands, OP:
Learn Japanese and translate it.
Buy 2k copies of the 1st game from MG, that should motivate them to release the 2nd one.

>> No.8375370

>Learn Japanese and translate it.

Amusingly enough, if you could con a group into translating, Mangagamer would be happy to release their work(for profit).

Koihime has sold about 1100 units. Which is profitable. Which is more than can be said for most of their games. (They've only actually made money on KiraKira, Shuffle, and Koihime)

>> No.8375375

goddamn how do they operate
they must have a shoestring budget

>> No.8375384


Mangagamer is completely funded by Overdrive because bamboo wants to fuck con chicks. True story.

"It'll be profitable one of these years so it's fine if we're in the red for now!"

>> No.8375411

i assume he is doing his fair share of fucking con girls for it to continue so long

>> No.8375414

Wouldn't it be cheaper to translate only all ages stuff (or remove the h) and sell them on digital distribution platforms for >8$ ? carpe fulgur and rocking android are doing that and they're doing great.

>> No.8375427


Apparently Gabe Newell does not VNs, as both mangagamer and JAST approached valve about putting the all ages version of their games on Steam and he said "but these aren't games"

Meanwhile stuff like http://store.steampowered.com/app/72200/ gets on fine, but such is life.

As for why they don't try for impulse or d2d, it's a mystery

>> No.8375434

Supposedly it took a while for MG to set up the system they have now, so they don't wanna abandon it.
Also they tried to get some all-age games to Steam, but they didn't want them.

>> No.8375440

They're doing it wrong. Rocking Android managed to get a "all ages" game with frontal nudity published there.

anyway high school cherry comedy club or whatever it's called is coming to steam soon so things might change.

>> No.8375452


Supposedly Valve is beginning to relent as I heard JAST managed to get Aselia's all ages version up, so perhaps at the end of year.

>> No.8375458

They should translate more of the VNs that have gameplay stuff in it. Koihime kind of counts as a game right?

Steam would probably allow VNs with gameplay and MG would probably get at least 1000 more sales on everything.

>> No.8375504


I don't think they've got any eroge with gameplay that they're even working on at the moment, beyond the nebulous "circus title with gameplay" which was mentioned ages ago.

If I had to guess, that title is probably Eternal Fantasy, and also if I had to guess, I'd say bamboo probably had a falling out with circus, as they haven't released anything by them lately. So I doubt they'll end up releasing that at all.

>> No.8375522

Some all ages VNs have been localized and sold digitally but I don't think they did particularly well.

>> No.8375531

1000? try several tens of thousands
when a new game comes out it shows up in the new releases tab. there's 3 million people using steam at any given time. if just 1% of their userbase sees it and decides to buy it, they will get 30,000 sales, that's more than all their previous releases put together.

>> No.8375578


