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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 9 KB, 187x200, Tsutomu_Miyazaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
837214 No.837214 [Reply] [Original]

Left the world but forever scarred the O word.



>> No.837221
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The L word?

>> No.837231

Fuck yeah, hanged.

>> No.837243

scarred but shaped the identity of the modern fanbase profoundly

>> No.837270

I feel kinda sad.

>> No.837296

Still my favorite Miyazaki. He was a cool dude.

>> No.837304

So sad.

>> No.837316

The O word isn't that derogatory anymore due to Densha and trendfags. It's cool to (pretend to) be a nerd now.

>> No.837318

3D is pig
except maybe Jenny

>> No.837317

On what planet are otaku cool?

>> No.837342

>On July 23, 1989, Miyazaki, while attempting to insert a zoom lens into the vagina of a grade school-aged girl in a park near her home


>> No.837353


>> No.837391

They claim more of what he owned was underaged model videos than animu and shit.

Just because he had a small portion of animu, everyone make it out like THAT's the problem, not the underage models.

>> No.837442


Holy smokes! Its a good thing I wasn't in Japan this month, or ever. I kinda wanted to visit the weaboo capital of the world someday...

>> No.837449

What I want to know is if what happened in akihabara sped up his hanging.

>> No.837459

High there slowpoke.

>> No.837467

They're calling it a massacre? 7 people is not a massacre.

>> No.837472


>> No.837471

Yes it is

>> No.837595

Anybody who calls this man an assassin is a normalfag,trendfag,denshafag.

This man is the human form of the divine hammer of justice.

1-He killed people that deserved divine justice. (I mean those fucking girls were probably WHORES)
2-People made fun of him due to a deformity in his hands. (This mother fucker should have kill those bitches first.)
3-He delivered slow painful well deserved deaths.

This is why, Miyazaki i salute you.

>> No.837639

Another dead hero ;_;

>> No.837638

angry weeaboo is angryyyy


>> No.837661


>> No.837675
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>> No.837676


>Anybody who calls this man an assassin is a normalfag,trendfag,denshafag.

Or just an idiot who doesn't know the definition of the word assassin.

>> No.837689

Nerd revenge is so embarrassing

>> No.837705


Actually, you're pretty much the definition of a summerfag. Anon does not think you are cool for using a bunch of random memes every post. Get back to /b/.

>> No.837712
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>> No.837727

"On July 23, 1989, Miyazaki, while attempting to insert a zoom lens into the vagina of a grade school-aged girl in a park near her home, was attacked by the girl's father. Miyazaki fled on foot, but returned to the park to retrieve his car, whereupon he was promptly arrested."

This guy was a real winner.

>> No.837793
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>> No.838473

Good riddance to this waste of skin.

I want to bring back hanging in California and start practicing it.

>> No.838481

Japan? PUNISHING a crime? NO fucking way. he's still alive.

>> No.838483

It's because he was deformed. Different rules.

>> No.838485

japan's criminal system is harsh as hell

why don't they use injection like we do?

>> No.838493

Look at all the Xtreme kids in this thread, admiring serial killers.

>> No.838494

Japanse honor, something amerikkkan yankee gaijin dirty pigs will never understand.

>> No.838495

Because Japan isn't full of bleeding-heart liberals who can't seem to make up their minds on what to do with the death penalty.

>> No.838502

May be harsh, but the trick is GETTING there.

>> No.838508

Nah man, see, we just want people to be comfortable when they die. To kill them easy, so to speak.

>> No.838511

I suggest you look up lethal injection

it's far from painless or comfortable

>> No.838572

I was under the impression we sedated them with barbiturates before administering the lethal component...

>> No.838585

it's supposed to be painless execution
but many reports say it actually isn't

>> No.838626

That's not the point, the point is that's what we're going for.

>> No.838678


ITT an executioner

>> No.838688

One of my thumbs is kind of deformed so it's shorter and the thumbnail is smaller. A girl who had a crush on me said she thought it was cute. She was a filthy lying whore.

>> No.838704

Do they drug you before or something?

>> No.838708

The guillotine needs to be brought back, coolest and best method of execution.

>> No.838718

It would probably be pretty good these days. No more problems with dull blades or anything.

>> No.838728
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All wrong.

The Excessive Machine is the best way to die.

>> No.838741

Lethal injection should be painless, it's just the executioners are incompetent and aren't trained to give the injections so they end up injecting the liquid (which burns) into muscles instead of veins.

Hanging has 3 outcomes depending on your executioner.

Rope length is just right - Brain stem snaps, painless.
Rope length is too long - Decapitation, I'd assume death is the same as the guillotine, painless or 5~ seconds while your head bleeds out.
Rope length is too short - You hang there and suffocate.

>> No.838760

China uses guns. Why the fuck doesn't anyone use guns? It's much more humane, provided you can aim.
What's with the lethal ejection and hanging bullshit? The chance of pain is so much more higher.

>> No.838774

Guns can go wrong too, even with proper aim.

>> No.838769

Because the chinks are dicks and also charge the family the cost of the bullet.

>> No.838779

Do they execute people with gold-plated silver bullets engraved by a master artisan or something?

>> No.838789

How much does semtex cost?

just put a "headband" of semtex around their head and trigger it. They'll have about 0.000003 seconds to feel the pain.

>> No.838794

Not really. Point blank to the brain stem is super effective.

>> No.838816

i see what you did there

>> No.838839

Semtex is a brand of energy drink manufactured in the Czech Republic.

Three versions of Semtex drink were on sale in 1999 in the Czech republic, a children's version was on sale which lacked stimulants while two versions intended for adults were on sale.

The normal version contained a large amount of caffeine, while the semtex forte version contained a higher concentration of glucuronolactone.

>> No.839059

Seriously, you have to fail miserably to fuck that up.

Lethal injection isn't painless, it just paralyzes the person and prevents them from showing any visible signs of agony.

>> No.839073

Which is why they knock them out with downers or something first.

I don't care that it isn't painless, it wasn't for their victims, you don't get the death penalty for jay walking most places.

>> No.839146
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I facepalm'd when I saw this.

>> No.839267

>Miyazaki's premature birth left him with deformed hands, which were permanently gnarled and fused directly to the wrists, necessitating him to move his entire forearm in order to rotate the hand.

He's a living anime character. That's kinda cool.

>> No.839287

there wasn't any relation to Hayao Miyazaki until they went and wrote that.

>> No.839289

/jp/ - execution/punishment

>> No.839328

The facepalm for this can cover the earth.

>> No.839339

They still have capital punishment in Japan?

>> No.839347

you got it wrong. its not the length, its the position

knot in back=suffocation
knot on side=snapped neck
decapitation from rope?=you're a retard(unless you're close to terminal velocity)

>> No.839373
File: 3 KB, 105x126, 1213705016742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.839549


>> No.839558



>> No.839561


>> No.839564

lrn2kill idiot. Length matters a great deal, why do you think they have charts for weight/rope length that the executioner needs to check?

As for decapitation, I'm sure if you ask /r/ or /b/ kindly enough they'll post the .gif of a guy getting hung in some middle eastern country a year or two back where his head separates from his body.

>> No.839571

>Saddam's brother decapitated in hanging

>Moments later, as the trapdoors swung open, they dropped and the rope severed the hooded head of Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti, Saddam's younger half-brother and former intelligence chief.

>As with Saddam two weeks ago, the bodies were handed over to Sunni tribal leaders and officials in Saddam's home town of Tikrit, so there was no way of concealing the fact that the head was severed -- apparently because of an error by the hangmen in setting the noose or the length of the rope.

>While the body of 61-year-old Awad Hamed al-Bander, former president of Saddam's Revolutionary Court, swayed on its rope, that of Barzan, 55, lay on the ground next to his head in a pool of blood, the noose swinging empty above.

>> No.839609

Ahh Tsutomu, your moral panic created the glorious subculture that we love today. We salute your sacrifice.

>> No.839612


He worked at a printing company and was involved with comiket through them, and was a obsessive collector of videos. He may not have be specifically an anime otaku but he was certainly a otaku with ties with most other otakus.
