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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 15 KB, 468x309, 124337__468x_katawa-shoujo-controversy-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8371937 No.8371937 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8371945


>> No.8371944

Fuck Touhou.

>> No.8371948


Reported and informing you of your status as a bottom-feeding piece of shit.

>> No.8371949

I like how those retards took the comments seriously.

>> No.8371960

Get out Sankaku and KS devs.

>> No.8371952



>> No.8371957

Yuck, ewwww

>> No.8371963

片輪 (katawa) means cripple or one wheel.

>> No.8371966

>Japanese people

It's like to managed to bring together the worst things imaginable.

>> No.8371967

>[In English:] “i don’t like discrimination. it shouldn’t mention it.”

Japan: confront an issue? nah, sweep it under the rug.

>> No.8371970

Yeah, whenever the Japanese say something bad they're just "being sarcastic" right?

Fucking weeaboo.

>> No.8371972
File: 58 KB, 399x402, japbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out.

>> No.8371982



>> No.8371984

2ch just got wind of it now? Really?

No wonder everyone says Sankaku is crap.

>> No.8371988

>I just remembered that now… At middle school there was a girl with an artificial arm. I flipped her skirt and got slapped with her silicone hand… it hurt at the time, but now I think of it, it’s a fond memory.


>> No.8371985

Is this serious...?

Oh well. At least we might get a funny apology/correction article out of it.

>> No.8372003

>Can they get away with making eroge overseas? I expect they’ll be bashing Japan again for this in any case.
Hahaha, so true.

>> No.8372005

>“4chan is just seriously gross. They are obsessed with ero and anime only, so it’s purely the haunt of creepy otaku types.”

>> No.8372007

When I was at school some guys came to our school and tried to raise money so some girl could get an artificial leg. The school later contacted the girl and asked if she'd gotten it yet, but she said she had no idea what they were talking about.
Turns out these two guys had just made it up as a quick scam to get money. Worked brilliantly too, and obviously nobody suspected anything. If I was more outgoing, this would be how I make my money.

>> No.8372011

A lot of those responses seem to be positive ("They got it done?" "most of these projects end up never completing" etc) or at least in jest ("Are girls with flat chests cripples too?") than "outraged".

>> No.8372013

Now that's what I call sociopathy.

>> No.8372012

Are you questioning Sankaku Complex's journalistic integrity?!

>> No.8372014
File: 156 KB, 640x480, slap a jap club card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8372022


I know a guy who stole $1,300 from a rape prevention fundraiser and used it all to buy cocaine.

Worse, he didn't even buy the cocaine, he fronted about $200 to 6 different dealers for $800 worth of cocaine.

>> No.8372021

Just getting ahead in life.

>> No.8372025

I admire the guys though. Not in a "SO EDGY EPIC WIN xD" kind of way. It was just pretty damn gutsy and it wasn't in *that* poor taste.

>> No.8372029

>To the yanks we’re just cripples ourselves for not understanding English.

Some of these comments are awesome.

>> No.8372034

I thought Sankaku Complex was a news blog or something?
They're just posting a 2ch thread with some of the replies in English...?
I don't get it.

>> No.8372043



>> No.8372045

I wonder if there's a Japanese ``news'' site that runs articles on /jp/'s opinions of new releases, complete with translations of all our comments.

>> No.8372046

i agree with him. all you eroge and moe otaku are filthy scum.

>> No.8372047

Most of their "news" is just shit that comes from 2ch threads.

>> No.8372049


>/jp/'s opinions

I think this guy is implying that /jp/ even has an opinion.

>> No.8372055

Looking at the comments where people actually believe these blatantly made up comments makes me lose what little hope I had left for humanity.

>> No.8372057

>“So do all the girls have penises or what?”
Spoken like a true /jp/ aniki

>> No.8372066
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>> No.8372073

>“Stinks like Koreans.”

>> No.8372078
File: 48 KB, 325x309, 543665369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hypocrites.

>> No.8372088

why do you think they have a neet problem? they pretend the kid doesn't exist to everyone else. they still take care of him but they keep it all internal.

"so how's your son doing?"
"what son? we have no son"
"but i remember he used to play with our daughter

get him help? nah, too much trouble, and he'd have to go outside. tell him to deal with it and to get his ass outside like the rest of the world? nope

>> No.8372092

They don't seem outraged from my end.

lol sankaku

>> No.8372098
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>> No.8372100

That's just Artefact's style of 'reporting', newfag.

>> No.8372102

>She was probably secretly delighted to be treated just like any other girl.
That's kind of cute.

>> No.8372105

>“Are girls with flat chests cripples too?”
I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry, but I'm doing both.

>> No.8372106

While I don't like KS, taking this article seriously is retarded.

If you look at 4chan and search for threads of something you like, you are going to find *at the VERY least* one thread bashing it, and dozens or hundreds of hate threads for something popular.

Now imagine a textboard dozens of times larger than 4chan, with all kinds of people (including normalfags, trolls, etc.), you will obviously find even more people hating on it, because there _are_ more people.

Then, if you selectively take all the posts talking shit about it and put them in a blog as if they were the consensus of opinion of 2ch as a whole (which has more than 600 boards with different people in them), you'll get this article.

This applies to every 2ch article in Sankaku.
