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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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836963 No.836963 [Reply] [Original]


How your habits change on summer?

My sleeping pattern changes from 23:00-07:30 to ~05:00-15:00

Usually I eat two or three times a day, during summer I eat about once in a day.

I go out about twice a week if you don't count visiting friends.

How are yours /jp/?

>> No.836971

since summer started, i rarely leave my room. Havent bathed in weeks. surviving on bottled water and whatever i can find in my kitchen. Christ, I need a job.

>> No.836986

You sound exactly like me. Same sleeping patterns and same food habit.

>> No.836991

I naturally sleep at 3:00, and wake up at 12:00. At some point, I pushed it to waking up at 21:00 and sleeping at 9:00. When I have school and whatnot, I sleep at maybe 2:00 and wake up at 9:00ish.

>> No.836988

I get around 5 hours of sleep a night when it's not summer and over 10 hours during the summer. And I'd rather stay in my air conditioned room than go in the pool.

>> No.836989

Same as always. Wake up at 9AM, post on /jp/ and play games all day, then sleep at midnight.

>> No.836997

Since I'm a BSA staff member at Camp Alexander, I wake up at six to prepare for the flag ceremony.

Then after the ceremony, I go to breakfast, unless it's my turn to serve, in which case, I serve, then eat.

Then it's time for me to teach classes first and second period. I teach the Basketry merit badge at Handicrafts.

Then it's time for lunch.

I'm off the third and fourth periods, so I go to the staff lounge and browse 4chan.

Dinner comes, then closing flag ceremony.

I bum around at some evening activity, then go to the campfire on Mondays and Fridays.

I get at least an hour of cardiac exercise a day, and I shower after that.

>> No.836998

i fond a cewl place caled 4chan i think ill poest here for a bot once i register

how do i regitre?

>> No.836999

My sleeping pattern has been ~5:00 - 12:00 forever now. You are weak.

>> No.836993

summer thread indeed

like any true Anonymous the only change I make is I try to browse /jp/ less

>> No.836994

>if you don't count visiting friends

no one here does.

>> No.837000

Get back to bed and suck it.

>> No.837021

god I hate summer
way too hot

I wish I could go to sleep when the temp first hits 70, and not wake up till October...
...but then I would miss my birthday.
I hate the sun.
sage for non /jp/ related blog.

>> No.837017

sleep 2/3am - ~10am. They may/may not be enough sleeping time, thus I sometimes take a nap. I actually have a part-time job 4 days a week, so bedtime may change a day or two depeding on my schedule.

>> No.837020

I hate going to bed any later than 3:30 because then the birds keep me up

>> No.837028

oh look 5:30, time to go to bed

>> No.837036


It seems to be so, but I'm not really tired.

>> No.837066

Not to be critical or anything, but as much as /jp/ needs new content that ISN'T Touhou related, what the fuck does this have to do with Japan?

>> No.837074


Nothing, but I think OP is thinking this is /jp/-community related.

>> No.837089


What about your /jp/ hours? Do you stay up all night browsing on /jp/ or you go between breaks?

>> No.837093


We used to have threads like this all the time during nightshift.

>> No.837101

I ended up having a nice health mix of my Summer Sleeping habits and my regular sleeping habits.

This usually results in me sleeping from 2:00 to 17:00.

I always make sure to eat twice a day as well. Except I only usually make one well-cooked meal a week, so I end up just eating Hot Dogs or something.

>> No.837105

It makes me sad that the old nightshift gets mistaken for the newfag summer. It tears at my fucking heartstrings it does.

>> No.837124


Yes, it is truly sad that you can't distinguish one from the other.

>> No.837162

I usually go to sleep at 5:00 and sleep about 2-3 hours. Now i'm awake for 2 days and after that sleep 12h. Except that, nothing changed.

>> No.837195

01:00-09:00 when I was employed, however now it's 05:00-14:00

It depends on the day though.

I rarely leave my room and have no social life/interaction with others aside from my immediate family.

>> No.837202

When you're an adult, your summers are the same as your winters.

No wonder I never got the difference between nightime and daytime on 4chan.

>> No.837215


The birds are nice.
They're like a lullaby.

>> No.837241

I'm 20 and trying to keep adult life away as long as possible.

>> No.837247

What? The only threads we had like this were threads that were talking about the real world not in Japan. Perhaps you're mistaking a religion thread, which is very /jp/ related, for a newfag summer thread like this?

>> No.837266


You're pretty dumb.

>> No.837451

I'm 22. Doing the same. Unfortunately, college is over in December, so I either need to become an adult or pretend that I want to get a masters/doctorate.

Being an adult sucks.

>> No.837474

I die.

>> No.837486

Summer is workin' time. No 05:00-15:00 here ;_;.

>> No.837521

> ...but then I would miss my birthday.
This website is 18+. Please get out.

>> No.837526

I didn't know people stopped aging when they turned 18.

>> No.837528


>> No.837540
File: 290 KB, 847x968, 1213676490540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because when you turn 18 you dont have birthdays anymore

People whining about underaged bans and newfags are the only people shitting up 4chan and threads like this in particular

Get the fuck out, nigger.

>> No.837563

I just woke up...

It's 21:20

>> No.837628

heh... went to bed 1400, woke up 2200 to find no power... so yeah, was sitting in the dark for like 15 minutes then power came back.
But yeah.. 1400 - 2100ish is norm.
When I have class 1500 - 1700 then I go to work 1800.

>> No.837672

They also don't form breasts unless they have a mothering personality. Don't you pay attention to the Touhou threads?

>> No.837707

I sleep less during the night because it isn't dark for as long and sometimes take a few short naps during the day instead. That's about it.

>> No.837710

you bastards make me subtract 12 too much.
