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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8367434 No.8367434 [Reply] [Original]


make it happen /jp/

>> No.8367437

that way I could actually pirate it

>> No.8367438

>You will never get armored core for the PC

>> No.8367444

Dark Souls with functional online?

Sign me up.

>> No.8367460

It can't be helped.
Poor From Devs probably barely sell any copies, and putting it on PC would just reduce it even more.

>> No.8367472

But you can get Darksouls on the PC, its going under the name Tera online and Vindictus.

>> No.8367493

It's a great game, but asking all five /jp/ posters to sign your petition isn't going to help much.

>> No.8367504


>> No.8367506

Just play Monster Hunter, it's a better game.

Though it's too bad it's too hard for western players to understand. So you need easy mode shit like Demon's Souls, except with the rate of death cranked up, just to make it seem like it's actually hard.

>> No.8368069


>> No.8368080


I love Dark Souls but it doesn't need to be on PC. It's a niche game and damn near everyone who wants to play it has. It will just get pirated.

>> No.8368085

None of those games are like Dark Souls beyond "you hit stuff with weapons." Why not toss Soul Calibur in there while you're at it?

Vindictus and Dark Souls both have content on par with or harder than Casual Hunter.

>> No.8368090

>Casual Hunter.
You misspelled Got Eater.
Monster Hunter is right at the top of the pile.

>> No.8368095
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>Dark Souls on steam

>> No.8368133


>Casual Hunter

Yea a game with lock on targets. a final boss that has you shoot him with harpoons then attack weakspot for maximum damage, is harder than a game where you actually have to aim your attacks. Or damage the right hitzones to kill it in not forever.

Sure. Demon's Souls is Zelda. Except instead of puzzles, everything is grimdark and has SO REAL graphics.

>> No.8368149

Fuck shit, I want Master of Orion 4.

>> No.8368162


They just want more money.

If was Atlus, then, maybe.

>> No.8368164

Shit game design dose not mean its good

Seriously Monster hunter has a lot of stupid shit in it that takes away from the fun

Not a bad game but it has a lot of stupid shit in it that has nothing to do with the lack of a lock on button.

>> No.8368191


There are people out there who don't have the attention span of a goldfish, for instance I don't care about farming. I never have. And once you play Monster Hunter to any reasonable degree you pretty much know the tricks to not have to give a fuck about that stuff.

Here's a tip.

Start with MHP3rd. Start as a Blademaster and go through the village quests until the peddler by the quest entrance is selling Power Seeds and Worms. Buy 3 Power Seeds, and buy as many stacks of Worms as you can afford.

Spend all your points on buying farm rows (this works in MHFU too), and farm the shit out of Power Seeds, build up a supply, when you need money for gear, cash in all your Power Seeds.

Never have to worry about money again.

There are all kinds of tricks to avoid what could be monotonous but most people never get past a couple ranks, or even see High Rank before they quit.

>> No.8368199


This. Bandai are pretty much the Japanese equivalent of Activision. If it's not going to make them a truckload of profit, they won't bother with it.

Shame, really, since From Software have done PC games in the past.

>> No.8368211

>money again
You do know of an even better money trick right?
The where where you sell scrap items and duplicate them for infinite money right?
Seriously, MH is a very good game but too bad the group I played with all quit while we are farming for Sil/Gold Rathalos.
Ruby, Jewel and Plate drop rate is a bitch.

>> No.8368237
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>implying farming slabs isn't a bitch in dark souls.
>heavy armor users able to flip like fucking ninjas.
>buying Private servers

>> No.8368254


I know the glitch, but I don't like to use it. Some people like to abuse GL's or Dragon Shots, I don't judge others for it I just don't do it. Besides, i've made alternate characters to do weapon challenges before. And between Power Seeds and Brocade Fish runs I have more money and points than I can spend.
