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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 129 KB, 778x598, implyingjapan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8363803 No.8363803 [Reply] [Original]

what does 2chan think about KS?

>> No.8363810

> 2chan
No such website.

>> No.8363813

Check the archive, we already had discussions about it.
Oh and also >>>/a/

>> No.8363815

they don't, probably.

>> No.8363818

futaba just has a 10 replies thread, with 5 of them being links and half of the rest waiting for the japanese version/reviews
2ch responses are in the archive you lazyass

>> No.8363837

Ive been searching for it for minutes, couldnt find it; can you post the link to the archive?

>> No.8363838

They want a japanese version because somehow an industrialized, modern country like Japan does not bother with english.

>> No.8363842


>> No.8363850


English isn't the Common Tongue everywhere in the world, and frankly doesn't need to be.

Japan's greatest strength as a culture may be that it doesn't need to reach outside its borders to find entertainment: everything it likes, it produces itself. European countries are half-American nowadays thanks to Hollywood, but Japan is at best 1% American.

>> No.8363851

You remember all those times the three of us who can read Japanese have threads about untranslated VNs?

Something like that. Except there are a lot more people.

>> No.8363862

But more people speak Mandarin and Spanish.

>> No.8363866

Too bad is not nearly as widespread.

>> No.8363874

What 2chan board is for VNs?

>> No.8363877

%40 "Gaijin picked a really dumb name"
%30 "Translation where?"
%20 "It took Gaijin 5 years for this shit? wwww"
%10 "I'd fuck the charred one"

>> No.8363880

He's from /a/. He doesn't know better.

>> No.8363882

Again, what do you mean by "2chan"? 2channel or Futaba Channel?

Both have English-translated navigation pages (use google), but if you can't even read the board names I don't see why you want to bother.

>> No.8363887

I second this. It's the same in South America, and I feel like I was born with no particular culture at all, with all the retards following US.
But I also think the group shouldn't be bothered to translate it.

>> No.8363892

Probably the one with the 2chan domain name, you douche funnel.

>> No.8363903

>%20 "It took Gaijin 5 years for this shit? wwww"
>%10 "I'd fuck the charred one"

I agree with those. Especially the first one. It's kind of embarrassing. I hate it when we look like fools in front of the Japanese people.

>> No.8363909


>> No.8363921

I don't, weeaboos are laughing stocks to us.

I will never play KS because they didn't make it a setting the devs were familiar with and used japanese names. I wish people who liked or cared about KS were perma-banned from /jp/.

>> No.8363926

>I hate it when we look like fools in front of the Japanese people.
Why would you care? I mean, unless you're a weeaboo.

>> No.8363923

What? Is nationalism speaking louder than the board's pride? What the fuck, man? That was /a/'s work.

>> No.8363937

shit series

you know the reason why

>> No.8363939

It did not take 5 years.

It took nearly two years, if you consider that the damn project imploded 3 goddamn times thanks to attention whoring and unwarranted self importance. I invite you to read the old, dead boards.

>> No.8363932


Do 2chan/2ch have their VN?

>> No.8363933

>Is nationalism speaking louder than the board's pride?
Yes. When I said "we", I was talking about the west in general.

I'm not a weeaboo at all, but I respect the Japanese a lot. They're very productive when it comes to making high-quality entertainment. Much more than us, and KS is just another proof of this.

>> No.8363936

You guys act as if the Japanese don't worship American pop culture like the rest of the world does.
Protip: They do.

>> No.8363943

It's not about cute girls doing cute things while doing X activity?

>> No.8363946

Jesus christ you're the definition of weeboo.
Get the fuck out.

>> No.8363953

They have much more. They have entire live action series and mangas based on their stories.

>> No.8363947

>I invite you to read the old, dead boards.

Why the fuck would anyone want to do that

>> No.8363952

This is some pathetic damage control

>> No.8363965

Yeah, I got what you say. But don't throw that bullshit on me. I understand why you might be ashamed, but I could pretty much guess you're not the kind of person to put our 'western identity' above all else considering the board you are posting into, so isn't it just fucked up to put on that personality just because somebody else's work hurt your pride?
Ignore it and work hard yourself before expecting so much from the others.

>> No.8363978

I'm NOT a weeaboo. I can respect a country and its culture without necessarily wanting to go live there.
>but I could pretty much guess you're not the kind of person to put our 'western identity' above all else considering the board you are posting into

The board that I post the most into is /pol/, so...

>> No.8363980

They do. Just not as much. There's a huge gap if we take comparisons, and they might only lose to pure sandniggas.

>> No.8363985

Delicious, cristalized tears and hurt feelings. You can tell how the whole thing went to hell DOZENS of times.

Gaijin jus't can't organize. The simple fact that they finished the damn thing is commendable.

>> No.8363987

So you better get out.

>> No.8363994

Stop calling it "2chan". Yes I realize it's the domain name, but the website is called "Futaba Channel." Nobody calls Hacker News "News dot Y Combinator."

>> No.8363995

>The board that I post the most into is /pol/, so...

No wonder you're retarded.

>> No.8364003

Nobody gives a fuck that 1 billion Chinese people speak Chinese.

>> No.8364006

How am I retarded?

>> No.8364005

What do you call hackerne.ws

>> No.8364010


Just a hunch based on your replies and writing style, but I think I know who you are. You are a female and paying for Japanese lessons on Tuesday, correct?

Regardless, I don't think /jp/ is for you.

>> No.8364016


>> No.8364032

How the hell should we know? Go for psychoanalisys.

>> No.8364033

You've got only half of that correct, so I'm probably not the person you're thinking of. I don't plan on ever learning Japanese.

>> No.8364040

are foreign ip still banned from posting?

>> No.8364052


You browse a board where every thread is either RON PAUL RON PAUL or FUCKING NIGGERS while browsing /jp/ and complaining about how we must disappoint grorious nippon.

You're retarded because you don't realize this is all retarded.

>> No.8364044

I call it "shitty domain hack."

>> No.8364046

On Futaba? Yes. 2ch? No.

>> No.8364068

Oh, that was a female? Thank you anon, I dunno how I haven't perceived it myself. Everything's clear now.

>> No.8364063

>You browse a board where every thread is either RON PAUL RON PAUL or FUCKING NIGGERS
That's extremely reductive. It's like saying that /jp/ is a board where every thread is "suck my cock dude".

/pol/ can be VERY interesting if you can get into the right conversations, and there's plenty of smart people there.

>> No.8364066


Too many cooks in the kitchen. They should have only had a writer guy and an art guy.

>> No.8364071

No, it's not and you believing otherwise destroys what little credibility you had left.

>> No.8364074

>It's like saying that /jp/ is a board where every thread is "suck my cock dude".
Those are called replies.
All the threads are about touhou, but that's already a pretty wider topic.

>> No.8364075

There seems to be a sizable population of people on /pol/ who browse /jp/. Or from what they say, used to.

I go to /pol/ becuase I'm a tinfoil hat, and it's my only source of news

>> No.8364083

>Those are called replies.
Same with "Ron Paul" and "niggers". Not all threads are about them. Just go take a look right now if you don't believe me.

>All the threads are about touhou
Not really anymore.
I noticed that, too.

>> No.8364085


No. No it can't
And no, that's not reductive at all.

Four of ten threads on /pol/ right now are Libertarian argument threads, two are semi-disguised racist threads, one is semi-disguised homophobia, and two are literal crazy wackjob threads about BIG BROTHER.

There is no smart discourse to be found on the board, and if you think there might be, it reflects your interpretation of good discussion.

>> No.8364096

Maybe there are good discussions hiding on the back pages. /jp/'s first page is sometimes pure poison.

Nah, who the fuck am I kidding, /pol/ is a shithole.

>> No.8364101

Thread successfully derailed.

I'll browse later when /jp/ is taking it easy!

>> No.8364102
File: 216 KB, 1440x860, ronpaulthread-pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave it a try.

>> No.8364098

But /pol/ truly is quite terrible. I'm sure you don't think /b/ is a good or intelligent board, but there are good and intelligent threads.

>> No.8364105

I gotta agree on the /pol/ sucks thing. Though I do wish early LF was still around, those were the best times for discussing politics.

>> No.8364111

Most of those threads can be interesting if you're into politics and history, which I am. Just because you hate it doesn't mean that it's necessarily bad.
What's wrong with that thread?

>> No.8364115

I'm also into politics and history and these threads invariably fucking blow chunks, even in boards where the people aren't completely retarded, and /pol/ isn't one of these.

>> No.8364114

The hell were you googling?

>> No.8364122

I'm huge on history and /pol/ is truly terrible. Even /n/ was better if only slightly.

>> No.8364128

Why do you say that? I'm honestly trying to understand. What, exactly, do you find so bad about the threads in those boards?

>> No.8364133

People are retarded and uneducated yet think they're not.

Also I have you know I'm well aware of the irony of this coming from /jp/.

>> No.8364136

>Most of those threads can be interesting if you're into politics and history
You are on the wrong website. Fetch a couple books or something.

>> No.8364142

Lowtax a shit

Try IRC or uh let me remember it

>> No.8364150

Yes, I know that it's full of libertarians, but that's just one of the reasons why I visit it. They need someone to teach them.
I'd say I'm on the right website. The average intelligence of the people on 4chan is much higher than on most other websites. And I do visit other websites.

>> No.8364152

>They need someone to teach them.
>The average intelligence of the people on 4chan is much higher than on most other websites

Yes you fit into /pol/ just fine. Please return there.

>> No.8364153

>The average intelligence of the people on 4chan is much higher than on most other websites

Sadly, you're right. The hell is the world coming to?

>> No.8364159

Pic related is me giving a fuck about you fucking weeabbo shit.

>> No.8364165

Hey everyone, Tokiko knows about Something Awful!

>> No.8364163

>The average intelligence of the people on 4chan is much higher than on most other websites
At first I laughed like HELL. Then it got me thinking.

>> No.8364166

Just because they're wrong doesn't mean that they're dumb. No contradiction here.
It's the truth.

>> No.8364167

>The average intelligence of the people on 4chan is much higher than on most other websites.

I chuckled.

>> No.8364173

> The average intelligence of the people on 4chan is much higher than on most other websites.
Hahaha you CANNOT be this naive.


>> No.8364176


>> No.8364185

No, it's true. All those macro posting retards on /a/ are still much more intelligent than anything on most other websites.

>> No.8364193

Tokiko isn't actually a person, or even a group of people. But the manifestation of the meta self referentialism of the very board itself.

>> No.8364198

I don't think so. Even an orangutan is smarter than the average /a/ poster.

>> No.8364202

>They need someone to teach them.

Remember what he just said about everyone on /pol/ thinking they know more than they do? Know that you too, are part of /pol/.

You may realize that an economic school of though from 150 years ago is not valid today. That's great.

You fail however to realize that when someone is confronted over a position they hold dear to them, no amount of arguing can break their position. Especially on the internet.

But that's besides the point. You effectively suggest that you enjoy going on /pol/ to argue with retards.

That's pretty fucking dumb
You're pretty fucking dumb.

>> No.8364206

At least on 4chan, I can pretend every retarded post is done so ironically or in jest.

Like all these neo-/jp/ers who talk shit about KS, for example.

>> No.8364208

I hate you so much.

I wish I could kill you through will alone.

>> No.8364217

>Remember what he just said about everyone on /pol/ thinking they know more than they do? Know that you too, are part of /pol/.
Just because he said it doesn't mean that it's true.

>You fail however to realize that when someone is confronted over a position they hold dear to them, no amount of arguing can break their position. Especially on the internet
Wrong. I've see plenty of people admitting the were wrong. Both on /pol/, and outside of it.

>But that's besides the point. You effectively suggest that you enjoy going on /pol/ to argue with retards.
Most of them aren't retards, though.

>> No.8364220

oh you

>> No.8364222


>> No.8364233

>At this point in my life, I have a steady job. I kind of wish I was still a NEET. But, you know, we all can't - we - some people - some people get forced into the future, and so things they don't want to. So.

>> No.8364234

Quit trying to force Alabama's "/jp/sie" shit.

>> No.8364231

The average user from other websites are as smart as a tapeworm.

>> No.8364236

>I'm not a weeaboo at all, but I respect the Japanese a lot.

>> No.8364237

I wish I could stab you. With my dick.

>> No.8364240

What about /jp/edo? Both terms have been around for years now.

>> No.8364242

For some reason I remember /jp/sie being used more awhile back. But now it's changed to /jp/er again.

>> No.8364245

You're clearly the new one here fagballs.

>> No.8364253

Try harder, try-hard.

>> No.8364248

No contradiction here. A weeaboo is a white person who wants to BE a Japanese. I don't want to be one, I just respect them a lot, as a people.

>> No.8364251


>> No.8364258

I hate you.

>> No.8364259

know that I think about it, "jaypee-er" does sound rather silly.

>> No.8364260


Since when was /jp/sy alabama's?

>> No.8364256

No, a weeaboo is a person who likes japanese things because they're japanese.

>> No.8364265

No, you want to be them but you won't admit it openly or to yourself because you're afraid of being one of the weabo's. And you should be, because it makes you a faggot, son.

>> No.8364269

Wow /jp/ get your shit together. Not even /a/ is acting this retarded.

>> No.8364267

>"jaypee-er" does sound rather silly.
So does /jpsie/. I thought those terms presupposed jp because pronounced "jyp".

>> No.8364271

Ridiculous. I can't be a weeaboo, I'm a WN.

>> No.8364274

No, you're retarded

>> No.8364275

What did I do?

>> No.8364276

/a/ is always retarded though. They're the worst board on the website.

>> No.8364278

Tsundere is a little boring now, Anon.

>> No.8364281

Now that's just blatantly untrue.

>> No.8364283

>presupposed jp because pronounced "jyp".
Presupposed jp being pronounced it, that is.

>> No.8364284

You were born.

>> No.8364288

I don't think of how it phonetically sounds. Probably because I've never said it or will never need to. It really shouldn't matter to you for this reason.

All the cool kids say boards by their individual, uppercase letters (bee, see emm, see gee el, etc). Except for maybe like /co/ and /an/, which are real words.
/jp/sie works as a compound but I wouldn't pronounce jay-pee "jyp".

>> No.8364286

And you give me a /b/ response.
>worst board
Don't you mean /b/. or /soc/. or /v/.

>> No.8364290

You were born, too. Presumably.

>> No.8364292

Look at the child that has to attack other boards at every given opportunity.

Not going to sage because it makes you tryhards angry.

>> No.8364294

Please, can you just let it drop and get out of /jp/?

>> No.8364295

What other cultures or races do you respect?

>> No.8364291

Worse than /soc/? Get out of /jp/.
I'm NOT tsundere. I'm always honest, and if I were a weeaboo, I'd be proud of it and shove it in everyone's face, but I'm not.

>> No.8364299

No they're not. /b/ and /v/ are obviously worse. Only marginally, though.

>> No.8364300

Well I have a large respect for Turks and their civilization.

>> No.8364301

Then how about /jp/ist?

>> No.8364302

I do not understand the hype for this game at all. The art and characters are mediocre, and for a game based on a gimmick, they should've picked a better one.

This is the product of 5 years; it's a little embarrassing. For people to actually care so much about it is even more so.

>> No.8364304

Depends on the board. gif, adv, soc, pol, lit, int and fit, I don't think of that way. Granted, /jp/ isn't named the same way.

>> No.8364306

> Not going to sage because it makes you tryhards angry.
I am angry and I am using sage now and I bet someone will bump this and that will make me angry.
On a kind of tangential note, is this really what offboarders (sorry) believe?

>> No.8364309

He is obviously from /a/ and felt the need to "defend" his board. Just ignore him please.

>> No.8364310

Both regulars and "offboarders" believe it because it's the truth.

>> No.8364315

I blinked and it was already over.

Total shit for 5 years worth.

>> No.8364314
File: 822 KB, 1024x768, BG Krishna instructs Arjuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'll always be on /jp/.
Other than all the western ones, I respect the Chinese, the ancient Indians, and the Aztec and Inca civilizations, and many more. It would take me too long to make a detailed list.

>> No.8364321

Oh, please, I beg you to do it. You are going to be here forever anyways.

>> No.8364326

It's the same shit rehashed over and over again every single day. The vast majority of threads are neither interesting nor informative and consist of people regurgitating the same talking points (usually laden with insults) every single day.

>> No.8364329

It's not.
I'd bother to explain you the correct use of sage but you seem retarded and deadlocked in your opinion.

>> No.8364332

One person writes the equivalent of a KS with eight long routes in four years, and a mass of gaijin writers can't do the same in five?

>> No.8364342

Are you talking about Umineko?

The difference is KS isn't a poorly written clusterfuck. Quality=/=quantity, learn it Ryudrone.

>> No.8364343

I'm perfectly aware of the correct usage. That doesn't stop people from getting annoyed when others bump off-topic threads.

>> No.8364344

Well not for me personally or any regulars I've met. But I'm self-deprecating enough to accept that I could be wrong.

>> No.8364348

I don't see the point in doing it. It's useless.

>> No.8364354

Actually, you should sage because this thread isn't related to the board anymore, so it is quite egocentric of us to leave it in the first page.

>> No.8364358


Every move we make pisses off China. Do you feel bad about that?

Every time we do anything that doesn't involve bombing pakistan in regards to pakistan, it pisses India off. Do you feel bad about that?

You seek the approval of Japanese people for something you have not even had a hand in. That is not something done out of "respect", it something done out of the desire for acceptance. You are a weeaboo in denial. Whether you realize it or not.

To put this into perspective, I respect Russia. It's a country that continues to aspire for greatness with one of the most brutal histories in the world, yet still manages to exist on the world stage as a true player. However, whenever Poland and US engages in pointless saber rattling towards Russia, I don't feel a need to feel sorry about it.

>> No.8364367

Written in 2 years.

>> No.8364362

fukken masterpiece

>> No.8364372



>> No.8364381

Not even a fucking blowjob.

>> No.8364391

Well, anyways. I'm tired of this discussion, so I'll head out.
I don't think this board suits you well, and there's no much to add to it. Also, if you seek smarter people I guess you're searching in the wrong place. Why don't you go on with your studies and take superior education on related topics to discuss it on campus? I don't think 4chan will ever be the best place for a true scholar.

>> No.8364390

There's a difference between "pissing off" a country, and being inferior in front of them. If they're angry at us, we're probably being badass. If they're laughing at us, then we're being losers.

For example, being friends with Pakistan isn't a shame, but if Hollywood started producing less good movies than Bollywood, then it would be embarrassing. The Indians would have surpassed us.

In the case of VN, there simply isn't even a competition. KS was the best we could offer them, and it's pathetic.

>> No.8364394

Stupid Gaijin try make Nihon game wwww

>> No.8364397

Well yeah but I'm annoyed* when people MAKE off-topic threads. I'm annoyed* when people shitpost. I'm annoyed* when people don't respect good netiquette even in 2012. I don't really see what you're getting at our how it relates.

*I'm not really annoyed. Like anyone who has been on the internet more than a year, I'm completely jaded. I might say I'm "raging" or whatever but I really don't care.

>> No.8364399

>being inferior in front of them

I'll let you think on this one for awhile, perhaps it'll break your cognitive dissonance.

>> No.8364401

Well, you can't actually deny KS's quality if you only read VNs in ENGLISH. If that's not the case, nevermind.

>> No.8364413

Calm down

>> No.8364418

There's no cognitive dissonance maybe I worded it badly because English isn't my first language.

In what way did you misunderstand me?

>> No.8364421


(We really need to transcend beyond irony and gimmicky catchphrases already. Usenet did.)

>> No.8364425

There are far superior English translated visual novels as well.

>> No.8364427

You know what makes me rage?
Ilusory pride. You're not making your country any better now, are you?

>> No.8364430

No one here has done anything ironic. They just shitpost and spout memes. That's it.

>> No.8364437

It doesn't matter what individuals do, unless you're someone really special like Alexander the Great.

It's only as a people that we can do great things. The individual is worthless.

>> No.8364449

Yeah, but it's not a tendency, is it?
I'm not criticizing the translations though, I recognize it's a lot easier to work on your native language directly than having to be restrained to a direct translation. And I'm generally pleased by then since I can't moonread yet

>> No.8364451

> Alexander the Great
I bet he wasn't that great. I mean, he wasn't everyone in his army at the same time. I bet there were tons of great people who just had shit armies.

>> No.8364459


>> No.8364461
File: 56 KB, 441x800, 1285792146315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOW, do you have any idea who we're talking about? This demi-god accomplished much more than any other ruler in History. Nobody conquered so much important land in a lifetime.

>> No.8364464
File: 230 KB, 543x453, rindrums.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember how the olny katawa shoujo i liked was rin and i was happy because everybody h8 her but then i got disappointed because now everybody likes her

remember how all the hygiene management that you can't do without arms

so you say you love rin

just how much do you love rin?

>> No.8364472

Did he? Prove it. How do you even know he existed and isn't a myth propagated by historians? You say that all as fact as if history is science and not just some shit people wrote down.

I could say hitler gassed 6 million jews... doesn't make it true. Oh wait someone beat me to it.

>> No.8364470

Jesus Christ... this thread is so horrible...

>> No.8364475

That's what commoners actually believe.
There are tons of persons out there working on projects to leave a true legacy, there always were. Your ignorance towards them doesn't make them any less important.

>> No.8364482

>I could say hitler gassed 6 million jews... doesn't make it true

You're just asking for Jones to shit up this thread even further.

>> No.8364485

The real number is far closer to 261 million, and you should feel ashamed of yourself, goy.

>> No.8364490

Nothing matters, everyone is worthless.

>> No.8364488
File: 806 KB, 2000x961, Alexander's Empire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We found traces of Hellenism everywhere he supposedly went. There are still dozens of cities called Alexandria in Asia.
Where would these people be without the rest of society? They'd be in nature, too busy finding food to make those things.

>> No.8364493

My own nation is bigger and a lot more relevant than his Empire now. So nope, even if he's really a great personality.
I don't question his existence, but this is valid. Like how we study Ancient Greece from Homero's poems.

>> No.8364498

That depends on the perspective. Outside of human mentality, nothing really seems to. However living in disbelief doesn't bring much joy, and that's very uncomfortable for our bodies. It's only natural for people to pretend, then, to still follow the scripts of the play.

>> No.8364507

>Prove it. How do you even know he existed and isn't a myth propagated by historians?

I'm not the same guy, but are you still in high school or something? It's impossible to prove anything outside of the realm of mathematics, even in physics. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you knew that.

What really grinds me is that people that take this train of logic, take the 1% chance that Alexander the Great's accomplishments were all fake and assert that such a statement is true, of course, ignoring all evidence to the contrary under the name of agnosticism (not the modern usage of the term).

>> No.8364532

Did Alexander exist? Did Plato? Did Jesus? Did Buddah?

We know of them because there are records of them, even if we cannot find the bodies, and even if we did have the corpses, we cannot prove they are indeed the ones.

What we do know is that these persons, regardless if they were real or not, changed History, and will continue to awe and influence us, perhaps for all eternity.

>> No.8364533

>However living in disbelief doesn't bring much joy,
Leaving a legacy doesn't bring joy to you either. Thus why you should live for your own happiness, not being remembered by other people. Your experience ends when you die, so it's fine if everything about you dies with you.

People who deny this and yet say they live for joy are kidding themselves.

>> No.8364538

All of Plato was ghost written by Socrates. Plato acted as his body double for the execution.

>> No.8364547

I hate you so much.

>> No.8364555

> we cannot prove they are indeed the ones.

We can't prove it, but we can assert that it is factual because if something has been demonstrably independently verified then its most likely true.

>> No.8364560

I'm sorry, I take it back. I didn't mean to offend anyone.

>> No.8364566


Enjoy yourself.

>> No.8364570

Excepticism indicates that unless you have eyewitness and accurate historical records, that person could be ANYBODY.

Hell, we are barely certain of anything that happened 200 years ago. Maybe even the Crusades didn't happen either!

>> No.8364574

>Leaving a legacy doesn't bring joy to you either
You are messing up by mixing two unrelated posts of mine, and that's just your particular vision of it. I prefer to take it easy and be at home too, but most of people don't think that way. Most of'em dream of achieving something. Whatever makes you feel joy works, mostly. Yet it was untrue to say only great personalities were important (in humanity's viewpoint).
Plus, my statement about living in disbelief remains truthful.

>> No.8364581

Guys, what if NASA is giving us fake information? Have YOU ever seen the probe data yourself? Me neither.

What if we're actually at war with the Kuiper belt? How would we ever know?

>> No.8364586

Because the teapot in space and a magical cloud old man told me so. Shut up.

>> No.8364591

I wasn't stating that we have the body, I was just giving a what-if scenario. If it can be independently verified, then its most likely true.

The Crusades are a fact because they have been independently verified through multiple lines of evidence by many different people. To say that the evidence is fake is a positive statement and it will require further evidence that the original evidence is fake to overturn the current null.

>> No.8364608

But we have always been at war with Kuiperbelt.

>> No.8364611

I live in space and I can confirm it's true.

But how can you confirm this?
Maybe I'm more or less reliable than NASA.
Maybe you'll never know.

>> No.8364617
File: 119 KB, 500x680, hanako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not going to read through this whole thread since its long and somehow turned into a debate about alexander the great. silly /jp/.

i will however say that i'm enjoying KS. yeah, its a little skimpy for five years worth of work and yeah some of the writing is kind of shitty and lame but overall i think its pretty fun. you fellas just need to take a chill pill.

also who cares what 2ch thinks, 2ch has just as many retards with bad opinions as 4chan does. simply being japanese does not make them better at judging a VN's quality.

>> No.8364620

> i will however say that i'm enjoying KS
Are you 2chan?
Are you on /a/?
Then shut the fuck up and leave our thread alone.

>> No.8364624

I don't mean to intrude, but can somebody link me to the old dead boards of KS? I don't want to go anywhere near that horrid site.

>> No.8364628 [DELETED] 

I'll play it later for this girl only. I were always atracted by burn victins for some reason.

>> No.8364642

I'll play it later for this girl only. I were always atracted to burn victins for some reason.

>> No.8364716

Well, its hard to hate a game you got for free, even if it could've been done by one person in a year.

Also it looks pretty good compared to other OELVNs. Which helps in getting video gaming blogs chatting about it.

>> No.8364726
File: 502 KB, 1079x1500, 243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's 2chan?

>> No.8364731

>They're very productive when it comes to making high-quality entertainment. Much more than us
Such as?

Admit it, you are not being reasonable at all.
Just giving your own opinion.

>> No.8364742

man, good old usenet, it'd probably be pretty good right now if it wasn't for Google Groups. Like 4channel but with posters.

>> No.8364735

It wouldn't be bad for it to serve as a starting kick.

>> No.8364798

I won't say something dumb like Japanese are better at making games than everyone else. But at least they don't have that "indie" game trend as badly as we have.

I hate how so many independent developers are only concerned with making yet another platformer with a completely obvious anti-war/racism/thing message tacked on. Just so they can get that e-hype and moneys from steam. At least I have Klik of the Months to look forward too.

>> No.8364809


Usenet (outside of alt.binaries.*) was dying way before Google bought DejaNews and turned it into Groups. The giant wave of spam that started when AOL was let onto Usenet hurt it, then the advent of web-based forums more or less killed it.

>> No.8364805

Such as VN, anime, and videogames.

>> No.8364823


See the thing is that there's an actual market for VNs and you can potentially make one pandering to otaku, sell it at comiket, and make a few bux from it. Money surprisingly gets people off their ass to do shit.

>> No.8364828

> Google bought DejaNews and turned it into Groups.
I fucking hate this. I said stupid shit when I was like 12 and now it's around forever.

Usenet is still pretty active, but mostly only in the technology/conspiracy newsgroups. There are a lot of scarily paranoid people hopefully trolling Usenet to this day, and it makes me happy.

>> No.8365330


See our Indiegame scene is actually really interesting though. But, it's bad at producing good games.

This is not so much because of "generic game with a tweest tacked on" and more because a lot of indie games tend to be some weird "proof of concept", where they take one idea and make a game out of it without actually making a game out of it, if that makes any sense. Like that one game that had really good Water Dynamics but nothing else. Though some games are more solidly built around one concept.

To me, this is kind of exciting and cool, but makes me want to appreciate the fact that it exists more than enjoy it. I wish there were more "good" indie games.

>> No.8365330,1 [INTERNAL] 

You fucking faggots
is /jp/sie because moot said /jp/ are the nazi of 4chan.
gypsie = /jp/sie.
