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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8363523 No.8363523[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone know that you're a 2Dcon? How do you think they'd react if they knew? I think it's really hard being one, harder than being gay. Homosexuals are actually accepted in modern culture. But we're those "guys that jerk off to cartoons". I think it's rough.

>> No.8363534

Friend: "heh those hentais are so weird and funny
me: "heh, yeah"
Friend: "i can't believe there are people otu there who actually jerk off to that"
me "heh, yeah"

Discussion over.

>> No.8363541
File: 858 KB, 640x360, otaku.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, because I don't know anyone.

I don't think it's hard to "get" though. I'd probably just show them this GIF (or just make them watch all of Genshiken).

>> No.8363545

One of my friends's mother's boyfriend used to watch Naruto when it was on Cartoon Network. We would always joke about him jerking off to cartoons, when infact I was the one jerking off to cartoons.

My friend jokes around about all of my porn being cartoons and me jerking off to dolls, but he thinks it's a joke.

>> No.8363554

thats because we dont serve anyone
who'll pay for their useless fragile troublesome and overpriced
daughters? not me

>> No.8363564

Maybe friend is the wrong word, maybe acquaintance

>> No.8363595

"How come you are not interested in anyone, Anon?"
"3D is disgusting. 2D is superior."
End of discussion.

>> No.8363616

I remember reposting that here from ADTRW a month or so ago, heh.

>> No.8363653

Hey everyone, Tokiko visits ADTRW! That's the Something Awful board that led to the creation of Raspberry Heaven and later 4chan!

>> No.8363678

>Tokiko still visits ADTRW

You're such a fag, Tokiko.

>> No.8363741

I cant come inside of real women anymore.
If i do not jerk of for a week i can still get hard enough for penetration but thats it.
Can not keep a girlfriend because of my fetish.

My Grandmother really wants some grandchildren and i cant make her happy , feels bad man.

>> No.8363759

She'll die soon anyway, why ruin the rest of your life for that?

>> No.8363768
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, [furzi-Raws] Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 2 - 01 (1280x720 VFR Web x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_10.29_[2012.01.03_02.07.57].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My Grandmother really wants some grandchildren and i cant make her happy , feels bad man.

uhhh donesnt she already have grandchildren (you)?? lol

>> No.8363770

Does anyone know that you're pretending to be some 2D girl character on the internet despite being an ugly man? How do you think they'd react if they knew? I think it must be reall pathethic being one, more pathethic than spending your entire day only posting shit on an anonymous imageboard. Shitposters are accepted by tripfaggots and those wanting attention. I think it's disgusting such people exist.

>> No.8363783

A semi-sensible, entertaining post from dntf**kwitmeormyfriends-chan?
Next Tokiko will stop name-dropping text boards and Cudder will stop bumping his crappy threads.

>> No.8363786

Probably meant great grandchildren.

>> No.8363788

i dont think anyone close to me knows, but when people ask i always say "its not weird. their face, skin and bodies are perfect and symmetric. Its way better than jerking of to some pig"

also, a lot of my friends think its wierd

>> No.8363790

I do not think being a family father would be a horrible thing. However I do not think there are many women out there you can trust.
My father and mother would be happy to .
You are right I should have written grand grandchildren instead.

>> No.8363800 [DELETED] 

She is the only poster worse than Tokiko

>> No.8363804

She is the only poster worse than Tokiko

>> No.8363806

You only say that because she dumped you

>> No.8363821
File: 203 KB, 1383x1821, n4f02714d5d76c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not many grandparents think that far ahead !!!:x dang my great grandma died in april or something tho RIP

anyways dont worry to much about that ;)
