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8362081 No.8362081 [Reply] [Original]

Will Miki get a route in Katawa Shoujo 2?

>> No.8362087

What's Lelouch's disability?

>> No.8362086

>KS 2
Waiting warmly for 2017.

>> No.8362088

Nope, devs disbanded before they could face criticism.

>> No.8362093
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>> No.8362096

I don't see why that's a problem; it's not like KS was made by anybody that was actually around when the original /a/ thread happened.

>> No.8362094

Being dead

>> No.8362097

Apparently your disability is not being able to read.

>> No.8362103

Lelouch X Lily is my favorite pairing.

>> No.8362109

Diabetics can go there? Why? It's not that bad...

>> No.8362115


They wouldn't let you in since your disability is being a retarded attention whore.

>> No.8362122

Would they let me in if my disability is autism?

>> No.8362125


Disability High is only for folks with physical problems.

>> No.8362126

I would kill myself if i had too stick a needle in my arm everyday. I pass out when getting blood tests..

>> No.8362133

Being scarred isn't a real disability, though...

>> No.8362147

Maybe a light case of panic syndrome?
I dunno, haven't played it anyway.

>> No.8362146


She has scar tissue over, like, 60% of her body. It would impair movement and put you at risk of stroking out from not being able to cool yourself down.

>> No.8362150
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It all makes sense now!

>> No.8362160

What is Misha's disability?

>> No.8362168

Being in Katawa Shoujo.

>> No.8362172
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>> No.8362183

Inner ear problem. Partially deaf, bad at balance.
Stairs make her dizzy.

>> No.8362184


>> No.8362194


>> No.8362199


>> No.8362220

I stick a needle in my stomach 4 times a day... but it's not bad, it's not like drawing blood. You just stick it in the fat and push in a tiny amount of liquid. After a while it doesn't hurt at all.

>> No.8362258

Ew, disgusting.

>> No.8362469

she's a fujoshi

>> No.8362487

>Misaki Kawana
too good to appear in this turd VN

>> No.8362513

Fujoshi isn't disability, I thought she was homosexual?

>> No.8362532

I was actually pretty genuinely surprised by the unique OPs for each girl's route. Even if they looked like ass.

Did that surprise anyone else too?

>> No.8362540
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>> No.8362543

I'd be surprised if they didn't; autism is fairly debilitating.

I doubt they'd allow people with just internet aspergers, though lower functioning people who are legitimately aspergian might have a good chance.

>> No.8362549

I thought they were animated really well. I find the fact that you're locked into one girl after the first act crap, though.

I just answered naturally and got locked to Emi in my first playthrough when I wanted Lilly. Going through that route was painful.

>> No.8362557

>Disability High is only for folks with physical problems.
Aphasia isn't a physical problem; narcolepsy arguably isn't one either, and the school excepted people with those disabilities.

>> No.8362558

They don't. They only take in kids that can be reintegrated into society by going to school.

>> No.8362569

Ever since I first saw this, I've been wondering why she would be there.

>> No.8362568


>Not mutation and multiple limbs.

>> No.8362577

women with fujoshi syndrome believe everyone secretly is a homosexual and are unable to accept reality

>> No.8362580

Maybe she has debilitating social issues relating to it (shame, etc.) that prevent her from living in outside society?

>> No.8362585

>Disability High is only for folks with physical problems.
in that case i'd simply cut off my legs or similar
>implying you wouldn't do the same

>> No.8362588

>everyone secretly is a homosexual
Yup that's yurifags and fujoshi.
>are unable to accept reality

>> No.8362589
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Being disintegrated causes your reincarnations to have sickle-cell anemia?

>> No.8362595

Ever since Miki showed up I was hoping there was a "bad end" choice where you could NTR Hanako and run off with Miki. She's so much better.

>> No.8362596

Possibly. She might be a lot like Hanako. But scoliosis by itself is really common and very far from a disability, really. Either way, she's very cute and likes photography. Where's my Misaki route ;_;

>> No.8362604


That comes later in the story.

>> No.8362609

Oh wait I thought you said mutilation and mangled limbs.

Guess it's time for me to sleep

>> No.8362730

Good one.

>> No.8363126

okay, for some reason when I made the post you replied to, I was thinking of psoriasis instead of scoliosis. How the fuck did I make that mistake.

Anyway, the less severe forms are most prevalent, but scoliosis can easily be debilitating; physical deterioration and moderate to extreme pain while performing daily activities is common, and the need for extensive PT or surgery often arises in severe cases. There's no wonder she'd go to Yamaku if she had the neuromuscular kind, for one.
