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8361813 No.8361813 [Reply] [Original]

So, I just read Episodes 1-8 for the first time in a span of 10 days.
What the fuck did I read? What happened?
Someone please explain this shit.

>> No.8361817

By the way, I just finished the game no less than 10 minutes ago. I've always avoided reading Umineko for the longest time. I even kept out of the threads too. I came into the series pretty much without any prior knowledge, other then it had witches. The ending was nice, I guess.

>> No.8361821

They were Fictions.
It was written (ep1 and ep2) by Yasu for Battler because Battler loves mystery and Yasu love him.
Battler somehow survive the rokkenjima bomb incident but suffer memory loss. He became an author and wrote ep3 to ep7. Ep8 was all Ange delusion.

Basically, none of them are real. They wrote it as a mystery fictions because they were interesting.

>> No.8361829

So, you're saying Ange really never did jump off the building? That the scene with Battler and Ange meeting again was actually real? Was the trick ending the 'true' ending then? In the magic ending, everyone met in the 'golden land'. I'm not sure, but that felt a lot like Key magic right there.

>> No.8361831

It's a cat box you decide if it's real or not.

>> No.8361837

R07 hammered into your head to get you to choose magic. No matter how shitty it is, that is the canon choice. And yeah Battler and Ange did meet. Battler scene with Yasu, no idea. Seems stupid for Yasu to be suiciding after getting off the island with his gay incest lover.

>> No.8361843

If Battler wrote episode 4, without even meeting her, how did he know Ange was even going to jump off the building? Episode 4 seemed like such a stretch to me. So did Episode 7. Both episodes seemed as though they gave out a lot of information. So, starting from episode 5 onward, was it pretty much confirmed that Erika was apart of the family conferences or not? And what exactly was Will's purpose and why did he show up?

>> No.8361848

That whole scene felt strange.
Was he/she just acting like a witch the entire time?
I was pretty mind fucked.
I felt like Yasu wasn't explained enough.

>> No.8361849

The hell are you talking about?
Ange never met Battler in real life in ep4.
Are you talking about meta witches meeting?
Do people actually take this seriously?

>> No.8361850

Stop asking questions, the truth is better left unknown.

>> No.8361856

And I have to mention that I did sense Battler as gay more then a few times too. Did anyone else?

>> No.8361859

Fuck off Ryu07

>> No.8361860

Why did Ange suddenly just break into the story starting episode 3? That just seemed like a convenient set-up to save her brother.

>> No.8361866

I stopped reading after 3. Want to give me a summary on each episode OP?

>> No.8361868

I want to know what's going on.
Reading this for 10 days straight was quite a ride.

>> No.8361869

He can't because he probably didn't even read it.

>> No.8361873

Even though I'm asking questions regarding Episodes 4-8?

>> No.8361874


This is the correct perspective.

Welcome to the fantasy camp brother. Enjoy your internally consistent story with fantastic elements.

Just treat the Meta World as real and everyone there as souls trapped in a catbox, with Ange's soul being separated from her body and sent through a journey through the afterlife/Meta World and multiple kakeras and everything makes sense.

>> No.8361877


>> No.8361880

Basically Eva and Battler survived.
Battler suffers memory loss, became a writer and wrote interesting mystery fiction based on Rokkenjima.
The real truth is something probably like Ep7.
Nobody know the real truth or the reason of the explosion because of R07 catbox explanation.
If I have to speculate, Battler and Yasu blew them up since Battler couldnt accept that Kyrie, a cold blooded killer is his real mom.

>> No.8361881

I fucking love the Magic ending.

The catbox is left sealed forever.

>> No.8361882

>Wash your face in miso soooooooooooooup!!

>> No.8361884

>Just treat the Meta World as real and everyone there as souls trapped in a catbox, with Ange's soul being separated from her body and sent through a journey through the afterlife/Meta World and multiple kakeras and everything makes sense.

>> No.8361891
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But seriously what happened in EP 4-8?

>> No.8361898


>> No.8361906

The author.

>> No.8361932

It wasn't the entire episodes that were fiction. It's hinted at from ep2 onwards, but starting with ep5 it becomes increasingly clear that the 'game board' (all events on Rokkenjima) are fictional, and eventually in ep7 it's revealed that the stories of the game boards are actually novels in the real world. All meta-scenes are delusions/fantasies/magic, all game boards are fiction.

Remember that Yasu and Tohya wrote standard mystery stories, not mystery/fantasy deconstruction stories.

In other words:
Ep1 - entirely fiction by Yasu except for the tea parties
Ep2 - fiction by Yasu except for the meta-scenes which are magic
Ep3 - magical meta-scenes mixed with fiction by Tohya
Ep4 - a combination of magical meta-scenes, the real world of a certain kakera and fiction by Tohya
Ep5 - a combination of magical meta-scenes and fiction by Tohya
Ep6 - a combination of magical meta-scenes and fiction by Tohya
Ep7 - Magical meta-scenes (and a short piece of fiction for the Kyrie/Rudolf part, writer unknown)
Ep8 - Magical meta-scenes combined with some real world parts of different kakera

>> No.8361958

Different person in each kakera, no true one culprit.

It must suck to be in the mystery only no fun allowed camp.

>> No.8361963

OP here. I'll attempt to solve the mystery now, based on everyone's responses...
Well, Battler solved the riddle of the epitaph on his own. No idea if Erika was apart of the conferences or not. She just kinda got thrown into the story there. Well, anyway there he met Yasu who then told him that he now has the all of the gold and Yasu then stops the timer that blows up the whole island. Battler then goes to tell everyone that he solved the riddle, and then go to where the gold is. The family members then proceed to talk about how they would split up the gold. Kyrie then hatched a plan to pretty much kill everyone. Rudolf was game, and I believe they either wanted to keep it a secret from Battler, or they wanted him to join them. Needless to say, Battler found out anyway and wasn't having any of this. Both Rudolf and Kyrie ended up killing all of the family members and servants except for Eva who somehow managed to make it all the way to Kuwadorian by herself. Meanwhile, Battler couldn't admit that his own parents would do something like this. That Kyrie would manipulate his own dad. That's where the resentment for her came in. So, the only way to stop Rudolf and Kyrie from escaping with the gold was to blow up the entire island. Him and Yasu both had mutual decision on that part.
Battler escaped the next morning with Yasu and tried to commit suicide but ended up surviving in the end with memory loss. Somehow Eva managed to escape later on, and then hide the murdering rampage of Rudolf and Kyrie. That's why she never told Ange.
Hey guys, did I just solve the mystery?

>> No.8361980

What I do want to know is why the bomb was there in the first place? Kinzo was already confirmed for dead at the start of Episode 5. I guess loneliness took over Yasu who pretty much wanted to make herself known at this family.
Also, who exactly were Shannon and Kanon? Jessica and George? Were those just side love stories just thrown in for the hell of it? Does anyone have the picture of the diagram explaining the whole "Beatrice" theory. Also, was it implied that the original "Beatrice" was actually Gaap?

>> No.8361983

It's R07, he doesn't have to explain shit.

>> No.8361996


>> No.8362010

Probably, if they are the real killers you should estudy if in every EP Kyrie and Rudolf can be the killers, also you must prove no one except them are the ones capable of doing the murders in all the EP.
I think I can reach a true answer with another/s walkthrough, but I think, the magic should stay magic and I'm not going to open the catbox. It's funnier try to guess what happened like you did.
Maybe you're right and Ryukishi shouted at us the answer with the episode 8. But I don't think so considering the EVA diary's.
I'm sure a lot of people actually reached the truth but, I don't think they will say it to everyone.

>> No.8362012

Did Shannon or Kanon actually even exist? Kanon and Jessica's relationship seemed more one-sided then anything else. I mean, I understand George getting jealous since he loved "Shannon", but still... Is that why Yasu decided to use the bomb? Is it because Battler returned to the island after so long? Did Yasu wanted to make Battler jealous?

>> No.8362013

My mind is a pile of fuck.

What is the one true answer?!

>> No.8362054

As I see it: Shannon and Kanon are just like Lion, in that they're all potential results of Yasu. In one world, Yasu is Shannon and develops her relationship with George. In another, it's a he with Kanon and the relationship with Jessica is developed. In the perfect world, Yasu is Lion where gender doesn't matter.
The point is it's one or the other (remember the duel Shannon and Kanon had) and yet it doesn't matter. Yasu was showing Battler both possible relationships in hopes he'd remember the one she thought he promised her 6 years ago.

Or... Yasu was just having fun writing stories and wondering what it would be like if she/he fell for George or Jessica instead Battler.

>> No.8362058

Mystery-wise, meta-Yasu/Beatrice orchestrated the murders.

As for what really happened, who the fuck knows aside from the fact that a massacre happened and the island exploded.

>> No.8362067
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Also, here's the grand Beatrice chart. Yes, Gaap was the first witch Yasu believed in whom she called Beatrice at the time.

>> No.8362078

In regards to Shannon and Kanon, and even Beatrice, I think they started out as Yasu just being a typical bored kid pulling pranks. Then something happened and Yasu took on those personalities.

Of course, there's no way of telling because r07 isn't making it clear on whether or not all the hints he's given about Yasu counts toward meta-Yasu or the real Yasu.

>> No.8362100

Oh, and one last thing finally.

There is no real truth we can know for sure as the readers. Ange did read it in Episode 8, but we weren't really allowed to see it ourselves.
The thing is that it doesn't matter. That was the entire message of Episode 8. The Single Truth does not matter.
Personally I don't mind because I enjoyed the entire thing as a great and fun read. Understandably this instead pissed off a lot of people who were only reading it to find out what really happened. Unfortunately, the whole crux of the story in the end is that it wasn't the mystery that was trying to be cleared up here.
It is what it is. Don't break your head over it unless you want to.

>> No.8362111
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>So, I just read Episodes 1-8 for the first time in a span of 10 days.

And you're still alive? Good God man, what kind of stamina and tolerance for trolling must you possess for such a task?

>> No.8362120

the whole series is around 50-60 hours, that's not much longer than say FSN
you actually read more quickly because there's no voices

>> No.8362132
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But the feels it gives you...can one man truly attain all of those feels over the course of 10 days and come out perfectly okay?

I'm almost a little envious.
