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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8361043 No.8361043 [Reply] [Original]

First day of classes this semester.

There are 5 people, including me, in my Japanese class.
This won't be weird at all

>> No.8361050


Welcome to Japanese seminars, bitch.

>> No.8361049

Should have taken German.
Next meetup is in Vienna.

>> No.8361051

normalfag tales from the other side

>> No.8361060

I once went to an intro computer class that only had 3 people. It made it easier for the teacher to single me out.

>> No.8361061

Less students is actually better, the teacher can focus on you more.

>> No.8361104

I prefer to be in a larger class. My class had 8 people and the amount of attention given to each student was too much. I hated it. There was no way to keep my head down and sit in the back like I wanted.

My classmates all pronounced my name wrong too. They all seemed to have a hard time accurately pronouncing a lot of Japanese, actually. They called me "Balls-san". It was horrible. My favorite classmate was a 30 or 40 year old Taiwanese man named Chen. I really miss that guy. I wonder what he's doing now.

>> No.8361125

Did I miss something?

>> No.8361131

Why are you even in school,
keep living the NEET life

>> No.8361137

yuroshku onegaishimas

>> No.8361140

hahaha, too easy

>> No.8361150

ahahha, took me a while

>> No.8361161

My last name is "Boles" and it's spelled ボルズ. I have no idea why they called me Balls.

>> No.8361177


So why did you want to sit in the back and keep your head down? I would think smaller groups are more conductive to learning. It probably really helps with the inter-personal communication part of learning a foreign language.

>> No.8361181

>not taking online classes

>> No.8361196

I hate it when the class is small. I like to relax and just listen, participating is a pain in the ass.

>> No.8361208

If I took online classes, I'd just be here all day.

>> No.8361212

goes to

>> No.8361236

Small classes are great. I know having friends is a foreign concept to /jp/, but I actually like having a sort of sense of community with my classmates rather than feel like I'm stuck in an ant farm where we're all nothing but numbers to the teacher and no one in the class really gives a fuck about each other.

>> No.8361238

There are a few reasons. I dislike speaking, especially infront of people. With a larger class it might have been possible to speak much less than I did. It was also a JPN101 class, and I didn't learn anything. I felt like my teacher praised me too much, and eventually I felt very out of place and I felt horrible when I made a mistake. You needed to take that class to go into the second, but I felt so embarrassed by the end of the class that I didn't want to continue next semester.

Those bad points aside, I did not dislike being in a classroom at all. If the class was larger and I were able to not speak and keep my head down and just be another student in a class of 20+, I would still be in classes.

>> No.8361263

I had a Tai-Chi teacher named Chen. He seemed happy about what he was doing.

>> No.8361272

Can you teach me tai-chi?
Or recommend a video that doesn't have a white hag showing me how to do it?

>> No.8361286


I can't say I don't know what you mean... I dislike speaking in front of people, and I don't think anyone is comfortable making mistakes, but it would serve you best to not give a fuck. Once you realize you and everyone around you are just squishy, poorly evolved mammalian apes with completely artificial sense of self importance, life becomes a lot easier to deal with.

>> No.8361300


It's funny /jp/ denizens often claim they don't give a fuck how they're thought of but then they go and shit their pants if they ever have to interact with the public or call attention to themselves.

>> No.8361301

I'm sorry, all I really learned was from watching someone else do it and then mimicking it. I tried searching youtube videos and there really aren't that many helpful ones. Though if you can keep the form vaguely close, but still flow smoothly from one form to the next then you're pretty much good. It's only really useful as an exercise to keep yourself moving, nobody learns tai-chi to kick ass with.

>> No.8361305

>teacher praised me too much
here you go

>> No.8361312
File: 135 KB, 526x326, thats not kawaii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alright this is our first class so I want you all to take turns and introduce yourself to the class

>> No.8361319

I feel my heart skip a beat when I hear those words.

>> No.8361336

I don't know how you can manage to take a class in Japanese.

I thought about it a lot but I just realized that the average person is really stupid, and I don't want to learn at an average person's pace.

>> No.8361341

We had to write an introduction for ourselves in Japanese. I think that was one of our chapter tests. On the first day of class all we just had to walk around and greet eachother.

>> No.8361345


Why can't more teachers be like him?

>> No.8361349


>Yeah I'm an engineer, I like to play foot ball and run marathons for charity I just got married last week and my wife is now pregnant with our second child.

>Why thank you John, What about you anon? Come up and tell us about yourself!

>Uh yeah I like video games.. and I sleep a lot.. I'm really into uh... eastern media, yeah, and uh that's about it.

>> No.8361351


I do it every day man... It comes with the job of working in product development at F5 Networks. When it comes around to my turn to speak during design review meetings, of course I can feel my blood pressure going up and start thinking of all the ways I'm going to fuck up, but I have to do it lest I don't make assloads of money.

>> No.8361352

I think I would actually feel more comfortable with a teacher like that. It was easy to watch and I was able to keep focused and learn somthing

>> No.8361358


You forgot masturbate to loli.

>> No.8361360

god damn i hate situations like that. i tried to take online courses but I learned the hard way that i am not motivated for shit so going to class would help get me into some kind of regimen

>> No.8361368

That's why I prefer to teach myself Japanese. A lot slower, but less horrifying.

>> No.8361366

When they go around I keep telling myself to not slip any shit like that out when I try to speak because when I speak to the public I tend to zone out a bit when talking. I think that is some kind of coping mechanism so I dont completely shit myself in front of them.

>> No.8361365


Here's a tip... Lie your ass off.

>> No.8361372

Some people may get away with that but if you actually look the typical "nerd" then you wont be able to lie out of anything.

>> No.8361375


I'd be fine with that general attitude from a mean old professor, but not from some dumb kid.

>> No.8361381

Hes actually a teacher in Japan right now. Prolly freshly graduated. I like younger professors, they usually know how we feel.

>> No.8361382

It also makes me feel like he is not really hiding anything. He is telling it like it is which, at the end of the day, I still come to like this site.

>> No.8361383

>I'm a student. I play video games and visit discussion boards in my spare time.
Congratulations, you are now indistinguishable from five million college students and nobody will think twice about you.

>> No.8361386


Typical nerds have some pretty amazing jobs these days you know. I work with some fat neckbeards that make well into the six figures.

>> No.8361394

well thats good for you but when you are like me and actually have none of those things i.e. your typical /jp/ poster i would not want to try my luck. especially if the teacher decides to do some fucking background check on me ot happens to bring up something again to me during the course of the semester to see if I was telling the truth during that first week. I have to stay a bit paranoid like this because my luck really is shit like that

>> No.8361402

What means «101 class»?

>> No.8361407
File: 9 KB, 274x262, konata questions your sexuality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Do you not speak english?

>> No.8361413

I just say: I'm anon, my age is x and I do nothing.

Nobody asks, nobody cares

>> No.8361414

The first class. After 101 is 201, 301, ect.

>> No.8361432

>>8361238 It was also a JPN101 class

But what's so special about it being the first class?

>> No.8361435


5 people

how exactly does that work, are you rich or something?

pretty sure in any sort of public system currently, classes are either jam-packed or they get cut

>> No.8361445


I hope you're trolling. It's the first class because it's the least advanced class, you take it first and then work your way up to 201 and 301.

>> No.8361447

My college doesn't offer the first Japanese class after the first quarter, and I missed it. Now I have to test into the second class if I want to take that this quarter.


Japanese isn't exactly an extremely popular course to take.

>> No.8361456

Like I said, it's the entry-level class so I didn't learn anything from it. It'd be like rewatching a movie that you've already seen over and over again, for 4 hours every class for a whole semester.

>> No.8361460

I'm not trolling. I just wanted to know how that class system works.
Thank you, now i get it.

>> No.8361480

If I manage to pass the single class I'm taking this upcoming semester, I'll be trying to go for my full degree. I think I have most of my general shit out of the way and I plan on taking Japanese to fill in some credits. I'm pretty normal looking and acting otherwise, but don't really care about people knowing I like anime.

>> No.8361524

you should see my workplace
five people all packed into a 15x15 cubicle
my boss is right next to me
at all times i'm like OH SHIT ARE PEOPLE WATCHING ME WORK? and that's the thing i hate the most: being watched while working

>> No.8361553


>There are 5 people, including me
Okay class, pair up for conversation practice.

>> No.8361558

Nobody wants to hear about your boring lives, get out.

>> No.8361562


Tell us about your autism.

>> No.8361589

I was always left to pair up with my teacher. That's the worst. It was always just a normal conversation in Japanese between us. My teacher obviously knew Japanese and although I don't claim to know a lot of Japanese, I know enough to make idle chit-chat and I was able to ask and answer questions.

>> No.8361605

I want to hear about their boring lives.

>> No.8361617

Do you want to feel empathy for their boring lives?

>> No.8361699

Man, Nama-sensei has fucking abominable handwriting. I mean god damn, it's horrific. I wince every fucking time he writes something.

>> No.8361716

I wince more at the absolutely horrific accent he swears with. It's like prior to making the video he had never once used such words in casual conversation.

>> No.8361725

Yes. Please tell me more.

>> No.8362031
File: 65 KB, 500x600, 019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing that all of my classes will have 20 to 30 people in them. That's what I hope, anyway. Or that they have under 5 so they're canceled.

>> No.8362060

Why the fuck would the teacher do a "background check" on you to make sure that you're not lying about not being a total weeaboo?

>> No.8362066

Because /jp/ is terrified of the outside world.

>> No.8362066,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.8362066,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.8362066,3 [INTERNAL] 

baste let me add this to the dossier i promised andrew

>> No.8362066,4 [INTERNAL] 

