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8356157 No.8356157 [Reply] [Original]

the future

>> No.8356170

If it ever got to that point, they would rise up. Also that's only representative the places with white people in them. I doubt the muslims, africans, south americans and asians care that much.

>> No.8356169
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>> No.8356180

Did you miss the thread?

>> No.8356177

If they actually ``rose up" they'd probably get shot.

Also, more like ``the present," am I right? I think that pedophiles are ``worse" in modern society than rapists.

>> No.8356193

On the contrary. Eventually the age of consent will be lowered. The only reason pedophilia is frowned upon currently is that it suddenly appeared after 100 years thanks to the internet. Before people rarely hurd about pedos, then the internet shows everyone that pedos are everywhere, in their neighborhoods, looking at their kids. Its only a matter of time now that people get desensitized to it like they did with homosexuals. Someone will make a controversial movie, then someone makes a sitcom, next thing you know, pedos are opening daycare centers. History has shown this to be true, 100% of the time.

>> No.8356203

Don't you have any Sudo treads to participate, squiddy?

>> No.8356208


It'll maybe get lowered to 14, like in most european countries, but not more.

>> No.8356209

>pedos are opening daycare centers
That's like a guy opening a gynecologist office because he wants to see some pussy.

>> No.8356219

If a government/police started shooting people without real reason, even perceived rapists/pedos that would cause riots.

>> No.8356222
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Just one d.

>> No.8356231

>I doubt the muslims, africans, south americans
>south americans

Jokes on you, the PDI has arrested people for lolicon, and with media coverage for kicks.

>> No.8356237

One step at a time. Pedophilia has been part of human history for all history but the last 100 years. It will be back. Its inevitable.

>> No.8356261


No it wasn't. /jp/ gives you the wrong impression. The mjority of men was and always will be attracted to female secondary sexual features, which arise in teenagers.

>> No.8356272

Don't get cute now, squiddy

>> No.8356273

/jp/? You think I base anything on /jp/? You are one ignorant person. I base it on literature and historical accounts. Grow up kid, or go outside, I cant really tell what your failure is.

>> No.8356278

The vast majority of literature involves relationships where the female is above the age of thirteen, as do the vast majority of historical accounts.

>> No.8356288


Scientific studies have repeatedly shown that women are percepted to be most attractive to be at the mean ages around 15 or 16, depending on the study.

If finding children sexually attractive, why isn't it the norm? Your perception is warped by your tendencies.

>> No.8356299

Ohh wow, I guess you never read anything by Charles Dickens or even a simple thing as the bible.

Since when was this about what the most attractive age is? I guess by your reasoning the only reason homosexuality has become publicly accepted is that the majority of men are homosexuals?

>> No.8356303


Anectodical evidence, how cute.

>> No.8356310

Its funny, you can make all the laws you want but its not going to stop people from having a sexual preference. No law can stop human nature and sexual desire is probably the strongest force in a persons mind.

>> No.8356313


>I guess by your reasoning the only reason homosexuality has become publicly accepted is that the majority of men are homosexuals

It has become accepted because it happens between consenting individuals. If an adult has sex with a boy under age of consent it's still a crime.

>> No.8356320

Consent is a matter of laws, laws can be changed. If you all cant follow a single fucking idea, im not going to keep responding to you. We covered this already, either keep up or get out.

>> No.8356323


You do not understand the idea of consent age apparently. it's not an arbitray number.

>> No.8356332

But it is...

>> No.8356334
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ohh wow

>> No.8356346
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, [JDRAMA] Hammer Session! - 04 (D-TBS 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_01.26_[2011.12.31_19.48.58].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u nerds dont understand loli at all

smoke some wed, maybe you'll come to see clearly


>> No.8356357


The idea behind is that persons can't give informed consent before they reach a certain stage of neurological development enabling them to understand the consequences behind their actions, at least in the western world. It's to stop adults from taking advantage from minors.

However, there's alot of variation in development, therefore the interpretations can be quite different.

But the age of consent will never be lowerd to something like 8 years, since there's no way that an 8 year old can understand what is going on in that case. There's reason behind that, jsut because you are sexually interested in children doesn't mean that laws preventing that are just made to keep you down.

>> No.8356356

Just out of curriousity, do you shit post like this all the time or are you trying to make a joke and failing? I just would like to know if I should filter you or not.

>> No.8356362

420 brother!
SM0K3 W33D 3V3R1D41 (noobs cant understand what i said lol)

>> No.8356372
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, [JDRAMA] Hammer Session! - 07 (D-TBS 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_05.43_[2012.01.03_04.00.44].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow what another autistic nerd. I bet you suck tokikos cock all the time.

>> No.8356376

So why are there laws preventing us from informing 8 year olds about what's going on?

>> No.8356394


Most aren't capable of understanding the consequences. Because they aren't neurologically and socially developed enough to. Biology 101, like the majority of men being attracted to developed females rather than kids because of of biological necessity.

>> No.8356395

Thats because you get this crazy idea that societies idea of sex is going to remain the same. It wont. Public television is constantly getting more lewd, they are constantly finding new ways to sexualize children. More homosexuals are showing up on TV. Generally, people are getting used to it. As I say, its only a matter of time.

Your ignorance is that you think because someone passes a law that it becomes a law of the universe. Society changes and what people think changes. The internet is desensitizing people to all sorts of things that 20 years ago would have been public suicide. Once society accepts that sex between a man and a girl is not the end of her life, no one will care anymore. Its not the sex that fucks up a persons mind, its the harassment from society that fucks them up.

>> No.8356422


Being sexually interested in sexually developed individuals is hardwired into the species though, and alway will be as you can only procreate with them. Therefor it will always be remain the norm, despite eventual social conditioning.

>> No.8356429

Who gives a shit about the norm? We covered this already, Like I said, again, keep up with the conversation or get out. I hate recovered old topics.

>> No.8356458
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The 'norm' isn't some kind of social coercion as you seem to believe, it's a biological reality. It's hardwired into our species as it's necessary for the species to exist.

And therefore it won't change in the foreseeable future. There were always people interested in children, but it was never the majority and never will be, that's a natural, unchangeable reality dictated by biology and evolutionary pressure.

>> No.8356466

Age of consent isnt hardwired in to anyone's dna. I dont know what public school did to you, but you should sue.

>> No.8356487


Don't be obtuse on purpose.

You develop secondary sexual characteristics only at a certain age, just as you don't reach the mental maturity. As you may have noticed, in non shitty countries the age of consent is during the teenage years, which is also thetime where you normally become sexually and mentally mature.

In short, lolifags will never be accepted by society.

>> No.8356525

Those are a matter of preference. Its not required to gain those to bear children. If you want to get down to the technical side of things, pedophilia exists in nature, if these secondary features were required, then it would not exist.

>> No.8356561


>Those are a matter of preference.

Not really, otherwise there wouldn't have been enough evolutionary pressure to develop those characteristica. Yes, it exists i nnature, jsut liek homosexuality.

But homosexuality doesn't necessarily put an adult in the position to take advantage of a kid who doesn't know better and because of that, might be hurt or other.

>> No.8356582

You are back on age of consent and society again. You sound like a broken record. I guess I am done here if you cant come up with any form of counter argument that does not involve back peddling.

>> No.8356592


Do you agree that children aren't as mentally mature as adults?

>> No.8356613

I told you I was done with that conversation, you are an idiot. Lets talk about something new.

I agree that little girls are physically delicious.

>> No.8356619

So what the fuck are primary, secondary and tertiary sexual characteristics?

>> No.8356625

old, older and grandma.

>> No.8356632


Primary are the sexual organs, secondary what develops in puberty, pubic hair, tits, broader hips and such. tertiary, dunno lol

>> No.8356643
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Haters gonna hate.
Loli gonna lol

>> No.8356647

I didn't read this thread but I just wanted to say that there's nothing as nice as loli panties.

>> No.8356762


>> No.8357207
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>But the age of consent will never be lowerd to something like 8 years
No big deal, I prefer my women like my steak, medium rare.
Anything lower than that is inedible.

>> No.8357217

>Implying loli have something to do with CP

>> No.8357215

The last one looks delicious. Just put some ketchup on it and you have a god-tier meal.

>> No.8357232


Smells like classic /ck/ trollin'

Make sure to have your ketchup refridgerated

>> No.8357237

you lost me. Who doesn't put ketchup in the freezer?

>> No.8357239

I never got these raw meat fanatics, just bite into a living cow or something and stay away from me instead of bein food hipsters

>> No.8357243
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>On Steak

>> No.8357244

>Likes well done
>Its dry, so puts some ketchup
>God tier meal

Medium Well steak fancier here, well done is small time

>> No.8357252

>on beef


>> No.8357598
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>> No.8357608

well done steak
dry steak
ruined steak

>> No.8357675

Fuck you, now I hungry.

And what's wrong with ketchup for us poor people anyway?
