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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8354530 No.8354530 [Reply] [Original]

Good afternoon /jp/,

You guys might have heard about the flooding in thailand, and the shortage of hdds etc etc. Well, my house was flooded up to a metre, so I was forced to live with my cousin for a month or two. Anyways, when i glt back, i found out some fuck broke in and stole $2100 worth of stuff from me, namely airsoft guns . Took my guitar, my ass guitar and also my violin. And he threw my dakimakura into the rotting flood water. But thats not what's most interesting.

Near where my stuff was, I found fucking TENGA WRAPPERS, and i dont own ANY. Where the fuck did it come from!?!?

Masturbation general.

>> No.8354536

Fuck you for not preventing those floods.

>> No.8354545
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>ass guitar

>> No.8354546

he jerked off to your daikamura and tossed it into the water to hide the evidence

p. obvious

>> No.8354553

Is that supposed to be Kurokona?

>> No.8354560

Thai people post on /jp/? Seriously?

>> No.8354564


>> No.8354590

It can't be helped.
Bass guitar, sorry.
That son of a bitch!

>> No.8354606

Is that so surprising?
I wouldn't be shocked to hear people from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe post here.

>> No.8354619

I'm from Kazakhstan.

>> No.8354625

I have the white tenga flip hole; it's pretty nice. I don't think I'll ever go back to using just my hand. I tried to but it felt foreign to my hand as if it lost it's ability to perform the usual up and down motion.

>> No.8354627

I'm mad, i was going to buy a tenga but then i saw the Ben-to's soundtrack and decided to buy it first, i was surprised that doesn't have my favorite track (Gabrielle Ratchet theme), at least i bought some chinese merchandise.

/jp/ - Your blog General

>> No.8354633


>> No.8354637

Yeah, i know of one other thaibro that frequents /jp/. Pretty sure there are others.
Apparently the wrappers i found were for the "Rolling head cup"

>> No.8354650


i ordered this about a week and a half ago and it should be arriving any day now.

>> No.8354647

Holy shit, are you me? I tried it just a few days ago and it felt so wrong that I didn't even want to continue.

>> No.8354654
File: 142 KB, 626x954, d0ffeb3b8c1caec1be37c764723a7602a135c3e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good afternoon /jp/,

You guys might have heard about the flooding in thailand, and the shortage of hdds etc etc. Well, my house was flooded up to a metre, so I was forced to squat in other people's houses and steal to survive. Other people were doing it too, but I only stole stuff like food that hadn't gotten fucking dirty and stuff.

Anyway, I get to this one place, and the place is looted to hell and back, shit taken off the walsl, closets dirt empty.

And there was a fucking tenga wrapper! Who put that tenga wrapper there? I was so confused that I tripped over a pillow and knocked it into the water.

So I panicked and left. I hope whoever's house that was isn't mad at me...

>> No.8354655

I wish I lived in Thailand. How often do you buy 12 year old prostitutes, op?

>> No.8354657

Has anyone tried the new Flip air? I was going to buy it from toydemon but the users have given it a bad rating and I didn't want it to just gather dust like my tenga flip hole black.

>> No.8354667

I'm not really too wild about my black either. Have you tried a white or that gel one? Are they any better?

>> No.8354665

If you lived in Thailand you wouldn't even need an onahole. Just rent a loli.

>> No.8354688


Why rent when you can own one just next door.

>> No.8354683
File: 1.42 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20120104_141328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually spent an hour or two searching for the egg. Just in case it might still be there. And then get the culprit's dna from it via the policia.

Anyway, so the cops came and started looking around. Then started dusting this bottle.

>> No.8354689

Would it surprise you if i said i never have?

>> No.8354694

Weren't the Flip Airs a failed experiment? Even the japs said they were too tight.

I hear the new Red Flip is decent but I think all of the Tengas are overrated. Regular onaholes feel just as good and it takes two seconds to clean them out. Only advantage I see with the Flip is you don't necessarily need to get your hands dirty.

>> No.8354696


Yes, considering this is /jp/ and all, but hey... to each his own right?

>> No.8354700

I've been using the white so much that I feel bad for not taking it to international waters and marrying it. The problem is, I might have been using it too much. Just last week I got a sore on my cock probably from the constant friction with the entry orb and the way the my veins pop out from the suction kinda makes me worry too.

>> No.8354703


Careful not to give yourself dick cancer.

>> No.8354713


How sad. Don't you know there's people who would kill to be in the position you're in?

>> No.8354717

I actually have problems fitting into my black. Is the white any more accommodating?


>> No.8354714

It's not like the 12 year olds are moe~
Most of them are picked up off the streets. I wouldnt want to stick my dick in /that/
I wish i had an onahole.

>> No.8354716

I've been trying to lower my fappage lately cause I can't afford a bionic penis just yet.

>> No.8354718

I'm pretty sure real rape isn't anywhere as enjoyable as fictional rape.

>> No.8354719


>> No.8354724

I'll ship a loli to you in a crate, just post your credit card info and address...

Captha: adloli temptations
How fitting.

>> No.8354726

The black felt like you needed a map to get where you wanna go sometimes. The white shouldn't give you any trouble.

>> No.8354731

I don't really understand what you mean by that.

Clarification on my part, I'm a little too big to fit into my black. Since the white is softer, I would assume there is a bit more leeway at the opening. Is this the case?

>> No.8354735
File: 55 KB, 250x281, asgrqewq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at buying a prostate massager. Rudeboy is one I've heard favorable reviews for,/jp/ know any others to recommend?

>> No.8354738

The white should be fine.

>> No.8354744

Just SHUTP UP and continue with the story/pics.
I need to go to sleep early since I have work.

>> No.8354748

I got a aneros helix. It doesn't really do it for me. Something a bit longer, or a lot thicker would be great though. All I can say is stay away from it, if you're not a tiny asian.

Also interested in the rudeboy, hope someone with more experience can get in here.

>> No.8354750


>in a crate

You cad! A proper loli deserves to be shipped in a lavishly appointed state room aboard the most expensive yacht in the world.

>> No.8354762

I read that a lot of people seem to enjoy the Aneros type of toys for prostate massaging.
I did some reading on them a year or so ago when i decided to buy a toy.

I ended up buying something quite different however.

>> No.8354766
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But its not lile anything much happened.
Here's another picture

>> No.8354769

Not the 12 years old street prostitute though.

>> No.8354771

I don't get why the prostate massagers are so expensive. They look like the same shit I can do with my finger. Can someone explain?

>> No.8354772

Pretty obvious that whoever that did it is someone that knew you and know about your hobby.
He brought the tenga, used it, hotglued your dakimura and then disposed of the evidence. Enjoy your used dakky.

>> No.8354778

So, I been thinking about getting a Tenga of some sort, the thing that puts me off is the proposed 30-50 uses limit.

What happens after that? Does it get to stiff to use or is it just slapped on them for no seemingly good reason?

Also, any model recommendations? Or should I just stick to my hand?

>> No.8354781


Agreed.... That one rides in a specially designed suitcase.

>> No.8354786

So have they really started cracking down on the whole child prostitution thing in Thailand, or do they really only do it for foreigners?

>> No.8354785
File: 1.45 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20111221_162351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe not.
But i still think they should have something nice happen to them, atleast once
such as being shipped to a neckbeard that will tenderly love the fucking shit out of them

So here was my battlestation during the flood.

>> No.8354791

While to do eventually wear out and start falling apart, the limit they give is bullshit. Even the cheaper "single use" ones can last several times so long as you clean them properly. One like the flip, while I haven't used it, should last much longer than the 50 they say.

>> No.8354792

Then why make a thread then you piece of shit!

>> No.8354789

You'll get ball canser.

>> No.8354799

>I ended up buying something quite different however.
and that was?

>> No.8354803

Yea, thought as much.

So, any recommendations people?

>> No.8354811

I really want a silver, but all of money is currently tied up in another hobby of mine.

If you're looking at flipholes, I'd recommend either the silver or red. As for use limits, my black has gotten through nearly 200, and is still kicking.

>> No.8354813
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Note the headphones.
I actually bought two of those, one for myself and one for the other thaibro that frequents /jp/.
Son of a fuck stole that one too.
But I havent told anybody
It was a dakimakura of Sanae i got as a gift from a cosplayer i know.
Because i can, you peice of shit!

>> No.8354816 [SPOILER] 
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these, works wonders for both mouth and buttplay.
But i dont think you would want to go that far for a starter toy.

>> No.8354821
File: 24 KB, 250x265, weqryerw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was a dakimakura of Sanae i got as a gift from a cosplayer i know.

Well, we now have suspect #1.

>> No.8354822

Goddamn, why are you so lewd?!

>> No.8354844
File: 87 KB, 848x480, fuckyourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting grainy as fuck images too.

>> No.8354853 [DELETED] 

You have a nice house, OP.

>> No.8354854
File: 774 KB, 799x600, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except for the fact that the cosplayer is pic related.

>> No.8354869

God, disgusting. Same for the pink wig on the left.

>> No.8354867 [DELETED] 

Nice house, OP.

>> No.8354874

>pink wig
You can't even see her!

>> No.8354878

Nice house, OP.

>> No.8354886

I said nothing about the person. That wig itself is gross. Look how matted it is.

>> No.8354889

Is that a house right next to a highway? That must fucking suck!

I'd move out after a week at most.

>> No.8354887
File: 321 KB, 2048x1365, 322696_10150355302884385_658019384_8225668_784743824_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is unpossible
Pictures were taken with an android tablet when i didnt have my cam with me
Here's something taken with my cam.
Who the FUCK are you quoting

>> No.8354892


Jokes aside, I actually agree with that sentiment, to a certain point. Tonight, I watched a Frontline program about drug trafficers taking little Afghan girls as payment if the their families can't afford to pay back the loans used to fund poppy growing operations. It really breaks my heart because I know their lives are likely to be hell, in many ways...some not so pleasant. If they must be taken away from their families, at the very least they should be very well cared for and treated like something special.

Anyway, mistreatment of cuteness really sets me off, but enough about that. Sorry about the flooding and that someone nicked your shit.

>> No.8354901
File: 569 KB, 901x739, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got somewhere close to that. I wonder which one is OP's place.

>> No.8354899


>> No.8354909

Oh man is that just some random jet ski going around while everyone else is suffering? What a prick.

>> No.8354913

Maybe he's doing it functionally instead of for entertainment?

>> No.8354914


Nice. That's me in red by the way.

>> No.8354971

Not excactly a highway, more like a main road. I'm helping at this boat shop and also
iving here for now.
.... So when are you guys gonna visit?
This is the kind of shit i hate. Same reason for why i cant fucking stand guro and NTR
Transporting food into the flooded area, who the hell would be in the mood for fun?
Me on the ski

>> No.8355020

Somebody send me an onahole already fuck.

>> No.8355024

If it's not too expensive I can send you one of my used ones.

>> No.8355029

How long until you guys start churning out new HDDs?
I'm in dire need of a new one but the prices are too high!

>> No.8355057

I'm in the same boat. I almost bought one back in August, but decided I'd wait for Black Friday sales. That did not go as planned.

>> No.8355069

I had no idea there was such an impact on hard drive prices. The two drives in my system doubled in price, and they're not even new.

>> No.8355071

What are you talking about thailand for and then move on to talk about flooding in your house? Am I supposed to assume your are from thailand and/or a citizen born and raised there?

This is an english speaking board and we do not really take your kind here and frankly dont like your kind either.

>> No.8355081


>This is the kind of shit i hate.

Glad we can agree. Best of luck to you.

>> No.8355085

This is a "take it easy" board, if you can't handle that then go stick a rake up your ass or something till your blood pressure goes down or something.

>> No.8355087

No idea. Western drive got hit pretty hard, the news were saying their first floor was flooded completely. Safe to say, one to three months, maybe?
Pretty sure i've been speaking english for the entirety of this thread. Does race matter? I have dual citizenship from both Thailand and the US.

>> No.8355099

/jp/ - Third-World Flooding Culture

>> No.8355107


Then you're just as American as any other citizen. Only insular evangelical fucks disagree, but we've known they're idiots since prohibition so no matter.

>> No.8355122

I havent had the chance to look at hdd prices being sold here yet, but in a week or so might have an idea. There's a con i'm attending, will drop by the Tech stores.

We still havent found the tenga culprit

>> No.8355184

I've lived a majority of my life here, though.
Thanks, same to you!

>> No.8355207

I'm more mad over Sony and Nikon production being stalled.

Atleast it was the two worst of the camera manufacturers.

>> No.8355265


>I've lived a majority of my life here, though.

Fair enough, but I still wouldn't discriminate, because that's just weak.

>> No.8355279
File: 115 KB, 721x717, 1314963187618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Police called me, said they got some fingerprints off of the bottle of whiskey. But for all they know it could be my fingerprints, sl now they're coming to get my prints too.
Shit I really hope we can catch this guy so i can ask about those wrappers.

>> No.8355285
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>> No.8355287

Did they say anything about your soiled dakimakura?

>> No.8355293


Uuh... get prints off the wrapper?

>> No.8355312

"Nice pillow" was what they said. Also said they cant do shit with it.
Nah, the guy meant to take a bottle of whiskey with him as well, but most likely forgot. See >>8354683

>> No.8355544

So, what are you going to do if they find him? Tell the police how he stole your anime girlfriend pillow?

>> No.8355560

What's the danger of floods? Suppose you have a two story house, or a roof, what's wrong with just staying above the water?

>> No.8355648

Never been in a flood, but I'd imagine stuff like:
>Not being able to use the bathroom
>No electricity
>No gas
>Shit downstairs being ruined
>Can't go to work/no income
>No internet
and so on.

>> No.8355751

How quickly does it flood? Why can't you get a generator and stock up on gasoline if you need electricity?

>> No.8355972
File: 5 KB, 429x410, 1274456075264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh, get my stuff back, first and foremost. Then ask him about the wrappers.
>Stay on roof
>BLAZING hot sun even Utsuho would say it's hot
>Get fried
>Turned into dog food at a processing plant
Excactly. I was unable to shit for a month. Electricity isnt so bad, just have to pull the breakers to the lower levels.
You couldnt shower either.
>But that's normal /jp/ behavior
Thats what I did, but didnt really use it. Lol, the night before the flood there was this security officer going around with a megaphone telling us to evacuate. I literally said something along the lines of "Fuck off! Like hell it's gonna flood, this place is fucking high!".
The place I live flooded pretty heavily around 15 or so years ago, but I wasnt in thailand yet.

>> No.8355978

Hurp, didnt answer your question.
Around 3 - 6 centimeters an hour.

>> No.8356693

You also missed:
>Cholera, cholera everywhere
With all that water, there's probably some serious shit in it.

>> No.8357204


Never ever buy anime OSTs, it's ridiculous the amount of times I've downloaded them and found my favourite BGM missing.

>> No.8357367

isn't that the whole point of getting one? to have all the tracks?

best of luck to op, and i hope you can find yourself a onahole soon!

>> No.8357792



>> No.8357839

Personally I think that prostate massagers are overrated.
I recommend at least trying it though, since if it works for you it'll work great.
I'm a fan of larger objects, penis sized is about perfect. Feels good man.

>> No.8357842

There was a Thai exchange student in my old school. I think he's a lawyer now.

He used to touch the walls of concrete building with a fascinated look in his eyes. Do you not have concrete in Thailand?

>> No.8360209

ofcourse we do

>> No.8360222

I try to look at other alphabets with a discerning eye, but the Thai alphabet just blows my mind. It looks really cool, too.

>> No.8360236

I think its just damn confusing,
It isnt my first language, and i never formally learned it too. But i can speak and read no problem. Writing is an entirely different matter.

>> No.8360251
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>> No.8360262


>> No.8360320

Last time I read one of these threads (although with much less flood discussion), the 17 Evo was being pretty heavily recommended. Is this still the case, or is there something better now?

>> No.8360328

I still have mine after a year of heavy use.
Uterus is still tight.
Best feeling to stick right in it and blow inside.

>> No.8360357
File: 558 KB, 1110x1600, nitori_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In some eromangas and such, I see onaholes that have two openings in them, so your dick comes out the other end.

Anyone know anything about these? Is there a certain name to them? They are common in hentai and such, but I never see real ones. I want one so I can just cum out the other end and not have to wash all my semen out. Just seems easier.

>> No.8360362

If you're looking for something else, I recommend http://www.e-nls.com/pict1-20402?c2=12001116

Easily preferred over my R20 and whatever other one I have that was disappointing and started ripping after a few uses. A-One seems to make some interesting onaholes, with different hardnesses throughout. I'm probably going to order one of these next (the youngest): http://www.e-nls.com/pict2-24393-9999?c2=12001116

>> No.8360444

Yes, I finally have some privacy, so I'm looking forward to it. How big is it? Would seven inches fit comfortably? I understand some of these run on the small side. Also, best way to clean it?

I was interested in the 17 evo in particular because of the 'womb' at the end. I don't know too much about this stuff.

>> No.8360445


I kind of want to get one to see if using an onahole affects my ejaculation as much as I'm thinking it does.

>> No.8360499


google pocket pussy

MUCH BETTER then using your hand and is very easy to clean and dry.

>> No.8360587
File: 132 KB, 800x1464, samequalityasshittytengas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Tengas.

Get a Fleshlight Stamina Training Unit instead, just strap that shit to your daki and you're ready to go.

>> No.8360628
File: 389 KB, 1000x662, viscant has his phoenix snapped in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Approved by the Fighting Game Community and EVO 2011 Marvel vs Capcom 3 champion, no less.

>> No.8360651

Is there any cheap way to hook up a tenga or something similar to a device that will move it automatically?

>> No.8360705

There has to be. What household things would someone fix an onahole to that move like that?

I'm sure you could make something out of a fan/electic motor and some Legos or K'Nex.

>> No.8360765

I just want to say that the creation in the image does not work as advertised.

I wasted an entire day attempting to make love to different pieces of disintegrating cornstarch.

>> No.8360771
File: 45 KB, 347x346, 1259625880599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fold a sock inside-out half way
>push a condom inside, wrap around the edge
>perfect fleshlight

>> No.8360794

Why not just learn to screw people in your dreams instead so you can spend your time awake on something better?

>> No.8360799

I like spending a lot of time masturbating

>> No.8360812

I did this shit before with a latex glove. Wrapped a washcloth tight around the sock and put a rubber band around it to give more resistance. Just remember to use plenty of lotion/lube/w/e or it'll hurt like fuck to walk afterwards.

>> No.8360834

Dream orgasms are better.

>> No.8360838


Have you guys used a Fleshlight? They have tons of different textures that you can pick from...I've only tried one but the "homemade" ones can't compare.

>> No.8360855


Every time I try to stick my dick inside someone in a dream I wake up.

>> No.8360877

You're too tense. Try setting an alarm to one hour or so after you sleep, when you try sleeping again it should be easier to concentrate.

>> No.8360895

I read somewhere that you can only experience things in dreams if you've already experienced it irl, so thats why you wake up - you havent actually done it yet.

Same for when you die in your dreams

>> No.8360951

You actually can get a very realistic feeling pain out of getting for example a knife in your chest even in a dream. It's all in your head, see, so your brain simply produces the knife and the pain follows as if simulated.

>> No.8360969

If this were the case adolescent boys would never have wet dreams.

>> No.8360970

I remember one dream where I was some sort of detective, Dick Tracy style, and I was gunned down by mobsters with tommy guns. I felt (what I imagine it to feel like, anyway) the bullets, and I could feel the warm blood pouring out of me, and eventually everything went black and I couldn't move. I was sort of trapped inside of my own corpse for what felt like an eternity. It was terrible.

Still can't do any sex stuff in dreams. Doesn't matter what I try, or whether I've done it before or not, I always wake up before I orgasm, both in lucid dreams or regular. Except once, where I did it, but only mentally. Woke up and there was no evidence of it in my underwear. It's very frustrating.

I did have one lucid dream where I just cuddled with my beloved. I have to say, the feeling was much more rewarding than any of the sex dreams.

>> No.8360973

Not true, I've had pretty good dreams about fucking lolis, and I'm certain I'll never be doing that in reality.

>> No.8360982

>you can only experience things in dreams if you've already experienced it irl
yeah, no, that's bullshit

>> No.8361005

try thinking of a new color you've never seen before

>> No.8361010


I believe that's quite wrong... I've died multiple times in dreams without waking up, the dream just kind of ends. Last one I remember specifically was getting shot three times in the chest. I clearly remember feeling the impact similar to getting punched, and then I was looking up at the sky thinking to myself, "oh my god, I've just been shot..." and then it just went black.

I've also had dreams about ... well, oral sex with a slightly underage female, which was unusual considering I hardly ever have sexual dreams

>> No.8361013



It hurts to look at it.

>> No.8361017

That's slightly different from dying.

>> No.8361303
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It's just something i've read before
Sex comes often in my dreams, even though I havent and most likely never will get any. But it doesnt come out in my pants.
Cuddling > Sex
I don't even

>> No.8361727

but you cant...? is that a rhetoric?
