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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.8352076
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>> No.8353123
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>> No.8353175
File: 141 KB, 550x751, gargoyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did no one tell me Dachaku has his own site now?

>> No.8353253

Are there any new axfc videos?

>> No.8353254
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>> No.8353524
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Old thread got eaten by spam I assume?

>> No.8353545
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>> No.8353582




>> No.8353603

Stop right there criminal scum.

>> No.8353640
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>> No.8354234
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>> No.8354828

I find most kig creepy because the masks go straight into uncanny valley, but OP's pic isn't bad.

>> No.8354862

The vid with the kigu washing her hands with the other drying was very cute.

>> No.8354891

They aren't supposed be real faces anymore than any other masks are. They are sculptures of drawn faces. Do you get creeped out by statues? Or manga? Statues should be closer to the uncanny valley than kigurumi, but the uncanny valley is an arbitrary idea that can be applied to anything.

>> No.8354898

Most of the ones that creep me out are because they're really bad.

>> No.8354927
File: 108 KB, 576x768, unsorted_2848629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this in the previous thread just before it disappeared, but I'm posting it again just for you.

Tiny headed Sailor Moon says, "There is no use hiding, I will find you. You will be overwhelmed by my masculinity. You will be assimilated."

>> No.8356673



There isn't a lot that's not on his pixiv though.

>> No.8357788
File: 96 KB, 500x683, elephantwoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's enough for me. Thank you.

>> No.8357816

take this shit to /cgl/

>> No.8357901

That's an interesting idea, but this thread belongs here beside the doll thread and 10,000 shitposts.

>> No.8357937

You're silly.

Though I agree, but only because these creep me out.

>> No.8358767
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>> No.8359971
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>> No.8360181

Source on this?

>> No.8361130
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>> No.8361486
File: 487 KB, 1406x2000, IMG_8992_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about some kig OC? A few snaps of the kig cosplayers I took at C81.

>> No.8361492
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>> No.8361489
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>> No.8361495
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>> No.8361498
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>> No.8361504
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>> No.8361509
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>> No.8361516
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>> No.8361526
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Last C81 kig image.

>> No.8361529 [DELETED] 

Penetration vids where?

I don't give a damn about your moral troubles.

>> No.8361539

Was about to request more but then i saw...

Thanks for the share anyway. Very cute!

>> No.8361540

Did you get to interact with them at all? I have never met a kig in real life but would really like to.

>> No.8361545


>> No.8361549

>>8361540 Did you get to interact with them at all?
Not much myself, but from what I saw the kig cosplayers were very fun, friendly and accommodating with requests.

I would like to do kig cosplay oneday but can't justify the cost of a mask. I'm surprised no one has mass produced these types of masks yet and on sold them for cheap.

>> No.8361560

>>8361545 た...高い!
Yeah, I posted that one so that you could get to see the size comparision between a normal Japanese girl cosplayer and the kigger.

>> No.8361599

Yeah i would love to as well. However being in the US i have no options. I would be willing to pay out the ass for something from sigma...

>> No.8361602

That guy had to be a foreigner, right?

>> No.8361734
File: 418 KB, 2000x1462, IMG_9105_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea really. But yeah in general the Japanese are very short relative to Westerners.

>> No.8361777


If this helps any, I found this pretty cool website, digging around for kigu material.

They sell pads and pad related accessories.

>> No.8362991
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>> No.8363478

These threads always pop up when it's impossible for me to fap.

>> No.8363863
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you're welcome


>> No.8364239
File: 83 KB, 533x800, o0533080011716569564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't justify the cost of a mask.
do you live in japan? It must have cost a lot to go to C81, otherwise!

cool pics though, thanks.

>> No.8365163
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>> No.8365416

Any penetration videos yet?

>> No.8366557
File: 197 KB, 500x415, 4a47a35e183c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what happened to TAC?

Their Facebook page and website have disappeared.

>> No.8366582

I can think of a few reasons. Lack of demand, for one thing. The expensive materials involved, and lack of cheap alternatives that would retain the same quality.

Even if you could sell for cheaper, the increase in demand wouldn't be high enough to offset the cost of setup.

>> No.8367209
File: 184 KB, 600x900, 148_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Madonna manages to make a music video with kigurumi masks in it you might see a whole bunch of knockoff mask makers spring up, at least for a little while.

Or not. I admit I have no idea how the real world works.

>> No.8368782


Who is TAC?

>> No.8368880
File: 405 KB, 1539x2000, IMG_9184_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8364239 It must have cost a lot to go to C81, otherwise!
This option taken, but I'm still not sure that the materials and time cost to build a mask justifies the +$800 usual asking price. I could of course be completely wrong.

>> No.8368894

I don't understand the concept of having kigurumi.

It's scaring the shit out of me.

>> No.8369629
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Still around (see vid link) but I bet they got renamed to something not in English


>> No.8369942

I just read what Wyu had to say about that, and Jesus Christ she wrote a fucking novel about it. I honestly fell asleep when she started to ramble on about dreams and stuff...

I can imagine we are going to have to hear about this for at least a year.

>> No.8370188

Adopt stray kyuubei today!

>> No.8370283
File: 123 KB, 1156x450, mold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any tips for removing the clay from my fiberglass mold? The guides I've found aren't to specific and I don't want to break everything at this point. I'm guessing I basically just have to slowly and carefully chip away the clay from the inside until it is thin enough to pull apart.

>> No.8372250
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>> No.8372318

What happened to the old opening? You should combine the porn links with the old opening

>> No.8372965

I would loved to hug a kigu. ;_;

>> No.8374123
File: 1.44 MB, 2500x1750, 1325972068635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wouldn't you settle for hugging anyone?

>> No.8374153

dude this shit is the shit

one day I have to remember to link this thread to /b/ or /v/

>> No.8374419


>> No.8374573
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>> No.8374579
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Do these people still go to school or can you just walk into any school in Japan?

Could also be a teacher I guess.

>> No.8374584
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>> No.8374586
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>> No.8374591
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>> No.8374598
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>> No.8374618
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>> No.8374623
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>> No.8374636
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>> No.8374652
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>> No.8375080



>> No.8375346

where'd this come from?

>> No.8376471

Not the guy who said that but I can assume because the original opening answered most common questions.

Also no, not just anyone. Theres just something about kigurumi that justs makes want to hug some of them. Or at least interact with them

>> No.8376498
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>> No.8376505

someone please make good kigurumi masks i could pay 1000$ if shippment included
but make good masks every mask i saw was total shit

>> No.8376698
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>> No.8377287
File: 226 KB, 600x450, 4a5b77d650e45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taiwan Action Club, they're a group who provided suit actors and performers for all kinds of promotional events in Taiwan, most notably for events promoting the Taiwanese dubs of Pretty Cure and Kamen Rider.

They would post a lot of interesting backstage photos and videos. Not unmasked photos, but just stuff with them goofing off and playing around, which I found quite charming.

That video is over half a year old though. It was only recently (last 1-2 months) that I noticed their sudden disappearance from the web. It would be a shame if they had shut down, they seemed like really nice people.

>> No.8378195
File: 109 KB, 600x450, 4a6d71644a9cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno if it's actually TAC but it is the pro Precure kigs in China http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZXEvGEcrrY&list=FLtfhxW2lPeFFPk7iYRuf1TA&index=17&featur

>> No.8378311

If they have a question they can use google like a normal person.

>> No.8379720
File: 90 KB, 425x640, DSC_8184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was nice for new people so they didn't have to search through endless pages of google. Also it stopped a lot of "WHERE DO I BUY MASK?"

I think we should just use one of those text hosting pages, maybe a google doc, for hosting all the porn links as it's pretty ugly just having several posts of links. I miss the guy that had the mediafire as that was really simple to just link to.


There are a few places that make good masks for about that. I personally like Wyu (kigurumicosplay.com) as she deals in English and is very active in the community.

There's also Sigma (http://www.buildupstudiosigma.com/)) which are great but I'm not sure how hard they are to deal with.

>> No.8380657

I myself am not to fond of Wyu's masks. If i were cheap and didn't care, then I would buy from Wyu.

Sigma is amazing. However they only sell to people living in Japan.

Unless you are new here you should know that 90% of people will just ask anyway...

>> No.8380816
File: 88 KB, 576x864, 155_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sigma is amazing. However they only sell to people living in Japan.
I think it might be that they only sell to people who can understand enough Japanese to order the mask.

>Unless you are new here you should know that 90% of people will just ask anyway...
I know. They don't want to know where to buy a mask. They want someone else to buy it for them.

>> No.8381192

It's actually the banking issues involved. Otherwise finding someone to translate wouldn't be that hard.

>> No.8381605
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>> No.8381648

only the dead....

>> No.8382034
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Yeah. Japan is surprisingly insular when it comes to banking. It's hard enough to find a cash machine that accepts bog-standard international credit/debit cards over there, you have to go to a post office or bureau de change. So transferring money into a Japanese bank account (like SIGMA requests) from an international account is damn near impossible, or at least more hassle than SIGMA is willing to put up with.

That's probably them. Like I said, TAC handled pretty much -all- of the promo kigurumi stuff over there, that's what made them awesome.

>> No.8382903
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>> No.8383041


The mediafire account might come back if you guys can manage a couple of quality drama-free threads on your own.

>> No.8384450

What japanese show is that from? Gaki No Tsukai or what?

>> No.8385370
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>> No.8386491

Yeah, it's really quite a shame. Hopefully in the future something will come though.

>> No.8387171

One of the "easiest" ways to get money to someone in Japan when you live in the US is to open a Citibank account, send them the ATM card and PIN number (obviously, you'll want to set up the card with a generic PIN number that isn't associated with what you'd usually use), and that way they can go to any Citibank ATM in Japan and do the transfer from that Citibank account into their own Japanese account. Citibank is the only US-based bank that not only has branches outside the US, but also accepts their US ATM cards in their international ATMs. After the transfer is made, you could just go back to your local Citibank branch and close the account. It may sound like a lot of work, but it only takes a few minutes to open, and then close the account. The hardest part is convincing Sigma, or anyone you're trying to buy stuff from on the Japan side, to accept this "method" of payment.

>> No.8387705
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>> No.8388644
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>> No.8388648
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>> No.8389453
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Now this is a cute dress!

>> No.8389464
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>> No.8389470
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