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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8350522 No.8350522 [Reply] [Original]

What will /jp/ do when PCs parts are no longer made, because all computing has been moved to phones, watches, tablets and touchscreen tables that normals use? What will you do when these computers do not do anything unless it is related to helping you complete normalcy tasks such as your job, picking the right line to talk to a woman, micromanaging your thrusts in sex, and your plans for the day that naturally all take place outside your home? When they all have an AI that is basically normal incarnate, and does not comprehend that you could want to complete any tasks that do not relate to the ultimate goal of having a wife and children?

The breed of PC-using hiki truNEET is going extinct.

>> No.8350524

I'll take care of my PC to my abilities the moment that happens.

>> No.8350525

>When they all have an AI that is basically normal incarnate, and does not comprehend that you could want to complete any tasks that do not relate to the ultimate goal of having a wife and children?

Pffffffffffft. That'll be the same time computer games stop existing.

>> No.8350527

Luckily that time wont come untill the year 5000 so Im good.

>> No.8350532

I'll be dead before that happens.

>> No.8350528

You don't scare me.

>> No.8350529

> What will you do when these computers do not do anything unless it is related to helping you complete normalcy tasks such as your job, picking the right line to talk to a woman, micromanaging your thrusts in sex, and your plans for the day that naturally all take place outside your home?

Are you some how implying that normal people don't have hobbies?

>> No.8350538

Have you noticed how slow /jp/ became? And how almost all the shitposters gone?
All the fags are playing KS right now.

>> No.8350534

The following games are popular with women matching your age group and facebook MyMate preferences:
Portal 2
Angry Birds

>> No.8350535

Stop this nonsensical FUD shit

>> No.8350542

I'll install Gentoo.

>> No.8350547

They do, but their concept of hobbies is a bit different to ours.

Basically, they find a hobby, then explore the options of partnership within the people who share that hobby. If the options are limited, they will become frustrated and turn it into a very active search "Aren't there any girls into Bonzai gardening in the NY area???". If that fails, they will move on to another hobby, but this time research the hobbyists beforehand so they don't make the same mistake.

>> No.8350548

what you're saying doesn't even fucking make sense. they design all that shit on computers, dude. this thread is so fucking retarded. don't group with hikki with you fucktard truNEET idiots.

instead of personal computers they'll just become super computers.

>> No.8351204

I can imagine the scene when a /jp/ finally gets his first robomeido, assembles it, turns it on, and after she gives her standard power-on greeting, she starts with
>"Master, excuse me for asking, but shouldn't you be at work right now? Or do you work nightshift? I need to know about your routines so I can optimize my schedule"
>"Eh? You don't have a job? Then, do you want me to help you seek employment? Just tell me what kind of job you are interested in, and I'll connect to the database right now and filter out any relevant positions."

>"Sexual utilities? You mean you want me to help you find a partner?"

>"Is something wrong with the juice, master? I found some bottles in your room and put them back in the fridge. Maybe it went bad from being in room temperature for that long?"

>> No.8351228
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They've been gone for a few days now. Though someone told me they saw the Sudo birthday event I did yesterday.

>> No.8351232

IMO, it would just make everything more convenient.

You can bitch about 1984 and everybody being wired together on a grid or something, but the truth is that we're already there, and it hasn't caused the end of the civilization yet.

>> No.8351272
File: 131 KB, 624x917, luna2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How terribly shallow.

What's surprising is that it's true. Why must normals turn everything and every group into a potential dating pool? Why are relationships and mates treated like commodities to be bought, sold or upgraded as the person sees fit? This is why 3D is truly PD.

>> No.8351283 [DELETED] 

Then I'll get a ``workstation''. Keep your low-level FUD/trolling in /g/, please!

>> No.8351330

>Believing there's such thing as "normals"
Holy shit, you guys are worse than /adv/.

>> No.8351344

I'll upload myself to the internet like they did in The Lawnmower Man.

>> No.8351347

Are you sure that's such a great idea? I mean, do you remember how that movie ended?

>> No.8351352


Get out of /jp/.

>> No.8351360

No thanks, I think I'll stay.

>> No.8351357 [DELETED] 

When we say "normals" or even "normalfags", we really do just mean your normal, everyday people in Western society. Of course they exist. However unlike /r9k/, /adv/, and some of the other boards, we don't want to be them or even have anything against them, besides disagreeing with their lifestyle choice.

>> No.8351370

Everybody is different. You're just as much of a "normal, everyday person" as anyone else is. Get over yourselves.

>> No.8351386
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I don't plan to upgrade anyway.

>> No.8351394 [DELETED] 

We mean people living within societal norms. Having a job, getting a girlfriend, all that. We're not saying that we're trying to be edgy or special for not conforming, just that we do exist outside of what's expected in Western society. Very few people would describe us as "normal" in any sense of the word.

>> No.8351402

There's reasonable agreement among nearly all /jp/ers about what normals are and what separates us from them. You seem to be the only one who does not understand.

>> No.8351418

I really don't understand what you're getting at. Do you live off the grid or something?

If not, then you have absolutely no point, and you're just trying to be edgy or special.

>> No.8351421

It doesn't matter if you guys agree on it if you're all wrong.

>> No.8351469

I'll be dead by then. In case I am not, that's a perfect excuse for opening the portal.

>> No.8351489
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>> No.8351509
File: 48 KB, 268x265, 1310522857287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just get augmentations and play video games in my brain all day.

>> No.8351507


Get out of /jp/, you disgusting normalfag.

>> No.8351520

If we all agree and you not, then even if we were wrong, we would be right, here in /jp/, and you will be wrong. Get out.

>> No.8351531

Oh boy, a really weak attempt to troll via semantics. At least you posted in a thread that was shit to begin with.

>> No.8351555

Go away.

>> No.8351556

But the whole point of your argument is that you're separate from the "normals" and thus will always be the minority. If that's the case, then you guys agreeing on something amounts to absolutely nothing.

Just face it, you have no point. You're not special, unique, or superior. You're just normal, like everyone else.

/jp/ - Normal Culture

>> No.8351551

Except that this will never happen.

>> No.8351577

Yet another normal who thinks our term "normal" is actually the literal definition meaning whatever is in the majority.

Enjoy your girlfriend.

>> No.8351584

How about you explain how you're somehow not normal, instead of just trying to make dumb jokes that you think are witty.

>> No.8351589

Sorry, but we'll always be here. Our distant cousins built and run the internet. It won't take care of itself, and so your grim future of the sealed Apple idiot box is, fortunately, fiction.

>> No.8351590

Go to /b/, then go back, then go to /b/ again. If you can't see through this, you are just what we call a normalfag. Don't worry about it and get out.

>> No.8351592

Our term for normal refers to people who engage in a select few activities that, right now, are practiced by the majority, but it's not dependent on it. We're not hipsters who just want to be contrary to what's done. One of these activities is pursuing a sex life, like you do with your girlfriend.

>> No.8351602

I don't have a girlfriend, and I'm also not actively looking for sex, yet somehow you think I'm one of your mythical "normals". Explain.

>> No.8351613

Just not knowing what a normalfag is for /jp/ means that you are one of them. Get out.

>> No.8351647

Maybe you're not really a normal. Do you believe that you have to get a job and make more money than other people to even be said to have a life? Do believe that you must have children or you're going against life's purpose?

>> No.8351679

For the concept of "normal" to make sense there have to be non-"normal" people out there. I don't see how you're so adamant that everybody who's, say, not locked up in an institution (which some of us have been, by the way) must be "normal" like everybody else.

>> No.8351720

Which is not to say that most people here are deeply abnormal in the way that it seems I might be implying. As others have said, "normal" here really means only "subscribes to a certain set of social expectations," not that they are mysterious and incomprehensible people. It's just that when you say "everybody here is normal get over yourselves" you're grossly overreaching.

>> No.8351830

Which is not to say that most people here are deeply abnormal in the way that it seems I might be implying. As others have said, "normal" here really means only "subscribes to a certain set of social expectations," not that those who aren't are mysterious and incomprehensible people. It's just that when you say "everybody here is normal get over yourselves" you're grossly overreaching regardless of what definition you use.

>> No.8352746

ITT: more sheltered children glamorize their low employment potential and give away their bitterness about lack of success with the previous sex by keep bringing it up as something that doesn't concern them

>> No.8352750

ITT: More sheltered children glamorize their low employment prospects and give away their bitterness about their lack of success with the opposite sex by repeatedly bringing it up as something that doesn't concern them.

>> No.8352775
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>> No.8352785

Not considering people who fap to drawn little girls raped by monsters abnormal isn't normal at all.

>> No.8352787

Normalfags are people who use sites like facebook and are okay with such a blatant violation of privacy.

>> No.8352822

Stop bumping this piece of shit.

>> No.8352827

>How terribly shallow.
>Why are relationships and mates treated like commodities to be bought, sold or upgraded as the person sees fit?

It's not shallow. It's reality. Reagan and his political party started the "fad" of looking after number one and personal prosperity as part of the self reliance capitalism trend. Looking after others' well-being in the country is socialist after all. So, it's not even the case of ignoring other people, it is the case of DELIBERATELY ignoring other people. That is what it has become and after the decades, it is a cultural norm in the USA and has spread to other cultures as well.

>> No.8352846

Well, normal people probably are different from themselves, but they follow the same pattern, have similar goals for life and have similar styles. We have very different objectives from them, we have very different patterns and our goals are different. Of course, there is no such thing as normal, but a simple way to separate ourselves from people who pursue objectives that the society accepts is fine.

>> No.8352869

You don't say...

>> No.8352866

All the more reason to stay the hell away from normals and their insipid "dating", at least in the western world.

Humans are not furniture with sex organs.

>> No.8352978

I don't get the hate towards normals /jp/ seems to harbor. It isn't really connected to reality and more to this image we all have of normalfags as superficial, narrow-minded, pop-culture addled fools.

>> No.8353330

>It isn't really connected to reality and more to this image we all have of normalfags as superficial, narrow-minded, pop-culture addled fools.
That's exactly what "normalfags" are, and it's a plain fact that they exist. Speaking for myself, I don't have a problem with normal people, I have a problem with normalFAGS: a distinctly different breed.

Generally, they're people that look down upon anything that deviates from cultural/societal norm. People who think liking 16 year olds is pedophilia or that all animation that isn't Family Guy is for kids. Granted, this describes most high-schoolers, but some people never seem to grow out of that mindset.
