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8348721 No.8348721[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

For Skyrim, it's gotta be Japanese, right?


>> No.8348733

Any loli mod out for this yet?

>> No.8348743



>> No.8348748

I have not seen any. Got any names? Googling skyrim loli brings nothing but garbage.

>> No.8348761

I know theres an Elin mod from TERA.

Personally i wont be satisfied till i can be the loli orc.

>> No.8348762


They're all on Japanese sites, TES Nexus has been deleting them.

>> No.8348788
File: 189 KB, 1280x720, new vegas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any decent loli mods out for new vegas yet?

All the ones ive found have non functional heads.

>> No.8348793


You neglected to update archiveinvalidation. Most mods that drastically alter your character will need that treatment.

>> No.8348827

Names? If you dont know their names or have never downloaded any just say so.

>> No.8348854


Downloaded one ages ago, but it was taken down since then.

>> No.8348859
File: 732 KB, 1920x1080, ScreenShot11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this one, a reskin of ebony armor to look like Elin's from Tera. You have to manually set the scale though(I use .setscale .75)


>> No.8348866
File: 1.07 MB, 1440x900, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another screenshot

>> No.8348902

Does Japanese Skyrim have any notable voices?

All I can find is this incomplete list:

Akiko Kawase
Akimitsu Takase
Akio Kato
Ao Takahashi
Arisa Shida
Binbin Takaoka
Dai Matsumoto
Eiji Itou
Eiji Miyashita
Eri Goda

Youto Kazama
Yu Mizuno
Yuko Sato
Yuko Tachibana

>> No.8348912

Played it for a bit, but didn't recognize any of the voices

>> No.8348943

How comes lolis in oblivion are sexier than fallout new vegas?

>> No.8348955

Because the wasteland makes everything looks much more dirtier compared to a fantasy setting.

>> No.8348979

It's not just that. You can quite clearly see the loli models in skyrim and oblivion are much better done than new vegas.

>> No.8349009
File: 243 KB, 1008x630, 038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese Fallout 3


>> No.8349015

The only loli mods I've seen for NV is the children mod port from the FO3, which doesn't look great I guess.
Did any other Japanese modders made any loli mods for NV even?

>> No.8349025


The new facemapping Obsidian used made it difficult to directly port anything, and it didn't attract Japanese mod-makers in the same way Oblivion or, to a lesser extent, Fallout 3 did.

Remember, people have been making smut for Oblivion for 6 years now, despite later titles looking better out of the box. It's probably an issue of familiarity.

>> No.8349050

Thank you sir. Sorry for the late response but I had to go jogging.

So basically I put that armor on and it turns me in to a little girl? Thats some magical armor. With this, I may be able to finally pirate Skyrim.

>> No.8349196

I dont think so, i guess new vegas wasnt popular in area eleven.

>> No.8349207

But oblivion lolis looked like shit. Their hips were to fat and feet to small. At least Fallout 3 had realistic looking ones, even if their faces looked bad.

>> No.8349262

I have to admit, The dub is pretty bad. I remember when they dub Ilyreth's voice, They make her sound tough and all but still talk in a lady manner like using -wa. That is bad use of characteristics.

>> No.8349300

I always HNGGG hard at the tsundere guard around 2:00.

>> No.8349327

Is skyrim betterr than oblivion?

>> No.8349332


In most ways, yes.

>> No.8349349

>tell me this does not sound better

It dosent. especially with a game that is very western in style. Normally I dont like to hear english in my anime and japanese games etc. but when it comes to stuff like this I tend to want to keep it western.

The japanese would do the same via their games

>> No.8349352

Are there any mods out yet for me to fap to?

Like, mods to make the women naked, make them hot, turn them into lolis etc.?

>> No.8349360

Apparently there is one loli mod, the one in this thread. I have not seen anything like rens beauty pack because the games structure has not been released yet, still.

Which is why the loli mod in this thread only does one piece of armor.

>> No.8349365

Creation kit is not out until sometime this months, we will still have to wait a few months until the real good mods.

>> No.8349369


So...no mods to get the women naked?

That sucks, fuck this game.

>> No.8349382

Shit sucks, I know. I am a fan of having my girls topless in these games. They rarely make a bandage bra so Topless is the best option. I like my lolis to display their heavenly buds for all to see.

>> No.8349389

The SDK for mod makers comes out this month I believe. Until then, any modifications of meshes (aka changing the shape of a body) will be limited until then.

That said, there was a nude mod within 2 days of the game coming out.

>> No.8349417

i stopped playing skyrim when i made a Nightblade,
Conjuring weapons and managing magic was an excrutiating experience. i hope the CK comes soon...

>> No.8349423


Check the nexus, half the damn mods on there right now are "NUDE EXTRA TITTIES REVEALING DRESS" mods.

This is pretty much the go-to female body mod at the moment.

>> No.8349434

Proportion-wise skyrim have them all beat I think.

>> No.8349435


And to expand, there's even nude male mods out right now.

..and unfortunately nude werewolf mods. Nude frost troll mods as well.

And going by the amount of MLP mods it's only a matter of time until a nude horse mod, if there isn't one already. Ugh.

>> No.8349439

So the construction kit isn't out yet? Is that why there are no real loli mods?

>> No.8349453

Does anyone know sites like this one: http://shy.jsphr.net/upload/upload.php?view=image&page=1

The owner recently shut it down but they hosted screen shots of oblivion mods like loli and costumes etc.

>> No.8349474

But Skyrim doesnt even have a real loli mod yet. The absence of failure does not equate to success.

>> No.8349490


Oh, I'm not a member of the nexus.

That's why I couldn't find any of the nude mods.
