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File: 12 KB, 360x299, sudo-sandwich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8340358 No.8340358[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/r9k/ here. Why don't you show us some love, /jp/? You know deep down you're just as alone and misogynist as us. And we started at the same time so we're practically brothers!

>> No.8340371

Brothers don't vanish then re-appear, also XKCD isn't funny, also it's /g/'s thing. get out. go play with your sister board /adv/

>> No.8340370

Inb4 sudo.

>> No.8340380

lol its funny because he referenced something the has to do with computers

>> No.8340382

/g/ hates xkcd. It's practically like The Big Bang Theory to them.

But xkcd is sometimes funny. Sometimes ;_;

>> No.8340375

You being lonely and uncomfortable with it doesn't mean they aren't comfortable with it.

>> No.8340385
File: 400 KB, 1600x1200, 6970827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no. You misunderstand. We love women. We just lament the current state of lack of virtue and decency, due to the recent death of God.

We need a new savior. And Richard Dawkins and Fanclub are not the path to follow.

>> No.8340388

/r9k/ is full of whiny, underage morons.


Also, put sage in the email, morons.

>> No.8340393

> DellMiniHackintosh
Holy fuck where have you been?
You were one of my favourite tripfags. I always saw you as a less obnoxious version of !4chan2arx2. Were those nudes of her really her? Was it true that MacFag died? Were you in on that? I don't visit /g/ any more. Oh my god so many questions I'M SO HAPPY THAT YOU'RE ALIVE

>> No.8340407

not really, faggot

get out of /jp/

>> No.8340396

You wish to dig yourself up and out. We wish to dig ourselves deeper. While there may be some common ground, we have vastly different ideologies. I do however use your board for blog posts from time to time.

>> No.8340400

OP, you are wonderful.♥♥
I appreciate you being so kind to me. I think you are really nice.

>> No.8340402
File: 333 KB, 1176x1100, 1309531872797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We love women.
Speak for yourself, faggot. I love cocks

>> No.8340413

Neo-/jp/er detected.
Seriously this whole cock thing is less than a year old.

>> No.8340425
File: 120 KB, 984x655, 21783316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I understand if you dislike women, my homosexual friend. No need to get angry.

But, why did you choose the picture of a female performing fellatio to express your discomfort? State your case.

>> No.8340433

THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /jp/ is for homosexuals only! homophobes and americunts go die!

>> No.8340437

Because that is a 2D female, not 3D.

If you're so starved for sex, go fuck a sack of ground beef.

>> No.8340445

But weren't you a declared heterosexual pedophile? Why the sudden interest in dicks?

You aren't trying to fit in, are you?

>> No.8340456
File: 70 KB, 448x342, 1305797198437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know? check the archives.
I've been through all kinds of hell and now find myself here, good to know I had at least one fan.

I've returned to /g/ but post infrequently,

Macfag is very much alive and now resides in the United States of America, I have no idea who !4chan2arx2 is but then again I've never been fond nor take interest in those weird triptag only types.

I hope you're doing well anon.

>> No.8340461

Because /jp/ is little girls. That was just an image representing what >>8340402 would like to do.

>> No.8340463

The homosexual thing is something that started around June where various real life gloryhole (non-Saten related) threads started and a group of people who mentioned they were visiting /jp/ started discussing them, it got worse from there.

Cocks were technically here since before, if you count things like /jp/'s little girl mansion that had optional futas.

>> No.8340470

Believe it or not, there's a difference between being alone and being lonely while complaining about it.

>> No.8340476

I love these posts.

>> No.8340472
File: 24 KB, 417x336, freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go fuck a sack of ground beef
Interesting choice of words to describe a woman's vagina.

Tell me about your mother.

>> No.8340483

> check the archives.
Too much effort. Glad to hear you're doing well! !4chan2arx2 was some girl who was actually a reasonable poster when she wasn't attention whoring (which was most of the time). She might have been before (or after) your time.

>> No.8340477

I fap to kigurumi ever since the threads started. That's more than a year for sure.
It's also important for me that kigs have dicks.
So, I love dicks and I am a classic /jp/ user. Fuck you.

>> No.8340479
File: 2 KB, 96x100, images (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Sudo to make me a sandwhich. It would taste of LOVE.

>> No.8340489

>describe a woman's vagina.

Interesting way to interpret my post. I meant the complete woman, not just the sexual organs.
They are meatbags.

>> No.8340490

Let it be restated

The whole cocks thing is less than a year old. It is by no means a representation of the userbase.

I myself am disgusted by both genitalia.

>> No.8340492

Kigs = 3D and should be banned along with idol threads.
In before semi-ironic neo-/jp/ers accuse me of being a neo-/jp/er and that all oldfag /jp/sies actually like 3DPD like the newfag neo-/jp/er hipsters that they are.
30% of those words were used ironically.

>> No.8340495

> I myself am disgusted by both genitalia.
Thank you! I've felt so very alone lately.

>> No.8340496


I agree. Bags of flesh are overrated.

However, I do find a certain kind of charm in bodily fluids.

>> No.8340498
File: 10 KB, 247x209, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so hipster you should go out and get yourself a girlfriend.

>> No.8340503

Cocks are by far the worst of the two sexual organs, but on 3D the vast bulk of both look like guro bits of some alien race. Perhaps it's the whole aging past 12 thing.

But at least our large community of fake gays keep the whiteknighting for GIRLS ON THE INTERNET to a minimum, so I don't see much of a problem with them being here.

And sure OP, we're alone. But whether we like being that way or not, I think we all find it preferable to the alternative.

>> No.8340502
File: 213 KB, 800x650, 12662869_big_p12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, /jp/. As morals degrade over time, so do the tendencies and tastes of people. Women are living in an age with increased sexual freedom that was only available to men in the past. While this may be reproachable by the more moralistic, these are the signs of our time. We must see beyond our own selfishness and accept this. This is, as you soon will realize, unavoidable.

But fear not, once people fall into debauchery, they will attempt to return to their previous state, and this change will be aided by religion. Have hope.

>> No.8340505

Somebody once posted a thread saying that /jp/, /r9k/, and /adv/ were all the same. According to someone in /adv/, this isn't the case, even though a lot of the userbase is what society would term losers, the difference is that /jp/ (pretends it) doesn't care, /r9k/ wallows in it, and /adv/ actively tries to improve.

Somebody from /r9k/ said that /jp/ doesn't give a fuck, /r9k/ shares stories and commiserates, and /adv/ whines.

Somebody from /jp/ said that all three boards are shit.

>> No.8340508

I'm guessing after, I was on /g/ from 2007 or 2008 I believe.
Well I'm not doing fine anon, to summarize:

- I traveled with a god among men, to the point where my tales could make a wonderful VN
- We ran out of money and got screwed on a job, he spent every last penny we had getting me home from Canada where we ended up after our year long trek around the world
- He got back on his feet but decided to try to enter North Korea, there has been no contact since, not even to his mother back in Sweden.
- I couldn't and still cannot find a job and am on anti-depressants, sleeping on a friends couch for over a year who I know by now hates me despite being pretty much her personal maid
- My family deny my existence and barely speak to me, I got neither a merry christmas nor a happy new year from them, 2 years in a row
- On NYE my friend came back drunk and openly declared she hated me and hoped that I'd and I quote "Just die because you make me feel miserable just looking at you"

pretty much it in a nutshell, see the archives, I promise you my posts won't let you down for entertainment value.

>> No.8340510

I may do. But only ironically (I use the word "ironically" as a deconstruction of mainstream, contemporary irony [these two asides are SUPPOSED to be meta]).

>> No.8340518

Fuck you bro. I'm too underground to get a girlfriend - fucking everyone does that. Love is completely mainstream, don't know if you've noticed but 99% of all songs are about it. I can't even say I had a girlfriend before it was popular because it's pretty much been watered-down popular trash for as far as I can remember.

>> No.8340519

I don't believe you unless you link to every reported post.

>> No.8340515

>/r9k/ here
>29 responses

Reported. Every single one of you.

>> No.8340524

Wow, that sounds both great and terrible at the same time. I think being a shut-in has warped my perspective a little...shouldn't you be famous or something for this? I don't know.
I may do some searching later. I hope things work out for you!

>> No.8340520

You are unfunny, in a non-ironical way.

>> No.8340531

>But only ironically
I never implied it in any different way. Go do it, anonymous, I believe in you. You can push the irony to the max.
