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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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83315 No.83315 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't there any "real" books that are as interesting as for example FSN, Higurashi, Tsukihime, or various so called light novels, etc.?
Sure all those aren't LOLDEEP and PHILOSOPHICAL like "real" books, but much more interesting. Note that I'm strictly talking about fiction, not non-fiction books, which can also be really good)
Pic related, since it's from the shitty anime adaption of a good light novel.

>> No.83475
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The Taste of a Tsundere.

Also <--

>> No.83504
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>Why aren't there any "real" books that are as interesting as for example FSN, Higurashi, Tsukihime, or various so called light novels, etc.?

>> No.83508
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>>Why aren't there any "real" books that are as interesting as for example FSN, Higurashi, Tsukihime, or various so called light novels, etc.?

>> No.83573
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>Books = boring
>That's why people don't read them

>> No.83984
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Some people just can't appreciate fine literature.

>> No.84503
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>> No.85119
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>>This leads to the protagonist being an indecisive womanizer who has half a dozen girls gagging for his dick, with him being oblivious or indifferent to all of them.

>> No.85438
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Not me, I just remember Balzac with his jaws of death.

>> No.85976
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Iz dis soem book thread?

Fuck yeah!
Why hasn't ASOIAF been mentioned yet?
sorry, I gotta run, I have to go fuck my sister <span class="spoiler" onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFF';" onmouseout="this.style.color=this.style.backgroundColor='#000'" style="color:#000;background:#000"></span>

>> No.86011
File: 404 KB, 585x900, 1204065392386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah! ASOIAF

Have some Victarion.

>> No.83344

"Real" Books that you guys are being exposed to in most stores are garbage written by infantile "wordsmiths/authors" such as Laurel K. Hamilton or J.K. Rowling...

The good stuff is stampeded over and left to some dark and musty corner of a library.

>> No.83399

Discard your aversion to non-fiction and go read everything ever written by Hunter S. Thompson. Start with Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and then work your way through the many volumes of The Gonzo Papers. Not only will you be highly entertained, but you will be a new (and frequently bizarre) view of 30 years of American history and politics.

>> No.83423

You're really quite wrong that "real" books are all 'LOLDEEP' and 'PHILOSOPHICAL'. Catch-22 is primarily a very well written satirical comedy.

I agree that it's depressing that so many people overlook the work of so many good writers, but I don't feel capable of criticising them. They're making the choice they feel will benefit them most, and for that I can't say they're doing the wrong thing.

Us literate anons, perhaps we should begin actively promoting good reading materials.

>> No.83430

a clockwork orange- Burgess
Naked Lunch - Burroughs
Ada - Nabokov
The Mysterious Stranger - Twain
The Castle - Kafka
Woman in the Dunes - Abe Kobo
We - Zamyatin

Read these and get back to me.

>> No.83440

I'll take any opportunity to plug the works of Iain (M) Banks.

but since we're in JP, is there any good, hard japanese sci-fi?
i'm meaning to pick up crest of the stars, but i'm wondering if any more 'serious' works have been translated, or even exist.

>> No.83437

>Why aren't there any "real" books that are as interesting as for example FSN, Higurashi, Tsukihime, or various so called light novels, etc.?
You are everything that is wrong with society.

>> No.83446

Oh yeah. Listen to this man, he's got his shit in order.

I'd recommend OP to start with The Rum Diary, which despite being fiction, explains a lot about who he is and gives a concise overview of his style.

>> No.83474


>> No.83483

I remember the Anime adaptation of Starship Troopers being a whole lot better and closer to the book than the terrible live action US movie. Too bad it wasn't animated well.

>> No.83511

What is Japanese fiction like? Beyond manga or light novels, but their novels in general, I mean. Are they currently following the same genres that Western writers are using?, and such literary matters.

>> No.83525


samurais. thousands of samurais.

>> No.83532

I think you just made me hate /jp/.

>> No.83539

Books = boring

That's why people don't read them

But I agree, non-fiction books can be quite interesting

>> No.83588

>Books = boring
if only i had paper mastery to torture you into taking that back..

books are great, i'm someone who even found textbooks interesting :(

>> No.83589

This thread really makes me hate people.

>> No.83585

hello thar nigger

>> No.83594

Good lord.

I bet you also find subbed anime hard because all the long words.

>> No.83600

Sauce on OP pic?

>> No.83616


Holy shit.

>> No.83617

>Why aren't there any "real" books that are as interesting as for example FSN, Higurashi, Tsukihime, or various so called light novels, etc.?

Because you're a damn weeaboo that's why. I bet you didn't even bother reading before saying shit.

>> No.83631


Out of the Kafka books you picked The Castle, Anonymous I commend you on your good taste.

>> No.83646

Harry Potter

>> No.83651

kaze no stigma

>> No.83670


What's with all the moralfags today?
Please answer two questions:

1) What do I lose by not reading some boring fiction book? How would my life improve if I wasted 9000 hours reading through all the useless crap you consider mandatory reading?

2) Why does it bother you so much that people choose not to waste their time on pointless shit?

>> No.83679

You don't gain anything from watching anime and surfing 4chan either.

Maybe you should quit that as well and go do something with your life.

>> No.83684


1. if it takes you 9000 hours go learn english again, clearly your doing something wrong
2. because literature is like art, it expands your horizons, teaches you, empowers your imagination... and gives the occasional sordid interlude

>> No.83698

A well-hidden troll.

>> No.83701




>> No.83717

>What's with all the moralfags today?

Underage b& or troll. Or maybe both.

>> No.83726

>You don't gain anything from watching anime and surfing 4chan either.
If I didn't get anything from surfing 4chan, I wouldn't be surfing it.

>because literature is like art, it expands your horizons, teaches you, empowers your imagination... and gives the occasional sordid interlude
I assume you're speaking for yourself. That's great. But that doesn't explain as to why you people have this compulsion to BAWWW whenever somebody tells you they have different interests. Grow up.

>> No.83727

lol i remember when i used to lick my girlfriend... ages ago...


>> No.83743


Just GTFO kid.

>> No.83761

I tend to raise an eyebrow now and then when I notice someone's complete banality.

>> No.83781

Sort of like it is in other places. There are of course authors who write "popular fiction" in all sorts of genres, although the "light novel" is sort of taking over here and is unique to Japan.

As far as literature goes, most Japanese fiction is highly technical and often historical. They often tell stories about human nature or life through a main character's point of view or personal experiences (again, often in a historical context).

Personally I think it gets a little old and, well, boring. If you want some interesting literature (or not literature, depending on who you ask), read some Murakami. Most of his books are available in English from all kinds of bookstores.

>> No.83784

I guess you haven't graduated grammar school so you know nothing yet. Or you are trolling.

creepy: Lovecraft, Kafka. Leave all those shitty Steven King books where they are.

funny AND philosophical: Douglas Adams - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

pretty much everything by Mark Twain.

since we are on /jp/, Yokio Mishima is a MUST, especially "The sailor who fell from grace with the Sea".

Gustave Flaubert's Salammbo. Anything by Guy de Maupassant.

Poetry by Rimbaud.

now STOP trolling and start reading.

>> No.83798

I've never read a light novel before, how many drawings are there actually in one? Is it like, occasionally there's an illustration or is it like every other page?

>> No.83802

I don't think you had a girlfriend. Enjoy licking your figures.

Seconding Lovecraft and Douglas Adams. Anyone who has not read the Hitchhiker's Guide series is a sub-human morlock.

>> No.83799

>now STOP trolling and start reading

Since nobody bothered to answer my questions, at first I thought I'd repeat them again. But then I decided to settle for this:


>> No.83804

Obvious troll.

>> No.83814

Really varies by title. Welcome to the NHK doesn't have any, but the Shana books have a decent number. But they aren't like those Great Illustrated Classics you read in elementary school that had an illustration for every page of text.

>> No.83855

I shudder to think how in the future 100 years from now total crap like J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter will probably be considered classical children's literature.

>> No.83859

To stay in the contemporaneous literature, an author that I like a lot is J. M. Coetzee, he is laconic and misanthropic like most of us.

>> No.83953


i always thought light novels looked a lot like teenage fiction that i used to read

>> No.83970

So much fail here.

>> No.84016

Think of the illustrations as those event CGs in visual novels.

>> No.84162

Disregarding the mega-faggotry in the OP, are there any good books that are written in the same narrational style and/or subject matter as visual novel stuff. Yes, I might be talking about either romance or incest or whatnot here, your pick, really.

I think this is a valid question. I've read huge amounts of books, but what made me like some VNs, say, Kana or Planetarian, is that their style of narrative was rather unlike I had ever seen printed on paper. They carried rather heavy emotional impact for being as clumsy as they were.

Which brings us to another point, looking at the two former instances, as much as I liked them, their literary quality - or the literary quality of any VN I've read is seriously lacking. I'm talking about the basic flow of text or handling of characters, pretty much every aspect save for simple dialogue. All VN's I've read have been somehow flat or shallow (not neccessarily shallow in the traditional sense).

So, /jp/, prove your literary worth, recommend me something that combines the better parts of good literature and good VN trash. In an earlier thread this question was posed, there was a recommendation for one book, but I've forgotten what it was and this seriously bugs me.

>> No.84422

I think that's rather a problem with the translation than with the original script.
Think about it, those translating this shit are high school weeaboo kids, not professional writers/translators.

>> No.84434

I think that's rather the fault of the translation than the original script.
Think about it, those translating this shit are high school weeaboo kids, not professional writers/translators.

>> No.84460

The real reason why VNs feel deeper is because you get choices that impact the story, and you are influenced by the writing to make up another half of the story in your head.

The better your imagination, the more you make up about the VN you're reading at the time besides what is actually there. Beyond that, its a sexual fantasy, appealing to your most base natures.

Your beast is being fed.

>> No.84478


As a writer, I think the problem with a lot of visual novels is they rely too much on the illustrations to make up for the writing or the story. As with any good story, if all the components work together, you're gonna get something amazing. A method of story can only be as effective as the person who uses it.

>> No.84501

Eh, haven't translators said that Nasu's style of writing is odd to begin with? I mean, I fucking loved Tsukihime, but it is quite clunky at times.

The fantranslations at least had a bit more effort into them than any of the official VN releases here (i.e. Ever17).

>> No.84506

>rely too much on the illustrations

How many VNs have you played? Screw that, if you've played tsukihime you know that even subpar art can do quite well. Its a placemat for your imagination, gets the motor running so to speak.

At least thats how it works for me, characterization is impossible simply via images, granted humans are 50% visual sense.

>> No.84512

>I think the problem with a lot of visual novels
>is they rely too much on the illustrations to
>make up for the writing or the story

I belive that's the point

>> No.84631

This is pretty dead on. A good VN encourages you to heavily immerse yourself in its world and characters. The protagonist is usually just a faceless and generic proxy to stand in for you. The heroines are designed specifically to make you explain "That's my wife!" or "Moe moe!" and fall in love with them. And of course the sexual appeal goes without saying.

That feeling that the story itself is flat and shallow is not incorrect. Even the best VN's out there - To Heart, Kanon, etc - although they're wonderfully fun, heart-warming stories (and I'm a gigantic To Heart fanboy) they have the literary depth of a puddle. As much as I love Tama-nee, To Heart 2 is not "A Man in Full", nor is it meant to be. In a hundred years, people will still know who Tom Sawyer was, but the name Hakuoro will have long since faded into the recesses of time.

So >>84162, you want a book that reads like Faulkner, but has some cute school girl getting it in the pooper? The Canterbury Tales is a good place to start. It is one of the definite pieces of English literature, and contains a surprising amount of sodomy.

Or, if by the better aspect of VN's, you meant the visceral feeling of involvement with the story, I will once again recommend the works of Hunter S. Thompson. The Gonzo style of journalism he pioneered was all about making yourself a part of the action and reporting exactly what you're experiencing and feeling as it progresses - rather than trying to decipher it all with the rosetta stone of hindsight after the fact. It's hilarious stuff, and peppered with nuggets of insight about the American social landscape.

>> No.84725

>Why aren't there any "real" books that are as interesting as for example FSN, Higurashi, Tsukihime, or various so called light novels, etc.?
There's no point in even discussing this, since it's so subjective.

>> No.84788


Honestly, I usually hate the romance bullshit in most VNs (especially Ever17, but I can forgive that one for the mindfuck that Coco's route gave), but yeah, the immersion is a pivotal effect that VNs have. I guess this is why most of them don't quite translate too well into animes. It just doesn't transmit the same emotion in say, whenever Shiki goes batshit insane, if it's not through his warped perspective on things.

>> No.84877

>>84631 here.
I really should have used "Bonfire of the Vanities" as an example, since "A Man in Full" wasn't nearly as good. But I digress...

This whole discussion really boils down to "real literature" versus "pulp" - where "pulp" is reading material that is fun, engaging, and enjoyable, but is not going to be required reading in high school or college. Of course, where the line between "pulp" and "real literature" is drawn is pure subjective.

If you want serious classical literature read:
The Iliad and The Odyssey
The Canterbury Tales
Pretty much anything by Shakespeare (King Lear in particular)
The Divine Comedy (find a good verse translation from a scholarly source like Oxford or Cambridge)
The short stories of O'Henry (which are frequently humorous)

For more modern stuff:

>> No.85006

In terms of immersiveness of the characters(even the main character tends to have a strong personality, thus of course being a less of a proxy to the player) and world, Nitroplus' visual novels are still the best.

But even then something like Gekkou no Carnivale and Jingai Makyou are still pure pulp, male power fantasies at their best.

>> No.85032

Definitely. When you're just watching instead of interacting, that level of immersion is gone. But another big part of the problem is the way in which they're adapted. Your typical high school romance VN has a story that boils down to "which girl do you want to J-J-JAM IT IN to." And the TV adaptation invariably tries to incorporate all of the different routes into one. This leads to the protagonist being an indecisive womanizer who has half a dozen girls gagging for his dick, with him being oblivious or indifferent to all of them. Furthermore, it is usually painfully obvious who the primary heroine is, so the ending is known right from the start, effectively making 95% of the show into filler.

What I would like to see done, is have a show follow the Higurashi format: make each story arc totally independent. Upon its conclusion, reset time back to some neutral beginning point, and do it over again with a different girl. This allows each girl to have a fully-fleshed path, and would be especially useful for a series like Tsukihime where the girls have wildly different progression paths that are all mutually exclusive. And, instead of the protagonist being an indecisive faggot, he is actually pursuing one of the girls directly, instead of building a harem that will ultimately amount to nothing.

>> No.85137

God a Tsukihime anime WITH seperate paths would be great. Though they would probably shaft Kohaku again ;_;

>> No.85166

You know what?

They should do an OVA of Kohakus path. Straight up, no filler, no bullshit. There is a market for it, everyone knows it.

>> No.85183

OP here.
Actually I didn't mean bullshit dating games like To Heard or whatever. Seriously, those are worse than most fiction books.
I mean plot driven stuff with an interesting and compex story that keeps you hooked.
Definitely not those games where the girls and/or porn are the only selling point.

>> No.85198

Read Musashi. It's actually a very good book, and because it's japanese, it's relevant.

>> No.85233

Japanese people don't write real philosophical books. It's all pseudo-philosophy and emotastic introspection.

As to all the supposedly deep American books mentioned in this thread... The author is either on drugs or an idiot. Very few of them have any real intellectual content. You simply aren't well read enough, or discerning enough to realize this. Go read some philosophical texts.

>> No.85267

>on drugs
Does that make their opinion suddenly invalid because they've taken a mind-altering substance? if anything, it allows people to think of things that they normally wouldn't?

>> No.85276

>The Great Gatsby

Funny, I had to read this twice. What a piece of shit. This is why I will never read anything by an American author ever again.

>> No.85284

I second this motion. I couldn't be arsed to slog through the game because I was only interested in Kohaku. The thought of having to grind through Arc, Curry Ass, etc, just to get to get to Kohaku was disheartening. Especially since Nasu's writing is long-winded, to put it nicely. I guess I could have just fast-forwarded through everything, but I didn't want to miss any scenes with my lovely psychotic wife in them.

A Flower of Thanatos OVA is fine to.

>> No.85300

Well that's not very nice.

>> No.85296

Yes it does.

>> No.85310

To be honest though, VN are basically "Choose your own adventure" books, only digital.

Doesn't make them bad though.

Good Books I recommend:

Anything by Kafka
The Sandman by E.T.A. Hoffmann
Men of Straw by.. was it Klaus Mann?
Faust part 1 + 2 by Goethe
All Quiet on The Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
Berlin Alexanderplatz by Alfred Döblin
Life of Galilei by Bertolt Brecht

>> No.85315

300 get, also your a fag

>> No.85327

you're an even fucking bigger faggot for thinking that was a 300get

>> No.85338

Maybe if you weren't on drugs...

>> No.85343

Hey look, 85338 get!

>> No.85348

What classifies as a powerful-enough substance to invalidate someone's opinion? Crack? LSD? Alcohol? Because Alcohol is certainly a mind-warping substance, and plenty of authors were alcoholics - Poe and Hemingway, for example.

>I just finished Philosophy 140 at college and think I'm the only person in the world who ever read Plato's Allegory of a Cave.

>> No.85360

"Today he was going on and on about how Plato's cave shadows themselves represent the ideal foundation of Western philosophical thought," said freshman Julia Wald moments after class let out Monday. "I have no idea what Plato's ideal reality is, but I bet it doesn't include know-it-all little shits."

>> No.85374

I'm a graduate Philosophy student. kthnx

Poetry is meaningless fluff btw, not worth the paper it's written on.

>> No.85382

Most authors have made interesting books... BECAUSE they are nutjobs somewhere.

Balzac was a caffeine addict.
Kafka was a nerd.
Nietzsche was batshit insane.
Ayn Rand was a self-rightous bitch.

>> No.85384

sry g2g to my Philosophical Problems of Artificial Intelligence class...bye bye

>> No.85386

>Poetry is meaningless fluff btw, not worth the paper it's written on.


>> No.85403

Good for you. Now let's stop derailing this thread. You, me, and everyone who ever did anything is clearly a Nazi. There. Godwin's Law has been invoked, so now the conversation can get back on track.

>> No.85404

Depends. Poems can be very interesting if the content and rhymes are executed well. And IF the topic is interesting. Poems concentrating on Nature or Love are boring, because there are so many of them.

>> No.85422

Everyone snickers like an eight-year-old when they hear the name Balzac. Everyone.

>> No.85418

>To be honest though, VN are basically "Choose your own adventure" books, only digital.

some of them are, some of them aren't. i haven't played very many, but they break down like this:

kana imouto, like you describe
utawarerumono, one route, your choices don't seem to do much
tsukihime, different routes, but the choices you make once you pick a route don't do much except send you to a BAD END. basically once you pick a route your choices don't mean much

i think the point of giving the player (false) choices is just to immerse him more

>> No.85452

God. Damn. This is the first time I realize it. It even works in German!

>> No.85767


Ok, I'm >>84162, thanks for the tips. You seem to know what you're talking about. I added the whole Gonzo papers and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas into my queue. Of course, my reading/watching/playing -queue is by now far longer than I have life left (and I'm 26), but dividing entertainment into those that are recommendable and those that are not is always a good thing.

> This whole discussion really boils down to "real literature" versus "pulp" - where "pulp" is reading material that is fun, engaging, and enjoyable, but is not going to be required reading in high school or college. Of course, where the line between "pulp" and "real literature" is drawn is pure subjective.

An old subject of debate. Although your classification of 'pulp' is rather weird one. As I see it, pulp as a literary style is a product of the thirties and forties. It mostly means crime, horror, science fiction or fantasy literature and short stories. Kind of similiar to the 'giallo' or 'yellow' literature of Italy most of us have seen in the form of innumerous 70's italian exploitation films. Pulp was mostly cynical, nihilistic and blunt, without aiming for any specific moral high ground and as thus was a counter to the general optimism of the mainstream entertainment literature. To see what I mean, read Lovecraft, or as I'm just currently getting into, Howard.

That said, I read literature for it's entertainment value. Being profound or 'high arts' may or may not come with it. When I talked about the shallow presentation of VNs, I was referring purely to the technical aspect of their writing.

> 1984, Lolita, Anything by Kurt Vonnegut

I've read these, were very much awesome.

> Anything by William Faulkner, Bonfire of the Vanities,, Atlas Shrugged, The Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.85774

Continuing from >>85767

>>84631 So >>84162, you want a book that reads like Faulkner, but has some cute school girl getting it in the pooper?

Actually this WAS closer to my original request than first-person on-the-spot narrative style. When I requested a book that reads like a good VN, I was aiming for the way the formenetiond VNs (i.e. Kana and Planetarian) were able to make me care for their characters. To elaborate, I'll have to admit that I have played Tsukihime, but the porn scenes were such a ridiculous turnoff that I went to download real porn instead, fapped to it and returned to the game later to repeat this at the next scene (and eventually stopped playing).

So, point being, no matter how many books I've read, I haven't to the date read a single romance story that has had me care about the couple in question. Some notable exceptions have managed to get me hate the bitch or dick in question, but never the other way around. I don't want to think it takes imagery of a crying, dying little sister you have the choise of having an incestous relationship with to make me feel anything. instead, I've just haven't been reading books that concentrate on this seriously at all.

Okay, >>84631, your call.

>> No.85822

This thread reminds me of how much I want a /lit/ imageboard.

And now I regret for not even suggesting it to moot.

>> No.85925

Very true about the classical meaning of "pulp", and I've read a good bit of Lovecraft. However, I contend that the term can be applied to modern mainstream fiction, and I'd rather use it then "trade paperback" which sounds so soulless and politically correct. I would use it to describe things like Star Wars novels, Forgotten Realms, Stephen King, everything ever published by Harlequin, and so forth. Entertainment for its own sake, with varying degrees of trashiness. But certainly, if you've got a better term for modern throwaway-fiction, I'd be open to suggestions.

Hmm, a novel focused primarily on a love story with a healthy supply of pathos that doesn't suck. That's actually a pretty tough request. I'm looking through my bookshelves, but I can't find anything that fits the bill. It's not a book, but go watch Casablanca. It's a movie, but I think it's exactly the sort of thing you're looking for. Plus, it's the best movie ever made.

Which reminds me: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre and The Maltese Falcon are both awesome books. Awesome movies to.

>> No.85945

I want to, but someone did, and Moot doesn't want. Enjoy your trains.

>> No.85958

Why would you need a literature imageboard? Going to be flooding threads with book covers? There's a textboard.

>> No.85967

Nobody use texboards.

>> No.85970

Yeah, I agree that a /lit/ imageboard would be kinda silly. Too bad no one actually uses the text boards. Even news4VIP is a barren desert.

>> No.85991


>> No.85986

Asoiaf would make a good animu come to think of it.

>> No.85999

thank you for your very helpful comment.

>> No.86048

The same could be basically said about /mu/, yet it is there.

>> No.86085

This thread is so fucking stupid

The OP is just another weeabo who doesn't read anything and chucks them up as BORING. Yet we get a bunch of morons trying to sound intelligent by giving pointless recommendations

>> No.86533

The only intelligent Anon here.

>> No.87866

>Go read some philosophical texts.
Because philosophical text = gud lol mirite?
Because knowing some ill-thought-out shit like the Chinese Room argument automatically makes me a better person.

>> No.90155


and sauce

>> No.90163

>nobody use textboards

Except the jappos.

>> No.90179

other than boku no bibletoads, what is the OP pic from?

>> No.90237

Ethan Frome. It helps you realize that you'll never amount to anything in life and how to learn to accept that.
