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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8329818 No.8329818 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.8329872

Still can't play broken fucking netplay here.

Real caster when?

>> No.8329887

Why can't I use MBAA Mk2.exe with the custom config from MBAA-NET.exe?

>> No.8329932

Change MK2's name to MBAARev.1.1crack

>> No.8330245


>> No.8330274

sf4 anyone?

>> No.8330331


>> No.8330563


>> No.8330610
Bad and Learning Tier

>> No.8330632

Whoever just joined, Please Do Not run the game in a high resolution and turn your effects off.
Menu lag is caused by you running the game higher than minimum, don't make excuses either.

>> No.8330674

I'm at 640x480, everything off. It plays fine offline and netplay with other people. i5 2500k, 560Ti. Sure it's not you, bro?

>> No.8330708

maybe one of you has a shitty internet connection/on wireless/shitty isp/someone dl/up/didn't portforward/NOT IN THE SAME REGION

>> No.8330711

Considering I netplayed this game for two days with most games smooth yes I'm sure its not me.

>> No.8330720

Oh, you're right, Steam was downloading stuff. My bad.

>> No.8330723

new tier here Europe
preferably other new tier players

>> No.8330754
Bad and Learning Tier

>> No.8330762

oh shit son
whoever just joined me

>> No.8330801


This still depends on the person's PC more than anything else. If someone gets any kind of slowdown whatsoever in single-player, they should drop down their settings until they don't. If you can run it in 1920x1080 with all effects and no issues, then it's fine to play multiplayer like that. With all the testing I've done with a group of people, this is pretty much confirmed.

>> No.8330825

my game screen size is 640x480
please, whoever tries to join my game, make sure to have the same resolution.

>> No.8330838
West Coast, playing a few matches

>> No.8330920

who's this guy who keeps joining my game and disconnects after stage select?

>> No.8330934

Looks like the game doesn't want us to play against each other.

>> No.8330940

We might have to select another stage. Random select seems to crash.

>> No.8330962

Anyone hosting from Europe?

>> No.8331021

Anyone hosting from asia or australia... Uncle Mugen wants to play but cannot host

>> No.8331036

Sorry, couldn't do much and I gotta find a friend.

>> No.8331043
File: 47 KB, 640x480, ghettostick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you like this!

>> No.8331044

OK let's try it the other way around and I'll host...

I set my screen at 640 x 480 and to anyone joining please set your screen to same so we are same screen...

>> No.8331055

Not working.

>> No.8331063

Can you host?
I wait...

>> No.8331065

What happened mugen? Have you been smuggling onions online?

>> No.8331067


It's an abomination.

>> No.8331068

So ghetto
I love it.

>> No.8331097

Hosting EU

>> No.8331140

Agh... unless I can copy-paste at mach speeds... every single IP posted here will instantaneously be "already-in-game"... not my day today I guess...

I'll try sometime later...

>> No.8331164
Rusty as hell.

>> No.8331167

I would happily host but everytime I do, I get messages that I can't understand.

>> No.8331174

How does the translation work? Just unzip the files into my MBAACC folder?

>> No.8331178


>> No.8331180

i wanna suck your dick so bad

>> No.8331182

Sorry for playing like an asshole, I haven't been playing for a while and I had a few problems with Arc.

>> No.8331185
US east coast, florida
i'm awful

>> No.8331186

Information folder

>> No.8331197

No problem, I was trying to do some stuff but failed badly.

>> No.8331199

anyone knows what that errors mean?
0002-0005-0000-0000 and
0002-0701-0000-274D ?

>> No.8331224

EU, Standard res no filters.

I'm a big scrub, and can't get any better, so expect an easy opponent.

>> No.8331227

GGs Usagi

>> No.8331230

Mugen, that 13 delay was horrible for me.
Rehosting, East cost, rusty as hell.

>> No.8331235

Nice game... apologies for spamming low attacks... I must take advantage of the lag in order to win...

>> No.8331237

4000 combo, wtf man

>> No.8331245

Gotta reduce that damage bro, also loads of them were invalid combos.

>> No.8331256
East coast, scrub tier.

>> No.8331263

East Cost
Rusty as hell.

>> No.8331273

>4000 combo, wtf man
That's... pretty average. Some characters can top 5,000 easily.

>> No.8331282

i hardly get to 3400 with acrueld

>> No.8331321

Think we desynced. Good games.

>> No.8331327

You too. Kept dropping those air combos like crazy.

>> No.8331331

Which moon? If you're playing C-Arc, just stop and pick someone else, 'cause her combos are a bitch. I think H and F have easier combos, though. If you can't get them to break 3400, you can always look combos up online. Melty bread has decent threads on certain characters, and you can always look back at MBAA since most of the combos carry over.

>> No.8331338

That's 'cause Arcueid is all about the corner combo. She easily does 5-6k in the corners. And by easy, I mean fairly hard links and loops. I wouldn't use her without lots of fighting game experience. Use Half Red Arc instead. 5BCA6AA623Bj.BCj.BC Airthrow for 4.5k easy.

>> No.8331343

thanks for advices

>> No.8331361

Thing is, lots of Arcueid's power is from her 5CC special cancel that positions her for a corner combo. To follow up that 5CC, though, requires that you know her very well, enough to instantly know which attack to use, whether to dash, etc, depending on your range and the enemy hitbox.

>> No.8331377

holy shit im getting easy 3600 with Half Red Arc

>> No.8331381

Wait, sorry, I think it's 623A, actually. I think 623B takes you too far that you can't combo unless you're in the corner. Do a 623A after the 6AA.

>> No.8331390

Rusty as hell.

>> No.8331396

Yeah, first timer here. I tried, and as with pretty much all fighters I've played, I failed horribly. Is there some good video tutorial or something? Which character should I start with? What on earth do those Crescent, Half Moon and Full Moon things mean?

>> No.8331402 US East
New to this game

>> No.8331403

Yeah, Warc is one of the easiest to use. If you aren't close enough to 6AA, you can do something like 5B2BC5Cj.BCj.BC airthrow. Also, end your blockstrings fairly safely with 214A. The best thing to do, though, is to save your 5A and cancel into that after you can't use another normal and instantly go back. Whiff cancel 5A is amazing on Warc. Plus, if you get a hit you can just go 5A6AA at any time and combo.

>> No.8331408

Crescent = Normal. How things were in Act Cadenza.
Full = Stronger but generally less reach and speed
Half = The opposite of full.

>> No.8331415

213. 089. 120. 133
come at me

>> No.8331419

I got a link error, did you forward your ports?

>> No.8331420

Halfmoon is more rushdown, Fullmoon is more defensive, Crescentmoon is balanced. Play H-Warc or C-Len. Easy mode combos and fairly good damage.

>> No.8331426

Let's try this again...

EU, Standard res no filters.

big scrub, will be an easy opponent.

>> No.8331443


>> No.8331463

Oh I typed in your IP wrong but I got a massive delay, even though I'm from the east coast as well. Sorry.

>> No.8331477

Think we desinc'd.
I've had a ton of experience with nero from MBAC, just so you know.
Rehosting one final time, my thumbs are almost done for.

>> No.8331503

Sorry, man, that last game was unplayble with all the stutter lag. I think you're dropping packets. Are you on wireless?

>> No.8331513


Yeah, that's probably why it's all messed up. It's all I really have though, may be better if I skip out on netplay for now. I don't want to win just because of heavy lag because I barely even know how to play.

>> No.8331516

A bit laggy despite a 6 delay.
that's it for me, my thumbs are done.

>> No.8331522

>Are you on wireless?
Yeah, sorry about that. I don't have trouble with lag in other games, but MBCC seems to hate me. I have framerate issues for no apparent reason.

>> No.8331537
NA EC only
"learning fryougi, will switch to main if I get buttdevastated" tier

>> No.8331538

I have similar issues on wireless. Someone I had a 2-3 delay with on MBAC is a 9 delay with spikes on MBAACC and it's completely unplayable except for other people on my coast.

>> No.8331546

can anybody explain magic circuit and guard? what is "reduce" "heat" "blood heat" and all that stuff please

>> No.8331557

Too much lag sorry.

>> No.8331580 Europe.

>> No.8331583
File: 585 KB, 768x1024, 1316628854812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am new to fighters so I am wondering how long I should practice a combo, how long before I can just start doing it like if it was second nature? Any tips regarding this would be appreciated .

>> No.8331600

Magic Circuit is your specials bar.
Guard is... fuck do I have to explain this one?
Heat is a mode you can enter after gaining at least 100% Magic Circuit. You recover chip damage at a slow rate and can use EX Edges (Specials) and Arc Drives (Special EX Edges, only usable in MAX, Heat or Blood Heat).
Blood Heat is more powerful Heat, can only be entered from MAX magic circuit. For the duration, you recover chip damage quite fast, and have unlimited use of EX edges. Arc Drives will end MAX, HEAT, and BLOOD HEAT (Using it in MAX will leave you with 100% left).
In blood heat, arc drives are significantly stronger, and you can use something called a Last Arc. I won't explain it, as you should really learn the basics before you attempt it.

>> No.8331603

Warui ne?

>> No.8331604

Get off wireless or get a better computer, Brofisto. Also, this isn't Street Fighter, divekicks are ass.


Read the wiki for almost everything.

>> No.8331609


so what i'm gathering from here is that:
set to high priority
if quad core set affinity to cpu 0 and 1
dual core set cpu 0
disable aero
TcpAckFrequency on (but from google searching it seems it doesn't work well on vista/7)
turn off stage animations
when frames are dropping at character select/victory screens switch back and forth from mbaa to other windows while running in windowed mode

>> No.8331611

I said NA EC only, Mexico is not part of the East Coast.


>> No.8331620

This only seems to help people with shitty quads and duals, AMD to be specific and older Intels, I have an i7 and this thing never lags and I've only had the lag in select screen with some people who probably have shitty computers.

>> No.8331634

You should work on combos more. Your footsies are fine, but it looks like you aren't sure which moves are overhead and which are low. Gonna get some food. Be back later.

>> No.8331656

Thanks, havent played AC in a while, and I just started aa yesterday for a few hours before leaving.

>> No.8331667 US Midwest
Don't know if this'll work.

>> No.8331673

GGs Arcade.


>> No.8331674


>> No.8331686

Never tried netplay but here goes nothing, - West coast, Beginner tier

>> No.8331693

I never play any anime fighters before, what character is best to start with? I picked Nero and easily doing 3k+ damage combos

>> No.8331697

Thought it would get better after the character select but that was straight up unplayable.

Use http://www.mediafire.com/?nyrh2zz3p80fhz7..
Someone already joined.

>> No.8331701

C-Nanaya is a pretty good starter character. But really, just choose a character you like and mess with them in training for a bit.

>> No.8331708

california never play before and spend like 5 minutes in training mode

>> No.8331711

Trying to host again. I got stuck in some sort of network information loop. If I get stuck again, I'll give up after 10 minutes.
Midwest US (NM)

>> No.8331736

rehosting at EU

>> No.8331737

GGs 1. First day playing, lol.

>> No.8331746

ggs. sorry for keeping you so long. the connection was really good and i wanted to get some time in. my hand is really tired now though so i had to close it out

>> No.8331747

why is this shit so laggy?

>> No.8331749

noob here,

what does "link error" mean?

>> No.8331756

Had to disconnect, after the first round you won it started getting really laggy and just kept getting worse.

>> No.8331761

Naw dude, I had fun. First, time using Kohaku + Mech in VS and I learned so much.

>> No.8331769
File: 201 KB, 694x563, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in another information loop. Anyone know what's up with this?

>> No.8331773

GGs Shizumi(? didn't get your name before you left).

You should learn one character and stick to it.


>> No.8331775

Hosting East Coast shit tier

>> No.8331777

Seriously poniwurst, have you set the resolution to 640x480?
My internet is fine and we have 5 delay. It shouldn't be lagging like this.

>> No.8331778

very shitty netcode
it is possible to get some good matches though

>> No.8331786

yeah sorry about that not sure why its laggy it was great for the beginning of the match then went to shit.

>> No.8331804
West coast.
640x480 window mode, no effects. Let's see if this helps the netplay

>> No.8331805 can east

>> No.8331808


dunno what's happening man. I played with few Eu players already with perfect connecion:(

>> No.8331818

Hosting East coast, Okay tier

>> No.8331837

i was the nero that connected to you im west coast too don't why the netcode is so shitty.

>> No.8331849

This netplay is dumb, just the other day I could play with no spikes against people from like east canada. Can't play with people from west coast though.

>> No.8331862


For fuck's sake, pay attention. The lag spikes and framerate drops are caused by people with shitty computers trying to run the game at settings too high for them, and/or not opening their ports. If people actually have shit configured properly then the only problem you get is input delay.

>> No.8331864

ok hosting again
is anyone getting through? I set up port forwarding...

>> No.8331867

When I am setting up netplay, do I need to input the remote port and information?

>> No.8331872
NA EC only
"learning fryougi, will switch to main if I get buttdevastated" tier

>> No.8331878

Yup, sure, I believe you.

>> No.8331883

I don't understand what's so hard to understand about "NA EC only".


>> No.8331887

It's the truth but people seem to get rectal pained when someone says their computer is shitty.

>> No.8331888


He's actually right. Don't play higher than 640 x 480 and don't play full screen.

>> No.8331895


Try reading the official forums sometime, the Japanese have been saying the same thing as well as tweaking processor settings in task manager

>> No.8331898

It's definitely not always that. I've had both completely shit and awesome connections to the same person within 15 minutes of each other without a single thing changing.

>> No.8331909

I have all effects off with 640x480 window mode and I can only netplay with like 1/10 people I connect to. Game runs flawless in single player, even with effects on and my native monitor resolution in full screen.

>> No.8331913

Then maybe just maybe it's your internet connection or people from other countries are connecting to you.

>> No.8331920

My netbook runs the game just fine, is it that worse with netplay?

>> No.8331925

GG arcade sorry that match was laggy had matches before with people from far distances and had no lag other than input lag.

>> No.8331927

I've connected to people from Poland with the only problem being input delay, but run at 5fps from someone in state, I think it's more of a hardware optimization problem than just the network connection

>> No.8331930

Yeah, I've been having no laggy matches either. Kind of strange. I enjoyed the slow motion fight however

>> No.8331932

Yes, it is.

>> No.8331940

What do you have to do in task manager to make netplay better?

>> No.8331950
East Coast (WV)
Bad and Learning Tier

>> No.8331964
File: 73 KB, 342x296, casualciel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Get over here and play me

>> No.8331966
US West, will drop if 5 fps but willing to play any delay.

>> No.8331971

Looks like we desynced, Reddit.


>> No.8331974

Let's try that again, char select was really good.

I just noticed the stage I picked had reflections, what's a good stage to minimize lag?

>> No.8331975

Eh... Just reset everything and installed the english. US Midwest (NM)
crappy tier

>> No.8331980
File: 553 KB, 1196x661, melty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


West Coast

>> No.8331983

Try Back Aleey?

>> No.8331993
East Coast (WV)
Bad and Learning Tier

>> No.8331996

Is this my only option for a cheap but quality fight stick?

>> No.8331997

How does one view replays?

>> No.8331998

GGs. I've heard people say FKouma is unplayable online, what's your opinion on that? Delay 4 ugh.

>> No.8332002


replay appears to be broken, saves as sion mirror and nothing happens

>> No.8332008

Perhaps we just aren't destined for a match.

>> No.8332010


GGs. I don't really have much of a problem with it, but maybe that's because I stick to his simplest combo. His J. [C] combo has a tricky timing, and I imagine it being hard as balls to use online. Other than that, I don't know why people would say that.

>> No.8332017

Was really promising at first, sorry it didn't work out.

>> No.8332022

Hey, sometimes it lags in the character screen for me. Wait until the game starts and if it lags there then get out.

>> No.8332026

dickbutt, that ryougi's range makes me rage. gg.

>> No.8332027

ggs Pixel
rehosting at EU

>> No.8332030

Not the guy you've played. I've been practicing with FKouma and I can see why people say that. His rekka combo needs to be timed very precisely for you to continue, especially the last hit (623c) and after into 2a.

I think this is FKouma most damaging combo.

>> No.8332032

GGs Reddit, that 1st set you connected while you were downloading or something so we had delay 5, 2nd set was so much better at delay 3.

General tips, you should work on your plant mixups. You're supposed to do plants off untechable knockdowns and I shouldn't be able to get away. I think the best one is off 623c? I'm not too sure. You should also respect my oki a lot more, you kept getting hit by 4k combos because you were trying to hit buttons or jump on wakeup.


>> No.8332033

Welp, least we got one match.

>> No.8332045

At least I know the problem
"Disconnected by failing test client connection."
I have been connected to by test programs, but I have no idea how to fix this.

>> No.8332050 EC Canada

>> No.8332080

Anyone from EU?

>> No.8332091

east coast

>> No.8332092

GGs Tachikimu (sorry if I got your name wrong). Looks like we desynced during the 4th game.


>> No.8332095

Very intense matches Rich, Thank's for the games.

>> No.8332097

Rehosting. Leaving the game if I see 4+ delay.

>> No.8332101


good games, rafflesia
That was my first netplay experience, will be hosting later on today.

>> No.8332104
File: 10 KB, 225x225, Warachia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs. I haven't played around in training long enough, need to figure out more of the combos. But god damn, there's like no room for anything but a 6c and hope I get lucky in between your corner combos. The rest of my pokes don't reach you, and I wasn't confident enough to shield it lol

>> No.8332105

GGs. Sorry I'm so awful.

>> No.8332110

nvm errors forever brb

>> No.8332116

someone should do a Hamachi room

>> No.8332122

GG was running at a decent speed for the beginning 10 seconds of the match then it went to shit.

>> No.8332123


no delay 6 allowed


>> No.8332135

west coast, first day playing

>> No.8332143

that was my first game ever

>> No.8332160

I just want to say that I'm happy you guys are playing Melty again. I never played it myself, but its good to see you guys are having fun. It makes me happy

>> No.8332171
File: 445 KB, 640x480, 00000012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the theme that plays in "good morning, anima mundi"

Does anyone know how to extract the song?

>> No.8332172

Yeah, you probably would have won if the lag didn't act up.

>> No.8332175
west coast

>> No.8332182
File: 57 KB, 267x207, 00000004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pose
Game froze again, GG I guess. Rehosting

>> No.8332187

Well, that didn't work.

>> No.8332190

Rehosting, filters and animation off, but still laggy.
Midwest US
crappy tier

>> No.8332191
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>> No.8332193
File: 126 KB, 640x480, 00000004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still looking for the song that plays during this screen.

>> No.8332197

Oh man, I really have no clue how to get out of your combo. You normally get pushed so far at the end of the combo, and my attacks that can reach you are slow lol.

>> No.8332204

Oops, linked to a random post. Ignore it.

>> No.8332207

I'm pretty sure we desynced again during the 4th game, Tachikiru. GGs


>> No.8332218

Is there some kind of tool to change controls? like the one act cadenza had

>> No.8332228

FRyougi is a zoning character, if you get in on me I can't do much. My 2a doesn't chain into itself and my 5a is shit. Your job is to get in. If I knock you down, don't hit buttons or you will eat another 4-5k combo. Just block and wait for an opening/a screwup on my part to get away from the corner.

>> No.8332230

Vain Surface on disc2 of AA PS2 OST

>> No.8332239

Ya I figured about the blocking what I could and waiting, but damn if it isn't still oppressive getting the shit beaten out of me in that corner.

>> No.8332241

Thank you!

>> No.8332242

Testing connection. EC

>> No.8332253

this game is too amazing

>> No.8332283

amazing game, bro! you are good

>> No.8332290

I hate you. You've been trying it the whole time and finally got it. I hate you lol.

>> No.8332292


>> No.8332307

how do I enter a name for myself?

>> No.8332314

GG to Omega, you kicked my ass with that damn cat.

>> No.8332328
File: 55 KB, 300x333, ciel0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know where those ping spikes came from in the end.

>> No.8332329

gg capote gotta get off this wifi before i play

>> No.8332354


>> No.8332361

West Coast Can, bad and laggy tier

>> No.8332384

Rehosting. If I see someone with 4+ delay one more time...

>> No.8332385

Rehosting, Midwest US (lag seems to go off and on)
crappy tier

>> No.8332389

Christ. I was playing last night with just a little lag. Today, everything chokes to almost a standstill from people I have even lower ping with. Fuck all of you saying it's not the netplay code.

>> No.8332437

By the way I shit bricks when I figured out in combat that her Arc Drive was unblockable.

>> No.8332460

Seriously? The only blockable ones in the same general set is Nanaya's normal AD.

>> No.8332478

So to those that can netplay with no FPS spikes, what are your PC specs?

>> No.8332486

E8400, HD4870

>> No.8332533

Oh really? I haven't looked into AA:CC at all, everything I know is from jumping in blind from MBAC. I figured since it stopped time it would be block-able lol. Really enjoy the games though. If you're still around when I get back I'll be up for more. Unless you can learn from fighting my Walachia anymore lol.

>> No.8332575

So there anything running for EU people?

>> No.8332586

Fun games everyone, GGs. Time to go eat and stuff, I'll rehost later.

>> No.8332588


The listed ping and delay are almost irrelevant to actual performance. If you were reading what people were saying you'd know this.

>> No.8332596
File: 297 KB, 600x700, 1324441497709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8332606

gg's i need to wotk better with my ryougi your rushdown beat the hell out of me nice games

>> No.8332612

As near as I can tell, performance is almost completely random.

>> No.8332617


scrub tier

>> No.8332622


>> No.8332626

It's only unblockable if you're close enough.
If you're too far then instead of a time freeze it's just slowdown and they can block.

>> No.8332630
File: 8 KB, 184x184, 1325440927102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys play more video games than the /v/ faggots, good shit guys.

I got Melty set up, but haven't been able to try the direct connect yet. Anyone want to play Melty with a US WestCoast newbie?

>> No.8332631

Don't have the game yet, is that a full translation in the OP?

>> No.8332640
File: 191 KB, 500x650, 1324245553750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8332646

The translation only applies to netplay errors.

>> No.8332650


GG I pretty new to this game and I was actually surprised it didn't lag up

>> No.8332653

Good games, Rich. Wish we could play longer but I have to go.

>> No.8332654
File: 382 KB, 640x480, 00000001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone figured out why 2 player mode has less stages than training?
I think I've even the the versus stages you can't select with random stage select online.

>> No.8332661

Ah of course, it did seem a bit quick, even for a partial one.

>> No.8332676

Good games, I do not know how to fight Shiki at all :(

>> No.8332702

GGs, Mike, GURL, and whoever else.
I may host again later.

It's weird, I have had Delays 8+ run smoothly for me (in the matches, the select screen is always laggy). sometimes the 2nd or 3rd rematch would freeze without any beforehand lag.

>> No.8332710


>> No.8332725

Thanks for the game, despite the slowdowns... I should see to do something about it, I hope

>> No.8332731

You went easy at me at first, then raped me, heh.

>> No.8332733

Oh dear god, a delay of 17?

>> No.8332739


such is the life, gg anyways

>> No.8332741

Thrid world country.
Sorry bro

>> No.8332752


Aren't the absent stages the ones with the most intensive stage effects?

>> No.8332760


>> No.8332785
File: 319 KB, 693x915, shockedciel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to you, sion? You were good once.
inb4 delay, GG

>> No.8332791

As it was my first game against a live opponent ever for any Melty game, I was pleased to win this one.

I have much to learn yet, though, but I didn't really go easy on you first, I just had no real clue how to handle real opponents.

>> No.8332822


someone is trying to connect but it isnt working, what do?

>> No.8332850

Colon between the IP and port probably.
is what you want.

>> No.8332858

Ryougi's close range (about a jump's length away) AD and AAD are unblockable. Look at them like they're command grabs, you have to jump out of them before superflash (or hit me out of the startup). I can do tick AD/BHAD just like tick throws.

If it's from farther away, Ryougi won't say "mieta", the lines won't appear on your character and you'll be able to block it.

>> No.8332885

>> No.8332886

6C into unblockable AD reset derp

>> No.8332903
File: 515 KB, 640x480, 00000013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, because that forest on fire stage is there. also i just did some tests.
every extra training stage can come up when choosing random in vs/online. regardless if its chose-able in vs or not.

>> No.8332916

Is there someone here who is not already playing?

>> No.8332922
File: 43 KB, 789x882, Shingetsutan.Tsukihime_228405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Faggots,

My name is CurryButt, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are shitty, scrub-tier, Neros who spend every second of their day shitting out crocodiles, sharks, and deer. You are everything bad in the world of meltan. Honestly, have any of you ever played in a real tourney? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own shitty playing, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than using Nanaya and jc'ing the whole round.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best arc drive. I'm pretty much perfect. I get first place in all the biggest meltan tournaments, and only get perfects. What tourneys do you play in, other than "jack off together at a con and call it a competition"? I also kick ass at every other fighting game, and have a banging hot gamepad (I just 214c'd some scrub; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It's me and my bitch

>> No.8332941

Did someone tried to connect? EC Canada

>> No.8332947

whath a fcuk man

>> No.8332948
File: 86 KB, 604x294, CIEL STFU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go awai, traitor.

>> No.8332962 hosting
Aaaand back to lose more control of my life.
3rd day playing tier

>> No.8332972

>still using that trip
>not knowing FurryButt is all over the Melty threads in /a/

>> No.8332976

NECO no you not is the best stage with the best song. Period.
Also, is MBAA Mk2.exe the most recent crack/netplay patch/whatever?

>> No.8333006


>> No.8333016

As far as I know that's the lattest netplay patch

>> No.8333040


>> No.8333047

ggs to whoever, big delay

>> No.8333054

Tell me if it's working:

>> No.8333091

Let's try this again...

>> No.8333142

Hosting a match

IP 192:168:001:067
port 46318

>> No.8333152

You fail

>> No.8333161
File: 23 KB, 194x278, ciel_wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you know I was hosting, Sane?

>> No.8333163

That's your router.

>> No.8333173

Actually that's his machines internal IP.

>> No.8333186

>> No.8333200


Spamming history, more than anything.

I also really need to get to grips with stridbergs combo's.

>> No.8333218

Link error

>> No.8333220


>> No.8333288

East Coast, Florida


>> No.8333292

East Coast host

>> No.8333319


>> No.8333369

Getting a link error

>> No.8333371
rehosting, America (central area)

>> No.8333372

Whatever your name was GGs, sucks it was laggy

>> No.8333382

was some time laggy you know but i have fun

>> No.8333383

Im done for today, should I come to jp for that melty since /v/ is gay and doesn't play games?

>> No.8333400

Wtf is error f0002

>> No.8333411

You look like you know what you're doing unlike me cant wait to play this game offline

>> No.8333422

GG, hate how it started spiking after like 3 matches.

>> No.8333427

213. 089. 120. 133

>> No.8333431

try reconnecting. i have no idea what is up with lag because the ping is low

>> No.8333436

Hosting EU.

>> No.8333438
File: 58 KB, 640x480, cielclose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can go super sayan in F mode
>FCiel doesn't have EX-Keys or Hiero
Anyways, game froze again; GG. Shower time.[/spoile]

>> No.8333452

well i'm playing this game since cadanza but i pretty bad, and i want to main ryougi
just pick your favorite character and start practicing offline

>> No.8333467

Is this playable with a keyboard, or will i just get my shit kicked online?

>> No.8333468


ggs, good White Len.

Anyone on #mbaacc @ rizon?

>> No.8333471


GGs, Vicious. More blocking, better combos, and less trying to do things one wake-up

>> No.8333478

Well Aoko and Kohaku are the two characters I like in the game, I plan to stick with one of them

>> No.8333493

your Aoko is pretty decent but only works in those mixups

>> No.8333523


>> No.8333526

Depends entirely on your dexterity man. If you want average results, the average keyboard player gets kicked in.

>> No.8333530


I'm still trying to work out blockstrings, see what gattlings, whats good oki, etc. Still playing with everyone to see who clicks. So far I like Akiha. Whats the big changes in her new version (the one in different clothes) ?

>> No.8333540

Can't... rebind... keys

>> No.8333545

SAkiha is more straightforward, but not as effective imo as standard Akiha.

>> No.8333554

You mean mizuumi, yeah?

>> No.8333560

Yeah Imma work on some stuff when I get home tonight like bnbs, mixups, frames, and the hitboxes

>> No.8333568


>> No.8333597

Has anyone confirmed this?



ウィンドウモード時ネット対戦中キャラクター選択中勝利画面中に アクティブウィンドウを他のウィンドウに切り替えたりアクティブウィンド

ウをMBAACCに戻したりを繰り返すと ラグがなくなり安定する事があります

>Set MBAA.exe to run with only a single core for more pleasant netplay.

>If your using windowed mode, flip between active windows during character select/victory screen to stabilize lag.

>> No.8333601
File: 162 KB, 522x399, 1325304267961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw everything is in some random language

>> No.8333614

>Set MBAA.exe to run with only a single core for more pleasant netplay.

I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to do exactly for this instruction.

>> No.8333624

Thanks. Now to figure out how to runs

>> No.8333631

Task Manager>Processes>right click on Melty>Affinity>Choose one core

>> No.8333634

task manager > right click on exe > set affinity
for quad cores it suggests enabling just the first two cores, and in general set high priority (under the same right click dialogue as affinity)

>> No.8333685

Thanks for the learning experience. I got handled

>> No.8333690

gonna go learn c-aoko's bnb gg...also that time where I stopped playing...was killing a giant ass cockroach

>> No.8333706

To who was palying me, ggs.
Don't know what happened there at the end though.
and rehosting I guess

>> No.8333707

Ah, I was wondering why. I gotta go learn some decent setups and combos as well.

>> No.8333715



>> No.8333737

East Coast, Florida

>> No.8333745

>> No.8333767


Error. I don't have a problem connecting to anyone else.

>> No.8333793

You're lagging a lot for EU.

>> No.8333797


Shit, forgot that utorrent was running. Might be better now.

>> No.8333830

I swear to God, if I drop one more B&B, I'm'a hurt somebody. So many timings screwed up between MBAC and MBAACC, ugh... Oh wells, practice makes perfect. Good games


>> No.8333833

Hosting in South America (CL)

Hopefully I get good games today (for some odd reason, I have only gotten nice delay games using hamachi)

>> No.8333835

To whoever i just played, GGs man

I have NEVER fought a seifuku Akiha before so i knew NOTHING about her. That white len however, is a very annoying bitch with those silly running teleport fakes

>> No.8333843

I got some error.

>> No.8333855

will people hate me for using normal ciel

>> No.8333866


Still east coast Canada, scrub tier.

>> No.8333869

thread auto-saging

new netplay thread here

>> No.8333987

GG's. You're like the very first person I've netplayed that almost never lags. What kind of pc do you have?

>> No.8334010

ggs, that was fun although I really couldn't do anything. i can't seem to figure out how to move in this game

PC is i5 750, HD5870

>> No.8335087

