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8323686 No.8323686 [Reply] [Original]

No one should ever work.

Work is the source of nearly all the misery in the world. Almost any evil you’d care to name comes from working or from living in a world designed for work. In order to stop suffering, we have to stop working.

>> No.8323696

Fuck off freeloading leech.

I bet you think we take the "NEET" thing seriously.

>> No.8324479

Misery is caused by people working without dreams.

The cure to misery is working for your dreams.

if you have no dreams and desires you may as well not be human.

>> No.8324505

I have dreams, and having to work to earn money is the greatest threat to them.

>> No.8324523

Work in a capitalist society is just slavery where you choose a master.
You earn money to spend however you wish! Of course, you need to have a place of residence to even be employed, then you need a vehicle to travel, food to live, plenty of bills to pay, the education you payed for to even be qualified for the job, etc.

You're left with a few measly dollars to spend on one nice thing every few months. If you cut the middle man, it's the same as your slavemaster giving you food and roof over your head, with one thing every few months.

>> No.8324550

This is really terrifying when I think about it.

>> No.8324553

Those who do not work do not deserve to eat.

>> No.8324610

The Earth is filled with animal and plant, ready to give food to whatever man would desire it.
What right does any other man have to claim "This is my land, these are my trees, and these animals only I can kill"?

The origin of currency was to facilitate trade with something of higher liquidity, but has been twisted and taken over by banks out to extend their control over other people.

>> No.8324615

There's one thing you're forgetting, though. A major part of that formula is completely optional and only works because so many people are too stupid to see it's optional. Consider this: There are people with normal jobs who can afford "going shopping" several times a week, buying a new cellphone every couple of months, and going out drinking every weekend. These are all things you don't really need, unless you let the marketers convince you that you need them (like most normalfags do). Imagine the spare money you could save up if you managed to cut out all that from your budget.

Sure, we're all basically slaves in this system. But while the other slaves are wasting away any money they get their hands on, justifying it by telling themselves they need it to go on, you are much smarter than that, you're saving up to buy your freedom. Through your determination, you will get there eventually.

>> No.8324627

But it is impossible for some of us to live without ever working without most of the population working to support us. Maybe in 200 years or so when everything is done by robots, but for now it's hard to ever imagine an all-NEET society ever working.

>> No.8324656

OP is right.

Think about it, living beings as we know them were not created to work. That is a concept invented by man, which was reinforced by the industrialization of society. We work so that we can have money to buy products and keep the engines of capitalist society moving, and there is nothing we can do to stop it. It has already escalated out of our control. The system dominates us.

And no, i am not a communist.

>> No.8324658

Saving money is a joke. I could start saving right now without spending a cent, in order to live free later in life, but that will not happen. Currency will be inflated, and what would have been enough to live comfortably for the rest of my life will only be enough for a few years.

I could try to escape society sure, but to do that I'd have to try and escape the system of dependency that is implanted in every single child going through the school system. Even modern corporations like microsoft are getting a piece of the action there.

>> No.8324687


>> No.8324690

Living beings weren't meant to sit around idle either, though. Most life forms on the planet spend all of their waking moments trying to find food or take part in other activities centered around keeping them alive. Humans just do it in a different way, and strive for more than just basic survival.

>> No.8324705


I find that working in a professional position where your vacation time accrues quickly is rather nice. I take days off right and left.

>> No.8324716


>> No.8324750


you realize the greeks didn't need to work because they enslaved and pillaged other nations right?

>> No.8324756

See, that's the thing, we do have the same instincts as any other living creature on Earth, however these instincts have been distorted and manipulated in a way that they were not intended by our nature. Inside the rules we've formed for ourselves we must be "productive" and "work hard" else we be a "burden on society".

This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it's just the way it goes.

>> No.8324764


You think enslaving and pillaging isn't hard work? Try it sometime.

>> No.8324760

Wasn't that only Spartar? Which didn't really produce technology?

>> No.8324769

If you don't want to work, how do you want to earn the food and basic goods for living?
Sure, you could just go hunting, foraging and farming, but that's allso work.

I think we are really lucky to have been born in this era, at least we have time to recreate, develop culture, play touhou and complain about the basics of living in an imageboard.

>> No.8324772

Those two don't go together. Nature doesn't intend anything, things just come together in a huge clusterfuck and whoever clusterfucks the most clusterfucks some more.

>> No.8324784

Well, continually wanting more and never being satisfied with what we have is also an instinct. A human living before civilization could not afford to decide that it had picked enough berries, and thus could stop for a while, or that it had hunted enough bison or something, because if times got tougher later on then it would suffer for it. Nowadays this tends to translate into some blind ambition where people tend to always have their eyes on some future goal that they want to have, and by the time they achieve it they barely get time to enjoy it before they're on to the next. I think a person can't really be happy like this...

>> No.8324789

What i meant to say was that the whole ideology of modern society goes against the basic principle of nature, which is the whole clusterfuck that it is.

>> No.8324794


Wow, someone that's not a total idiot. My hats off to you sir.

>> No.8324804

Society forces man to become nothing more than a cog.
You work mechanically from six to five for peanuts. There are few who benefit, but I can't really say they are to blame. This type of system was not built by one man, or a hundred men, but thousands of men over hundreds of years. Rather than focus on enjoying life, they idolized efficiency and productivity. Everyone is working to support practically a ghost force that enslaves them. If that is the case, why even be human?
I don't care about being efficient or being a machine, I want to enjoy being what I am, a human being.

>> No.8324805

I'll get it from government aid programs. And if every other person in the country would do the same, I think it would be a better place to live.

>> No.8324821

That's pretty much how it goes, except that drive for more is pretty much what we got going for ourselves. I mean, if you didn't have needs you might as well be dead.

>> No.8324829

>We're gonna get a little place.
>Okay, yeah, we're gonna get a little place and w're gonna...
>We gonna...
>We're gonna have a cow, and some pigs, and we're gonna have, maybe-maybe, a chicken. Down in the flat, we'll have a little field of...
> Field of alfalfa for the rabbits.
> ...for the rabbits.
> And I get to tend the rab..
I'm quoting "Of Mice and Men", you culture-less barbarians.
