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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 353 KB, 1281x722, game 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8319702 No.8319702 [Reply] [Original]

Why arnt you playing the new Happoubi Jin game? You gay or something?

>> No.8319707

2 deep 4 me

>> No.8319721

But I am.
Or rather, I'm taking a break. My dick hurts.
I'm tempted to start it up again to listen to the soundtrack some more, though.

>> No.8319728

Sound track is awesome. Ive been letting scenes just run in the background. Some of it reminds me of old Squaresoft games, like FF9 and Chrono Cross.

Sure beats the hell out of that tin band music that Classy Cranberries subjected me to.

>> No.8319737

The voice work is a lot better than their previous games. I keep forgetting im playing a nukage.

>> No.8319743

Indeed, it's been some time since I actually wanted to download the soundtrack to a VN and actively listen to it.
The whole atmosphere of the game is also really nice. I just don't like the main character from the story too much,
I can't identify much with his obsessive behaviour, but that's probably just me.

>> No.8319747
File: 248 KB, 1280x720, guishen_0940n16_1_24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am but I had to take a break because it was too taxing on my dick.

>> No.8319755 [DELETED] 

Where do I find a download for it? OP image intrigues me.

>> No.8319756

Anyone got it to work with agth?

>> No.8319750

I never identify with the MC, im not beta enough. I can never understand what goes through their heads nor can i under stand how the dumb bitches end up around his dick. Guess it pays to have your life scripted.

>> No.8319762


you can get it form their official site, i dont remember which link it was, just keep clicking.

>> No.8319765

Its rare that I actually want to taste a characters lips.

>> No.8319784
File: 182 KB, 1296x758, bishoujomangekyou3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs a bit more Renge, though

Any word on when the next part comes out, by the way?


>> No.8319794

They that worked, how did you do that?

>> No.8319799

Google. It's not that hard.

>> No.8319800
File: 30 KB, 335x329, 22589238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm disappointed that you don't get to bone the Enma lookalike (yet)

>> No.8319806

I have not seen a word.

>> No.8319845

Thought so, me neither.
Just hope we won't have to wait too long.

>> No.8319854

I found where I can buy the game and some sample demos. Thanks for the link but it seems I could only find some trial version of the game and not the whole thing. Not too bad though since it's a rather cheap game, probably will pick it up.

>> No.8319856

Your welcome.

>> No.8319887

The soundtrack is so fucking good.

>> No.8319889
File: 546 KB, 1280x529, Untitled-145u74su.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8319895

I came when I saw the PV last night. Haven't installed it yet though.

>> No.8319903

has anyone made a video rip yet

>> No.8319904

Yeah, I kinda figured she wouldnt be available. Would have been to good to be true.

>> No.8319950

she looks like she's part of the overall plotline linking all the caleidoscope short stories, so there may be hope yet.

>> No.8319959

Shes to loli. Give up hope. I could almost cum just listening to her say her name.

>> No.8320333
File: 234 KB, 1280x715, game 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This damn vampire. She pisses me off as much as she arouses me. Those gloating smirks!

>> No.8320352

Goddamn I would whip the HELL out of her and then throw some holy water at her.

>> No.8320359

Please step on me, Kiriesama~

>> No.8320395

Hmm, well she is sitting alone in a doll room telling erotic ghost stories to a stranger. Perhaps there really is hope.

>> No.8320410

Well, the way I see it the last part in the series ought to be her story, shouldn't it? Or something along those lines.

>> No.8320415

So you know how many stories this game is supposed to have?

>> No.8320423

Oh god it's out? CG rip? Damn my cock is shaking.

>> No.8320425

No clue.

>> No.8320429 [SPOILER] 
File: 357 KB, 1280x720, guishen_0374n07_1_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her smirk is amazing.

>> No.8320434

You should play it. This one seams to be worth playing. Everything about it is quality.

>> No.8320446

There's only one more announced at the moment but the site kind of hints that there are more planned.

>> No.8320445

Sweet mother of God, I knew Happoubi Jin was my favourite artist, but I didn't know he was so far above all the others.

>> No.8320448

I don't know enough japanese yet

>> No.8320455

Also a couple of the ero scenes are animated and there's no video/gif rip yet.

>> No.8320634
File: 407 KB, 1920x1080, game 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8320659
File: 413 KB, 1920x1080, game 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way shes says, sensei...

I dont know what she says here exactly, something about violating her.

>> No.8320677

"You came here to violate me, didn't you?"
If this is giving you trouble, I'm not sure why even you're trying to read at all

>> No.8320686

Because in atlas, its something like

It arrived, []... for the violation.

>> No.8320694

New Happoubi Jin game + C81 = half of /a/ swarming here.

>> No.8320699

Jokes on you, I browse /a/ AND /jp/.

>> No.8320706

Between her looks, the setting, her voice and the music, I feel like I want to be violated by her.

>> No.8320712

And it shows.

>> No.8320722

All I can see is her sitting on a giant penis with another penis below it

>> No.8320725

Startling revelation. I think shes the same VA that did the cold voice for AA. One of the best ones for that matter.

>> No.8320752

Its not all bad though, sometimes you get brilliant things like this.

>My superb article swells before one is aware greatly, Pants of Giorgio Armani of a beautiful silhouette, It pushed it up to shameful shape.

>> No.8320794

Guys, please don't do this.

>> No.8320815


Do what?

>> No.8320941
File: 231 KB, 1281x719, game 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh god, shes so adorable when shes angry. I think shes my new favorite creation from Jin.

>> No.8321003

Seriously, facesitting while doing a footjob, nothing can top this.

>> No.8321026

I have not gotten to that scene yet, trying not to think about it.

>> No.8321043

Anyone found a map for this yet? Does it even have routes?

>> No.8321089
File: 202 KB, 1274x716, game 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone would not mind. Please tell me what these two options are? The game does not send the text so agth cant pick it up.

>> No.8321101

"The pleasure of being cummed inside" and, "The pleasure of cumming inside", respectively.

>> No.8321140

I did laugh. But really, Its something about trusting her? I tired both of them but the following texts are garbled. I looks like he says he trusts her, then the next after that he calls her a whore, for the bottom one. The top one was completely unreadable. Which is why I am asking.

>> No.8321153

Try them both and see what happens.

>> No.8321169


I'd say: "You can drink my blood instead"

>> No.8321170

Well apart from a few lines of text I dont want to go far. I cant play with the thought that I may have just called her a whore. I like her to much.

>> No.8321177

The bottom one says "you can suck my blood instead" while the top one says "leave your hands of my students", which seems to end up going to the second choice anyway, dunno.
Only tried the top one a bit but ultimately went with the bottom, more romantic one

>> No.8321186

Thanks you very much. I would say bottom as well after what you said. Telling the vampire to stop, alone in the woods, sounds rather foolish from so many perspectives.

>> No.8321189

>Which is why I am asking.
You should really stop asking. Holding your hand through something you can't read is not exactly /jp/s favorite past-time and makes you look like an idiot.

>> No.8321210

Did you buy the game? If so, where?
Or is it uploaded somewhere?

>> No.8321211

Sorry, I was bored. But I agree and will go back to being a hateful bastard shortly.

>> No.8321213

more like all the narration up until that drove home the point he just wants to fuck Kirie at full force, and doesn't really give a shit about morals as a teacher so the first option would feel really out of place

>> No.8321232

>I want to suck your blood...
>"Suck this" *grabs dick*

This game is great.

>> No.8321242

Well, he _is_ still trying to keep up outer appearance a little until that point, though.

>> No.8321277

Well, it as love at first site. Im starting to like the guy. The dialog is rather sweet.

>> No.8321316

It's voiced, right?

>> No.8321326

Holy shit is anyone translating this? Maybe someone should drop their shit-art VNs and translate something with glorious art for once

>> No.8321337

>Holy shit is anyone translating this?

No ;_;. I'm extremely tempted to hook up AGTH on it and read it, but I know the experience will be shit...

>> No.8321335

Or maybe you should just give up your dreams, pleb.

>> No.8321343

Did you guys get lost on your way to /a/ or something?

>> No.8321397

No, they came from /a/ because of this.

>> No.8321458

N-no! that voice... and that domineering attitude...


>> No.8321499

Actually its not that bad. As I stated earlier, the voice work is excellent. Sure somethings can come across horribly but you will get an idea of what shes yelling or moaning. Plus you will know with that sweet voice she has. Its worth the trouble, trust me.

As crazy as it may seam, not everyone on /jp/ can read moonrunes.

>> No.8321507

Nah, I was just wondering if someone in the last weeks decided to translate it, guess I'll go learn japanese then

>> No.8321521

this is called Bishoujo Mangekyou right? just wanted to be sure....

looks amazing

>> No.8321522

The game itself has been released exactly two days ago.
Why else would you think we were still talking about it?

>> No.8321532


oh and has any of the artist's visual novels been translated? cause i do know this was released very recently, but if anything else by him is around and in english that'd be great

>> No.8321556

No, none. I have played Classy Cranberries and it really wasnt worth translating. I played some Kanojo and it really was not owrth translating. This game my be beautiful from every angle but I dont know if its worth translating either. I doubt it has any story at all. Its quality work but its still a prono.

>> No.8321581

Well, this one is a lot more interesting compared to kanojo at least, and the soundtrack might just be the best I've heard all year. I stil wouldn't bet on anyone translating it, though.
Most translators seem to think they're above nukige, or something.

>> No.8321592

I fucking love this sound track. It really just hits me with nostalgia. This has to be a new musician that worked on this. Most of the songs are serious and lovely and some have a quirky little extra, like the music that plays when hes in the woods.

>> No.8321612

>Most translators seem to think they're above nukige, or something.
A few certainly seem that way, but if you don't understand how hard it can be to sit down and rewrite for months an entire script word for word when most of it is porn descriptions, you're underestimating how much effort translating takes

>> No.8321922

Jast and MG keep translating far worse nukiges than this one. I wonder how much the rights for translating a game like this costs. I bet it'd sell more than any game they've translated so far. And I'd buy it.

>> No.8322431

Is there a way, to change resolution?

>> No.8322501

There are two executables in the install folder, one for the game, the other one for the configuration. If you can change the resolution, it'll be there.

>> No.8322567

Well, I'm an idiot, thanks!

>> No.8322614

Oh Anonymous, you're so easily swayed.

>> No.8322612

White-haired girl-vampire? Gentlemen, this mean only one: we are about to observe how my download speed exceed speed of light!

>> No.8322636

Is this from the same artist who did kjxkjxkj?

>> No.8322656

And classy cranberries, yeah.

>> No.8322680

full download link where?

>> No.8322688

Anyone want the CG set?

>> No.8322700

yes, please.

>> No.8322728

Don't be spoiled brat and learn some google-fu.
It will help you to learn moonrunes later.

>> No.8322731

Both game and cg downloads are easily findable if you take half a minute to google.
The cg is also on exhentai.
How retarded and lazy can you even be?

>> No.8322762

Downloaded it already, but I want to learn more moonrunes before I read it.
Understanding helps me fap.

>> No.8322798

Anyone got a Mediafire link?.

>> No.8322852

Will somebody complain if I shot >>8322798 and >>8322680 with my heavily loaded dick?

>> No.8322873

Waste of sperm. Save it for the vampire.

>> No.8322979

internet though guy huh?
angry bump

>> No.8323000

Sir, I dislike the reasoning behind your bumping.
Next time, please state such reasons as "White-haired loli vampire bump".
Or, y'know, just don't bump without reason.

>> No.8325435

Go back to /a/ , animesuki or whatever fucking forum you came from faggot.

>> No.8325527

there are h mango scanlators who probably reach comparable word counts if you total everything up. translators just don't want to put in the effort because they figure one game won't get them as much dicksucking as 200 mango chapters.

>> No.8326282

Well if you had to choose, you have 20 thanks for 20 manga or 1 thank for 1 Nukige, same time and effort. Also same amount of story. Also by the time you get done, most people may have already fapped to it. I think Jin game is a little different and would more likely be played by more people. I think if there is a worthy porn game to translate, this game is it.

>> No.8326305

>I think if there is a worthy porn game to translate, this game is it.
That's not Hollow Antraxia

>> No.8326317

Porn just doesn't translate well either. Have you actually read those h-manga translations. 99% of them are just so bad

>> No.8326329

Try to follow the conversation before responding, kid.

>> No.8326347

I think most of the time its just sloppiness on the part for the translator. I mean, its hentai, i doubt they figure they need to make a Shakespearean masterpiece to get the point across. Its better than atlas, such sloppy work would be appreciated for this game as well.

>> No.8326352


You don't know what a Nukige is, huh?

>> No.8326366

Eroge like this make me wish I knew japanese.

Dammit, why does it take so long to learn a language?

>> No.8326373

Has it been uploaded anywhere yet?

>> No.8326377

Why are you so stupid? No, seriously, why?
Goddamn I hate your guts.

>> No.8326383


What? I can't fucking find it anywhere.

>> No.8326387

Nah everyone here bought it.

We're very supportive of the industry you see.

>> No.8326405

Stop looking for it in your ass. Your ass does not have a connection to the internet.

>> No.8326432

Not if I plug my LAN cable in it

>> No.8326442

Finished the game yesterday. The soundtrack was amazing, and the HD cgs were a pleasant surprise. I admit I was kinda expecting some zombie gangbang in there.

H-anime and manga consist entirely of cliched dialogue. Nukige consists of dialogue and "evocative" descriptions. If you haven't noticed, people underestimate the workload of nukige. No translator wants to spend time translating the shit only to have people claim it was "only a nukige".

>> No.8326473

Yet we have a godly machine like Roguetranslator that does only nukige and get praised for his work.

People should just plain do more nukige. Good nukige though, naturally there's tons of shit just like with other types of VN.

>> No.8326483

Well even though they're not translating something something amazing, they could at least take enough time to not repeat themselves over and over in translating any H material.

You're not really trying hard enough, or you're not looking past page one of google.

>> No.8326514

Um... I don't know what nukige is can someone explain it to me? This was the only description that I found is that it's a subsection of eroge and deals with just banging as much chicks as you can.

>> No.8326515


Lurk more, seriously. No one's gonna hold your hand. You'll find plenty of resources full of stuff if you just lurk for a while.

>> No.8326585

Found it in two seconds. If it wasn't so easy I would post it with a spoonfeeding babby macro.

>> No.8326830

I played it a bit last night but I had to go change the oil in my car so I never got to fap. I am going take great pleasure in this game tonight.

>> No.8327193

How many girls got hscene in this release? Only 1?

>> No.8327199

It would seam so.

>> No.8327335

Out of curiosity: is there any reason I've seen this so much recently? Did I miss something?

>> No.8327346


>> No.8327890

I do sometimes wish you could post sound files on 4chan. It would be nice to be able to post her Sensei or her Gaou sound she makes when she penetrates his neck.

>> No.8327997

>I do sometimes wish you could post sound files on 4chan.

There was a userscript that could do this.

>> No.8328247

Man this VA is one of the best ive ever heard. Her screams are the best.

>> No.8328261

I just finished downloading this, now you're telling me her screams are amazing. Man this sucks I have to wait till tomorrow to play this game.

>> No.8328263

Then dont read this. Its a light spoiler.

Fucking amazing. I dont think I have ever herd a girl scream insults and threats while moaning with pleasure at the same time. Or at least not done half as well as this girl. If I ever did, It was not worth remembering.

>> No.8328270

I am almost certain its the same VA that did the Cold voice for Artificial Academy. Only I think shes has improved since then. I cant remember enjoying a sex scene more. She was already one of the best voices from that game.

>> No.8328278

If a girl does voice acting for porn games, is she forever ruined for anime? Like anyone who stars in a porno can never be in a real movie?

Because I would love to see this girls carrier to advance.

>> No.8328284

I can't find voice credits and I don't have the game but judging from the voice samples on the site it sounds like Aoba Ringo

>> No.8328287

Thats the tense voice. I think I am confusing the personalities from AA. Cold was the one they added in the voice pack. That would make Tense the one I am referring to.

>> No.8328300

Aoba Ringo frequently gets typecast as the hyper type or the tsundereoOr hell, sometimes a hyper tsundere). I think she works really well as that too, but I guess she can pull off this kind of role as well

>> No.8328308

Its like Rei is getting fucked. ITS FUCKING AWESOME.

>> No.8328310

Exact opposite, that's actually the fastest way to get into voicing anime. If the vn gets an anime adaptation the voice actors usually carryover to it.

Also, you earn more money voicing eroge compared to anime.

>> No.8328323

Yeah but you said anime and VN. Im talking about nukige and pornos. Perhaps if the Nukwhatever got turned in to an anime.. but its that very likely?

>> No.8328324

Yeah, you don't see eroge actors go into anime that often I guess because if they're already ok with doing ero, you may as well stick with it since it pays better.

You also see some anime actors gradually dive into ero work too

>> No.8328332

I can't fap to this because the thought of being bitten by a vampire makes me extremely uncomfortable.

>> No.8328345
File: 277 KB, 800x800, 93eff49abfcd7dc645d9653c7d13528805d77fa5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHAT THE FUCK I dont have a remilia so this will have to do.

>> No.8328351

This game is for people who are turned on by the thought of being bitten by a hot vampire.

You know, like normal

>> No.8328400

Then you have the voice actors like Kazane who are in fucking everything, from mainstream anime to fluffy moege to rape nukige

>> No.8328414

Well thanks for putting my mind at ease. I am glad to see that shes doing well. I think I am falling in love with her voice.

>> No.8328416

Kazane doesn't really do mainstream anime.

I was actually pretty surprised when I saw that she got a role in Angel Beats.

>> No.8328459

that fucking character design

shit i gotta download this

>> No.8328462

How is experiencing an almost orgasmic sensation uncomfortable? y-you do know about vampires do you?

>> No.8328492
File: 549 KB, 881x1000, 2d549cd7f901fc310c4e90d072ad113b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear you, that guy must be touched in the head.

I know I dont know to have the fangs of some Twilight vampire in my neck. I would cross an ocean of tumbtacks to have this lolis fangs in my neck. Not to mention any loli vampire to date.

But not Flan. True that it would be orgasmic to have her penetrate me, I still would not want die. If I would have some sort of death protection, then I would be her meal.

>> No.8328525

Don't vampire bites cause you to be uncontrollably aroused? The thought of losing control like that scared the HELL out of me when I was a kid.

Thus I always use to sleep on my left side as a babby because I thought vampires could only bite the left side of the neck. So if I slept that way then I thought I'd be protected at night or something. I still sleep most comfortably in that position to this day for some reason.

>> No.8328530

the problem with flan is she wouldn't stop at just biting

she would probably get carried away and rip out half your neck then eviscerate you and play with your organs

>> No.8328570

>uncontrollably aroused
Why would a child even be thinking about that or even know about that under normal circumstances? Unless you were raped and you were giving a fantastic orgasm. Then I dont see how that would frighten you either. Arousal is generally a good term, I dont see how you could have to much of it unless your brain was exploding from the ecstasy.

But yes im pretty sure they do put you in that state. They paralyze you with pleasure so they can finish eating. I still dont want man-fangs in me though. I suppose my opinion would change during the event... what if it turned me gay? But I think thats one reason they either kill their victims, enslave them or remove their memories. That way you dont have any Yanderes coming after your heart.

>> No.8328634

>uncontrollably aroused
>Why would a child even be thinking about that or even know about that under normal circumstances?
I started looking at porn at age 8, and masturbating at age 10. Some kids are just naturally sexually curious.

>> No.8328635

probably the though of being out of control.

>> No.8328660

Jesus man, I didn't know anything about masturbating and was gross out at porn till I was 14. But you're one hard core kid.

>> No.8328676

I heard about masturbation but never tried it until I was around 13 or 14. I never believed it felt as good as they say it did. But for years until then I would look at porn for the beauty of the female body and get this raging boners. I would be hard for hours at a time, until my dick hurt. The first time I released it, I was almost paralyzed on the floor from the pleasure of it.

>> No.8328763

That is amazing. I wonder if I made that scene my ring tone, anyone would know what was going on?

>> No.8328788

I scared, I dont know if I should fap now or wait. Her voice is so arousing.

>> No.8328885

Assuming you'll believe a stranger on 4chan (and one on /jp/, talking about sex of all things), I'll tell you that there are downsides to early enlightenment.
I've become somewhat desensitized to sexual contact and imagery. This isn't to say that it bores me; on the contrary, I still very much enjoy sex and my strange, shameful drawn pornography. But sex has become a purely emotional thing for me now, rather than a physical one. I've never been fully satisfied by anyone other than myself. I give myself the best oral (I'm very flexible). I've become so accustomed to my own hand that I often feel bad for my partners; nobody can make me successfully climax, and sex sessions end up taking excessively long, only to leave me physically unsatisfied and guilty. The only time I managed to successfully come was with the person I lost my virginity to, after several different attempts; we broke up shortly afterwards. My libido has essentially prevented me from maintaining a steady relationship.
Sage for story and off-topic post.

>> No.8329132

Ohh god, I think this is the first time I ever cried from a porno. His devotion to her, and his single minded love is so sweet.

>> No.8329223 [SPOILER] 
File: 281 KB, 1281x721, game 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let it be known to all, loli vampires can consume semen as an alternative for blood.

So let it be written, so it shall be done.

>> No.8329257

The writing is so much hotter than in their last game. Kirie is such a lewd girl.

>> No.8329263

Oh god, my balls practically exploded while listening to her through this scene

>> No.8329278

Yes I am really getting in to this game. The story, thought its completely a porno, is really good. The writing is great, the scenes are great. Fuck I love this game. I am really starting to like her and him. The rape scene was amazing. Combined with her incredible voice acting and the art. I am going to admit, this game could be a masterpiece. Will have to see if the ending is shit or now.

>> No.8329296

Man if its this good with agth, I cant even imagine how good thing thing would be with a proper translation. After playing half of this game, I wonder how a piece of shit like Classy Cranberries ever got made. Sure the art was out of this world but the rest of the game was pretty shitty.

>> No.8329302

I was rather surprised at how they actually payed some attention to the detail in that scene. She actually removed his sock from her mouth when she talked. I felt fuzzy all over every time she did that.

>> No.8329306

err, cock, I mean, not sock. Its hard to type when I have a boner.

>> No.8329325

Fuzzy nothing, my toes curled just a little.

>> No.8329356

Just randomly picked up from an image dump when I was searching for fangs.

>> No.8329371

Some guy called "iqdb", you might have heard of him.

>> No.8329380

i can't stop fapping to this

dick hurts, please help me

>> No.8329544

Fear not, you will stop naturally. When you wear the skin off your penis.

>> No.8329576
File: 18 KB, 302x303, 1218054189464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do sometimes wish you could post sound files on 4chan

I am so sorry, this is stronger than me

>> No.8329587

Found a torrent for you lazy/incompetent people

>> No.8329591


>> No.8329624

Wow, good job! I'll make sure to pet your head some time.

>> No.8329627

S-stupid Anon-san, its not like i asked you for this or anything! dont think so highly of yourself for this! i could have found this torrent anytime, stupid!

>> No.8329639

You guys are making me feel all warm and fuzzy.
It's too bad I'll probably get around to enjoying this.

>> No.8329659

I meant never, whatever.
Anyways thanks for showing me this op.

>> No.8329729

You would be crazy not to. I think its worth not fapping to the CG pack. Its actually a quality product.

>> No.8329740

I think I might actually use this as an excuse to finally try out that agth thing.

>> No.8329745

Not deep nakige = kusoge
Deal with it weeaboo

>> No.8329751


>> No.8329756

just call him weabo in return and make it a day
its another trendy meme

>> No.8329759

I wonder if anyone else is burdened with a sense of nigh unbearable pity for the unfortunate staff involved in this absurdity of a childish eroge knight parody better suited for inspiring the ambitions of ten year old girls than on the 18+ rack of a game store. Being forced to work on such a game would be justification for homicide in my opinion, failing that suicide is also a viable option to escape something so obscenely mind numbing it paralyzes even my inner child in fear. Sure we all need a break from serious stories be they dramas or action oriented, and the often silly romantic comedies of various sorts fill that gap quite nicely, but really people, if you are male, or a female older than, well lets be generous and say fourteen maybe you need to grow up instead of wasting precious time reinforcing the market for games like these. As an eroge the sole purpose of this game is to focus lust in the direction of childish knight characters. When you make a game more vapid and shallow than a Dr. Seuss book and center it around a supposedly mature audience you know there is something seriously wrong with either you or your target demographic or perhaps both..

>> No.8329782

You could really say the same thing about a lot of things. Toy companies like Mattel and Hasbro for example.

>> No.8329785

Replying to pastas is a no-no, anon-kun.

>> No.8329799

Oh I didn't realize, sorry.
Is it stale pasta?
What I said didn't really make sense anyways.

>> No.8330448
File: 738 KB, 800x640, newyear2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, is this going to be the heroine of the next chapter?
Not sure how to feel about that

>> No.8330468

This reminds me: a few days ago I saw a pasta that was basically a string of 4chan buzzwords (hipster, casual, that sort of thing) that I think was aimed at an anime or something. Anyone have it?

>> No.8330859


>> No.8333192

Well she cant be as good as the Kerye but ill give her a show.

>> No.8334892

Not small chested or lolicious...

She's already inferior.

>> No.8336415

bump for good game.

>> No.8337586

Anyone can tell me what is the piano piece that plays in one of the scenes in the classroom?
It's driving me crazy because I know I should know it, but can't remember.

>> No.8337900

The problem with characters like this, who are so awesome when they have the upper hand, is that Japan will inevitably insert a scene where they are outmanuevered/raped/otherwise overwhelmed, and that tends to be infuriating. Whether it's because you like them, or because it's a waste of screentime in which they could be awesome like usual.

>> No.8337921

Moonlight sonata

>> No.8338027

I know what you mean.

Also, I don't fantasize about raping girls that I like.

>> No.8338074

Indeed, it's a common theme for S girls to suddenly turn all dere dere during scnes or the main character turning S.
If you're M it's really disappointing.
But in this game I feel like it's been done really well, so it's still alright.

>> No.8338096

The art is amazing and the vampire loli is ridiculously awesome. Sadly I don't play nukige.

>> No.8338109

How do I learn enough japspeak to read VNs?

>> No.8338106

>Sadly I don't play nukige.
do your facebook friends think you are a pervert if you do or something?

>> No.8338117

That's a really strange policy to put unto oneself.

>> No.8338132

The plot is retarded/nonexistent anyways and the dialogues are very simple. Even my mother could understand this.

>> No.8338384

For me, the toll on my dick of a good nukige is just too big. I can't help but fap at every scene and after a while, it will be just painful.

>> No.8338444

Well, you're not supposed to read all of it at once.
I usually read nukige until the next scene and fap, then go to do / read something else until I feel like fapping again

>> No.8338512

I don't watch/have interest in porn or sex in general.

>> No.8339647

Nukige is below your standards right? You are so classy and elite. How about you come over my house and fuck my sister.

>> No.8340008

Happoubi Jin Tier: Happoubi Jin

Shit tier: everyone else

>> No.8341204

I finally got to play it. Oh my god, you were right. Simply amazing. I did feel bad when I raped her. But then the next day... Such an amazing treat.

Can only take the game in small bursts... For my body's sake

>> No.8341935

So after playing this for a while, it seems this game is a sort of Magical ero Kaidan of sorts. a mysterious girl lets our supposed protagonist use a "Magical Kaleidoscope" too see, what shouldn't be seen...

and we get to pee- er, i mean observe the depraved
actions of a certain teacher and loli-vampire.
what i wouldn't give to aquire that kaleidoscope...

What i wouldn't give to aquire that Kaleidoscope
And probably Renge too

>> No.8341983

Am I the only one that finds the girls sudden change from superly pissed off to moaning and screaming for more a bit strange? Maybe vampire girls are like that.

You mad? DICKINGS. Everything is happy.

>> No.8342284

babbys first nukige tier: Happoubi Jin

>> No.8342988

Kill yourself.

>> No.8343428

umad? xDDDDDD

>> No.8344084

This is /jp/ related.

>> No.8344105

well she does say it's like sucking blood for her.
So it's more like when you're pissed because you're fucking hungry and someone dangles your favorite food in front of you, you're just going to jam that down your throat and ask for more when it's over

>> No.8344146

>well she does say it's like sucking blood for her.
Rape is?
Because I'm pretty sure this what >>8341983 was talking about.

And to be honest that scene put me off for multiple reasons.

>> No.8344169

Uh, is this the first nukige you ever played?
Wait, no, let me rephrase that: is this the first ero content from Japan you ever experienced?

I mean, yeah, it still pisses me off too, but it's hardly something to complain about in regards to any particular eroge.

>> No.8344189

I didn't even take any of your complains for issues at all, it's just all incredibly hot.
Am I gone too far already?

>> No.8344202

I think it's mostly just the usual hardcore masochists complaining that a game doesn't cather 100% exclusively to them

>> No.8344656
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, ndou99_1_01.ogv_snapshot_00.01_[2012.01.03_20.36.24].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of that...

(from the ED)

>> No.8346603

anyone know how to extract the soundtrack? it's so good

>> No.8346778

Is a retard so his entire post in invalid. She is angry and crying during the entire rape. She is only 1 thought away from killing the MC at the end until he touches her heart a little, plus the fact that keeping him around would be more valuable than killing him, as she just found out.

>> No.8346787

Plus, she raped him first. So she hardly has much to complain about.

>> No.8346800

He was literally asking for it.
