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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 48 KB, 563x442, aria_game3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
831769 No.831769 [Reply] [Original]

Monthly Marimite/Aria/Simoun thread

>> No.831771

Monthly sage

>> No.831772

Its that time again /jp/

>> No.831776

take it to /a/

>> No.831775


for a second there i thought this was /u/

>> No.831780

it is, just look at all the touhou threads

>> No.831781
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>> No.831786

Thus concludes the Aria topic.

Continue with: Marimite/Simoun

>> No.831787

It's 80% /d/, 15% /u/ and 4% /h/

>> No.831782


>> No.831783

those would make it /d/, not /u/

>> No.831784



>> No.831789



>> No.831792

Figures and visual novels don't go on /a/.

>> No.831793

simoun: everyone is gay
marimite: everyone is gay + tea
aria: nice boats

>> No.831797


>> No.831808

what a waste, they didn't even rape them

>> No.831807

I've never seen the appeal of Aria; it's very generic in story.

If you want slice-of-life, go YKK or go home.

>> No.831815
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You surprise me, Kilgamayan.

Your rank on the Official Western Touhou Fandom has now dropped to fourth place. Enjoy being behind... ugh, Walfas.

>> No.831831


Methinks you fell for it, then.

>> No.831836

obligatory /r/ for companion image

>> No.831842
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Must be posted in any Aria thread.

>> No.831849
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>> No.831855

there is no story in Aria. It's called "healing type anime", and it's a product of an overstressed Japanese culture.

you sit and relax and absorb the happenings, atmosphere, and music. it's a uniquely Japanese genre, so it's not suprising that most westerners dislike it.

>> No.831865

walfas is hilarious

>> No.831861

Aria is as relaxing slice of life as YKK.
Maybe it feels a bit more forced since they mention all the time they live just to enjoy the day, while Alpha just watches silently the scenery.

>> No.831869
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>> No.831871

So this is effectively BGV. Check.

Wish fans would stop shitting themselves over it already.

>> No.831876


the is nothing offensive at all about your post, but for some reason I want to punch you in the face.

>> No.831881

Considering most of its western fanbase absolutely lack any sort of significant stress, I fail to see why it's gotten popular.
"I want a show that I can watch without having to think. Just like the rest of my goddamn day..." just doesn't seem to swing it.

>> No.831891
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Everyday is Sunday for us NEETs in /jp/. We don't get stressed here.

>> No.831897

Wtf, the fact that I am stressed is why I hate this show.

>> No.831894

People like to think they're more stressed than they are.

>> No.831902

Wouldn't that make Aria the most unpopular show among you, then?

>> No.831903

It's not uniquely Japanese. Go look up a movie called 'Empire'. It's three hours of watching the Empire State Building. Nothing happens in it.

>> No.831907
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Monthly Simoun?
Suddenly, win.

>> No.831916

Screw you guys. I love me some boat rowing anime. It doesn't hurt that all the girls in it are hot, cute, moe, and/or all of the above.

>> No.831917

I certainly hope that SOMETHING changes. otherwise it might as well be a still image.

>> No.831930

If that's all the show has, I'll just go watch something that's a little less idle on the story burner.

>> No.831923
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>> No.831924


after two hours the lights should turn off

>> No.831925

The position of shadows changes, and you see some people through the windows occasionally. That's about it.

>> No.831931
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Can sketchbook join?

>> No.831932


sorry should of put spoiler tags there

>> No.831939



>> No.831938
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Of course. Kate is awesome.

>> No.831945

It's a calming animu, that's about it. Everything in it is nice, and when there are negative things that happen they get sorted out is a nice manner quite swiftly.

It also has quite a large number of weird supernatural things happening in it. Time travel, ghosts, passages that loop on themselves, etc...

>> No.831942
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>> No.831943
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>should of

>> No.831948

Sure, let's celebrate the manga being translated.

>> No.831950
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I love you bug-tan~

>> No.831959

That's really the entire point. It's something to relax with, nothing more. And it's great for that.

It's bad for marathoning.

>> No.831957
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Not enough Marimite

>> No.831956

Sketchbook > Hidamari Sketch?
Sketchbook < Hidamari Sketch?

>> No.831960
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No one knows. It is a highly guarded Japanese secret.

>> No.831964
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>> No.831969

>It also has quite a large number of weird supernatural things happening in it. Time travel, ghosts, passages that loop on themselves, etc...
I do not remember any of this at all from ARIA. Then again, I only watched The Origination. And only recently started reading Aqua.

>> No.831970
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>> No.831968

I watched it after particularly eventful eps of other animu, although sometimes I'd feel like a mini-marathon and would watch four or five eps in a row.

>> No.831975

Then go back and watch the first two seasons, because you're missing awesome shit.

>> No.831976
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>> No.831978
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Postcards/DVD covers torrent on TT.

Still can't find scans of the PS2 limited edition manga/artbook.

>> No.831983
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>> No.831984
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>> No.831988
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I wish Maribato had netplay ;_;

>> No.831985

Why choose? They're both extremely good. And while they seem exactly the same from concept, they're actually pretty different.

>> No.831989

I just watched eight episodes of Simoun in some primal masochistic ritual.
Please tell me it gets better, /jp/. I want to believe in yuri loli loev.

>> No.831992

Is there some sort of relaxation disorder going around? I seem to recall being able to relax whenever I do something I enjoy; why the need for a specific genre of anime do do something you do naturally? Am I the only one who sees the commercialism in this bullshit?

>> No.831991

Why would you only watch S3 of a show?

Time travel happens quite early, with Akari going back to the time the first canal in Neo-Venezia got flooded with water, and talking with some people.

Ghost ep was all about scary stories, and one that actually turned out to be true. Cait Sidhe is awesome in it. Which reminds me of another good Cait Sidhe episode with a flying train.

The looping passage was the three girls trying to follow President Aria to a meeting of cats and being stuck in a loop for a while.

>> No.831999

Awesome game is awesome.

It gets slightly better when their ship gets blown the fuck up, but it's still boring. I never managed to finish it.

>> No.832000

>It also has quite a large number of weird supernatural things happening in it. Time travel, ghosts, passages that loop on themselves, etc...

You forgot to mention the most important one, the freaking big giant cat, Cait Sith. I'm kinda disappointed that furball didn't make any appearance in ORIGINATION.

>> No.832005
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>> No.832003

>Why would you only watch S3 of a show?
Because Aqua/Aria was never on my radar for a while. I heard of it and seen images and what not posted on /a/ before the split but I didn't think it was relevant to my interests. Then with a lack of any good shows that season, I watched The Origination along with some other stuff. So now I'm going back to download the first two seasons and reading the manga.

>> No.832010

Yeah they kinda forget that different people relax in different ways.

>> No.832016

You're entirely missing the point, so it would probably be lost on you anyway.

>> No.832017

I think the beginning episodes are weak. They're basically 7-8 episodes of exposition. I can't stand the first episode.

The plot kicks in shortly after though. It really gets excellent and stays that way for the remainder of the series. Best series of 2006, along with Kemonozume.

>> No.832023

He doesn't show up in S3? That blows. He was my favourite character, and towards the end of S2 he seemed to be becoming more important....

I'm still waiting for CrystalNova to finish subbing before I continue watching. I don't trust Hitode to do a decent job.

On a related note, the Arietta OVA is crap, avoid it if you haven't seen it. It's written by the Director not Amano, and has blatantly forced fanservicey scenes that don't fit the show at all.

>> No.832024

>Kate is awesome.

>> No.832031

I liked the one episode where they went to the Japanese shrine island and Akari met a procession of Japanese gods.

>> No.832032

Please, enlighten me. I found no merit; what am I missing?

>> No.832040

Many people find it hard to relax. Something like ARIA gives them the opportunity to do so easily.

>> No.832048

I found it stayed boring even after the plot supposedly kicked it. Well, the boringness did change from "boring exposition" to "boring melodrama + exposition" I suppose.

>> No.832049

Akari is definitely a magnet for mystical phenomenons, just like how Kindaichi and Conan are the magnets for murder cases.

>> No.832051


This is how I know you're lying.

>> No.832052


You mean, TAKE IT EASY?

>> No.832054
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>>I wish Maribato had netplay

It's on the list of "good things we can't have".

>> No.832058
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>Postcards/DVD covers torrent on TT.
Oh Nice! New pictures.
>Still can't find scans of the PS2 limited edition manga/artbook.
What exactly was that manga? Is the cover like this: (it's off lilicious)

>> No.832056

As I said, there's probably no way you would be able to see it, even if explained. People are just different like that.

There's really a difference between doing something you enjoy and doing something to relax.

>> No.832063
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> You mean, TAKE IT EASY?
There was already that yukkuri censor on mamiina's breasts

>> No.832077

How about you stop being an elitist douchebag and explain it properly? "You wouldn't understand it" is a goddamn cop-out and you know it.

Pleasure brings contentment, which generally spurs relaxation; the key I'm missing is the connection of Aria to "pleasure"... IS there an answer here that isn't "I just enjoy it."?

>> No.832074
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>> No.832079

I'll try to put it into words, if I can.

Twenty minutes of excitement obviously doesn't relax you. Twenty minutes of literally nothing happening doesn't relax you either, since it's very easy for the mind to wander by itself. ARIA has enough going on that your mind stays focused, but without actually stimulating it. Thus allowing it to relax.

>> No.832085
File: 630 KB, 1102x1600, 1213596380175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how does this game play? The TRPG part looks kind of crappy.

>> No.832086

Cait Sith is awesome in the manga.
The whole effect every time he lifts his hat. You know it's just a huge cat, but it feels like you have stumbled upon something forbidden.
But they just pat you in the head, give you a cookie, and send you home.

Also, I gasped when he was first revealed. It's a huge cat, and he just gives you a sort of acknowledgment, a wink.

Screw it, I'm going to re-read the cat cafe chapter.

>> No.832090

I'll add to >>832079 with:
I find the world of ARIA to be quite aesthetically pleasing, myself. Not just the characters, but the entire setting is very nice to look at.

>> No.832091
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these? the books that came with the ps2 game?

>> No.832102
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Some comedy/silly one. It isn't the one you posted.

Is it? Here's a low quality sample page. Been looking for it for translation purposes.

>> No.832105

But it's not something that can be explained. That's what I'm really trying to say. If you don't see anything in it, that's fine, because like I said, people are different, but there's really nothing I can say to make you see it.

>> No.832116



>> No.832128

if you liked the Utawarerumono game, then you'll like that

>> No.832142

So it's visual marijuana. Check.

Forgive the dickery, but this show always and without fail throws me for a loop. To me, it appears like the barest minimum of effort on the creator's part and he's being rewarded for it; I find certain things with no "story content" relaxing, (Pythagoras Switch comes to mind) but put it in a vehicle created for telling story, be it anime or manga, and I lose the point.

>> No.832143

that's from the one on the left. I'm borrowing them from a friend though, so if I can scan it without hurting it, I'll do it... otherwise it's not really my call. Either way it won't be today, but if I'm able to scan it then I will upload it to rapidshit or something for you.

>> No.832160

What >>832079 is saying here is that Aria is a way for people with no interests outside of anime to relax. Most of us do something else; basement-level otaku watch Aria.

>> No.832181

There are no scans of it on Share or Winny, so you'd be doing the internet a service.

But yeah like you said, don't bother if you gotta damage it in order to scan it. Thanks Anon.

>> No.832204

>>basement-level otaku post on /jp/

we're living the dream

>> No.832221

Gah; perish the thought. if I still lived with my family, you'd all be reading about their unnecessarily brutal murder on the news in short order. Congrats on the "easy life," but I find living on EASY MODO is not for me.

>> No.832236

This is why I said the point would be lost on you no matter what. I wasn't trying to be an ass, it's just how these things work.

>> No.832253

Yes, the major issue here is I find letting my mind wander relaxing, so I'm better off with nothing.

>> No.832284
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>> No.832302

Oh wow, Aaeru's face is so kinda yaranaika like

>> No.832310

And 1% is what?
Expoosure from Tiberium?

>> No.832322

diabeetus in 3D form.

>> No.832365
File: 45 KB, 400x515, 1213599580970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simoun: everyone is gay
>marimite: everyone is gay + tea
>aria: nice boats
Any moment now, Nice gay tea....
*rule 34s this*

>> No.832366
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They come with the limited edition of the PS2 game being released later this month.


>> No.832374

touhou: everyone is gay + tea

>> No.832393

I thought it was "everyone is futa with silly hats."

>> No.832400
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>> No.832408

It better be, those are my fetishes

>> No.832407
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>> No.832429
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/MISAO HIJACK because I only have one SFW picture

>> No.832434
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S4 when?

>> No.832457
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Touhou: everyone is futa with silly hats while drinking tea.

/jp/ will fansub the series just like old /a/ did, right?

>> No.832497

time will tell.

>> No.832503

> Touhou: everyone is futa with silly hats while drinking tea.
Kaguya doesn't have a hat :(

>> No.832511

what's that say? can you post link?

tl;dr: source.

>> No.832521
File: 96 KB, 640x480, 1213601628019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is kinda creepy.

>> No.832546

The best official Touhou manga:


>> No.832569

>>832503 :(
Get the fuck out faggot
