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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8317045 No.8317045 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>8286910

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?
You know the drill.

>> No.8317060

I'm thinking of starting "your diary". Is it any good?

>> No.8317092

It's cute and harmless.
Wouldn't really call it good though, Natsu no Ame from the same team was much better.

>> No.8317140

Just installing White Album 2. It has a 97 on EGS so far, so hopefully it will be good. It's going to be hard to stop myself from skipping this introductory chapter though.

>> No.8317160

I doubt you'll like it.
You don't seem to be into these type of stories that make you feel like shit and that don't hesitate to make basically all the characters look bad.

>> No.8317205

Yea, but I liked Kiminozo, and from what I've heard they are kind of similar in the drama and love triangle stuff? I may be wrong though.

>> No.8317215

Finished three routes in LB vanilla, currently reading Komari.

>> No.8317261

Didn't you read like two-three ends from kiminozo though?
And we are talking about a game that leaves its heroines and main character look like the most horrible people in the world, save one.

>> No.8317277

Well. I am under the impression that there are good ends in White Album 2. Are there not? I just wanted some nice drama and love triangle business with a happy ending. If there all bad/depressing ends though then I guess that is a different story.

>> No.8317304

Learn self-defense with Makina

>> No.8317319

>with a happy ending.
All the heroines have their happy ending, that does not mean they act like good people in their routes. The game makes sure to hammer what kind of people they are.

>> No.8317406

Just finished Cross Channel because I'm really late. It was alright, but the ending kinda dragged.

Probably gonna pick up a nukiage now before Katawa Shoujo comes out, haven't read one in a while.

Also, wow I'm retarded. Took me three tries to get the spoiler right.

>> No.8317544

Can we stop bringing White Album 2 discussion into this thread? It already has its own thread you know.

>> No.8317594


>> No.8317627

I've never seen it talked about on /jp/ in the time I've been here but I've been playing Clannad on and off for the last month or two and I've just finished Kotomi's route. The feelings from this are..wow.

>> No.8317634

That bad eh?

>> No.8317707

Clannad got plenty of threads back then, it received quite a lot of love too.

>> No.8318492


Maybe I'll do Makina's route after I finish WA2

>> No.8319690

Page 12 already? This won't do, this won't do at all!

>> No.8319704

We're all tired of talking about Clannad, just like Rance.

Also, the TL is shit. Sucks to be a monolingual faggot, huh?

>> No.8320106

Time to try Meikyuu sincve I pretty much ignored the trial last week because WA2.
I hope it has some Sachi.

>> No.8320314

Playing Debonosu's new game

>> No.8320582
File: 231 KB, 800x601, tsuntsun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be fucked, this game is pretty funny.

>> No.8320604

Bampu pantsu.

>> No.8320638

Fuck you I'm trilingual. Sadly none of them are Japanese.

>> No.8320767

That's SubaHibi isn't it? I really should get back to playing that, haven't touched it in months.

>> No.8320788

Just started White Album 2. Figured it's worth checking out given all the buzz.

I also picked up お前のパンツは何色 on a whim. Not expecting much, but it could be fun.

>> No.8320823

I can't bring myself to find those scenes funny after the end.

>> No.8320857

Anything recommendations to bring in the new year?
Bonus points for having to do with new beginnings or the turning of the gregorian calendar.

>> No.8320877

White Album 2 is perfect for that period.

>> No.8320898

I'll check it out, thanks.

>> No.8321059

That game makes me penis hurt.

>> No.8321087

In a good way?

>> No.8321425

If by good way, you mean I've rubbed my penis raw to it anyway.

>> No.8321433
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>> No.8321639
File: 833 KB, 1024x768, 21937792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Downloaded new Higanbana. Can't wait to discuss it with the rest of /jp/ enthusiasts!

...Oh, wait. I'm the only one who's reading it.

>> No.8321655

I'm sure a lot of us played that game already, why are you doing a let's play live feed or something?

>> No.8321649

I accidentally downloaded ep1 from C80 not knowing what it was since the title was in Japanese and thought it was a game, so I said ''whatever, let's read it''.

Now I'm waiting for the english patch that that one guy said he was making.

>> No.8321681

This is the second screenshot I post on this thread, which I did because I find that line funny. Are you that mentally handicapped to interpret this as an attempt of a let's play? I understand that this is a time of the year where some people tend to get exceptionally bitter, but please refrain from doing such moronic posts in the future.

>> No.8321687

So it's the end of the year, show your top 3 of 2011

1-White Album 2

The usual, I'm too mainstream I think

>> No.8321697
File: 35 KB, 251x350, Little_Busters!_game_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently downloading 'Little Busters!', is it worth my time?

>> No.8321703

Haven't played too many VNs this year, I'm afraid. In no particular order:

Higanbana (does it count? It's only the first two games)

>> No.8321721

I tried the first game, it bored me out of my mind

>> No.8321742

They are in the original game or it's just this line?

>> No.8321749

White Album 2
Artemis Blue

>> No.8321750

1- White Album
2- Grisaia
3- KKK
Honorable mention to Kamidori.

>> No.8321762

Although a few lines do originally have furigana, I'm currently making use of ChiiTrans to help me out with more complex kanji.

>> No.8321765

What is to have no taste.

>> No.8321773

It feels fine, thank you.
I do think all of these are pretty excellent though.

>> No.8321785

I see. Thanks

>> No.8321810

Let's see thy list then, oh ye of refined taste.

>> No.8321921

1. WA2
199. Eustia
200. Grisaia

>> No.8321967

I can't see what you disliked so much about Eustia and Grisaia.
I mean, yeah they both have flaws, Eustia is a bit dragged out at times, can be a bit preachy from the protagonist side and the last chapter is hit or miss but everything was high quality on average.
And Grisaia had some weaker routes and may have been too long for what it was but again it was a very enjoyable experiences with great writing and characters.

Talking about flawed VNs, I think Rewrite, IroSekai and Tenshi no Hane could have been up there if they were more solid before their last routes, all 3 had great concept and setting but only their last routes really delivered.

>> No.8322001

In my opinion Eustia's last chapter is shit.
It shits upon Caim's characterization that was built upon on the previous 4 chapters.

>> No.8322039

I have not played all the important titles yet, but of those that I played.
1. Artemis Blue
2. Euphoria
3. VenusBlood -Abyss-
honorable mention goes for Kamidori as gameplaywise it gave me shit tons of fun, if the plot would have been bit better it would be on the list

>> No.8322138

notice how he still didn't say which games he'd put in second and third place

>> No.8322635

It's hard for me to remember exactly because a lot of stuff I played this year was not from this year.

1:Oretsuba R
2:Renai 0
3:I can't really think of a 3rd that matches up those two yet, so for now, I will say White Album 2 (though I have not yet finished it).

>> No.8323258

Just downloaded and started up the Hatsuyuki Sakura trial (by the same team as Natsuyume Nagisa), and... "This Game is Japan Only", damnit

>> No.8323281
File: 155 KB, 1023x640, DOWN WITH THE KIDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys should play "don't take it personally, babe, it just ain't your story" by Christine Love. It's a proper VN written by a real author rather than poorly scripted porn written by Jap virgins. Of course you guys have no taste, so you'd probably pretend to hate this (award-winning) VN just to feel like special snowflakes.

>> No.8323292
File: 67 KB, 500x355, Your.Diary.557964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Your Diary, anyone knows any progress in the translation?

>> No.8323305

That was boring, you need to be more subtle if you want to rile people up. But at least you tried, and trying is 50%.

>> No.8323314

Fuck off with your stupid general threads
This is not a forum
If you have some question or specific issue about a game, feel free to make a thread about it, but this 'guise llet's just talk about what VNs you're playing like it's some sticky on my favourite anime forum' is bullshit.

Yes I mad because no matter how often people post stuff like I just did, you faggots will never cease to make general threads.

>> No.8323317
File: 430 KB, 1366x1000, 26215_U_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best fap of 2011 or best fap of 2011?
I guess I'm just a sucker for moving pictures and 'incest'.

>> No.8323327

Played Kara no Shoujo quite a while go.
Just finished G Senjou no Maou.
Now have two VN's lined up for these holidays. Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo and Swan Song

>> No.8323333

0%? Is there even a translation?

>> No.8323343

We ain't getting a translation for Asairo Yori, right?

>> No.8323377

I dunno, it got an amazing hype because Kantoku did the Character Design. I suppose it might get a translation somewhere next year.

But Kitto, Sumiwataru Asairo Yori Mo does not have it yet, so Your Diary will have to wait maybe a few years more.

>> No.8323378

According to the archive this is a pasta from a couple of days ago?
MIne would go to Hadaka Shitsuji. Not as extreme as euphoria, which I thanked because some of it was too much for me.
Though I loved sisters, would have been better if I could have skipped videos, but lasted me a month.

>> No.8323418

Playing Katahane. I'm kind of late to the game with VNs (understatement).

>> No.8323413

>but lasted me a month.
I don't know if I am impressed at that statement or not. The walking animation from room to room was a major pain, I agree.

Actually now that I think about it, I was pretty in to STARLESS for a month or so even though I stay away from extreme fetish stuff like injecting your balls with some kind of magic serum to cum buckets. It's fun to shake things up once in a while.

>> No.8323433

Obviously I was using a little hyperbole, but I'm completely serious.

>> No.8323443

Playing Wanko To Kurasou babby's first VN

I'm terribly in love for Mikan and all I want from life is to be able to hold her.

>> No.8323463

Are you past-me?
That was my first VN too.
I cried.

>> No.8323487

I'm sure you were. That's why you've been posting it in these threads the past few weeks, trying to illicit a response, correct?

>> No.8324192

Not to mention that it's clear from the wording and the picture use that he's sarcastically putting the game down more than he's recommending it.

Like, we get it, it's probably a stupid game. Let it go already. It's not bad enough to keep sarcastically bashing it every week

>> No.8324664


>> No.8324683

Araragi is the hottest bitch out there.

>> No.8324711

18 minutes until the new year and I'm reading White Album 2 while drinking expensive export beer. Feels pretty good since the effects of alcohol make this VN even more emotionally devastating.

>> No.8324762

Stature of a loli + huge breasts.
I can understand

>> No.8324806

...export beer?

>> No.8325635


Well I just finished Koharu's route in White Album 2. The drama was poorly done and the plot was a little underwhelming, and the protagonist was a bit too much of a hetare for my liking. But it was still a fun read. I liked the art, and Koharu is super moe.

Also, Setsuna and Takeya reminded me of Sora and Masa from Baldr Sky for some reason. Visually similar I guess?

>And we are talking about a game that leaves its heroines and main character look like the most horrible people in the world, save one.
I assume you must've meant Koharu's route by that.

>> No.8325733
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>> No.8325742


>> No.8325749

Maybe she's wrapping it in bandages or something.

>> No.8325760

Of course!
Though to be honest I don't know quite what I'm doing. Whether people reply to me or not is inconsequential, so long as my post is read.

>> No.8325777
File: 471 KB, 1216x912, 1325248134108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at her measurements.

>> No.8325795

The difference in chest seize between the A cup, F cup, and G cup girls is not comprehendable. She's much cuter the way she is though so I guess it is ok.

>> No.8325807

Fucking 鬼畜先生 and his loli fever.

>> No.8325821

>I assume you must've meant Koharu's route by that
Actually, no. Koharu comes as a horrible person in her route.

>> No.8325827

Really? I didn't see that at all.

>> No.8325832

I didn't think she was really at fault either but I guess it depends on how you see things

>> No.8325845

Her reaction to the situation was so Haruki-like. Guess they really super-similar.

>> No.8325865

I just didn't really feel like she did anything particularly horrible. The drama was also kind of lacklustre considering her friend was pretty much just atmosphere almost the entire game, so it was kind of hard to care.

>> No.8325872

>>8325821 wasn't me. I was just commenting in general.

>> No.8325909

Kantoku is the sole reason I want to play Your Diary.

>> No.8327276
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This game has some pretty weird sense of things to reference. Seriously, what the heck.

>> No.8327732
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New Twinkle Crusaders PSS trial out.


New things seem to include tweaked stats for balance, particularly for the Princess Witches (making them slower and a little less broken), though Shin's team also took a few nerfs as well.

There's also a new, fourth battle against Lillian-sensei, and your party is randomized for that battle, for whatever reason. At least it gives you a chance to use maou Shin, awakened Nanaka, Azel, and Merilot.

>> No.8327737

How is Twinkle Crusaders anyway? EGS reviews seem a little lackluster although the score's not bad.

>> No.8327762

Finished Yoshine route in Tenka Gomen.
It wasn't very good and I'm wondering if I should even do the other routes.
Also seems it's only one ero-scene per heroine and Yoshine felt pretty tacked on.

>> No.8327775

So it wasn't a nukige? I didn't expect that...

>> No.8327817
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I like it, though primarily for the characters/cameos and the battle system. The plot goes over my head due to my lack of reading comprehension, but again, characters keep it colorful, so yeah.

Plus, Illear is goddamn sexy. All of my hype for her route in the sequel.

>> No.8327879
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Oh god.


>> No.8328145
File: 2.06 MB, 2894x4094, soukoku_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so 2011 ended and 2012 started. what are the eroges you guys are looking foward to most this year?
for me the things I'm anticipating most right now are:
Soukoku no Arterial
Material Brave
Taiyou no Ko (if it gets released this year)
VenusBlood -Frontier-

>> No.8328237

Kanotsuku 2

Hopefully they do not make it easy to accidentally turn the heroine into an NTRing slut this time.

>> No.8328260

For those who want to see what's new in the PSS trial.


>> No.8328264
File: 108 KB, 900x632, 1325303874233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Kyonyuu Fantasy Gaiden. I swear I play it for the storyline.
Looking forward to a fully translated Majiko
Finished only two so far.

>> No.8328280

Material Brave, Eiyuu Senki, and maybe Bunny Black2 are all so far. If Eushully can make card battling decent, I'll give Arterial a shot, but I doubt it. Everything about it screams filler game to me.
I feel burned out on real VNs these days and they all feel like they're just running together and relying on the same old schticks with hour after hour of pure filler to stretch them out. I actually appreciated Corona just because of how short it was, even with at least probably 10 hours of unneeded padding. Maybe I just need a month or two to detox.

>> No.8328292
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>the storyline

>> No.8328320

Not that guy but the main game was pretty good.
Give it a try, it's kinda like Irresponsible Captain Tylor.

I was laughing a lot how the enemies keep overestimating the protag.

>> No.8328352
File: 31 KB, 243x350, 10007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. Hanachirutani Sanjinkou
2. Aiyoku no Eustia
3. Koi de wa naku
4. Temaribana
5. Alternative Chronicles 02
6. Kikokugai (didn't play the original)
7. Kimi ga ita Kisetsu (didn't play the original)
8. Artemis Blue
9. Kamikaze Explorer
10. Nekonade Distortion

Not a stellar year as far as I am concerneed, Sanjinkou and Eustia were the only games I consider good (as opposed to "pretty good" or "OK-ish") but neither of them was anywhere near as good as the best titles from 2009 or 2010 either. I still have WA2 left, hopefully that will be better.

>> No.8328363

Oh yeah Sanjinkou, I have it on my backlog but I heard it's pretty weak for raiL-soft.
Any impressions?

>> No.8328413

>Kamikaze Explorer
Is that game actually good?
I only finished the moral committee heroine's route and lost interest reading the other routes cause it's pretty average. (Also she's too slutty.)

I was also half-expecting it to genre shift into a proper fighting vn too.

>> No.8328450

It's weaker than their other games, yeah. Story doesn't have very good pacing, art is pretty bad in places, some things are left completely open - basically it looks a lot like the game was rushed. Text and music are what you can expect. I'd mostly recommend it for people who played and liked all three previous games.

In case anyone played the trial and found it strange, it's because it actually covers the third chapter of the full game.

Not really, I didn't mean to imply that I found all games on that list good. Nekonade in particular was fairly shitty.

>> No.8328455

1. White Album 2
2. Kamidori
3. Grisaia no Kajitsu
4. Aiyoku no Eustia
5. Sukima Zakura to Uso no Machi
6. Taiyou no Promia
7. Tenshi no Hane wo Fumanaide
8. Rewrite
9. Artemis Blue
10. Shunki Gentei Poco a Poco

>> No.8328461
File: 90 KB, 480x270, 29150it_ss09_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah Arterial does feel a bit of filler game, but recently every game Eushully has made has really caught me in, so for me atleast I believe it will be good fun. I'm also big sucker when there are options to go with either good or evil routes, +there will Haisherra cameo aparently, and hell plotwise it already seems more interesting that Kamidori was atleast. so I'm all hyped for it even though it has all those uncertain elements if it will be as good as their previous games, but I do understand why some people aren't nearly as enthuastic about it as I am

>> No.8328482


Oh yeah, forgot to mention that the protagonist is much more kichigai than what most people were expecting.

>> No.8328484
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>> No.8328952

Who is this?
The real Tanaka Romeo (the writer of Cross Channel)?

>> No.8329004
File: 879 KB, 941x654, 24038598_big_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New Year, you bastards.

Even entry-level moonspeakers should be able to read the signature.

>> No.8329023

Obviously I didn't right? I mean it's not like I included the damn name in my post...

>> No.8329058

Guess I misunderstood the post, sorry.

>> No.8329083

I guess I'll still try it then.
My favorite raiL-soft is Bengarachou by quite a wide margin but I still liked the other titles, I should like this too.

>> No.8329084
File: 30 KB, 256x361, 10462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone play this in the end?
I'm curious about it. Hearsay works too.

>> No.8329379

>Did anyone play this in the end?
>データ数 2
not a very good sign i guess

>> No.8329406

Everyone's too busy playing WA2

>> No.8329509 [DELETED] 
File: 688 KB, 1537x1361, Konachan.com - 78349 air kamio_misuzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what happened to the AIR translation project? Last I heard it was being done by a group called/at enterthewired.org but their site has been down for several months now.

>> No.8329526

[05:42] <Moogy> blorgh
[05:42] <Moogy> i can't handle white album 2 any longer
[05:42] <Moogy> dropped
[05:43] <Moogy> somewhat into closing chapter
[05:43] <Moogy> scenes in closing chapter last way too long and i don't care about any of the characters so i can't handle it any longer
[05:43] <Moogy> my main complaint is that the game is not really a "story" per se, it's just drama
[05:44] <Moogy> i will say that it is quite well-written for what it is and i can't call it shit
[05:44] <Moogy> but it's not interesting to me in the slightest
[05:44] <Metarail> but isn't that whats it supposed to be about, drama
[05:44] <Moogy> yes, and that's why it doesn't agree with me
[05:44] <Moogy> if you like 昼ドラマ then i'm sure it's fantastic, like i said the writing is very good
[05:45] <Moogy> but there's nothing else really driving it and that's not enough for me to keep reading
[05:45] <Moogy> at least not for however godawfully long CC is
[05:46] <Moogy> also the BGM is fairly unimpressive and there aren't an abundance of tracks if i have to nitpick something else (besides the art, the CGs are improved greatly in CC but the tachie are roughly the same quality)
[05:47] <Moogy> they also apparently redid some of the more awful CGs in IC
[05:47] <Moogy> for the IC+CC release
[05:47] <tomas> yep
[05:47] <tomas> the original CGs in IC were truly quality
[05:48] <Moogy> anyway i wouldn't really recommend CC unless you can handle 3mb+ of 昼ドラマ
[05:48] <Moogy> if you can, have at it i guess
[05:52] <Moogy> anyway i can't imagine there are this many people who agree with what the game is doing and its length
[05:52] <Moogy> so i'm suspecting major maruto fanboys and 工作 re: EGS
[05:54] <Moogy> well either that or japanese people are weird and like this shit

Moogy doesn't like it, kusoge confirmed

>> No.8329546

All hail moogy-dono.

>> No.8329551

Moogy is an endless source of entertainment

>> No.8329616

A new group started it recently, that's about it.
You don't read a drama driven game if you don't like drama. Also I liked the pacing teh days went by like a flash unless something really imoprtant happened, but I agree with the tachi es part.

>> No.8329635

Yeah I thought the pacing was one of the best thing about WA2.
Don't go too fast but not too slow either, the tempo was great.
But I guess things seem slow when you don't enjoy something

>> No.8329648

Why are you even replying like he's making serious criticisms and not just pulling shit out his ass to sound cool and contrarian like usual.

>> No.8329789


>> No.8329805

This is awesome

I'm surprised the swan girl isn't pregnant

>> No.8329894

>also the BGM is fairly unimpressive
I found the BGM pretty powerful and memorable itself.
Especially during pivotal scenes, the BGM fits perfectly. I always get goosebumps when the BGM suddenly plays.

I hate dramas and I like the game, I guess I'm just weird.

>> No.8329908
File: 135 KB, 728x290, demo_demo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, that sure looks like M&M art to me. Did he leave Atelier Kaguya?

>> No.8329921

You aren't weird, I usually hate romantic drama too.
I loathe soap opera with a passion, I barely care about that genre in eroge, I tried Aster for example recently since it's usually well liked and disliked it.
Yet something about WA 2 made me love it.
I do think there is something universal about it that can attract most people.

>> No.8329953

First Choco Chips now him? I guess Altelier Kaguya really is in trouble.
Come to think of it, they keep releasing low priced low budget nukiges recently.

>> No.8330500

>plotwise it already seems more interesting that Kamidori was
That's not really that difficult, although I think Kamidori does get a bit of a bad rap since Yuera's route is the shittiest written by far but it's the one that everybody does.

>> No.8330574

Blame eushully for pushing her as 'main' heroine.
Taking into account how much it takes to complete a full game, most people stop giving a shit about the plot after her route.

>> No.8330751

I'd rather blame them for just writing a fairly shitty, poorly paced route.

>> No.8331495
File: 128 KB, 816x638, Mio1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading LB! 30 hours~ before my finals begin.
2 Routes down (Mio,Komari, done Rin1 first) and I haven't break down crying like a little bitch.

So, Key hadn't been kicking its readers in the guts when they're down, all the while smashing them in the chest with a metal bat anymore since... 2007?
I wouldn't know.
Who am I kidding there are 4 routes left.

>> No.8331526

It just builds up to refrain. Though it's a lot more cheerful than the rest of their games.
Saya's route in ex is the same.

>> No.8331562

>Yuera's route is the shittiest
really? I did Selavie's in my only playthrough and while it was entertaining enough I guess, it's something you'd see in low-tier shounen manga. Yuera's even worse than that?

>> No.8331577


Get hype for January.

>> No.8331591

I like how epistula sounds.
And I still don't like Majikoi, so that's probably my only pick this month.

>> No.8331592


>> No.8331599

Key fails at doing anything Little busters! or CLANNAD tier in Rewrite. So enjoy it while it lasts.

I blame R07 and everyone except Romeo, also lack of Maeda

>> No.8331608

Terra is better than anything in Rewrite though
And in term of individual routes Akane and Lucia are better than any routes in LB save Saya.

>> No.8331612

R07 wrote one route, which was actually decent for once. And it felt so incredibly disconnected from the rest he probably had nothing to do with the actual VN development.
I blame Tonokawa.

>> No.8331614

>Better than anything in LB

>> No.8331621

Lucia's route is only better than LB routes if you disregard the first two hours.
Otherwise nope.

>> No.8331624

majikoi S and dousei loverable for me, I guess
I like Gaku Ou's chara design and it has Princess Witches' writer, but also two new nonames so I'll check the reviews and decide on that

>> No.8331628

Actually compared to Tonogawa's route Lucia's route actually connected well.
Chihaya was a mess with some stuff barely making sense like the whole situation with Kagari by the end.
And Shizuru showed nothing.
At least Lucia's route showed the truth about the Guardian organization including its darkest part which was much needed since one of the point of Rewrite was that the whole conflict wasn't good vs evil.

>> No.8331642

I'll probably just do Twinkle Crusaders PSS since I loved Princess Witches.
I hope Orr will have a cameo

>> No.8331690

She's an already cliched kuudere, which is pretty much the most boring character archetype ever and it doesn't help that her chapter 4-7 is basically filler with almost nothing actually relating to her happening and then most of her ending is just flat out not explained. Loli route is the best by far, even if I still don't like her all that much.

>> No.8332258

Personally I didn't feel there was much drama in White Album 2 CC, and the drama that was there was very weak and thus hard to care about. It played more like a generic pure love game, albeit with good writing and art.

How can you blame R07 when he only wrote 1 character route, and it was one of the only ones of passable quality? If anything, the worst writer in Rewrite was Romeo, considering he route most of it, but then, I've never liked his works or thought he was very good.

>> No.8332334
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x720, hatsuyuki sakura trial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The music for this is really nice

>> No.8332777

You probably just read Koharu's route then.
Go tell me that Chiaki's route or Coda aren't full of drama

>> No.8332892

he probably didn't/won't even play them, he just reads the one route he wants and then drops games

>> No.8333084

Even if they are, moogy said he dropped the game partway through, which I assume would still be the common route, complaining about how it is all drama. But I felt the common route was pretty light on drama, which was kind of what I was commenting on.

It's not my fault the other girls are unattractive. Setsuna scares me, I don't like Chiaki's personality and she sounds like she is voiced by a 40 year old, and Mari is an old lady. Io might've been fun to capture, I could see that drama being interesting, but I don't believe she has a route.

>> No.8333167

>Setsuna scares me

>> No.8333199

Honestly at times it felt like Setsuna could be a yandere.
Too much devotion can be pretty scary.

>> No.8333225

Yea mostly what the guy above me said. She seemed a little yandere at times.

>> No.8333231

Yumeno is the highest score ever on konachan.
Hell yeah.

>> No.8333384

I see what you mean, she doesn't really scare me though. She even gives up without a fight once the protag chooses.

The other heroines are way more batshit crazy.

>> No.8334244

What's everyone looking forward to this month? Mine are:
1. Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! S
2. No.
3. Thank you.

>> No.8334279

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8335988
File: 1.01 MB, 1029x768, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing in the world makes me more elated than neo venezia

>> No.8336662
File: 174 KB, 800x600, kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Wow. That was a pretty clever english pun for a japanese game - color me impressed.

>> No.8336682

Done with Umineko except for the tea party.

Magic: A perfect fitting end to end the series. I felt so satisfied. Probably Bern/Lambda would be my favorite scene because they were throwing big bangs and stuff.
Trick: Holy shit, you guys were utterly right: ANGE, TOTAL BADASS who didn't give a single fuck.

>> No.8339270


>> No.8339277

Finished Grisaia's trial, actually left me wanting more from Michiru's after and the main story.
Asako feels like a good adition even if I know how it'll end from Makina's route.
Amane's was all porn so I kinda skipped it.

>> No.8339642

Yeah the grand route looks like it will be good, lots of JB too.

>> No.8339657

Chiara is appearing too, right?
She was fun, and tanned with white hair.

>> No.8339847

How about that Bishoujo Mangekyou?

>> No.8339876

There's a thread floating around.
Delicious art, music, surprinsingly nice romance and Kirie is incredibly hot.

>> No.8340124 [SPOILER] 
File: 154 KB, 1296x758, 3_20120101202628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the Hatsuyuki Sakura trial.
It was fantastic - I didn't expect it to turn out this way at all. It looked like a moege/nakige from the official site, but it turned out to be much darker and more story-focused, kind of like G-senjou no Maou if it involved supernatural elements and Kyousuke actually was Maou. There were quite a few twists and foreshadowing in the trial alone.
That was probably a bad comparison, but if it sounds interesting I recommend giving it a try. I had to download some random patch off Hongfire to get rid of the "This Game is Japan Only' error, but it was worth it.
...Also Sakura is really moe.

>> No.8340219

Writer of Natsuyume Nagisa so I'm not surprised it's high quality.

>> No.8340377

Can you post the link to the patch you used to play Hatsuyuki Sakura?
Fucking Visual-art and that anti-gaijin policy.

>> No.8340953
File: 343 KB, 1297x765, datdoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People only want to play for Happoubi Jin's art and story.
Nevertheless, the game is really unique compared to other wstar games.
The characters are also well-designed and the BGM really suits the eerie and mysterious atmosphere. Preferably, the game needs at least HCG for Renge and my dick will be satisfied.

>> No.8341040

hey guys,I've been playing Yu-No and I'm quite enjoying,but something got me curious:the group that translated it said that the Windows port(the one they translated)is more censored than the original PC-98 version,not only in images(genitals are more blurried.The patch reverts it back to the PC-98 less censored version)but in the text as well(which the patch also "descensored" it).Apparently,this port adds an asterisk(*) over words to conceal the relationship between certain characters and toned down a certain scenario.Which scenario they toned down and what exactly they tried to censor and conceal?I won't mind spoilers.

>> No.8341105

H-how do you enable it to display the hiragana readings above Kanji?

>> No.8341156

The thread >>8319702

>> No.8341205

Looks like chiitrans in transparent mode overlayed on the text, notice the scroll bar. I think he'd have to change to the right font/size first, would be nice to know what those are.

>> No.8341601

Not same guy, but use RLSE loader.

>> No.8341658

Oh shit. I remember seeing the website for this a bit ago but completely forgot about it. I didn't know something of it was released yet. Downloading.

>> No.8342832

>No kouryaku for WA2
Fuck. Is this game straight forward enough that I don't need it, at least? I fucking hate going through games without a general idea of what routes I'm going to do in what order. Can someone at least tell me which girls have routes and if any of them are locked at the beginning?

>> No.8342855


>> No.8342870
File: 120 KB, 600x450, sanzinkou_event04c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plot summary please? If you would be so kind.

Because from the website info and screenshots alone I have no idea what is going on.

best guess: Samurai Champloo guy banged too many yamabito and now the biggest baddest one is coming to fuck his shit up, along with his ninja loli's.

>> No.8343142

Many thanks, good sir.

>> No.8343278

Thank for the post, I have a lot of fun reading this trial.
Another eroge to look forward to

>> No.8343282

Talking about Hatsuyuki Sakura, how was Natsuyume Nagisa?
More in what I can expect from it apart from being good/bad.

>> No.8343291

Anyone know what you need to extract .um3 files?

Trying to rip the voice files from this nukige since I'm getting an error and can't install it

>> No.8343307

My impression of WA2 after a couple hours: Haruki has quite possibly the most powerful Shiki gland in all of eroge.

>> No.8343607

Can't be helped, the heroines there are all forever alones.

>> No.8343712 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 800x600, ghandibot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is correct. Just use ChiiTrans with a custom css code, and you can include a background image to run into transparent mode. Currently I'm trying to figure out a way to make the text soft and add a stroke to the characters. But yeah, good stuff.

>> No.8343726
File: 170 KB, 802x602, COOLEST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is correct. Just use ChiiTrans with a custom css code, and you can include a background image to run into transparent mode. Currently I'm trying to figure out a way to make the text soft and add a stroke to the characters. But yeah, good stuff.

>> No.8343782

Looks like every other charage but is quite different from them. In what way, you should check yourself.
But don't play it if you don't like depressing ends.

>> No.8345132


>> No.8345257

Started playing Caucasus. Everything felt very classy and even the text was written rather decently and then suddenly a sex scene out of nowhere, with the whole "iku!" nonsense and everything. Way to destroy the atmosphere, IG.

>> No.8345679

Thanks. I quite like depressing ends.
Oh yeah, Caucasus was so bad in some regards, also that retarded system.

>> No.8345725

Finished the trial
Well the writing won't win any awards but it's pretty good.
The heroines are great and I laughed pretty hard in some scenes.
The seriousness of the plot was definitely pretty surprising but I don't know if the writer will actually have the balls to develop it in the direction the trial hinted.
So right now it's still wait and see for me but it has potential

Sakura and Nozomu were awesome

>> No.8345743

Downloading Aselia at the moment. I am in the mood for an rpg type game with a few interesting heroine routes. Hopefully this fits the bill... if not, is there anything for the PC that does?

>> No.8345762

Aselia's system is somewhat tiring to replay.
There's not much good stuff with gameplay translated, really.

>> No.8345958

Ikusa Megamis and most of the Eushullys stuff, but sadly not translated. if the rumor that Aroducs current project is Kamidori is true then it should be out in few months probably, so thats a good thing to remember. theres also Yumina coming soon from JAST. Sengoku Rance probably too would fit the bill although its more conquest than rpg

>> No.8346093

bumping so it won't die

>> No.8346128


Thanks. Kamidori progress seems to be moving along (assuming that is the title) but the plot seems... really weak. Hopefully the game itself is a lot of fun.

I remember when almost all of the games going big in America were JRPGs... sad trend that they seem to have really died out in the US.

>> No.8346144

I'm curious about the language used in eroge/VNs. Generally speaking, how far from normal, acceptable japanese is it? I'm asking because translated stuff so far seems like mostly fine english, but when I try to read it in japanese I don't have much of a standard to judge it by.

>> No.8346340

yeah Kamidoris plot is nothing to write home about, but gameplaywise it's one of the best gameplay eroges there is and is extremely fun, + it has great art and some decent characters

>> No.8346371


Seems to vary a lot by author since every author has their own style.

For some commentary by people who would know differences:

ex: Seiken no Ignanock is supposedly written in a more poetic style ( Commentary here: http://tindabox.net/blog/index.php/2011/12/iambic-liarsoft-an-inganock-side-project/#more-147 )

Cross Channel is supposedly written very differently (commentary from a few people here: http://amaterasu.is.moelicious.be/forums/index.php?topic=946.0 )

From my own (useless and uninformed) speculation:

I'd imagine that the Japanese used in many eroge dialogue lines is going to be on par with the English used in Dexter's Laboratory or Johnny Bravo or any other sort of demographic targeted medium. I'd imagine that something like Umineko / R07 is going to read much more like a standard Japanese mystery novel. But I don't think there's going to be any one definitive answer.

>> No.8346632

Thanks. More reason to go more in-depth with japanese I suppose.

>> No.8346652

Kamidoi's plot is something like an atelier game mixed with shonen, really.
The side quests about fixing the enviroment were better than its actual plots.

>> No.8347424

I've said it before, but loli route in Kamidori is actually pretty decent and the best of the three by a wide margin. Kuudere is the worst by a healthy margin too, but that has the highest priority, so I really don't know why Eushully pushed her as the main.

>> No.8348423

After finishing Aoiro Rinne last night, it got me wondering just what the toughest eroge are to complete. I found Aoiro Rinne's scenario structure and the system used for choices to be excellent, but the difficulty to complete it without resorting to following a guide is very high.

Does anyone know of any that are tougher than Aoiro Rinne? I've read YU-NO's loop system is similar to Aoiro Rinne's, but I haven't read YU-NO, so I can't comment on that.

>> No.8348644

I think Exravaganza and 3days are pretty high up there in hardness to complete without relying to guide

>> No.8348661

Everytime I come to these threads I feel like shit for not knowing enough Japanese. Am I the only one?

>> No.8348663

You've made this sound interesting. Going to give it a look.

>> No.8348678

Start learning, it's worth it. The annoyance wears off a little after a couple months.

>> No.8349619
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>> No.8351223
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>> No.8351241

Finished Setsuna's route in Coda.
Awesome route.
Now I guess it's time for the true suffering

>> No.8351274

You should still have Kazusa's bad end before her true one.

>> No.8351446

Started Hatsuyuki Sakura Trial. First Chapter has a fuck load of foreshadowing but I am not sure if its a huge troll or not because I can't help but think this game is a moe-ge.
The protag is decent-good.

>> No.8351483
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>> No.8351488 [DELETED] 

Are there any Touhou VNs?
There's a Touhou everything-else.

>> No.8351495


>> No.8351499 [DELETED] 

Name them.
If they were good I would have heard of them.

>> No.8351512 [DELETED] 

They're all shit.

>> No.8351525

yeah, they arent good, just search vndb.

>> No.8351562

You should stop thinking it's a moege even if it looks like one.
The writer did the same thing with Natsuyume Nagisa, at first glance it looks like a harmless moege.
But then...

>> No.8351582

Never read that sadly.
But to be honest the whole not being a moege is a huge plus for me. Since I really can't handle moege without quitting midway. Its the gleaming hope that keeps me from quitting this trial and wanting to play the game.

>> No.8352255

So, what are some VNs with 超展開 and genre-shift?
Except for the famous ones like Muv-Luv

>> No.8352271

Princess Witches comes to mind

>> No.8352461
File: 20 KB, 135x135, I am your best friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished reading Down the Rabbit Hole II. My sweet lord, that was definitely the definition of a thriller; after a certain point there wasn't a single moment of rest or peace for you to take a breath and think of the situation. Amazing read, and now onto It's my own Invention - here's hoping it gets even better.

>> No.8352471

Also, SubaHibi might be related to your question, considering how the prologue chapter is... very different.

>> No.8352482

Invention has a REALLY slow start, once you meet Kimika it gets a lot better, because Kimika is awesome, so fight on.

>> No.8352598 [SPOILER] 
File: 167 KB, 800x600, capture_05012012_002108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally decided to marathon Nanoha's route in Baldr Sky and apparently got her good ending. Sweet jesus, calling it an "emotional rollercoaster" isn't going to do it enough justice, is it? After Rain's flashback filled route and lukewarm ending, Nanoha's route really improved my opinion of the game. Let's hope the future routes will be as good or better than this.
But I'm probably taking a break from Baldr again and reading something shorter for a change to let the emotional *fwoosh* calm down.

>> No.8352609

you should play the bad ends too, they generally make more sense considering the routes are alternative scenarios where Kou "failed". Nanoha's in particular can be very creative

>> No.8352632

At the very least, get Rain's Normal End.

>> No.8352669


Indeed, Nanoha's Bad End is rather... artistic?

Well I just finished Sumaga, while I don't think it's really impressive (well it's not fair comparing to the intensive impact ala muramasa), it's fair. I can't help but to feel some bits were rather rushed, and some outright trolling from N+. Nonetheless, a fairly light-hearted read.

It's time for WA2 for me.

>> No.8352677

The normal end was the best.

>> No.8352691

Honestly I think the only Nitro+ that is close to the level of Muramasa is Hello, World.
So try it if you didn't already

>> No.8352715
File: 8 KB, 176x160, fate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got halfway through the first route of FSN before getting bored out of my mind and quitting (two years ago), although it's still on my HDD.

Are VNs not for me, or should I give it another go/try a different one? What does /jp/ think?

>> No.8352733


Go to read normal books not japanese wet dreaming shit.

>> No.8352729


Yeah, that's on my list to go, probably after a short break when WA2 finishes. Been going at VN marathon for 5 weeks now.

I wonder if Taiyou no Ko ever gets to come out, missing my looserboy fix a little.

>> No.8352738


Give another one a try - people aren't receptive to the same thing (much like books).

>> No.8352756

Totally can see why. But man, I've heard a lot of things about Invention and how Kimika is cool and how Kimika is awesome, but when I met her in the first chapter, she came off as TOTAL cunt, and after I realized she was voiced by Tama's VA my hatred was only increased. Also, according to what Takuji says in the end of the chapter, she was indeed a total scumbag. Guess we'll have to see how that turns out; thanks for the heads up.

>> No.8352768

>total cunt
You don't like psychotic girls with box cutters?
But she is a great romantic interest in invention and friend in insects, shame her routes are never the intended ones.

>> No.8352774

Out on a tangent, but I noticed an ungodly amount of VN's have 'natsu' on the titles.

They sure love summer.

>> No.8352809

More like she is a great romantic interest in Insects and friend in Invention

>> No.8353032
File: 62 KB, 800x600, keytovictory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gah, I knew there had to be a catch to having Nobuyuki Hiyama voice the protag of an eroge with mecha. Of course the protag isn't voiced after the prologue.

>> No.8353283

Anyone tried the trial of "&"?
How does it stack up compared to Ruitomo and Comyu?

>> No.8353309

What is this?

>> No.8353310

Are there any visual novels where you can enable Furigana?

>> No.8353328

You can always hook up agth/ith and run translation aggregator with mecab? by its side.

>> No.8353342

Eiyuu Senki gameplay video.
I'm a bit underwhelmed with the battle mechanics. Hoping the conquest isn't a chore.

>> No.8353382

Too many characters to satisfy everyone.
Though looks interesting and actually paid attention because Kawashimarino.

>> No.8353399

Looks pretty half-assed and underwhelming.

>> No.8353397

I dropped it after few minutes but the same case was with Ruitomo and Comyu so I'll say it's on similar level.

>> No.8353563


>> No.8354181
File: 1.01 MB, 816x658, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Osadai, and holy fuck why is Putina so bland. I don't like leaving routes unfinished in VN I generally enjoy, but that shit's just too much. I guess her tsukkomi is cute and funny, but she's just such an awful... moeblob, I really can't find a better word, that I just can't find it in myself to care about her in any way whatsoever.
I'd fucking love a genderswapped Putin, but not a one whose only relation to the real thing is the name and affinity for judo.
Also, no Qoo route outside of the fandisc is bullshit too.

>> No.8354215

Playing Sharin no Kuni. Just finished Touka's chapter. This shit really starts to drag at the end of each chapter.

>> No.8354226

Where can I get the Fate/Stay Night 18+ VN?

Yeah, yeah, I'm a filthy casual, I get it.

>> No.8354264

Type into Google "eroge download" and experience completely mind blowing event.

>> No.8354304



>> No.8354834

Would you mind posting the link to the patch in question, good sir? Searching for it on HF has only led me to Clannad threads.

>> No.8354885

Out of curiosity, anyone try Dousei Loverable's demo yet?

>> No.8354905

I just played Swan Song and i feel it was one of the best things i've ever done with my life. Makes every other VN i've played look like crap. Don't know where to go from here.

>> No.8355401


Having all units have an attack sprite would go such a long way... I mean glancing at it even the generic captains are the same sprite as its units so why wouldn't they just use the attack sprite for the units too.

>> No.8355537

Rereading Symphonic Rain right now. It doesn't have the same magic that it did the first time I read it though... I will take it slowly but I just can't capture the magic of the first reading yet.

It is still bitter sweet but since I know everything that will happen it feels more bitter than it does sweet. It is one of my favorite VNs but VNs as a medium doesn't lend itself well to rereading.

>> No.8355561
File: 666 KB, 600x736, enjoythedemojp4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing Katawa Shoujo.

It's a game developed by /a/ about dating crippled girls.

It's really good.

>> No.8355564


>> No.8355682

>VNs as a medium doesn't lend itself well to rereading.
Well that's quite the silly generalization.

>> No.8355734

I know it was, it is probably just me who has this problem. I can't reread books or rewatch anime and movies either. I just felt nostalgic for the feeling of when I first read S=R.

>> No.8355871

you probably choose the wrong game to reread, Symphonic Rain like many other games hinges on the feeling of being immersed in the atmosphere and wanting to know what's next, so of course a reread feels less impressive.
But I found games where the writing quality itself is the strong point regardless of plot twist or anything a pleasure to go over again.

>> No.8356308

I wonder how Eiyuu Senki will fare though, there's quite bit of competition in gameplay department during that time of release

>> No.8356316

By the way, is there a site for checking out the sales figures of eroge? I still wonder about Muramasa's sales, among other stuff.

>> No.8356327

I don't unfortunately know any good sites for sales numbers

>> No.8356464

Just look around in this thread

>> No.8356488

only companies know that, pretty much, and there's no guarantee they divulge the numbers or the ones they do divulge are true

>> No.8357003

Seems like it only has the sales for 2011 titles?

Hmm, okay. Basically, I'm just waiting for Nitroplus to release Muramasa in their Best Series so I could buy it, and just evaluating the chances of that happening.

>> No.8357018

so when is KS going to get an anime adaptation and more importantly


>> No.8357106

>Makes every other VN i've played look like crap. Don't know where to go from here.

People like you are genuinely the worst. Can't you just enjoy things individually instead of always having to compare?

>> No.8357142

I'm sure OMGWTFOTL is nothing like your autism VN. Don't restrict yourself.

>> No.8357148

Oh chill, it's obviously something like the third VN he ever read, he'll get over it soon enough.

>> No.8357169
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>> No.8357172

Wise words

>> No.8357201

I really liked Sumaga, but it was a pity how much the characters degraded over time. Spica and Garnet basically turned into sex toys after their routes ended. It's like the writer got bored of them and just said "fuck it", and wrote about the characters that were still interesting to him.

>> No.8357254

You are in for a hell of a ride. Invention is fucked up, but Looking Glass Insects is the one that will make you rage and cry. Insects is pretty much the most disgusting, frustrating and enraging thing I have ever read.

Also, Kimika is the best. character. ever.

>> No.8357341
File: 572 KB, 408x1128, shitchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory artist chart

>> No.8357377

Where are the rest of the artists/characters?

>> No.8357426

What VN is this?

>> No.8357443

I haven't finished it yet. There's a load of artists I have to go threw.

>> No.8357447


>> No.8357452


>> No.8357460

no, not really

>> No.8357466

Thanks for pointing that out.

>> No.8357916
File: 345 KB, 498x839, 1325760188521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ItsuSora has a huge genre shift and goes from moege to shit hit the fan left and right with lot of powerlevel.

Tenkuu no Yumina also has a genre shift and huge expansion of the setting, game begin with a simple "war" to be the student council president.
And end up with the party fighting a sentient universe in a Super robot

Hello, World can also be categorized as genre shift, begin as a simple moege but then the shit hit the fan.
And just when you think the game is ending the shit hit the fan even harder.
And just when you think it's finally the end the shit hit the fan so hard it's unbelievable.
Goddam it was a long game

>> No.8358060


Any route order for Hello, World? Because so far it's just like you said, average sort of setting (just started). Unless this is another forced order unlock one.

>> No.8358136

There is no real order to recommend.
But one route will take you a good 30-40 hours or so and really the first time you play the game is the best since that's where you get all the surprises.
So you should do the route of the one you like the most.
For what it's worth my favorite routes were Mika and Chieri.

>> No.8358293

I'd recommend leaving the true ends for last. They are all the same except for the epilogue.

>> No.8358318


Thanks, don't have any particular picks at the moment. I just went back and watch the demo vid that I skipped, looks like I will be in for some surprises.

>> No.8358429

Are all of these in japanese? I'd really like some but can't read most of them... I've tried those real-time translations with atlas and the sort but to no avail...

>> No.8358441

Is there an estimate on the little busters ecstasy translation?
Also, is ef any good?

>> No.8358443

Most of the ones discussed here are indeed in Japanese. Have you already ready the translated ones?
vndb.org has a very comprehensive list of VNs.

>> No.8358449

Ef has crazy production values.
EX translation should start after then holidays, and it's three routes, so give it a year at least.

>> No.8358454


I'll take a look, thanks!

>> No.8358461

Thank you.

>> No.8358469

White album 2 is great. I wish that PS3 remake of the original game would get brought over to PC as well. Cheat on saintly girlfriends every day

>> No.8358570

Need a new thread I guess

>> No.8358701
File: 83 KB, 816x638, i-know-that-feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This high-school flashback is brought to you by Suka-ji in association with KeroQ.

>> No.8359111

New thread
