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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8316479 No.8316479 [Reply] [Original]


I wanted to share this with you, /jp/, I hope you enjoy it.

Today is a sad day

>> No.8316492

Fuck you, it's comiket, it's the best day ever.

>> No.8316495

For a second I thought today was a Sunday and you were going to post Gloomy Sunday. Thank god you didn't, I'm not ready to go to Gensokyo yet!

>> No.8316499

I do not see the glee in mountains of pornography and remixed music being brought but to each his own I believe.

>> No.8316813

>Today is a sad day

>> No.8316830

Maybe it's because it's the day before the day where everyone goes out with their friends?
Kind of like a Normalfag's Eve to /jp/ers.

>> No.8316838

You must be, like, blind then.

>> No.8316850

Because of half a dozen tribulations that would argueably be blog content in /jp/. But is it not a sad day for you?

>> No.8316949

Choose, if you may, /jp/, from one of the following options.

1.Bach's Klavier Prelude in D Maj

2.Schumman's Memories of the Theatre

3.Chopin's Valse Op.34 N.2

>> No.8317356


>> No.8317958

Chopin nocturne op.9 no.1

>> No.8318038

For a second there, I bethought you had said Op.9 No.2.

But very well, that is settled even though it was not present in the given options.

>> No.8318061

Richter is shit, why couldn't you link a good pianist like Lang Lang, he is a fucking genius.

>> No.8318090

I must say I ctually got kind of angry with that statement, but do tell. Why do you think Lang Lang is superior than Richter? For all we know so far, your argument is in the field of opinions until some actual factual argumentation is made.

>> No.8318106

Shit man, my 2nd grade piano teacher was better than those chicken peckers.

>> No.8318108
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If it ain't Baroque, don't fix it!

>> No.8318135

What an outstanding teacher you must've had.

>> No.8318145

I may not be an expert, but I play a mean rendition of Chopsticks.

>> No.8318181

Wait? Are you the same anonymous poster? If so, listing your known repertoire does not tends to an argument of a interpret's work.

>> No.8318527

>obvious troll is obvious
Now go listen to some Ballades instead of feeding him.

>> No.8318571


I'm sorry, I was just joking. Richter happens to be one of my favorite pianists. I happen to be listening to his 1961 live recording of Schubert's B-flat major piano sonata at the moment. And Bang Bang is pretty unbearable.


Yeah, it was pretty obvious, that was kind of my point.

>> No.8318589

OP, I know you're trying to look smart through your writing style, but you're not; you're just making yourself look foolish. You can't even into basic spelling and grammar. Please stop.

>> No.8318594

Knowing that soothes my soul. And I'm glad to know that he is also one of your favorite pianists. Do you know of a movie called The Enigma? It is a documentary of Richter, you most probably've heard or watched it alredy, but if you haven't, do download it. Hearing Richter's wise words are a beauty to behold. It is in Piratebay in case you are interested.

>> No.8318599

>OP, I know you're trying to look smart through your writing style, but you're not; you're just making yourself look foolish.
Woah, get a load of those commas.

>> No.8318615

I'm not trying any kind of writing nor do I see any gain in doing so in a anonymous board in which I don't even trip. I'm just writing.

>> No.8318718


I have indeed seen the Enigma. It is excellent. I watched it during a masterclass a few years ago when I was in music school. It was the first masterclass of the year, and many people had yet to pick out rep so the prof figured he would show us, since we didn't have the hall booked and people weren't going to be playing anyway.

>> No.8318764

Look at that semicolon, aren't you a big boy.

>> No.8318773

Don't mind me, I'm just listening to Mahler's Sehr langsam.

>> No.8318788
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>> No.8318807


What do you people think of this? I first heard of Messiaen when people discussed his scales of perfect fourths and I wanted to come in contact with his work and what I first heard from him was this. It honestly drags in my point of view but I wanted to know what you people think.

>> No.8318908


It only drags because you are expecting it to have the same kind of motion found in other music. Messiaen is more about color, the harmony is incredibly rich but very static, and development in the conventional sense is absent.

>> No.8318930

Not at all, I've become fond of things like pieces from Arvo Pärt, the more impressionist works of Satie and even motionless works of Stockhausen, however, most Messiaen chamber works simply drag with no end even if I try to look for some sort of chromatic beauty in it.

>> No.8319077


If you cannot find beauty in Messiaen's music then I feel sorry for you.

>> No.8319102

>Oh look at me, I am such a high grade hipster!
>>>/mu/ is that --> way
