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File: 148 KB, 1280x720, Gaki no Tsukai 20091231 SP Waratte wa ikemasen hotel special part2 [H.264 1280x720 2h22m03s].mp4_snapshot_00.15.55_[2010.11.14_00.09.24].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8315866 No.8315866 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone planning to watch this year's game? The forums haven't gotten an official stream yet but if it's anything like last year, it'll probably be on justin.tv with on the fly translation for the people who can't understand.


>There is a bus ride involved to getting to the airport.
>A famous actress will welcome the 5 to the training center.
>A famous talento will give a welcome to the 5 that will leave any traditional flight attendent's ear's burning.
>The trainees will be kept on alert with various traps in the break room.
>A famous actress will give them quite a welcoming at the medical examination room.
>There will be a number of laugh traps at the New Trainee Welcome Ceremony
>The 5 trainees will play a game against flight attendant trainees from a rival airline.
>There will be (another) Comedian Appreciation Competition (think back to the Hotelman batsu)
>At the check-in counter, a number of famous people will....
>Ditto ditto at the security check!
>"That" comedian will be working at the airline call center handling customer complaints...
>Something will happen at the Airline Union's negotiation meeting
>There will be a blacklisted customers meeting (where they'll talk about embarrassing things famous comedians have done)
>There will be another "No Getting Scared" portion of the show.

I think the format is getting stale but I have hopes for this year because of the potential it has. And after all, it's yearly.


This is to figure out when it starts playing in your local time

Pic related, I'm looking forward to this part again.

>> No.8315905
File: 403 KB, 800x719, 132495386851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look very FUNNY but NYE i'm too busy watch kouhaku uta gassen (ι´Д`)ノ

>> No.8315951

ChounoXYamazaki is my OTP

>> No.8316001

Well, I'll watch it, but it's been getting stale for me, for a number of reasons. I can't remember a single gag from the Newspaper or Spy batsu, and I think they've definitely gotten weaker.

>A famous actress will
>A famous talento will
>At the check-in counter, a number of famous people will....
For one, I wish they'd stop doing this. It just seems like more and more every year.

>> No.8316366


They did a lot of stuff from the Newspaper one that was great, but in reality, I think they stuck with a formula for too long. Get on the bus ride, gags, and go into their room, find out the little tricks, sooner or later, they go into other rooms for stuff and etc.

If they're getting too old for this, I hope that they can find replacements and do something different because although it is yearly, it would be much better for us to see something different. For example, the tag batsu coming back was a treat from last year, but that was only for a good 20 minutes before it was back to the schedule.

>> No.8316764

They really should make it where the person who loses a bet suffers the Batsu game, and they should really do another Don't Get Scared batsu.

>> No.8319330

Remember the ill-fated Don't Get a Boner batsu? And yes, I will be watching!

>> No.8319398

I really liked the Hotel batsu, but for some reason the spy one seemed a bit weak even though they brought some of the favorites like the demon tag back.


While the ass slap is getting a bit worn in, the experiments to find a new one don't seem too successful.

>> No.8319448

I'm currently on a recommended Justin.tv site waiting for this year's Batsu to begin.

Are there any other streams /jp/ is aware of?

>> No.8319624

Bump for more streams.

>> No.8321432

Well, this year's Batsu just ended. It was fairly memorable, but didn't surpass previous years.

>> No.8321451

>imazaki hose

>> No.8321468


Yeah, kinda unfortunate. It had a lot of potential to do so but they didn't go with it. Now to see if someone will sub it as I didn't get everything...

But seriously, Gaki no Tsukai shouldn't be doing this anymore. They should either have a group of famous people do this or some random 5 people to do it. It would be better if they were working in the background to spring traps and other stuff like that, because that was what made most of the batsus before 2007 memorable.

>> No.8325848


The porn batsu wasn't so great either.

>> No.8325883

I guess I missed this. I'll wait for a download.

>> No.8327842
File: 130 KB, 1104x622, snapshot20111231220225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8327858
File: 152 KB, 1104x622, snapshot20111231220458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8327874
File: 507 KB, 656x1040, htrb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
