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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 15 KB, 558x156, 1203864619944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
83157 No.83157 [Reply] [Original]

Hello friends, thought I would update you on the progress of the UBW installer for today!

Listed bellow are all the things i've accomplished in the last couple of months:

>> No.83194
File: 73 KB, 200x200, 1204038842255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Message know how much we love him?

>> No.83236
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Anonymous delivers:

>> No.83252
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>> No.83356
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Okay trolls, the fun is over.

>> No.83381
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Let's hope is all lowercase.

>> No.83411
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>> No.83443
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>> No.83548
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Good job Anon

>> No.83561
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I love you /jp/.

>> No.83605
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nicely done

>> No.83618
File: 33 KB, 356x483, 1080065830042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and they're related to 4chan how?

>> No.83634
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relevant to our interests

>> No.83654
File: 30 KB, 524x800, 1204044785739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to be out before the UBW installer.

>> No.83687
File: 92 KB, 538x350, 1204045196851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys would just buy the game

Haha, oh wow.

>> No.83739
File: 205 KB, 1226x1359, 1204045820668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Seriously, why do so many people assume we're as pathetic as 4chan? We have a ruleset, and we choose to enforce it. Get over it, people.

>> No.83785
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>> No.83800
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>> No.83942
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>> No.83973
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I love this thread so much

>> No.83975
File: 6 KB, 119x138, stained_glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously, why do so many people assume we're as pathetic as 4chan?

>> No.83162

- Successfully deleted all progress made on installer.

>> No.83166


>> No.83167

We had this shit yesterday

>> No.83168


>> No.83173

An Image board produces images.
What does a Message board produce?

>> No.83174

- Bellow.

>> No.83181

Truly a scholar's work.

>> No.83180

We just had this damn thread up until a few hours ago...

>> No.83193

I lol'd even though it's retarded.

>> No.83196

It actually still exists.

>> No.83241


wate wut

>> No.83242

oh fuck. What is this?

>> No.83244


Oh fuck. I can't believe you've done this.

>> No.83245

Fake or best Anon ever?

>> No.83248

I got into a staff's forum account and found that link in the pm's.

>> No.83254

Now the problem is the fucking password.

>> No.83256

Pretty sure Message got pissed off and made a bunch of fake directories for you guys to piss about in.

>> No.83250

Holy shit.

>> No.83257

i cant see nothing =/

someone rapidshare!

>> No.83259

Quick, somebody download it all before we're caught, incase it's the real thing

>> No.83264


There's a whole shitload of files in the different directories, and an installer zip on the main dir. How do you see nothing?

>> No.83267

We should keep this a secret.

i fear they will stall HF Route because of us

>> No.83269

someone wants to fuck around with us.

>> No.83271

I hear unfamiliar noises from the top of the hill[line3]from the open area that Saber was flung into.

@se file=se275 nowait=true



If I remember correctly, that's the foreigners' cemetery.[l][r]

Saber and Berserker.[l][r]

Their fight must still be going on.


>> No.83273

The only things in there are Saber route. Nothing to see here.

>> No.83277

I don't really know much about this stuff, but I will download everything just in case someone needs it later.

>> No.83278

Holy shit.

>> No.83274

Go ahead and test it guys. I'll be waiting here.

>> No.83276

Do I download all the files or just the installer?

>> No.83279




>> No.83280

You, sir, are a hero among anons.

>> No.83285


What about all the february files uploaded February? That Saber too?

>> No.83286

I have a bad feeling about this, like this is all going to come back to kick us in our own asses.

>> No.83284

someone cracked the zip yet?

>> No.83291


Yeah, No HF now, but we're already in this ditch. Might as well make it count

>> No.83292

There are other groups out there that will translate the third arc if Mirror Moon drops it.

>> No.83296


>> No.83298

good to hear. Becaus MM staffies will be really really pissed lol

>> No.83299

The UBW patch probably isn't even on there.

>> No.83301

Actually, Message is pretty much the most infamous troll around here, in my opinion, but a point for Anon does make a difference.

>> No.83303

It's enough that we're screwing with this shit.

>> No.83300

Is really just Message trolling us

>> No.83307

Even the Japanese HF and UBW files aren't in there. It's just a stupid hoax.

>> No.83310

It's their own fault for not password-protecting their dev directory. Same with rape and women who wear clothes which insight lustful thought.

>> No.83322

if this is really what i think it is this might be the single best thing anon has ever done. WTB zip password.

>> No.83324

So. The password.

Any ideas? Anybody know how to crack a .zip password?

>> No.83326

That zip is way too small for a patch anyway. 5mb for a patch? The Fate route patch alone was like 50mb.

>> No.83340



Remote patch? What the fuck, all the wait was for a REMOTE PATCH?

>> No.83342


>> No.83337

Read the filename inside the zip. Seems that was a surprise message was keeping lol

>> No.83343

This will end well.

>> No.83346

Message is trolling us big time.

>> No.83349

He is the ultimate troll.

>> No.83350

looks like we will never get HF AND UBW lulz

>> No.83352

Oh shit

>> No.83353

Any cracks yet?

>> No.83358

That's it. I quit, enjoy reading moonspeak, faggots.

>> No.83362


>> No.83364


Filename is Fate-stay_night_English_v2.0-Remote_Patch_[mirror_moon].exe

outlook is not good. I'm still running a password attack on it, however.

>> No.83365

i will pay 5 internets to someone if they post on mirror moon forums asking message for the password.

>> No.83368

A remote patch? That means mirrormoon will be patching us from their servers, instead of giving us a proper installer like non-homosexual people.


>> No.83369


If it's remote, it's all going to be to screw everyone over with their goddamn morals and ethics that they'll preach...

>> No.83372


it seems we have done our own graves, damn you anon damn you!

>> No.83375

Okay guys, I'm going to brute-force this muthafucker for the password. I'll get back to you if I succeed...

>> No.83376

I like how they chose a patching system that will continue to work even after their servers go down.

>> No.83378

Not from their servers. The remote patch opens a doorway to an alternate reality where you can experience LIVE UBW.

>> No.83379

Um, also, even if we do crack this, they WILL notice us downloading patching material from their server, you know.

>> No.83385


>> No.83382

Although if the password to that .zip file turns out to be Message's password, that'd be pretty funny.

>> No.83388


I'm doing a brute force with every character on an english keyboard. If you can't get it, I might. Might take a few hours though.

>> No.83389

this is a troll attempt from mirror moon. The password is probably simple and there is nothing interesting inside. or a buggy installer.

>> No.83390

My god... /jp/ = win!!

>> No.83391

Why is it so fast

>> No.83394

Without numbers you're wasting time.

>> No.83392

It would help if other anonymous try other keyspaces like uppercase, numbers, lower+numbers, etc.

>> No.83397

They've already locked us out, that was fast.

>> No.83395

The key here is to do this as fast as posible so we can use this to dl the patch from the server using the remote patch, otherwise they will find out and just move the folder of the remote patch...

>> No.83396

How do you know it's 7 characters long?

>> No.83400

If Message simply said whenever they got to a new revision, I would've been pretty happy. 63 revisions. It's like 63%.

>> No.83403


Company: www.serials.ws Serial: 00003112193920061941FFS2QECMAQQUJWMH

>> No.83404

please tell me where i can find such technology for free good sir

>> No.83406

They already moved it.

>> No.83407


That's because they browse 4chan instead of working. Some anon got all of it?

>> No.83408


I get nothing. They took it off?

>> No.83405

crack faster! I have to go to work in 2 hours.
I don`t think it will still work when I'm back

>> No.83412


I got root, \text\system\, \text\inserted, but it doesn't look like that has the good stuff. Could be wrong, tho.

>> No.83409

I don't know, I'm trying from 1 character to... until i get tired. Right now it's finishing the 7 length.

>> No.83417

Fukken Saved


>> No.83414

hahahaha oh wow
to think they have someone troll enough to browse 4chan

>> No.83420

Here's the whole thing for anyone late for the party. http://rapidshare.com/files/95105844/mirrormoon.org.rar

I still say it's a shitty hoax though, as there were none of the files needed for UBW or HF in there, just the Fate stuff we already know.

>> No.83421

Wait, so what exactly just happened?

>> No.83426

We tried to get UBW by force and failed

>> No.83428

seriously, i am almost thinking that they are working too hard if they really made 64 revisions to the installer.

>> No.83436

I can believe it.

>> No.83432

The pm from what I got the url was quite old, so they probably moved most of them.

>> No.83433

We're still working on getting UBW by force... it's just that they decided to close off a direcoty that might not even be releated. There fault for not protecting it...

>> No.83438

Also: for everyone forcing that patcher, you do realize that because it relies on their server, they can just lock us out. And they probably already have.

>> No.83445

/v/ did it with AudioSurf are we gonna let them beat us?

>> No.83451

That might be true, but we can still see how far they are. Also it gives some more insight onto what MM is doing. Though if we got this hack then that means there is still roughling going on in the server, meaning we still have a chance of getting the REAL thing.

>> No.83452

... You're an idiot.

>> No.83456

It's a completely different fucking thing.

>> No.83453

the serial kinda doesn't work

>> No.83458

that serial is expired

>> No.83466

Maybe they have some sort of system that generates md5-hashed pathnames and cleans them out after a specified period. I suspect we caught them just as it cleared out stuff?

>> No.83463


We can hope ;_;

>> No.83469

Yea... it seems more like a temp folder... the point is we still got something, now to just hack into the zip and figure out whts inside.

>> No.83471

How did we get it in the first place?

>> No.83472


At least one from there should work.

>> No.83476

enjoy ur root kit

>> No.83484

If you guys go through with this, don't expect Mirrormoon to release anything else, ever.

>> No.83486


Like they did in the first place.

>> No.83480




>> No.83490

wouldn`t it be better to hax the Mirror Moon Homepage?

>> No.83491

ok any chance someone knows of a program that can brute force an http directory structure?

>> No.83493

Thank god.

>> No.83494


It's the beasts lair guys that are doing HA

>> No.83495

I don't think it's going to lead to anything.

>> No.83492

What's the name of the group that's doing Fate/Hollow Axteria? Can we ask them to do F/SN in lieu of us making MM Baww away?

>> No.83499

I would like to say posting in an epic thread but this is probably a hoax.
If not, I hardly see MirrorMoon releasing HF after that.

>> No.83496

No. Finding a non-password protected folder on their website and downloading the files off it is one thing. Actually attacking the website is something completely different.

>> No.83505

Is my beloved Saya no Uta translation in danger tooß

>> No.83506

now, can someone post a working key?
i'm not downloading anything that reads keygen

>> No.83512


"Hoax", no. But I don't think we're going to be able to pull a full patch out of this.

>> No.83514

If MirrorMoon had any sort of professionalism, they would relize there holes in security, fix it, and then not hurt the rest of the community for the act of one person or this board... If they don't then they won't release it and another group will pick it up, leaving MM in the dust.

>> No.83516

Are the raw text files we have the actual translated text? All we need to do is insert it?

>> No.83517

It's fucking worth it.

>> No.83518

They're only getting some free space because they have a mirrormoon guy on their team. Most of them aren't mirrormoon.

>> No.83519


They've no doubt already seen this. So what's the harm in not stopping? Nothing to lose

>> No.83513

Isn't pissing MirrorMoon off all this accomplishes?

>> No.83520

Haha oh wow.

>> No.83521

thats all i want.

>> No.83522

They don't. They just like jacking off to the sound of themselves saying "QUALITY OVER SPEED".

>> No.83523

see >>83486

They get baaaaawwwww all they want about how everyone's mean to them, but they should have seen it coming at this point. Nobody would care if it was a translation issue, but Message is voluntarily wasting his own time to work on an installer when they already have one for the exact same game that it works perfectly fine.

>> No.83524


Yeah, exactly. They can throw a BREAK THE SUPPORT DISC-style temper tantrum or they can ignore this, get the fucking patch done, and release it.

>> No.83529

But it's a remote installer that's been revised 63 fucking times. That's got to count for something!

>> No.83530

Yes, upsetting MirrorMoon might seriously harm gaiafags and other weaboos

>> No.83538


If you can find version 3.54 00003112193920061941ZMMarhdDqCfUnFFV is a valid key. That's what I'm using.

Also, I'll search for a 4.0 key, gimme a sec

>> No.83544


lol. Have fun searching MD5 dataspace. If they haven't noticed, attempting something like that WILL make them notice.

>> No.83550

Haha, I want to see the log for that.

>> No.83547

hooray for this anon

>> No.83555

who cares if they notice. The more pissed off an upset they are, the happier i am. I dont even care if we get UBW at this point, i just want to make them rage and bawww.

>> No.83557

Advanced Zip Password Recovery

Vers. 2.44

Vers. 3.01

Vers. 3.11

Vers. 3.51

Vers. 3.53

>> No.83565

So has anyone cracked it yet?

>> No.83567

Just so I'm clear on this, a remote installer is pretty much the same thing as the installer Blizzard uses for its WoW patches, right?

>> No.83568

>I dont even care if we get UBW at this point, i just want to make them rage and bawww.

Same here. And if they don't translate it, someone else will.

>> No.83569

we have no idea, but probably.

>> No.83571


All nfos say to use a keygen. Just use 3.54.

>> No.83575

Yeah. What're the advantages of this, anyways?

>> No.83577

Haha like most 4chan users could accomplish anything

>> No.83578


>> No.83579


Pretty much. You don't directly download the patch, you directly download the program that downloads the patch.

Blizzard's downloads the patch as its own file and executes that when done. Some downloaders like this might basically have the downloader + installer as one program (so basically you can't have it download the patch and then upload the patch to rapidshare so everyone can circumvent the downloader which might have some copy protection bullshit going on.)

>> No.83581


>> No.83583


also, RS of 3.54

>> No.83580


>> No.83592

If you guys learned moon, you wouldn't have to put up with their bullshit anymore.

>> No.83593

smaller patch size and the ability to change the patch files at will without re releasing the patch.
this is a fairly good distribution method for an incomplete product but is dumb as shit when you want to distribute a permanent patch to a large number of people.

>> No.83596

THEN who are we supposed to complain about

>> No.83601

I've actually played through UBW and HF already. I still think Mirror Moon are faggots though. Especially how they whine whenever you write their name with capitals.

>> No.83602

There isn't a way for said patcher to detect simulated drives, right?

>> No.83603

I'm learning moon but it will take time. With bad luck, more than message needs to release the patch.

>> No.83607

If you get started on learning moon now you'll be fluent before the installer gets released.

>> No.83613

How did they distribute the patch for the "testing" phase?

>> No.83620

i think its just message doing (or not doing) everything himself.

>> No.83627

Rev. 63, bitch.

>> No.83623

Uh they arn't, but they'll probably translate F/SN if MirrorMoon bawws out of it.

>> No.83630

So, anyone have any luck so far? I'm on 7 characters lowercase+digits, 78 trillion more attempts to go.

>> No.83639

Message will now cancel UBW, and will never make Heaven's feel.

>> No.83641


And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.83642


lol no
No fucking way they can van us. The files where up publically, and it's perfectally within our right to attempt to recover the passwords to archive files we've forgotten.

>> No.83643

means someone worthy will do this job

>> No.83647

For something like UBW, wouldn't it be possible to just copy the patched files and upload them to rapidsearch?

>> No.83648

or someone AT ALL will do it.

>> No.83649

I just want Message having nothing to ever do with any project ever again.

>> No.83650


Haha, oh wow. Just thinking this makes me laugh.

>> No.83652

depends on the coding really. its entirely possible that an assload of the "problems" message has been having is because of this complication. considering they are patching things through virtual machines ON VISTA more than likely.

>> No.83653


None yet...

>> No.83662

1. release simple patch for windows
2. ?????
3. Over 9000 happy Anons
4. work of Insaller for ther Systems
5. release it
6. ?????
7. moar happy Anons

>> No.83663

They should just release the text files so we can compile an installer ourselves.

>> No.83664

Even if they can, we can get around it. Sony/starforce spent millions on copy protection. If they cant get it right, some retard like message cant either.

>> No.83669

You forgot the part where they make the installer that detects virtual drives and pirated copies of F/SN.

>> No.83675

that makes 0 happy Anons.

No one here payed for the game

>> No.83678


Too expensive.

>> No.83680

Wrong. You guys would just buy the game and support the people who made it. I'm doing everyone a favor with this.

>> No.83676


>> No.83681

you see. this is the kind of approach someone without OCD would take.

>> No.83685

I don`t pay for something I won`t understand without Mirrormoons aid

>> No.83686

I dislike the "we're giving you something for free so shut up and be patient" attitude they have.

If they hadn't started it then someone else could have done it much faster.

>> No.83689

No. In fact, thanks to Mirror Moon's faggotry, im going to do everything i can to spread a version of it pre-patched within the iso.

>> No.83695

id like to see u translate it

>> No.83696

1. Installer is perfected. It won't install on anything with pirated software, but works smoothly on all systems from your top-of-the-line computer to your toaster

2. Anon without pirated software downloads installer and installs patch.

3. Said anon uploads translated files to interwebs.

4. ????

5. Piracy!

>> No.83699

>Anon without pirated software


>> No.83700

>I don`t pay for something I won`t understand without Mirrormoons aid

I agree. If Type-Moon starts to release english versions of their games, I will be happy to support them by buying their games.

>> No.83702

best thread since /jp/s birth!

>> No.83706


I dunno, that cirnoget was pretty badass. This is probably the most useful thread /jp/ has produced so far, however.

>> No.83707

I rather liked this morning's UBW installer thread, actually. Some good edrama was stirred up on the forum from it.

>> No.83712

link to edrama to make this thread perfect!

>> No.83720


Think he means this?

>> No.83732


Reminds me of how repulsive unanonymous boards are.

>> No.83735

I think weve been over this. Just because its free does not give them carte blanche to be shit.

>> No.83734

Why didn't they just use the same installer they used for Fate path?

>> No.83741

>id like to see u translate it

>> No.83742


Doesn't run on message's old vic20

>> No.83746

I can't dynamically combat piracy.

>> No.83747


>> No.83748

Give him a break, guys. He is Dutch, after all.

>> No.83749

that only gets you a one month extension, its been what, three by now?

>> No.83757


Cocksucking, ass-kissing and girly tears...

I have seen a video of this.

>> No.83788

holy sh*t. just half a day away and now people here are ranting and flaming to their heart's contents??
what blasphemy. it seems that you "noob" guys don't know what's the meaning of the words "patience" and "value people's effort", do you?
if you are smart enough, you all should be able to understand that the mirror moon staffs are doing this for free. if you are not... well, I cannot say much then. your problem.

>> No.83793

Haha, oh wow. The scene of people with hundreds of posts defending their faultless god is pathetic.

>> No.83794

Filename needs to have added "Rev 63".

>> No.83801

>>half a day away

Trolls are supposed to be believable

>> No.83807


I decide to translate game x. I get halfway done. No-one else starts translating it because I'm already doing it. I then take several years to finish what could have been done by a different group within a month.

But its okay, I'm doing it for free.

>> No.83808

why do people still try to reason whit us?

>> No.83817

>>"value people's effort"

They already have a perfectly good installer, so Message's efforts are completely worthless and worthless things don't have any value. Actually, in this case, they would have a negative value since they take time away from the useful things he could be doing instead.

>> No.83820

that's from the forum thread, if you couldn't tell.

>> No.83824

>you "noob" guys

Yeah, we're quite new to your somewhat homosexual religion or whatever it is.

>> No.83834

No one gives a shit about a person's effort unless it bears results.

>> No.83845


Someone said it's only sabers stuff. confirm/deny?

>> No.83841

We've been giving a whole lot of shit about Message's efforts; argument invalid.

>> No.83850

That's correct, as this shitstorm would be even larger if anon's found all the translation data. We'd be working on building our own installer, just to piss off Message by now.

>> No.83853

That's because you're all DOING IT WRONG.

>> No.83851

All of Saber's path and parts of Rin's path.

>> No.83858

You claimed that "no one" would care. Someone does care.

>> No.83862

Perhaps I should have added "should"

>> No.83876


Go down into the folders, alot of it is old stuff, October. The only one I'm unsure about is the inserted folder.

>> No.83878

Over 200 replies. Is Ore-sama great, or what?

>> No.83882


>> No.83891

Could someone just delete this thread? This is just too sad... it has already been pointed out it's being worked on and even the reason for delay was named. So why... WHY?!

Just patiently wait and it will be released when they feel it's ready.

>> No.83892

Is this thread discussed in their forums yet?

>> No.83895

that was very convincing.

...also this thread still makes me sad that there is no UBW >_>

>> No.83900

... Leave /jp/ and never come back.

>> No.83898

nope. id anticipate a shitstorm if it was.

>> No.83899

All discussions about the UBW installer are banned on the mirrorMoon forums.

>> No.83909

I want to read an epic "OH GOD THEY HACKED US?!?!" shitstorm

>> No.83914


>> No.83916


>Just patiently wait and it will be released when they feel it's ready.
>when they feel it's ready.

please define.

>> No.83912


>>... Leave 4chan and never come back.


On second thought:

>>... Leave the internet and never come back.

Yeah, that's better.

>> No.83920

everytime you post here a kitten will die

>> No.83923


>> No.83932

Ready = Message's epeen is fully erect and throbbing.

>> No.83933

what about everytime i post there?
what about if i posted everywhere?!?!?1

>> No.83934

archive this

>> No.83935

254 posts.

>> No.83939

I'm happy now; I know what's going on with the installer. It's on its 63rd revision and it's a remote patch.

>> No.83956


>> No.83959

that's already 8 dead kittens

>> No.83961

Only 8938 revisions to go, hooray!

>> No.83963

>why do so many people assume we're as pathetic as 4chan?

Oh Message.

>> No.83969

Message: Great troll or GREATEST troll?

>> No.83976

It's permasaged now. Someone make a new thread.

>> No.84040

he does realize no one gives a shit about the installer's quality as long as it's completed, right? Running through Fate again because your save didn't transfer right takes maybe 15 minutes tops, and no one worth their fucking salt uses Vista this early anyway

>> No.84143

I use Vista and I have to say, if that's the source of their problems then they're FUCKING DOING IT WRONG.

>> No.84326

Weed vision?

awesome, those are always accurate.

Like this one time, I had a vision I was going to eat food, AND THEN I DID.
