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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8310869 No.8310869[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's a a female /jp/ers thread.
Now guys allowed.

We can have pillow fights in our underwear and talk about boys.

>> No.8310890

That feel when your fiance looks through your text messages and discovers that you've been cheating on him with his uncle for the past 4 years.

>> No.8310899

Almost had me there girl.

>> No.8310903

We are all little girls here silly.
Pillowfights are for sluts and porn actresses

>> No.8310902

That feel when get out of /jp/

>> No.8310910

That feel when you tell your boyfriend you're not in anal sex.
That feel when he walks in on you and his father having rough anal sex in his bed

>> No.8310920
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/jp/ - Marriage General

>> No.8310916

Okay what's going on lately?
There seems to be lots of girls on /jp/ lately.

>> No.8310929

Well what do you want to discuss? It's no fun if you say "girls only club, boys go away" without specifying a topic. Then you just get shitholes like Reddit's awful holding pen for girls.

>> No.8310923

Are you intimidated at the thought of sharing a board with a group of strong independent women?

>> No.8310925

Don't hit on us silly boys~

>> No.8310930

A guy? On my /jp/?

>> No.8310931

No, its the strong motivated transsexuals who frighten me.

We don't a new world order.

>> No.8310932
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male detected!!

>> No.8310936

Then you should have no problem sucking my cock dude.

>> No.8310935

I'm intimidated by the thought of sharing a board with physically strong women, yes.

>> No.8310943

That's /cgl/, /jp/ girls are kawaii submissive maidens with bad hygiene.

>> No.8310945

They can't beat you up through the internet battered anon.

>> No.8310948

May i join if i wear a dress?

>> No.8310954

Excuse me, but I have very good hygiene!

>> No.8310951

>They can't beat you up through the internet
I'm pretty sure they can, I had an argument with one and when I got up my chair after posting the last reply I tripped and bruised my arm. Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.8310953

Still, I imagine everyone on /jp/ is a physically weak pure maiden, not some Harley riding short-haired lesbian.

>> No.8310955

Nigga you dumb.

That kinda shit only happens on /x/.

>> No.8310956

So what is everyone's three sizes?

I'm too embarrassed to tell mine until everyone else does.

>> No.8310959

It's a trap, don't fall for it ladies!

>> No.8310969
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do you paint your nails or wear any kind of make up at all? i dont :S

>> No.8310984

70 - 53 - 82

They will never grow....

>> No.8310985

>dat feel when your bf asks how many people have you slept with
>dat feel when you donat remember
>dat feel when you say only 1 by default

>> No.8310996

77 - 60 - 72

>> No.8311000

Whenever I paint my nails I always end up smudging them someow before they dry so I just take all the polish off in frustration. My acne is also pretty bad, so whenever I put on foundation it always gets inside my open and bleeding pores and makes my skin look kind of alien.

>> No.8311006

I'm a weak dependent male who doesn't need a woman.

>> No.8311004

98 - 68 - 89

>> No.8311011

>Be angry transexual with mental problems
>Mad as FUCK that I'm an ugly piece of shit and no one will ever want to love a monster like me
>Pretend to be a genuine girl online, and talk about how much of a slut I am
>Hope anons will become even more misogynist, and increase my chances of finding a boyfriend.

I'm tired of you fucks doing this.

>> No.8311008

it's ok

butts > boobs

>> No.8311010

This more a troll thread than a female/jp/ers.
A true female /jp/er should act like the other average /jp/ user male.

>> No.8311017

Sometimes us girls just want to have fun~

>> No.8311014

I hate women because this shit happens in real life..

>> No.8311020

I too.
This is the reason why I am a reverse trap.

>> No.8311022
File: 185 KB, 1024x741, 197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two guidelines that you must keep in mind if you are to be a true /jp/ user. The first: "take it easy." The second: "don't think, feel." With these in mind at all times, the rest is natural.

>> No.8311019

and you're Sherlock Holmes.

>> No.8311027

Shit wrong post. I wanted to quote>>8311014

>> No.8311037

What femnine art do you ladies subscribe to? I enjoy knitting even though I'm not very good at it. I'm considering picking up cross-stitch or needlepoint; they sound like lovely hobbies and I want to make little pillows with Touhous on them.

>> No.8311035

It makes sense anyway.

>> No.8311043

Same here. I imagine /jp/ users as refined little girls who want to hide how lonely and fragile they are by lashing out at anyone and everyone on the internet and spend the rest of their time playing pure love games.

That's why all this nonsense about gloryholes and the like is disgusting. It's okay to like cocks, but this is just too vulgar.

>> No.8311050

I put it to you, that you are in fact not a lady but a man.
What do you say to say?

>> No.8311055

>tokiko pretending to be female
stop fucking quoting me asswipe

>> No.8311059

AoC is as much a lady as it wants to be.

>> No.8311103
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I've been working on knitting learning knitting the past few days, but I'm finding I'm not terribly great at it. I tend to get bored and feel like going to play a game.

Maybe if I wasn't working on something boring like a scarf... Hopefully, I'll reaching a point of skill with knitting/crocheting where I can make amigurumi style things.

>> No.8311102

I've been practicing the piano, but I'm not sure how well it's going...

I think it would be nice to be able to play this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJsyMmC76aM

>> No.8311114

It takes practice.
I got my Gran to teach me.
When I first started I felt the same, took me forever to do basic things. I can knit really fast now.

>> No.8311111
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worse than the threads about glory holes and casual sex

>> No.8311123

Amigurumi is crochet though, isn't it? It can be hard to just sit down and knit with all the temptations of electronics around you. I like to knit on the bus.

>> No.8311127

Sorry, you're right... It's kind of bad to be imposing on other /jp/ers like this, right? It's just nice to not feel so alone all the time, it's pretty lonely posting here sometimes. I hope you can suck my cock, dude. Reported for NSFW.

>> No.8311124
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I see.
Do you think that's real cum, or do you think it's like a sugar mixture?

>> No.8311148

reported for role playing outside of /b/. suck my cock, sissy.

>> No.8311139
File: 20 KB, 433x398, thumbs up awesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat feel when women cannot cook anymore
>dat feel when women always lie about how many guys they've slept with
>dat feel when women think they're still virgins because they have not had vaginal sex..........but have had anal sex, given blowjobs, handjobs, boobjobs etc.
>dat feel when your GF looks you in the eyes and says she loves you but you know she's been cheating on you.
>dat feel when women realize you're nice and take advantage of your kindness. They don't have to, but they choose to do it anyway.

I've realized being alone is awesome now! Thanks ladies!

>> No.8311151
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why can't I find an autistic, hamburger loving femanon to spend the rest of my life with

>> No.8311153
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Yeah, amigurumi is crochet. I was just thinking of awesome stuff you can do with yarn category in my head.

>> No.8311158

The thought of girls on /jp/ makes me uncomfortable.
How am I supposed to discuss lewd things if there's a bunch of women around?

>> No.8311159
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Mother of Ken.

>> No.8311160

I met an autistic girl at work and we play runescape together.

>> No.8311163

I am female, idiot.

>> No.8311162
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Which Touhou would you see without makeup?

>> No.8311169

The females that frequent /jp/ are likely just as perverted as you are so you probably shouldn't be uncomfortable.

>> No.8311166

Touhous are naturally beautiful. There is no make up in Gensokyo.

>> No.8311178

ii~yan there's so much negativity in this thread

boys always ruin everything, why can't you just leave our thread alone?

>> No.8311185

Those sluts.

>> No.8311191

WOMAN! Vile piece of Adam's rib!
Don't you know that you are the Eve?
You are the devil's door;
You're the one who broke the seal of that forbidden tree
You're the one who persuaded him whom the devil was not valiant enough to attack.
That easily you destroyed God's image, MEN
And because of your desertion, the rightful Son of God had to die.

>> No.8311193
File: 120 KB, 419x263, Take a seat over there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we are just as perverted as you.
I bet your fetishes are pretty pedestrian compared to what some women like. Guess who populates most of /d/?

>> No.8311195

You'll have to look on another board, as /jp/ girls live on an exclusive diet of tea and scones.

>> No.8311203


I have actual, diagnosed Aspergers, and I like burgers if they are only medium-rare.

Does that count?

>> No.8311202

Don't worry anon-san, I'm Buddhist.

>> No.8311201

Hey ladies, why is it that whenever you're in an argument with a guy the first thing you attack is his manhood? Is that the only thing you have to fire back with? Sometimes the topic of the argument is not even anywhere near being sexual and yet that's usually always what you attack.

I don't get it.

>> No.8311200

I'm peeking through the doorknob watching you give each other lapdances while I masturbate.

>> No.8311199

he didn't ask "why", he asked "how"

>> No.8311213
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Is that MYUU~?

>> No.8311216

fetish for men etc

>> No.8311223
File: 179 KB, 1000x1067, 1320244746984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find assburgers very attractive.

>> No.8311228

I'm not quite sure what you mean, could you give me an example? I'm not a very argumentative person though, heated conflict is my main trigger for anxiety attacks.

>> No.8311232

Post clit sizes.

>> No.8311238

I have a question for the womenz.

What's up with the high sense of moral rectitude? Do you honestly believe you're right 100% of the time even if the situation or you feelings toward it change? How about when you've obviously been pointed out as being wrong? Why do you never accept the fact that you're wrong and continue to argue as if everyone else is an idiot and you're the only smart person in the world?

>> No.8311243

I'm a guy and I do this all the time.
I get off to having someone else get buttflustered over shit.

>> No.8311255

I don't think I do that. At least, I'm not aware of it if I do. If my opinions are confirmed to be false I'll always back down. Then again I just hate arguing in general.
