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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8310445 No.8310445 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you playing Maple Story, /jp/?

You're missing out on the NINJA MEIDOS.

>> No.8310451

I've been asking all the time..
What server?

>> No.8310458

Oh shit.. I might actually try this game out now. Do i have to pay for meido outfit?

>> No.8310464

because it's the corean habbo hotel

>> No.8310472

That's one NPC only.

I'm on Broa, and everyone I know from /jp/ is also on Broa. I think someone else had a guild on some other server, but I don't really know what the deal is there. Last I heard it was abandoned.

There's also a 150+ member large Touhou-themed Guild Alliance in Broa I'm trying to join, but there's some kind of drama going on or something. I think a good portion of the members are RPers so if you don't mind that you can join that alliance instead of my tiny dying /jp/ guild.

>> No.8310478

In what way?

Speaking of foreign Habbo Hotel analogs, what happened to Gikobar? You guys are never on there now.

>> No.8310477

I've never played this game, is it good? How do you play?

>> No.8310489

Because I'm not american.

>> No.8310495

I won't deny it's a lot more fun if you're social and have a bunch of friends, but there's more to the game than that.

You're going to be getting INCREDIBLY mixed replies on this. Let's just say the game is a solid 5/10 give or take 5 points. Try it yourself. It's free.

>> No.8310497

because i hate gooks

>> No.8310504

None of those play this game, just BRs and 13 year old caucasian males

>> No.8310529

this game looks like it's playerbase is made up of underage kids, brs, and pinoys that plus nexon, no thanks

>> No.8310532

I saw my brother playing this sometimes, it looks pretty fucking boring.
Why should I play it?(besides the ninja meidos)

>> No.8310542

What's the problem with that? Seems like /jp/ would fit right in!

>> No.8310562

>Touhou-themed Guild Alliance

No thank you, I'd rather join tiny dying guild

>> No.8310571
File: 20 KB, 249x249, Screenshot (2011-12-29 at 02.40.19).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're free to.

>> No.8310577

You don't mind accepting someone who started playing cca half hour ago? I am only level 18 atm

>> No.8310585

Message FiliaSilvae for an invite

>> No.8310595

Because I no longer get paid to play it.
/Used to work at Nexon as QA Lead, had virtually infinite NX. Being able to spam unlimited SuperMegaphones was great for trolling.

>> No.8310603

How do you get that job?

>> No.8310616

Worked as a GM at another MMO for 3 years before that, posted my resume on a few job sites, they contacted me out of nowhere. This was before the economy took a nosedive into the septic tank, though.

>> No.8310620

Do you need to know korean?

>> No.8310626

How do you get that first job as a GM? It sounds like an alright job.

>> No.8310634

Not at all. Just have to be able to work from the office and have some experience in the MMO industry.
Oh, this is funny...just now got an email with weekly game job postings, not a lead job but it's a start if you're serious: http://www.creativeheads.net/JobDetails.aspx?jobID=10814&jsOrigin=12&Blast=3303
Remember it's not all fun and playing around, you have to test patches for all games which usually involves a lot of repetition and sometimes suffering (anybody remember Audition? Testing that was PAINFUL.)

>> No.8310640

do these places allow work from home, or do I have to move to their HQ?

>> No.8310645

I just applied for it, interview the next day. The company was just starting in the U.S. and desperately needed GMs. GMing isn't what you think though, depending on your position you do any/all of the following:
-Answer support emails/tickets (most of your time is spent here)
-Ban bots
-Run events (usually only done by lead/head GMs)
If you REALLY love the game then it can be worth trying, pay isn't that great but it's good entry-level experience. Just check your preferred local (MUST be able to work from the office) MMO publisher for openings.

>> No.8310656

If you've ever played an MMO, think about the abuse potential for somebody working from home being able to access GM commands and account editing tools. You -must- be able to work from the office in all cases I'm aware of. Not necessarily HQ, but wherever your country/localization's office is located.

>> No.8310670

What was your salary, exactly?

>> No.8310673
File: 849 KB, 1008x1156, 6c60722e1ec04e4c23957e643892f625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only ninja meido i'll ever need.

>> No.8310677

Are there any player meido outfit? If so how much real $$$ Would i have to pay.

Downloading the game now

>> No.8310688

Time Lords are not ninjas.

>> No.8310690

I think there are some meido overalls in the cash shop, or at least I remember there being some.

>> No.8310699
File: 20 KB, 402x78, meido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8310709

Alright, thanks

>> No.8310716

Any Windia /jp/ guild out there?

>> No.8310722

except you can't just pay $3.80 for it, you have to buy at least $5 worth of nexon funbucks

>> No.8310735

Also they expire in 90 days.

>> No.8310756

Yes they are.

>> No.8310776

any of you guys on bera? Terribly lonely, leveling alts since I'm too poor for evan skillbooks

>> No.8310791

next thing you know, we'll be making gaia online accounts

>> No.8310789

Make a character on Broa

>> No.8310811

do they have maid outfits there?

>> No.8310809

the joke's on you, I've had one for years

>> No.8310808

Whaaaaaaat, now that's really a let-down...

>> No.8310819

Yeah, actually. They've got pretty much anything you can possibly imagine because that's ALL they have there is a glorified dressup that costs gaiabux.

>> No.8310842

I'm sold, where do i sign?

>> No.8310844

unable to find filiasilvae general

>> No.8310864
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I'm on

>> No.8310941
File: 21 KB, 170x241, GensokyoSDM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go on ahead and send an application. I'll get on later today.
bringing friends is appreciated

>> No.8311152
File: 20 KB, 148x182, Screenshot (2011-12-29 at 04.43.28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I kawaii?

>> No.8311182

So the 2 /jp/ inhabited servers are windia and broa?

Feel like starting again, I wonder how much has changed since 2007

>> No.8311189

Tons of things, even maps.
But leveling now is piss easy compared to back then

>> No.8311196

Yeah I've heard that
that's why I'm retrying,
I couldn't play this game again when it takes like a year to get 100+

>> No.8311290

>But leveling now is piss easy
confirmed for being under 140.
the exp curve dropped; sure. but it's mostly just sunk in is all.
but along with this the exp gained from monsters dramatically dropped.
so when you get to higher levels you have a very difficult time trying to level up.

>> No.8311330

I do

>> No.8311368

That's the point though. First and Second job skills, however useful, aren't flashy or particularly fun to use compared to Third and Fourth job. And you can actually get to the fun-to-use skills in a reasonable timeframe now.

>> No.8311373

What's a class that's cheap to maintain and makes good money?

>> No.8311378

If you join on Broa I can give you at least a million mesos and I can give you tons of potions if you want those. That's all maintenance-wise that matters.

Really, you should be fine... just don't make an Assassin because they eat up stars.

Battle Mage, Aran, and Mercedes all conserve potions really well though if you're that worried.

>> No.8311384


Mercedes, the newest. She has a constant 5% regeneration and it saves potions incredibly.

>> No.8311388

None fork up some real cash

>> No.8311460

oh god we're moving on to bribery to move people over to our respective servers?

>> No.8311474

Not like they have another chance with people like Tokiko in the guild

>> No.8311483

Ok, but... How do i contact you?

>> No.8311484

Tokiko doesn't play much

>> No.8311493

I kicked Tokiko out

1million isn't Bribery. 1million is "hey dude have this nickel I found in between my couch cushions"

I earn 100mil per day, I don't really need that 1mil

>> No.8311495

I'm sorry.

>> No.8311488

No one does.

>> No.8311490

Tokiko got expelled

>> No.8311513

I don't know... The last time I played was in 2008. I'd be terribly lost.

>> No.8311520
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>> No.8311562

I dont wanna spend countless hours again on getting 1xx something.

>> No.8311610 [DELETED] 

check the email field

>> No.8312079

check the email field

>> No.8312098


You can get to 100 in a day if you try hard and have a bit of luck. All day, that is.

You can get to 150 or so in a week if you put in a moderate amount of effort.

From there it gets difficult.

>> No.8312145

Wow, I actually took the time to download and install this game. Then when I tried to run it, it kept crashing when trying to start it up directly, like I do with Mabi. So then I was forced to use the browser startup. I should have uninstalled the game at this point, but now I was determined to get it to work. I tried various compatibility modes, adding the exe file to firewall exception... nothing worked. There are two things that might be making it crash, 1. I'm using Windows 7 or 2. I installed the game to the partition were I install all my games (ie. not in C: drive under the default path name). I'm not going to change either of those things just to get this game to work, so I've uninstalled it.

Shitty games gonna shit.
