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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8309302 No.8309302[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8309306


>> No.8309309

Yes, I'm looking forward to Katawa Shoujo and hoping that it will be simply enjoyably generic instead of hopelessly pretentious.
Still, reported.

>> No.8309313

Take this to >>>/v/ or >>>/a/
They are the only ones that appreciate the thread.

>> No.8309314

Take it away, KS devs! Do that thing you do.

>> No.8309317

Visual Novels can be so much more, Katawa Shoujo is the work that will revolutionize the genre by showing us how.

>> No.8309321
File: 17 KB, 391x190, ksdev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8309327

Is it getting translated?

>> No.8309335

from English to what?
and the answer is most likey yes

>> No.8309342


>> No.8309344

Currently recruiting English> Latin translators, visit our website for more info!

>> No.8309349


>> No.8309351

Take it to /a/. Reported.

>> No.8309361

Not animu or mango reported.

>> No.8309367

I just f9inished little busters so hopefully this will be a good way to kill a few days. It's been a long time since I played the 'demo' and I have a nagging feeling it is not going to be very good because they are going to try to push really stupid twists in and not do it well, or simply the writing will be poor/filled with memes.

Anyway, goodluck KS, I'm sure people's who only experience is iphone VNs and wanko will enjoy it regardless.

>> No.8309378
File: 18 KB, 467x477, gimpling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8309418
File: 142 KB, 500x2950, dreamaboutKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8309446

Get over it son, it's not gonna get removed.

>> No.8309466
File: 788 KB, 1311x480, Golden Witch VS Rainbow Wizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would they remove such an important plot device from the game? He's the main enemy in the full game. The rainbow wizard himself.

See, the Rainbow Wizard is the true ruler of the school, who watches over in the shadows. Only those who lack a resistance to magic can see him patrolling the school grounds at night in the form of rainbow cockroaches. Later on you discover that the Rainbow Wizard (Zolstice) tries to revive himself, but in order to do that he needs sacrifices. There's a route you can pick in the full version for him, you aid him in his revival and face off against the Golden Witch.

>> No.8309467

I honestly hope this will be good, it might get popular enough to make Japanese companies consider us a viable market and start selling English versions of their games without going through the godawful intermediaries that have ruined any chance eroge had in the west.

However, I can only realistically expect it to be mediocre drivel by talentless writers, much like everything else we've seen so far out of OELVNs. I'll give it just about the chance I gave Mangagamer's stale nukige/moege to color me impressed.

>> No.8309498

I don't remember the writing in the demo much since it's been so long, but it wasn't

"what's wrong babe, chill out"

so I think it should be ok I hope.

>> No.8309512

I have a feeling it will be embarrassingly terrible. Most things usually are when people try and copy Japan.

>> No.8309536

Time for the media to make more insightful articles about 4chan.

>> No.8309550


Hurr durr Japan #1. Suck my big American cock, weeaboo.

>> No.8309687

I just want to say that pretty much every VN in the world is trash besides Katawa Shoujo. Even then I'm kind of a bit sketchy. I really hope it lives up to expectations.

>> No.8309705

You know it will.
Play it for the shitstorms anyway.

>> No.8309716

>Hurr durr Japan #1
he said nothing of the sort, though, so good job on looking like a kneejerking fanboy

>> No.8309735

Not the same guy, but saying things like "Most things usually are (terrible) when people try and copy Japan."

Or at least that is when reading comprehension gives me: No one, but absolutely no one, can make a good VN unless they are born and live in Japan.

If that is not weeaboo then I do not know what it is.

>> No.8309753
File: 24 KB, 250x250, kuso thread0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reported for the subhumanism promotion

>> No.8309785
File: 169 KB, 400x400, 1325112641836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8309790

xD It's garbage. xD

>> No.8309796

This. Quit with the fanboyism, it doesn't fly on /jp/.

>> No.8309816

>Or at least that is when reading comprehension gives me: No one, but absolutely no one, can make a good VN unless they are born and live in Japan.
Than you need better reading comprehension.

>> No.8309832

And you need to remove that pole out of your ass. And stop bumping the thread if you hate it so much.

Unless, of course, you are a troll. I refuse to believe someone can be this dense.

>> No.8310055

Despite my vow to reduce my time in /jp/ for more productive pursuits... I sense the incoming shit being tossed at my /jp/ brothers and I cannot leave them alone... so I went my way out of the usual norm to sage and report this thread... manually...
