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8308550 No.8308550[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any way to read a virtual novel other than downloading and playing it? I want to play Saya no Uta, but it refuses to work.

>> No.8308552

What OS are you using? And do you have Japanese fonts installed?

>> No.8308558

those head things are great

>> No.8308560

I suck with technology, Windows 7?

No idea what that is, tried Japan locale and it didn't work.

>> No.8308561
File: 46 KB, 776x602, WANE WURD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> virtual novel

>> No.8308564

We can't really help you much if all you give us to work with is "it refuses to work."

Have you tried running it through AppLocale (set to Japanese?)

>> No.8308566

Try running it in compatibility mode. I think you just have to right click on the program and go to the advanced tab. I don't use Windows often so I can't help you out much, but tell me how that goes for you.

>> No.8308569

Probably because you are underage: you computer doesn't want you to be stained by these filthy games.

>> No.8308570

Tried that before as well, didn't work.

No, I guess I'll try that. But just setting it to Japan locale didn't work, would applocale make a difference?

>> No.8308572

What's wrong with having taste if you're underage?

>> No.8308586

You are underage, please discontinue browsing immediately.

Saya no Uta is old news anyway, don't try passing it off as having taste
