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830829 No.830829 [Reply] [Original]

Alice Margatroid.

[ ] Tsundere
[ ] Yandere
[ ] Just fucking nuts

>> No.830835


Sauce please?

>> No.830836

[x] Sage

>> No.830837

[X] So ronery that it took over her brain and made her batshit insane?

>> No.830838

Tsundere, ZUN agreed.

>> No.830839

IAMP manual says
[x] Tsundere

>> No.830844


The Melancholy of Alice Margatroid.

>> No.830848

I would say both Tsundere and Insane

>> No.830849

☒ You're the loneliest

>> No.830874

[X] Love

>> No.830923

ZUN agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.831016

Her obsession with puppets makes you think she's just a sex-desperate schizophrenic. I guess she's just tsundere, though.

>> No.831030

[x] Sage

>> No.831033

[citation needed]

>> No.831053


Source needed.

>> No.831061

Can't you read?

>> No.831068

[x] leaks poop

>> No.831069

IaMP manual. In the same way ZUN identifies Cirno as an idiot in the PoFV manual, he did it with Alice for IaMP. Identifying her as Tsundere.

>> No.831098

[X ] Just fucking nuts

>> No.831127

[x] Hang herself.
