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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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830765 No.830765 [Reply] [Original]

Touhou is the cancer that is killing /jp/


>> No.830771

cancer is the /jp/ that is killing Touhou.


>> No.830773

Who else thinks Touhou is the cancer killing /jp/?
I did all I could to tolerate it up until now, even in times where the frontpage was nothing but Touhou, but now it's getting ridiculous.
Touhoufags sagebombing and shitting up all threads that aren't Touhou related making any discussions about anything not involving Touhou impossible. Just look how shit /jp/ became because of them. It's sad.
Hereby I propose banning Touhou from this board, for a better /jp/
Who agrees?

>> No.830774

/jp/ is touhou. We are an enormous benign tumor, and we don't appreciate your makoto biopsy.

>> No.830780

Makoto is the discussion that is killing cancer.


>> No.830782


Fail. Same person.

>> No.830789

Summer is the cancer that is killing my brain for yet another year.

>> No.830792

does it say "/jp/ - Touhou" up there? no? thought so.

>> No.830793
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Makoto agrees.

>> No.830797


Not really.

>> No.830807

I don't really mind the touhou but the sage bombing of other threads needs to stop.

sage for makoto

>> No.830809

daily saged reported hidden for a daily dose

>> No.830818



>> No.830830

You see that little minus sign? Click it.

>> No.830843

And thus, Touhou will be exiled once again from a board after a few number of complaints.

>> No.830851

There isn't really anything to discuss because it's true.
Moot has to make a board just for Touhou. You can't really expect anyone to endure being in one place with the Touhou fanbase.

>> No.830855

Touhou is the most incomprehensible fandom. The games are fun, and so are the characters, but like, they aren't that great and have next to nothing in the depth department. This board could be so great if Touhou just disappeared from it. I'd rather see 4 Type-Moon power level argument threads on the front page over just one thread with some faggot discussing Touhou music. Seriously.

>> No.830864


I don't see it.

>> No.830865

I can hardly believe how slow the janitor is.

>> No.830871



>> No.830872

jp is the cancer that is killing /touhou/


>> No.830883

I don't mind Touhou, but the fanbase isn't much different from narutards, except with a higher powerlevel. It shows and it's shitting up /jp/, which used to be decent in the beginning.

>> No.830897


Butthurt Touhoufag. Enjoy your exile in the near future.

>> No.830893

moot said /jp/ was for touhou, touhou has been here since post 1

>> No.830909

The Touhou fandom is really just way too rabid for it's own good. I didn't even know that these games and this fandom existed until I came to /jp/. They should really just get their own board somewhere. Why don't they have an equivalent of /tm/? Unless they do somewhere am I just being a newfag.

>> No.830911


No its not. I dont see Touhou/Japan/General in /jp/

>> No.830919

ITT: people are BAAAWWWing because it's true.

Besides, it belongs on /a/, where it originally spawned.

>> No.830924


/v/ actually.

>> No.830927


>> No.830936

Anyone have a screencap of >1 so we can close this discussion?

>> No.830939

What about the manga?

>> No.830944

>>This is for general Japanese things/images and discussion. This [unfortunately] includes figurines, visual novels, Touhou, etc.
>>Don't allow any one thing to dominate this board--condense your fucking threads.
>>general Japanese things/images and discussion
>>Don't allow any one thing to dominate this board

>> No.830949

they have pooshlmer or however the fuck you spell it

but everyone here ignores it

>> No.830953

He's called MANkoto because manko means vagina.

>> No.830957


You mean you weren't around to see it?

>> No.830958

/jp/ is touhou.
Nobody who doesn't like touhou post here. except trolls, like ITT.

>> No.830967

Yea, and bringing a fucking shit /a/ meme will help /jp/. Get the fuck back to /a/.

>> No.830963


Butthurt Touhoufag.

>> No.830964

maybe because it sucks and the entire board gets deleted randomly, and then goes down for half a year

and its slow as fuck and full of elite faggots

>> No.830975

If you want touhou disappear from /jp/ , ask moot thats all I can give jeez!

>> No.830987


moot is dead

>> No.830983

Touhou is all that stands between /jp/ being what it is, and being a japan-based /trv/-/s/ hybrid. For better or worse. If they get exiled, so too does any non-TM VN, vocaloids, and figurines. It wouldn't have the fanbase left to support it.

I cite /a/ as my proof of this.

>> No.830986


Dont dodge the issue just because OP used a Makoto pic. Touhou IS the cancer that is killing /jp/

>> No.831001


Who cares? Just exile Touhou and its fandom. Or better yet, ban it.

>> No.831002

What else do why have to discuss here except touhou & VN? How much we hate japan? That just cancer.

>> No.830994

It's a meme on /a/?
I posted that just a few days ago here on /jp/.

>> No.831006

>>Don't allow any one thing to dominate this board

>> No.831013
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Touhou is shit, right?

>> No.831014


That's like saying the trees are the cancer killing the forest. Or that the water is the cancer killing the river.

>> No.831018

Protip: The troll is the janitor, that it is why this thread doesnt get deleted.
If this post ban me, consider it the true.

>> No.831021

The only thing that dominates this board is trolls.

>> No.831028

Or better yet, Touhou fag holocaust.

>> No.831025

There's plenty of otaku shit to talk about that isn't Touhou.
I wouldn't mind having Touhou here just to have it all in one place, but it's just destroying the whole board. And if you think everyone here is into Touhou you're dead wrong.

>> No.831026


You cut away cancer before its spreads. Just like cutting away Touhou will stop the faggotry from spreading.

>> No.831034


I have an idea--lets remove the sun from the solar system. The sun's causing all of our problems, and we'll be so much better off without it!

>> No.831040

I really did prefer /a/ when all this was on /a/.

>> No.831048


Actually, the sun is required for people to live. /jp/ doesnt need shit like Touhou to survive.

>> No.831049

No. I'm not a big touhou fan and I don't give a shit if the front page is all touhou threads. /jp/ was created because a couple of /a/ faggots was crying about all the touhou/vn/figs threads in their /a/ board.

We sage /trv/, 3D and occasionally Japanese 101 threads. The autosaging of other threads was probably the same person.

>> No.831047


No, but all the touhoufags as you claim are the ones that discuss these things with you. If you cut them away, you cut an incredible portion of your base away. Do you wish to left maimed like those morning musume faggots, image bumping a thread all week long just to find someone to talk to?

>> No.831051
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Posting mai waifu in this thread!

>> No.831059
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>> No.831058

Protip: The troll is the janitor, that it is why this thread doesnt get deleted.

>> No.831062


Why yes. At least the Morning Musume fags and the other shit keeps in one thread at most.

>> No.831066
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>> No.831067

itt one guy makes 35 posts in the same thread and gets a few people to reply to him once or twice

just like every other day I've seen this thread

admirable persistence keep it up

>> No.831074
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>> No.831077

>>No, but all the touhoufags as you claim are the ones that discuss these things with you.
No, the Touhoufags sage it and claim this board belongs to them.
As I said you're dead wrong if you think everyone here is into Touhou.

>> No.831080



>> No.831086
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>> No.831092

>>/jp/ was created because a couple of /a/ faggots was crying about all the touhou/vn/figs threads in their /a/ board.
That's the reason /jp/ was created, but that's not its purpose. As moot said
>>This is for general Japanese things/images and discussion.

>> No.831097
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>> No.831103

touhou's fucking lame is all
