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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8304795 No.8304795 [Reply] [Original]

Newmod shows up and fags up /a/. All threads are now loli related. I cant remember the last time /a/ was this good. You all enjoying this?

>> No.8304798

>All threads are now loli related.
Don't make me go over there and see what kind of toddlers are up for grabs.

>> No.8304821
File: 162 KB, 800x802, Remy_pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it's good until he/she shows up again.

Also has /a/ tried alerting /g/ about this? I'm pretty sure they'd move in like angry hornets; techloligy could be a veritable ace in the hole for /a/.

>> No.8304826

Why are you asking here? Seriously. Why would you ask on /jp/ if people are enjoying /a/?

>> No.8304831

I would go check out all the loli but I'm banned for posting loli.

>> No.8304841

I'm laughing at how /a/ took the childish route.
>/jp/ - /a/
>/a/ - /jp/
Who am I quoting?

>> No.8304843

>Okay guys, something i was wondering about for a while now. Why is there no anime discussion on /a/, and instead full of random shit?

It's like I'm really in /jp/.

>> No.8304850

Because its one of those ultra rare times you can enjoy /a/.

Just wait for the American primetime. Acclerator spammer is back. I cant wait to get up.

Anyways, just letting you all know you can spam loli on /a/ right now and have some fun over there. The more loli the merrier. /a/ is good for a change.

>> No.8304851

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8304854

Then please fuck off back to /a/.

>> No.8304864

/a/ was doing this first, really.

But yeah, the boards are now one and the same. It's been a year or so, at the very least.

A thread from /a/, I'd assume.

>> No.8304866
File: 94 KB, 600x600, Marispl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened in /a/?

>> No.8304873

Mod started deleting loli. Not just porn, all loli, apparently including Yotsuba chapter dump.

You can guess how it went from there.

>> No.8304871

Mod did something, everyone flipped a shit.

>> No.8304881

Who gives a shit go back to /a/ and take it to IRC.

>> No.8304896

>Who gives a shit

The nice Anon who created this post: >>8304866

>> No.8304905

why is remilia so shitty
