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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 12 KB, 394x190, onsenyunohanasign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8299701 No.8299701 [Reply] [Original]

You foreigners can work at Japan, study and play.
but it's not your rights.
this is japan,our country.
not yours.
you are not a member of our society.

It's special special favor from us.
Please dont misunderstand it.
All foreigners must think about the importance of showing respect & gratitude for japan.
Surprisingly many foreigners have a mistaken sense of superiority that can push japanese people.
because we Japanese spoilt the foreigner too much.
we'll be only scoffed at by them.
Now,we need to say clearly to silly foreigners.
Remember your place!
Thank you.


>> No.8299711

Is that Russian I see? Why not korean? Silly nips

>> No.8299709

>Remember your place!
yeah we're your masters
so what

>> No.8299741

Whitu Pigu go home

>> No.8299776
File: 13 KB, 206x97, stupidcomment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, people still think we actually want to go to japan?
why can't they get that we barely even want to go outside?

>> No.8299789

You're wrong, /jp/ is actually full of weeaboos and they would all love to go to Japan, but CAN'T due to their autism/social anxiety.

True story

>> No.8299786


>> No.8299791
File: 172 KB, 464x900, now_I_remember_why_I_stay_away_from_youtube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is telling the truth?

>> No.8299793

You seem to be forgetting that the lot of us don't have mooney.

>> No.8299802

Tell that to the doll/figurine fags

>> No.8299806

xD every fukking time man!

>> No.8299814

None of them. Don't go to Japan or Korea.

>> No.8299824

JohnQRandom confirmed for nigger.

>> No.8299857

Fuck year racism

>> No.8299877

ITT OP being a typical Japanese


>> No.8299977


>> No.8300003

The one in the middle is just like "Deal with it"

>> No.8300706

Hi OP,
If you are really Japanese than I agree that Gaijin need to respect their native inhabitants, in this case the Japanese, but is it true that a Gaijin wouldn't be able to assimilate? I have been told this before by Japanese friends. Cannot a man strive to attain to capture the Japanese spirit? I know that the Japanese sacrifice their individuality for the sake of the the whole culture and people. At the same time I realize that being of Japanese decent means that there is heritage that can only belong to the Japanese. I am more than socially active and successful in life. I am not a neet, or anime lover. If I married a Japanese girl would sh, I, and our children be looked down upon for deluding the culture? I have spoken to many Japanese friends and their answers have varied on how I would be seen in Japan. Most have said I would not be accepted as Japanese, but would have many Japanese friends and would be "loved" by the community since there are not many Gaijin and the fact that I would be Gaijin.
Please tell me what would happen to a respectful Gaijin, who truly loves Japanese culture.

>> No.8300734
File: 61 KB, 400x300, 999999999999999999999999999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAKAs ww

>> No.8300771


>> No.8300782
File: 29 KB, 480x360, 1322351633125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day in /jp/ is a proof that 2 nukes were not enough.

>> No.8300803
File: 60 KB, 634x960, mebw-tan165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the japanese people who dislike gaijin are usually BAKAS

>> No.8300839
File: 95 KB, 898x1024, ransmirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get me wrong, Japanese are valiant people who dream of being raped by octopuses and take nukes in the ass like true men but I can't understand them, I mean, if they are human why they do the things they do.
Most people spect freaky shit when they notice it comes from Japan.

>> No.8300842

someone transform the book Koishi is reading into SICP

>> No.8300854

>/jp/ is actually full of weeaboos and they would all love to go to Japan.
But i want to visit America.

>> No.8300866

.....Are you implying that the atom bombs weren't enough to make the Japanese submit/open up to the world?

So sad. It is hard to decipher the morality of those nukes in Japan's case. The whole population was prepared to die in battle as warriors against an American invasion, so does that make them all non-innocents? My grandfather was going to be sent into death if a Japanese D-day was to happen.............I am catholic, but still am lost in this situation. Either way it was a tragedy.

>> No.8300867

It must be daytime in AmeriKKKa - that would explain why this thread has less than 35% sage.

>> No.8300874

No, I meant that America should had nuked them more.

>> No.8300889

to wipe them out?
no. bad

>> No.8300898
File: 14 KB, 250x250, KUSO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgot this

>> No.8300907

>It's special special favor from us.
>Please dont misunderstand it.
I-it's not like we like gaijins or anything

>> No.8300930

>Primetime in europe
>blame Americans

>> No.8301135


Tokio kids are still butthurt because we nuked the shit outa 'em. But it's allright, we won't do it again as long as they keep drawing cartoons to entretain our kids.

>> No.8301169

When Americans say stuff like this it makes me think they are still upset over Pearl Harbour.

>> No.8301180
File: 51 KB, 282x284, 1319321313260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American-who-went-to-Japan-for-summer-holiday here.

I visited Tokyo for two weeks last summer, and from what I saw they love Americans and I only found three or so people who couldn't understand English, which was remedied by my sparse Japanese.

1/10 for getting me to reply.

>> No.8301192

>American-who-went-to-Japan-for-summer-holiday here.
>two weeks
here are your answers, retard.

>> No.8301239

I don't even know why they would be mad over that.
I mean didn't they nuke two large civilian cities?
I believe that's more than enough for fucking up a military harbor.
Canadian who knows nothing about anything here

>> No.8302161


If the western world stopped buying all their stupid shit, they'd collapse so fast. I also get a kick out of how they forget about all the western owned companies that employ their stupid asses.

Oh well. None of this is news... Typical japs are fucking stupid, and otaku japs are even worse.

>> No.8302166


>from what I saw

Yes, but did you see the faces they made while your back was turned? Did you know that at least 20 people fantasized about slitting your throat?

Motherfuckers are more passive aggressive than Seattle residents, and that's saying a lot.

>> No.8302178

I wish America could act that way.

>> No.8302180


Well, they might be able to survive if they rimmed China's asshole enough... plenty of dipshits in China to buy up all their retarded shit, but I doubt that will ever happen due to China sucking huge horse cock.

>> No.8302218

I'm Rundle Mall. It's a give and take my friend, give and take.

>> No.8302214

Paranoid much?
Besides, who gives a shit.

>> No.8302225

No worries. It confuses most Americans too.
I mean, why be mad?

>> No.8302236

I don't give a damn. Japanese cunts are weak as fuck, one points me and laughs at me on the street and he will end up like I did back in New York.

>> No.8302256

can't argue. They really are insanely inoffensive to the average occidental.

>> No.8302304


Just making sure that no one is delusional.

But yes, I am a bit paranoid ... I wouldn't set foot in Japan out of fear that I would never return. I'm positive they'd be all smiles until I turn around, and then out comes the knife.

>> No.8302337
File: 580 KB, 1024x1000, reallifejapan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8302338

I'm surprised there are so many bakas in /jp/ who never been to Japan and base their views off of /b/ and 1940 propaganda.

That's pathetic to be honest. And take all of my why.

>> No.8302357

He is cute I want hime to rape and abuse me

>> No.8302365


>> No.8302382

That is pure fucking sexiness and you know him and his brother should have recorded their "adventures"

>> No.8302395

That's so fucking hot. They both look stunning.

>Implying Heian Era didn't have equally stunning dudes in sexual trists.

>Implying if you were hot, you wouldn't take advantage of uke bottoms.

>> No.8302406

Thanks, now I got blue balls after fantasizing.

Any good boy love yaoi recently? Or Japanese scenehair Gay sex DVDS?

>> No.8302573

A good amount is also based on every single person to ever post on 2ch.

>> No.8302605

you know what's funny?
the japs accuse those shouting" white pig go home" of being koreans

>> No.8302611
File: 39 KB, 501x440, Sion with an evil grin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Japanese xenophobia
> Japan has been a prosperous American imperial possession since the Second World War
I smiled IRL

>> No.8302647 [SPOILER] 
File: 103 KB, 483x500, 1320588685023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U jap! better remember who kick your ass in wwII,
and rape your land,
couse it will happen again if U fuck with US!

>> No.8302737

if I go to Japan, I'm going to call every person I see a Gaijin, since they're foreigners to me.

>> No.8302741

Typical ignorant amerifat. Your shithole of a country doesn't even make it's own bullets anymore. I can't wait until you finally get put in your fucking place by having your fucking dump of a nation taken over and slaughtered, you arrogant piece of shit.

>> No.8302747

what upsets you this day, good sir

>> No.8302759

You're right, I shouldn't be so shocked.

Americans are fat, racist, ignorant barbarians who push for violence at every point.

I should be used to it by now but it just gets me so pissed to have to share the world with this trash.

>> No.8302766
File: 97 KB, 500x375, 1314324945075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw in 50 years the japanese race is near extinct.

keep whining fuckers.

>> No.8302811

>Americans are fat, racist
is this supposed to be funny

>> No.8302818
File: 73 KB, 576x450, profileAKBjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not if I can help it...

>> No.8302821

>Americans are fat, racist, ignorant barbarians who push for violence at every point.

People actually believe this?

>> No.8302830

Good thing this isn't a good representation of your average Japanese person.

Just like your average American isn't a racist, highly religious Faux News-watching fatty who thinks that pizza is a vegetable, your average European isn't a monkey with a top hat and monocle, and your average Somalian doesn't hijack ships and lynch foreign aid workers.

>> No.8302834

I don't know about that last one

>> No.8302835

butthurt americunts
get the fuck out of /jp/ americunts

>> No.8302832


Only gullible 4chan asspies and their kin.

Basically, the rest of the world's equivalent to Glenn Beck followers.

>> No.8302833

The `enlightened' europeans do.

>> No.8302841

Have you forgotten that Glenn Beck is American, and has a huge following, in the fucking millions, here, and almost nowhere else? HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN ABOUT THE FUCKING TEA PARTY?

>> No.8302845


Its just common sense.

Do you think that your average Somalian wants to live in a constant state of violence and rage? Do you think that all of them condone the lynching of that guy that was handing out food to them yesterday, or helping them build infrastructure, or treating their sick, or setting up the farm up the street?

Of course not. Use your head a little.

>> No.8302847


I went to that site expecting something terrible like Sankaku Complex but it's not nearly as bad. The comments are shitty but name a site about Japan related things that doesn't have shitty comments.

>> No.8302850 [DELETED] 


>> No.8302853


>> No.8302864

fuck me, it works!

>> No.8302873


>white pig go home

I lol'd because I'm Mexican.

>> No.8303105
File: 29 KB, 526x482, get out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8303443

>Americans are fat, racist, ignorant barbarians who push for violence at every point.

Did you mean,
>American politicians are fat, racist, ignorant barbarians who push for violence at every point?

>> No.8307578

not really politicians are sort of moe

>> No.8307590
File: 32 KB, 327x358, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moe politicians
Oh really?

>> No.8307595

I lol'd because you're Mexican.

>> No.8307855

OP's pic says it actually pretty politely in Japanese.
It's just plain rude in English.
