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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 6 KB, 189x251, 1324884765216s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8294437 No.8294437[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Did she really end up killing herself?

I'm so fucking depressed now if she did. I'm a huge White Knight at heart.

>> No.8294442

Janitor already deleted your thread after a wave of reports.
Fuck off to >>>/r9k/ with this shit.

>> No.8294443

Why would you be depressed if someone who you don't even know commited suicide?

>> No.8294444

It's really selfish when decent looking girl kills herself, she could have made so many unhappy men happy with her body, selfish whore.

>> No.8294445

You're a huge loser at heart as well.

>> No.8294448

>Not Pygma-chan

Don't care. Fuck off.

>> No.8294451

>decent looking

>> No.8294456

The only reason this is being spammed to to try and sway sympathy to the trolls who set it all up.

Also the blog posts are nothing more than kopipe stitched together.

>> No.8294458


>> No.8294459

Dumb slut kills herself, no one other than OP and a few other mopey faggots who just want to feel up a tit whine about it.

>> No.8294460

That's exactly what I feel. Her body could have made so many otaku feel good.

>> No.8294461 [DELETED] 

We don't know for now.
One thing is certain though, she did see our thread on the 23rd (and probably posted in it anonymously), since she faved some music we recommended.

>> No.8294469


So you care about an arrogant camwhore more than you do a genuine /jp/ girl who never lost her purity and died a maiden?

Kill yourself.

>> No.8294465
File: 163 KB, 375x500, 1324843289680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look a black woman.

>> No.8294475

We don't know for now.
One thing is certain though, she did see our thread on the 23rd (and probably posted in it anonymously), since she faved some music we recommended.

>> No.8294476
File: 18 KB, 267x453, comfort_in_autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a flying shit, Hiroyuki Kanno died 6 days ago and Ryu Umemoto is still dead ;_;

>> No.8294490


>> No.8294492

I'm sorry but I'll let the troll facade slip for a moment: I really hope this was all some elaborate troll, and yeah, part of it is because she's a cute girl and seemed to genuinely empathize with the way most /jp/ers live. Most femanons are just con-sluts, she, if she was real, evidently wasn't like that, albeit you could say she was a bit pretentious.

There was no reason for her to take her own life though. Shit makes me so sad, imagine what her parents must be feeling like right now if it's true. Augh.

>> No.8294496
File: 235 KB, 818x2079, crazy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8294504

I bet some hipster faggot had his way with her. Fucking hipsters always stealing cute nerd chicks.

>> No.8294510

She was just your average "Such a nerd!!!" girl. You can tell by her tumblr being a mess of shit she didn't understand and just posted to look like she were smart.

You know what? How about you pay attention to a REAL /jp/ girl.


I was saving this, but fuck. This is someone who should use your attention, not this normalfag slut troll.

>> No.8294515

I know you guys are just going to say "haha what a stupid attention whore, reported" but this is honest-to-god depressing. She has never posted on /jp/ for attention and trying to find any information from her on google gives no results. Not even an email. She probably felt lonely knowing she was with people like her on /jp/ but she could never actually be with anyone because of her gender and isolation.

Fuck...fuck this gay earth. She was an Anon to the end.

>> No.8294516

No she wasn't tard, she never put her tumblr on here. /jp/ found her. She never revealed her gender online.

>> No.8294519


>Account created Oct 11, 2011

Don't really believe it, this is an elaborate fake probably organized by this tripfiend guy who is also spamming this thread.

>> No.8294521

>I’m sorry for acting so emotional. I’m just a sick girl after all, it seems. Tomorrow is going to be my birthday—December 24—and I’ll be 19 years old, but I’m still acting like this. I try to be logical, but the cold loneliness always melts in my heart when I think of you. I’m even a 処女—it’s so embarrassing to say it even in another language—but because I love you so much, because I’ve never had friends or relationships—I’ve kept it for you. All I am is a ニートおたく天才変態処女少女. I’m sorry for being so weird.

TL's note: 処女 is virgin.

>> No.8294525

>girl with big tits kills herself
>I never got to feel up her huge tits ;_;

That's pretty much the gist of things.

>> No.8294530

No, fuck you guys, first you indirectly ostracize her then care about her when shes dead?

>> No.8294528

I don't give a single fuck. There have been plenty of suicides already, and did anyone care? No. Now when a pair of tits offs herself, all of you turn into compassionate saints "Oh what a shame!".

You should probably kill yourself too and stop dragging shit mud into /jp/

>> No.8294529

This. And guess what would have happened if she had actually tried to speak to some people from /jp/ by offering an email. Same hatred /jp/ spews for any girl, like they did for Pygmalion for example.

Which tripfiend?

>> No.8294532

Can everyone else who was born in the '90s please follow suit? Thank you.

>> No.8294535

You know, plenty of anons have probably killed themselves. And no one cared.
But this one is a GURRRLLLL so we should instantly feel bad because she is a GURRRRLLL and deserves attention.

>> No.8294536

My god she fit right in with the /a/ crowd with all these buzzword. Doesnt she goes to school? How does that qualify her as a NEET?

>> No.8294540

Why would I do that?

>> No.8294541

Look at these fucking kisamas...

>> No.8294537

You do realize women are like, more valuable than men in an evolutionary sense right?

It's completely natural to feel like shit about a pretty girl who you can empathize with killing herself.

How did we indirectly ostracize her? Blame the femanons who are constantly broadcasting their gender. Remember the Amanda/Milk, Pygma/Johanna threads about them trying to find someone to move in with?

>> No.8294539


>> No.8294544


The one who's trip is tripfiend, that I was responding to. Don't really remember seeing them elsewhere, but they posted in this previous thread that got deleted as well.

>> No.8294548
File: 1.27 MB, 300x167, 1324775278924.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how you're pretending to give a shit.

>> No.8294547

in all seriousness.
all complete seriousness, as in: no more memes or witty comebacks.
all of that shit aside, completely serious right now.
if I had a gun with one bullet, and you were standing in front of me.
but next to you, was Hitler, alive again and ready to kill another 7 million or so Jews.
Honestly, I would shoot you. I really would. Why you're even on >>>/jp/ is something I really would like to know. I want to know how you managed to stumble into this place, and who told you about this secret place of the internet.

Honestly, you're the sole reason >>>/jp/ is full of fail nowadays. It would give me great pleasure to know that before I left, I could at least convince one idiot to leave this place for those with a positive IQ.

So please, in all seriousness, just leave this place and never return

>> No.8294549

I care. Not even joking here. I've talked anons out of suicide on other boards before. I know girls who have done the same for guys. I know one girl who purposefully would read books her depressed friend read so they'd have stuff to discuss together.

>> No.8294555

i would

>> No.8294556

I believe you shouldn't underestimate Aikido. Now I know you may be thinking, "Why take a weakling martial art like Aikido seriously when I am learning Kendo?" I can see why you would think that, how can a peaceful martial arts like Aikido beat a powerful one like Kendo?

Well, I have a story to share with you.

Years ago, I was a Kendoka, I thought I was the toughest kid in high school, I would pick fights, and kick ass. I was full of hate, until I picked a fight with the wrong dude. He was a Japanese exchange student, I still remember his name, Noboru Takeda.

I picked on him because of his hilarious and thick Japanese accent. I told him I was going to beat him so hard, he would go back to China(Yeah, I was a little racist prick.), he never said anything back, made me wanted to kick his ass even harder.

Well, here comes the fight. I threw men and do strikes, he dodged them like I was a mere white belt. I was tiring out and he knew, I saw the smirk on his face that made me raged hard. I put all my strength in one amazing tsuki, and he grabbed past it to my wrist and threw me over. My back smacked on the hard cement ground, and I was knocked out for who knows how long.

When I woke up I was in the school infirmary, I asked the nurse who brought me here, and you guessed it, Noboru Takeda. The next day, he wasn't at school, he was back in Japan, and I never got to thank him, for saving my life and showing me the light. I soon learned that he was an Aikidoka and have been practicing Aikido ever since to show my thanks to him.

>> No.8294557

>Would we be having this thread if she wasn't white

So you're butthurt she's white?

What are you, some kind of ugly black girl?

Get fucked.

>> No.8294550


>It's completely natural to feel like shit about a pretty girl who you can empathize with killing herself.

Would we be having this thread if she wasn't white and had no tits? This is like the media whenever a little, white, blonde girl goes missing, why do we have people on /jp/ acting like this?

>> No.8294551

Troll thread working just as planned. Fucking /jp/

>> No.8294552

I don't think I'd even want to feel up her tits if it meant I had to listen to inane angsty rambling like >>8294496 while I did it.

>> No.8294553

You people are absolute scum.

>> No.8294554

It's not that. If nobody found her blog the day before she offed herself, then she would have gone unnoticed and nobody would've given a shit. It's just an (un)fortunate coincidence that one of the few people following her on tumblr (out of 11 total followers over the course of months) decided to post it on 4chan.

Guys, she's fucking dead. There's no point in calling her an attention whore now. She didn't even make a "bye jp im killin myself ;_;" thread. That's...that's how bad it was.

>> No.8294559

Countless portal thread is made everyday.

>> No.8294562

If she were a flat-chested Asian girl /jp/ would have totally lost it, so yeah.

>> No.8294563

Everyday I look at /fit/ and laugh. They are so pathetic, wasting there time in a hot stinky gym lifting weights.

I just do Aikido and I look twice as aesthetic as the best looking /fit/ poster. I'm probably twice as strong too, strong enough to compete competitively as a strongman or Olympic lifter.

But I can actually use my strength to defend myself, I can probably take on four Brock Lesnars.

At once.

>> No.8294564


>liking Asians

haha oh wow

>> No.8294566

Believe it or not, I wasn't always a handsome stud. I used to an anti-social loser like you, until I started Aikido more than a year ago.

In Aikido, you need to communicate to your partner to be successful, my partner was a very talkative person, I couldn't help but open up to him. He's now my best friend, and through him, I lost my old ways and became a man.

>> No.8294570

and yet your body will never be prepared for some guy that's good with a gun

>> No.8294571

You guys are fucking hypocrites. Some whore dies and suddenly you care?

>> No.8294567

Weeb as hell, but still rather sweet. Who was she in love with anyway?

>> No.8294568

How'd she do it?
When girls try and kill themselves, they rarely succeed. If she actually managed to do it, props to her for a job well done.

>> No.8294569



>> No.8294578

zyzz is probably fucking the shit out of this chick in hell....

>> No.8294579

Can I get the backstory on this?

>> No.8294580

Only OP.
Nobody give a shit.
I am more interested with the chile guy that jumped off the cliff.

>> No.8294573
File: 6 KB, 153x200, Respectable young woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of big tits, when is Shinozaki Ai going to do porn?

>> No.8294574

Aikido does not deflect attacks.
It reverses them, and furthermore: Add more force.

A reversed 9mm bullet is more like a fucking cannonball made of burning suns of rage. It could easily tear through a tank.

That is the power of Aikido.

>> No.8294575

Allow me to tell you a tale. It took place 36...no, 14 years ago. But what is time anyway? To me it seemed like yesterday. For you, it might be tomorrow. I was a Kendoka, I thought I was the toughest kid in high school, I would pick fights, and kick ass. I was full of hate, until I picked a fight with the wrong dude. It's the story of a man. Known by 72 different names. I'm not sure which to call him by...When I first met him, his name was... Noboru Takeda. Even then he wouldn't let anyone bully him. Not even me.
I picked on him because of his hilarious and thick Japanese accent. I told him I was going to beat him so hard, he would go back to China(Yeah, I was a little racist prick.)
He was a pretty good guy. He never said anything back, which made me wanted to kick his ass even harder.

Me- "You sure that's enough training?"

Him- "No problem. Everything's fine."

Him- "I'll take the best you have.

Well, here comes the fight. I threw men and do strikes, he dodged them like I was a mere white belt. I was tiring out and he knew, I saw the smirk on his face that made me raged hard. I put all my strength in one amazing tsuki, and he grabbed past it to my wrist and threw me over. My back smacked on the hard cement ground, and I was knocked out for who knows how long.
Hey. What, you don't trust me? I guess. So far so good. You know I could never say no to you. After all - you are the one who showed me the light.
Noboru. Humans have a unique gift. The power of choice. Free will. They can follow any path they desire. So I choose the path if Aikido. The future of mankind depends on it. Time to go...

>> No.8294585

The people who are are the minority. Those butthomos who come here from /r9k/ and /v/ for neet threads and shit.

>> No.8294590

She wrote a really long suicide note to no one in particular called her "cherished companion." Her waifu equivalent, I guess. Someone saved her entire front page and uploaded it before 4chan found it and she deleted her blog: http://www.mediafire.com/?rb7j6mgek84k6te

>> No.8294587

>It's just an (un)fortunate coincidence
Yeah, sure.

>> No.8294595


>> No.8294592

Let me share an experience with all from one of my many quests

Its lunch, I went to my favourite sandwich shop, got a delicious veal sandwich and was on my way back home.
There was this thuggish "Nigga" style black dude, he was behind me, I stopped, because he was walking quite fast, and I didn't want to be in his way.

He comes up to me, and asked, “Do you have any money?”, I knew where he was going with this, so I said, “Yeah, but you’re not getting any of it.”, and I walked away.
I suppose it’s in his blood, he was going to punch the back of my head but I quickly grabbed and threw him over my shoulder, he fell down and became unconscious.
I checked if he had any drugs/money, found cocaine in his jacket and called the cops.
I guess it wasn’t really a fight since it lasted less than 10 seconds, it really shows how effective Aikido is in real life situations.
It feels good to help the police catch drug dealers/druggies.

>> No.8294599

I saw that, someone posted it earlier in the thread. Reading through it now, it's rather grim stuff.

Does Suigin still post on /jp/ or something?

>> No.8294600

This is kind of a horrible thing to say in a way, but I feel like she is exactly who I was well on my way to becoming if I didn't eventually acquire a small social circle of friends. I wish she could have been one of my friends.

>> No.8294601

How to get a girl in your Aikido class to like you

Talk to her before and after each class. If she's just sitting in a chair, or standing somewhere, go up to her and talk about something interesting. But make sure she isn't already talking to someone else.
Ask her for her email address or her IM. Do this at least the fifth time you see her if you talk to her a lot, and if she asks why, you don't have to tell her it's because you like her, just turn it around and ask why not.
Don't make fun of her if she does sloppy push-ups, or a bad counter. You can do it once in a while, but not every time you go. Try not to be too patronizing, but it could give you the opportunity to show off and help her with her technique. However some girls might take offense to any form of criticism so be careful.
While sparring her, if you get to do so, don't go too hard on her, but don't go so easy that it's obvious. Remember, she IS learning the same techniques as you, and may well feel you are insulting her abilities by going easy on her.
Compliment her on her Aikido skills after class. Girls love it when they get compliments. If she's more advanced than you, ask her to help you with a technique. It'll give you the opportunity to talk to her while flattering her skill.
Saying Good bye. When you're leaving, or when she's leaving (which ever is first), say good bye to her. The best way to say it is see you later, so the girl knows that you actually want to see her later.
Make sure you don't have anything stuck in your teeth when you talk to her.
If there are any awkward silences in your conversations, quickly say something funny or interesting.
If you're talking to her, stare into her eyes and don't look around in different places in the room. It'll annoy her.
Check if your dojo has any rules about dating someone from the class. Some have rules like this to prevent both sexual harassment and interpersonal drama from cropping up in class.

>> No.8294607

I'm sorry, but has /jp/ failed yet? Oh, that’s right. It hasn't even become as shitty as /a/. In fact, it’s actually customary to follow the board rules. Does having rules and following them and not allowing /v/ and /b/ level shit ruin the board make /jp/ shitty? Is that what you’re saying? Because if you’re saying that I can assure you that you’re wrong. Why would you make this thread when right now on /a/ there are huge titty threads and metathreads everywhere? /jp/ is far better than /a/ will ever hope to be, so why are you shitposting here? /jp/ has to go up against the 3rd fastest board on 4chan and all the /a/ shitposters and still manages to be a lot better. But you know what? No one with a brain goes to /a/. /jp/ is the best board for talking about VNs and taking it easy. /jp/ is legendary for scaring away shitty noob posters and that's why you're all fanny-flustered. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded threads like this. You know why? Because you're going to be even more mad when /jp/ starts dumping Aikido pasta. /a/ just talks about titty monsters and the big 3 which are all shit. Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a post on this board again and I’m fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you’re the only guy making all these shitty invasion posts because you're jealous of the quality of /jp/. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking /v/isitors on the board, like I give a fuck. It’s so easy to spot out your threads now, you’re a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don’t you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a post like this. That’s just you, you’re always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

>> No.8294612

I have defeated countless opponents using Aikido, and they always ask me, Why are you so strong?

I answer, I'm not strong, you are.

Aikido uses the strength of the attacker back at them but 10 times stronger(estimate). Using Aikido and I can probably kill a charging Rhino using it's force right back at it, of course, I'm not going to try it, way to dangerous for any sane person.

I recommend practicing Aikido for every /jp/edo, as you are all physically weak, and Aikido is specialized for the weak to defend against the strong.


A 50 year old man with cerebral palsy doing Aikido, very touching.

>> No.8294613

Shut the fuck up, relic. It's a new age of shitposting.

>> No.8294617

Go Aikido spammer.

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>> No.8294615

Wait, then why does she have a picture of herself on the Internet.

>> No.8294618

because you're one dense piece of shit.


>> No.8294620

But... she isn't really dead though.

>> No.8294626

             ∧ ∧
            ( ・ω・) DESTROY THIS THREAD
        γr――‐、 γ     1┐
 0ニ)ニニニニニニ)(。((  |   17 |. |
    / ̄/___/ ̄/___/ ̄/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄""``ー---,,,,,,
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 (≡(( ( (   ( ( (≡(:::o:ヽ:::==0::::::::::==0::::::::::==0::r=y
  ヽ≡ヽ-ヽ_ヽ_ヽ_`ヽ≡ヽ,,ノ,,ーilij-、 ,,ーilij-、. ,,ーilij-、`-',!

>> No.8294623

That's just how people are. If someone dies, everyone who talked badly about them goes back and praises them. It's like they don't want to be haunted by their ghost or whatever.
Then again, in this case I'm pretty sure you guys would enjoy her ghost. Ghost pai-zuri, woo woo.

>> No.8294624

writing a suicide note is the most pathetic fucking thing

>> No.8294625

You got that right, she just sucked my dick and laughed at this thread with her mouth full of semen. She got it all over the floor so I am rather upset.

>> No.8294630

I believe you shouldn't underestimate Aikido. Now I know you may be thinking, "Why take a weakling martial art like Aikido seriously when I am learning Kendo?" I can see why you would think that, how can a peaceful martial arts like Aikido beat a powerful one like Kendo?

Well, I have a story to share with you.

Years ago, I was a Kendoka, I thought I was the toughest kid in high school, I would pick fights, and kick ass. I was full of hate, until I picked a fight with the wrong dude. He was a Japanese exchange student, I still remember his name, Noboru Takeda.

I picked on him because of his hilarious and thick Japanese accent. I told him I was going to beat him so hard, he would go back to China(Yeah, I was a little racist prick.), he never said anything back, made me wanted to kick his ass even harder.

Well, here comes the fight. I threw men and do strikes, he dodged them like I was a mere white belt. I was tiring out and he knew, I saw the smirk on his face that made me raged hard. I put all my strength in one amazing tsuki, and he grabbed past it to my wrist and threw me over. My back smacked on the hard cement ground, and I was knocked out for who knows how long.

When I woke up I was in the school infirmary, I asked the nurse who brought me here, and you guessed it, Noboru Takeda. The next day, he wasn't at school, he was back in Japan, and I never got to thank him, for saving my life and showing me the light. I soon learned that he was an Aikidoka and have been practicing Aikido ever since to show my thanks to him.

>> No.8294628


>Ghost pai-zuri, woo woo.


>> No.8294637

According to the /x/ thread they found her blog, and found her photo and hidden pages or files on her blog. She didn't actually post her photo around screaming "look at me" so she wasn't an slutty attention whore just for existing.

Actually her blog reminded me a lot more of the Illustrated Timeline /jp/ blog.

>> No.8294644
File: 2.37 MB, 2591x3624, 53759856f033a3f071986cc6096b2fda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghost play.

>> No.8294638
File: 68 KB, 300x300, 5A9v1r5elgyo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was the one who made the bakkoi thread, I think. One of the hidden links on her blog had a link to the Hatate PV as well as that "Have a bakkoi day Anonymous!" post.

>> No.8294640

Yeah. This thread has really made me hate men actually.

>> No.8294642

Mmmmmm... Fried pig pussy! Once you eat one of these pig pussy pork rinds, you'll never eat another.. human pussy again. But FUCK human pussy! I fuck dead pigs. You'll read all about it in heartburn how I fuck them dead pigs before I turn em into pork rinds!

I couldn't get no twat from serenity back then. She only wanted dildos in her pussy twat. Big phony bologna dicks. But now she wants this real cock. Come here serenity lets show these assholes how we fuck. Lets show these assholes how we fuck. My sweet sweet serenity.

Fuck an umbilical cord out of your phony asshole, and I'll hang a pig with it, while I impregnate you with my 80 year old pork rind dick. You'll give birth to a dead pig and we'll cut him into pork rinds.

I'll eat pork rinds with god. In a land that speaks only with its eyes. No language, no dildos, no fucking laws! Where the whores can't sell their pussy. Or use their twats to gold dig. A land where us warriors run free with our big dicks out, and our fucking hair wild.

Eat pork rinds, eat dead pigs. Eat pork rinds, eat dead pigs. Eat pork rinds, eat dead pigs. Salt their dead skin and put em in plastic bags. Fuck you, you fucking, farting robots. Suck my dead pig. Suck my dead pig!

>> No.8294649
File: 267 KB, 476x346, Shin Necro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8294647

I just spent the last twenty minutes rubbing a twelve year old girl's bare chest.

"How?" you ask. Well apparently there are a select few contexts within which such an action is acceptable. For instance, if your niece has a hacking cough and your sister asks you to "put some of this on her" while she calls the doctor.

"Putting some of this on hear" meant using my bare hands to rub this vapor ointment shit all over her BARE NAKED CHEST. My heartbeat is still all erratic from it. I had a boner the size of Manhattan the entire time. She's sleeping now and I guess she feels better because she stopped coughing.

Details: She's about 5 feet tall, has long brown hair, a cute face, a thin waist and long skinny legs. She's in jammies I think because although I'm pretty shaken up right now I know I unbuttoned something before I went at it.

God I feel so great. I just rubbed my hands all over her FUCKING TITS, you guys. Well the puffy parts of her chest anyway. Her nipples got hard. I just about wept tears of joy.

I didn't do anything else because I'm a coward and rubbing was enough. Plus it was legal and I didn't technically do anything wrong, so I'm in the clear.

I'd write more but I seriously have to go fap while the memory is fresh in my head.

>> No.8294650

It's not like she cares.

She's dead.

>> No.8294652

>ghost blow job
I will be buying menma doujin this comiket

>> No.8294653
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>> No.8294654

Alright all you underage newfags, listen up.

Day after day I keep seeing you mongoloid virgins in here asking questions like 'What does a pussy feel like?' or 'What does a pussy taste like' and I am fucking well sick of your shit.

A VAGINA is like a new running shoe, OK? At first, it looks good, smells ok and fits rather snugly. As time goes by, it stops being all of those things though, especially after being used repeatedly. It starts to look beat up, smells worse and worse, and things get kinda sloppy. A VAGINA is basically a tepid reservoir of bacterial filth, with new bacteria and viruses being added every time a new strange cock goes in (which is usually fairly often, because all women are whores. Even Mom.). It tastes like it smells too, sour with a peculiar strongness. They all smell and taste like that. All of them. Wanna know why? It is also a drain for bodily refuse like dead cells, dead bacteria, and dead spermatozoa. It smells the way it does, because it is full of decaying things all closed up in a moist, heated pocket.

So go ahead, stick your face in it and lick up that stinking, rotting slime.

This PSA brought to you by a concerned /jp/edo.

>> No.8294658
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>> No.8294661

Gentlemen, I just entered my aviary, within which I own two pink necklaceatiels, these birds are scared to hell of me and will go nuts when I am inside. I began scaring them, making them fly over the small aviary, eventually I picked one and made sure he never had any rest in between fear-flights. Once he was tired, I began to corner him, I grabbed ahold of him, he began biting and clawing at me, I threw him onto the ground, and kicked him. I did not expect him to be alive after this, but he was very much so - and still quite feisty, but unable to really fly now. I pulled down my pants and got on my knees, I began masturbating with my left hand, while I had the bird in my right hand. I was holding onto him by his tail feathers, keeping him upside-down, whenever he would attempt to fly away, I would whack him against the wired wall of the aviary. Eventually his tail feathers fell off, he fell to the ground - he made no attempt to escape. I latched onto him, he began biting me. Whenever he would try to chew on me, I would cease masturbating and flick him in the head and mildly tighten my grip. Two minutes pass and the bird's eyes start to close, his head is tilting whichever way gravity wishes, no longer shaking in fear at what is happening to him. Soon after, the bird is dead. While it was not my intention to kill him, I was pleased at this moment, as it gave me the opportunity to cum on his face, which I would not have attempted to do so easily while he was alive and attempting to bite anything he could. I get up, my legs and pants are covered in birdseed and feathers, I leave them off, knowing I'll need to clean up. I throw the corpse at the second bird as I leave the aviary. It has been about half an hour, that second bird has not moved an inch since I left; it is very possible that he will die of pure stress.

>> No.8294663
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>> No.8294668

1. She must be quiet and unassuming 2. She must be intelligent and have a good standard of education and be able to hold a good conversation with me. 3. Good mannered in all respects. Notwithstanding this day of equality, I want her to e.g. a. Hold the door for me - Car, particularly if she is taking me out for the night and I have dressed especially for the evening: House door, and make sure I am safely inside. By this she must not be flamboyant in her approach, so that it looks unnatural, but do this as a matter of course as it flows from her upbringing. b. Stand up when anyone enters the room. c. Hold the chair for me at dinner particularly when out at a restaurant. d. Not embarrass me in front of friends, family and neighbours, e.g. talking in public 4. Offer herself as a sex object 5. Let herself be a possession i.e a car, tv, dog etc. 6. Treat me as a better. 8. She must trust me in all things and not be suspicious of my motives and she must be trustworthy. 9. Not assume that I will always fall in with her plans 10. Talk all matters through with me first and consider, and most of all, value my opinions, after all, she should want a marriage. 11. Not to be domineering and have the need to show all and sundry that "I am the woman, and I wear the trousers!" 12. She must respect me as a person, intellectually. 13. She must be forgiving. 14. She must be slow to anger. 15. She must love me unreservedly.

>> No.8294670

She's pretty good at piano even though she plays shitty Steins;Gate songs


>> No.8294675

I just learned that girls farts smell better than video games.

Seriously. You know that new game package smell? Like when you just took off the wrapping? My god, its a glorious smell. I've masturbated sniffing this smell so many times. It's great and the main reason I still buy games.

But my sister just farted on the couch next to me while I was playing Street Fighter IV. She blushed got up fanned her ass and ran to the bathroom to, I assume, shit or maybe she shit herself while she was next to me, there was some extra bulge in the back of her jeans. Now let me reiterate. She was sitting directly next to me. In effect, she farted on my side and then waved fart gas from her butt to my face. Now you fucking listen to me. This smelled glorious. I immediately became rock hard and didn't give a shit, I pulled my cock out and masturbated right there smelling my own sister fart. I didn't even care that I got beat by a scrub Ken while I was jerking off.

>> No.8294676

Well if that's true I'm depressed now.

It's always sad to see a /jp/er go.

>> No.8294677

Well your girlfriends a whore and your other friend is enjoying peacefull nonexsistance in the endless void of death. way i see it you could join your friend in oblivion, whine about it forever, do some crazy revenge scheme that'll probably get you arrested or the shit kicked out of you or you could go out into the world and tap some strange ass. floss your teeth with some pubes. Go to a strip club and get some smelly fish-cunt in your face. Down a bottle of jsck and wake up south of the border with one of your kidneys gone and dirty mexican prostitute just endlessly sucking your dick. Fuck off the people that don't matter and then fuck of the people that do. Blow your life savings, your college savings Fuck college. college is for people afraid to live. Use all that money to rent a fast car and 20 kilos of coke and then drive across the united states, tourturing and killing at least one person in every state you drive through. at some point carve out a coyote head and wear it as a hat and run through a town packing as much heat as you can and calling yourself anubus the god of death. probably by then you'll have forgotten all about your gutterslut of a girlfriend and your corpse of a friend.

Merry Christmas.

>> No.8294678

athens what are you doing here

didn't you see >>>/r9k/ is back?

>> No.8294689

ou should probably read this.

Just listen to me. I am posting this thread because the FBI is at my house, questioning me about my internet habits. As you can see, they have discovered that I browse /b/ by looking at my internet history. They are standing over my shoulder right now, watching me type this. I'd like to show them what a great site 4chan is. Nothing questionable, remotely offensive, or anything that would otherwise put my patriotism in question.

Lost my courage dog folder, so here's a perfectly safe reason to post in this thread. I am in need of moar courage dog. Just remember:

The FBI are watching you, /jp/.

Game up to their expectations.

>> No.8294695
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<Post nr. repeated here for emphasis>


>> No.8294698

yea making fun of the united states is so funny, so funny i forgot to laugh. If you wanna talk like that to me why don't you come here and say it to me face so i can answer your insults with a swift fist to the nose. yea you have a lot to say from hundreds of miles away but i bet if my fists were in reach of your face you would be like a tv on mute with no volume button So do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut unless you want to die. Next time you think about saying something like that to me I want you to remember one thing. I know the guy that created google maps and I can locate you in the time it took me to type this.Don't want anymore problems....didn't think so faggots. You have any idea what gorilla warfare is? I do, I was in the US Marine Core and I perfected it. I'm fully capable of using it on you motherfuckers. Do you know the dander you're in if I find you? I am 100$ serious. Bunch of god damn newfaf loser here and I will not have it. At least I've had sex, had girlfriends, and gotten laid, and blowjobbed unlike you virgin pieces of unpatriotic SHIT!

>> No.8294699

This troll thread made me realize something.

For like three years I've been stalking this crazy. Well it's not really stalking, I've just been reading his blog which has no followers or comments. He's not a /jp/er, but he shares the same attitude as many here (escapism, dislike of society and other people, batshit insane, and fairly nice at his core).

Anyhow, I watched him start from a pretty stable place, and work his way down some pretty fucked up depths. I feel like he's my friend. But I've never intervened, or involved myself in any way.

Last month was the last time he posted anything, and I wonder if he's dead now. I might never have the chance to say anything him, after all this time it feels kind of bad.

I'm still pro suicide. But I wonder if staying so detached from him was a good idea. His posting has been pretty erratic lately, so he may just be taking a break. If he posts again I wonder if I have what it takes to say anything. I wouldn't even know what to say.

Sorry for the blog post

>> No.8294707


>> No.8294709

After spending a few minutes here I can easily say that all of are lacking of any wit or intelligence whatsoever. You all believe yourselves to be better than everyone else, and I can tell you right now, that that is not the case in the slightest, you pseudo-intellectuals. I am much better than all of you. Clearly I am because I am neither pretentious, long-winded, asinine, discourteous, nor are my tastes quite as bland as yours. No, I am quite concise, and I would never stretch beyond that of my means or what I am designated to.

I'd have to say that this board is full of anonymous lurkers, attackers, and trolls, who have nothing better to do than throw their elitist opinions around in an attempt at misguided show-boating with people they'd never ever meet.

None of you build any persona or stand by anything remotely attached that I can feel some sort of personal connection to. You lack any sort of direction and I can't have that. You're analogies are far too complicated, linear, and they're rather contradictory. Why, there's never even any variety here!

I give this image board, masquerading as a message board, a 1/10.

>> No.8294708


>> No.8294714

Legend has it that if you travel east to Japan, you will find an old man living on the coast just 40 miles south of Tokyo. If you give this man $500,000 he will take you to an island just off the coast that can't be found on any map. This island is filled with people without faces or names, who hold grudges over the most trivial of matters. When you arrive at this island the first thing you will see is a swimming pool that is never open. Just beyond the pool you will find a town that is filled with cats. You must find a white cat wearing a pink bow. If you ask the cat how to get to Mexico, he will stand up and ask you for three things: Your name, your face, and your soul. If you agree to give them to him, your face will vanish and you will forget your own name. You can live on the island and have whatever you desire, but you can never leave the island. The only way to escape is to find the cat again and ask for a young child. The next day a van will pull up in front your house. You will hear a knock at the door, and a voice will ask if you want to come to a party. No one knows what happens if you answer the door.

>> No.8294720

This is what's great about getting old. I'll read this, forget all of the information and go see the movie. I will enjoy it, half way through the movie I'll forget what the plot is, get confused and go to the parking lot and try to find my car by holding my keys over my head and pushing the panic button until my alarm goes off. Which will scare the shit out of me, and I will think it is a cop, because I already have one arm up. I bring the other hand up and get on the ground, hands behind my back. Then I will fall asleep. The next morning I will find my car, a mere three feet away. I get inside and discover the battery has somehow died, so I call a tow company. After an hour, for some reason, a tow truck shows up and a black man starts running toward my car. He's screaming, so I lock the windows and hide in the back seat. I never realize that I've set myself on fire from the cigarette I forgot that I'd lit twenty minutes ago. I become an hero. This thread is great. My name is George, are there rules on this internet page?

>> No.8294716

If anything it's probably all this stuff being posted here that prompted her to delete her blog in the fist place, so I wish people wouldn't keep making this thread. The shitbags insulting her and calling her a slut are only making me feel worse. She was clearly deeply mentally disturbed and doesn't deserve all this negative attention.

>> No.8294717
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Ghost footrub WOO WOO

>> No.8294721
File: 12 KB, 452x430, Motherfuckin Whore Shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8294722

What's it like?

>> No.8294724

I can't believe you fucking morons waste your life here. Listen, this is your LIFE. You need to be living with real human beings. You need to go find a girlfriend and spend time with her. You need to find happiness. Happiness is not in your online games or crappy manga books, it is in other people. Do you really want to be 40 years old and look back to your 18-25 years and realize you pissed them away in fits of loneliness playing RPGs and crying yourself to sleep? I know most, if not all of you, had no real childhood or high school experiences because you were too busy being antisocial losers. Change that, now. How much greater would your life be now had you worked up the courage to talk to that one girl and go to the prom with her? Wouldn't high school have been amazing if you actually went out with friends on the weekend and saw movies? This is why you people love anime so much, because it portrays these perfect people going through high school living the lives YOU wish you could have lived back then.Stop wasting your time on the Internet. Look outside and see the trees and the sun. Please. There is a world out there. There are interesting people all over. Why do you want to throw away what is left of your life playing fictional RPGs when real life is one big RPG with real consequences and relationships? Are you just afraid? I mean, look at me, I own this boat.

>> No.8294727

Salutations good sirs. Within a fortnight I shall set forth, with my Queen's congee of course, on a voyage to the Southernmost Colonies. In the Southland I design to retrieve a large shipment of these newfound creatures called "Negroids". Upon my return from the colonies I would be happy to bequeath you one or two for your sport. However, an exchange must take place. I require several daguerreotype depictions of bantam youngsters in "salacious" poses to add to my quite substantial collection. I propose we form a gentleman's agreement, if you could supply these daguerreotypes in advance of our exchange I would happily supply a half-ape-half-man creature at the time of our meeting. Do respond in haste my good sirs for I dare say my interest has been piqued. I have included a related vignette of my cargo for your appraisal. If the benevolent proprietors of this fine establishment are to find my libidinous requests deviant, then I suspect a ban from the premises and an assemblage of celebratory buggies outside my residence may be in order.

>> No.8294733

What part of this thread do you object to most, spammer? It's obviously not the suicide part that's getting you down. We have those threads every few days.

>> No.8294734

Like listening to your neighbors through the wall. Knowing every intimate detail of their lives, yet remaining a perfect stranger.

>> No.8294736

Since September, my life has sucked. I've been very sick. I stopped going to school for three months, and when I got better I couldn't deal with the structure of a normal high school any longer. My parents have pulled me out and I am currently waiting to be enrolled in an online high school. I still have some major health problems, and I'm still waiting for several test results. I feel very stressed and very depressed. My family has been trying to help me, and I'm grateful for that.
There is one huge problem hampering my progress towards some semblance of normality: my little sister.
L has become a total b***h. Well, she's always been a b***h, but I've always been able to ignore her. Except now I'm so stressed and physically weak that I can't ignore her. Not only that, but she's becoming worse and worse.L is beautiful. She is also vicious and ambitious. She's always teased me for being fat and socially inept.

>> No.8294739

Now she rubs it in my face. She laughs about how I'm always on a diet, how I always have to take medicine, how I can't fit into the pretty clothes, that I only have a few friends. She steals money from me, reads my private stuff, looks through my artwork. She brings friends home for the sole purpose to laugh at me. (I wish I was joking - our house is very echoey, and I can hear every word they say.) She keeps me up at night by turning on every light in the house, takes blankets from my bed, throws out new bottles of my shampoo, even takes our pets to her room when I need something living and breathing to hug and talk to.

I don't know what to do. I've already talked to my parents about this - they're mad at her already for breaking the no-boys-allowed-in-the-house-without-an-adult rule - and they try to punish her, but she never lets it affect her, and they can't do much anyway because they both work a lot. I have known her to bring friends over and let them root through my room, ignore me when I'm obviously in pain, laugh when I cry.

The worst thing she's ever done happened earlier tonight: I fainted, hit my head on the wall, left some blood, and instead of helping me up or getting a bandaid or even asking if I was okay, she turned up the volume on the TV.

>> No.8294742

Right now, she's sitting in her room with a friend. They are talking about boys and friends, but mostly about how I am "a spaz" and "obviously faking it", how I am just too lazy to get my fat rear end out of bed and go to school, that I'm stupid and ugly. I'm downstairs listening to them, feeling sick.

I don't know what to do. I can't live like this, constantly cringing whenever she looks at me. I don't know why she's suddenly decided to torture me now, when the only thing I need is some stability. I don't know what I did to make her hate me so much. The only thing I know is that I'm just going to feel worse and worse until she lets up. She's only 14. She shouldn't hate me so much.

(And she's not a sociopath - she is very loving and friendly towards everyone else she meets. She just hates me.)

What can I do to stop this?

>> No.8294750
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If it's any consolation, /jp/, she was poor, so she couldn't be a buyfag. She also complained about not having money to go college in some other posts.

>> No.8294747

that /jp/ fell for such an obvious troll

>> No.8294748

A few years back, when I was living in Puerto Rico, I had to take care of my uncle's dog for a while. He was a big Golden Retriever and his name was Sasu. After about 3 days, I was extremely turned on and without a boyfriend, so this dog in my pussy seemed like a pretty good idea. One day, I decided to go for a walk and take the dog with me. I was conveniently wearing a skirt and once we reached a pretty secluded street, I pulled up my skirt and got on all fours. At first the dog just sniffed my butt around but once he got the idea, he got on top of me and started humping my butt through my panties. He kept banging against my clit and my juices were flowing to pretty much everywhere. I didn't let him inside me yet because I was too afraid. I mean, think about it. That's pretty fucking gross. But anyways. Whenever I got back home, I sat on the front porch. My uncle had come back and was ready to pick up the dog but he was inside talking to my sister. My uncle told me to stay outside with Sasu for a while, so I did. While we were out there, I was sitting on a bench with my legs spread open and Sasu kept trying to stick his nose in my crotch. Usually, I'd push his face away and close my legs, but I was extremely wet and was dripping everywhere. So I let Sasu lick it up. Since I had never been eaten out before, I really didn't know that what I was doing was sexual in the least, but I realized that it felt really good and was only making me wetter. Even after I came Sasu was still licking it all up and the front of my skirt was soaked in a combination of my pussy juice and Sasu's saliva. Once I had to go back inside, I just twisted my skirt to the side and went to my room to change.

>> No.8294755

I just can't take it anymore. well, okay. here goes. this is not copypasta, it's for real. Well, there's this really, REALLY beautiful loli in my school. I'm 17 and she is in 5th grade, so she's 11. Her name is Stella. Well, I've dreamed about having sex with her numerous times, but one evening changed it all... Our moms know each other so I was supposed to babysit her cause her mom had to work late one night. So I go over to her house and we start watching TV. Well, its 9.30 pm already and I tell her to go to sleep. She answers 'I don't want to, I wanna stay and watch cartoons with you.' I thought about it and I said 'okay, but only until 10pm and don't tell your mom' she was happy and said okay. We watched cartoons a little and she asked if she could rest her head in my lap. I was like uh, okay. Well she puts her head in my lap, rubs her head around accidentally cause she was looking for a comfortable position and I feel to get this raging boner. I couldn't hold it back so I quickly suggested that maybe she'd want a pillow under her head and that my legs are starting to hurt. She said 'okay' and I put the pillow under her head. I was so relieved. Well, the clock hits 10pm and I order her to sleep, she stands up and takes the pillow from my legs and she sees my boner, I tried to hide it as quick as I could, but I was wearing trainers so it stood out pretty clearly. She asked 'whats that?' and I didn't know what to say.. after about 5 seconds of quick thinking I for some reason said 'It's a boner', I instantly regretted it. She now asked me if she could see it. I was so freaking nervous, finally i decided to use the chance and had my pants off faster than you could say Candlejack. Stella asked if she cou

>> No.8294759

so there's this rather tasty girl at my college, sadly she has autism, she's not really high on the spectrum, she's just a bit odd and slow maybe.

but yeh she really likes me because I quite often help her with course work.

so anyway we had a rather late valentines day do last week (hall was closed so we had to find and book a venue) and she turned up looking really smart, but you could easily see her curves, she looked absolutely stunning.

well she came and spoke to me and i got her a few drinks, she was really funny actually, by the time I'd had a few i couldn't even remember or notice she had autism.

well it got to like 1am and we left, rather drunk, and she asked to stay at mine, I thought It wouldn't do any harm I wouldn't do anything.so we got a taxi to mine.

we got in, took our jackets and shoes off, and collapsed on the couch, we were lying right next to each other, she spun round and rested her hand on my chest, and started stroking it.

I didn't know what to do! 5 seconds later I decided to go for it.

I ran my hands down her side, across her stomach and down her panties. It was wet and felt amazing. she was so tight I even had to start with my pinky.

I slowly stroked her clit then pushed my finger deep inside (inside) What kind of Pokemon are you? Are you loyal through and through? Do you have a heart that's true? What kind of Pokemon are you?

Take your NORMAL type like Jigglypuff Against the GHOSTLY Gengar the battle's real tough Thunderbolt's a great ELECTRIC attack 'Til you get GROUND down by a Marowak

>> No.8294758

typical seppo

>> No.8294760

Yes I'm talking that anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. It fucking sucks. Now it's pretty popular among the anime circles, and yet this poor excuse for an animated feature is the worst thing ever produced by a human being if you except Plan 9 from Outer Space, and I'm being generous.

First you gotta admit you hated the first episode. It made no sense, sucked as shit, wasn't funny, edgy or new. Or original. Animation sucked dead dogs' balls. Characters sucked dead dogs' balls. Voice acting sucked dead dogs' balls. But you managed to make it through the whole pile of steaming poo just to see the ED. Because that's what this anime is about. It's about the ED. Those 1 minute and a half. There's nothing else to it. You went like "OMG ANIMATION LIEK" you freaking retards and now everyone likes it. Yet it's shit. It's complete shit with no redeeming qualities. There's fucking nothing to it. Just the dance at the end. It's a dancing anime. A fucking retarded dancing anime with no story and nothing and no characters it sucks. You shouldn't like it you morons seriously. Just download the ED and loop it on your WMP you cockass faggot asses. DAMN I wish all those threads about HARUHI OMG YEAH would go one and everyone in them die FUCK YOU for polluting my forums HARUHI FUCK YOU.

>> No.8294764

The only troll I see right now is you.

>> No.8294763

Did she die?

>> No.8294765


>> No.8294767

Long time ago the class "Paladin" was born and it had survived from many unfortunate and horrifying events. Among the paladins the rank of retribution was the most fearsome. The retribution paladin knows not fear they strike in to the heart of their enemy and deal complete destruction. But lately the balances of the paladin order have been Brocken. The supreme power of the retribution has been mocked. The retribution paladin has become the lowest of the lowest rank. this was result of the jealousy and hatred from other ranks and classes. As been one of the few surviving hero class the paladins has been targeted. Not only the order was mocked the creators even further disgraced the order by giving the holy sacred power over to the horde. The end is near unless those ranks of holy and protection realize what is happening.

>> No.8294773

Atheist extremists fail just as bad as christian extremists.

Stop using the internet to try to change my mind about GOD. I believe in god that doesn't make me stupid or a bible humper it makes you a fag for trying to indoctrinate me and millions of others.Yeah I believe in god but I also believe in freedom to do what I want and think how I want without discrimination.Besides everyone knows that a little Christianity kicks ass,because us Christians have Christmas, the best fucking holiday ever.And if your and atheist and you celebrate Christmas then your a fucking hypocrite!So no present for you!

>> No.8294776

No, she's currently spamming this thread so it goes into autosage faster and we don't see her picture.

Yeah, she's probably dead.

>> No.8294777

Perl combines (in the author's opinion, anyway) some of the best features of C, sed, awk, and sh, so people familiar with those languages should have little difficulty with it. (Language historians will also note some vestiges of csh, Pascal, and even BASIC-PLUS.) Expression syntax corresponds closely to C expression syntax. Unlike most Unix utilities, Perl does not arbitrarily limit the size of your data--if you've got the memory, Perl can slurp in your whole file as a single string. Recursion is of unlimited depth. And the tables used by hashes (sometimes called "associative arrays") grow as necessary to prevent degraded performance. Perl can use sophisticated pattern matching techniques to scan large amounts of data quickly. Although optimized for scanning text, Perl also has many excellent tools for slicing and dicing binary data.

>> No.8294781

My wife had breast cancer and she went for, what I thought, a removal of said cancer. However, when she came back and showed me the result the doctor had COMPLETELY REMOVED HER LEFT TIT. She asked me what I thought and my first response was: "It's horrible!" She cried and got angry, so I tried to explain it to her best I could I said "look honey remember when that one speaker of your car stereo was busted? You hated having to listen to only one speaker!" She continued crying and so I got mad and called her doctor to ask him what the fuck was wrong with him cutting off her complete left tit like that. I said: "Look pal maybe you buy your wife new tits every year but to me that's at least 9 months of salary!" to top things off her nipple is gone! They just threw away the tit AND the nipple. So even if I WOULD buy her a new left tit the nipple is god damned gone, now how in the hell is that supposed to make sense?! One tit minus a nipple. I told the doctor he owes me a new tit and a new nipple and slammed the phone on the hook. I god damned loved that tit.

Can I sue this doctor for a new tit?

>> No.8294784

So i was sitting in class today and this Asian kid says "fucking shit" and I talk to him I'm like Asians must curse a lot because I saw this show with an Asian on in and he got kicked off for swearing too, and your Asian so i conclude that all Asians swear excessively. I was kidding, OK? And I'm Jewish, big deal Jewfag lololol, So he comes back out of nowhere like "Yea, well Jews are more flammable" and I'm like "wtf I'm just as flammable as you" and he's like "No you're more flammable and I've got 6 million pieces of evidence" WTF

I was about to stab him in his fucking eyes slits and punch him in his chink ass face, i didn't though.

If you were in my position would you have punched the shit out of the kid?

>> No.8294789

how do you sage so bad?

>> No.8294793

Haven't posted on that board for ages.

>> No.8294799

I would have made her happy

I want to kill myself, I really want to die

But I won't, not just yet.

>> No.8294804

You can suck my cock to the end, dude.

>> No.8294809

I bet she would've sucked your cock, dude, if you just let her. What are you, gay?

>> No.8294833

That blog post is just her saying that everyone else sucks and then describing how shit her life is

Boo fucking hoo

>> No.8294838

You mean like every single lonely thread on /jp/?

>> No.8294847

Anybody who uses and frequently posts shit on Tumblr is an attention seeker, just saying.

>> No.8294931

If she was real she wouldn't post her pic. If she /did/ post her pic for some odd reason, she wouldn't have included her huge breasts as the focal point, let alone with a see-through top.

>> No.8294935
File: 106 KB, 1340x720, 1324560136370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she really is dead I hope she becomes a cute and slightly creepy/scary ghost who visits lonely /jp/ers at night.

She doesn't have to put out, just sitting in a dark corner and watching us, letting us know we are not alone, would be enough. Or maybe if she could embrace us from behind as we sit in front of the computer in our dark rooms, letting us breathe in her scent and then disappear back into the night.

>> No.8294960

Fuck no i call the ghostbusters and laugh my ass off while slimer fucks her in all of her ectoplasmic holes

then i drink some 40oz with my nigga Bill Murray who always asks that weird question about doing shit but nothing of the shit that i did mattered.

>> No.8294962
File: 24 KB, 633x260, tumblrshits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try fag but she knew you were going to say that

>> No.8294968

Actually, her breasts and face line up almost perfectly with a rule of thirds grid, a golden spiral, and most other compositional overlays. It can be argued that both her face and her breasts are the focal point of this picture.

>> No.8294969

My dick is feeling pretty good on its own at the moment, maybe I'm getting that ghost paizuri anon mentioned earlier.

>> No.8294972

Let's bury her in that pet cemetery.

>> No.8294974

coming for a imbecilic bitch, with no redeeming feature except a cunt, it doesn't mean jack.

>> No.8294978

Rest in Piss Forever.

>> No.8294984
File: 115 KB, 877x744, moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So moe~

She loved you, /jp/-kun, why can't you at least give her a proper farewell?

>> No.8294985

If she had any intelligence at all she would've gotten autism bucks. But NOPE

>> No.8294989

It's funny how some chilean dude killed himself (did he?) the other day and 2 fucks where given. Now this bitch is attention whoring and only because she is "pretty" (she's fine, for 3DPD standards) and might have killed herself, everyone is her dick.

I'm not saying the other guy wasn't an attention whore, but this is too much. I mean, jsut look at all that pseudo-philosophical bullshit written on her site.

>> No.8294996

It's a troll.
I've been bumping all kinds of threads to the front page, and the OP of all these threads keeps bumping these threads to the front himself.

It's so obvious what he's doing.

>> No.8294994

The Chilean person received more attention than this person by a significant margin.

>> No.8294997

The Chilean dude didn't have some weird yet engaging autismblog though.

And he received more attention and sympathy anyway.

>> No.8294998

Relax, given that this shit is getting spammed all over the board it's proof enough that this is just another shitpost/troll. Though this one had some thought put into it. Out of the handful of /jp/ers left, none of them actually care about this shit.

>> No.8294999

not moe in the slightest.

Only OP gives a fuck. OP isn't even from /jp/ either.

>> No.8295002

I have not bumped any of my threads.

>> No.8295018


Here again, I literally just came in my pants, seriously, think about her and she'll give you some paizuri action.

>> No.8295022

Look you obsessed autist, she'd probably be disgusted of you. I bet she's turning in her grave right now because some geeky little dweeb who knows nothing about her keeps posting about her when he just found out about her yesterday.

>> No.8295023

If you aren't trolling can you go back to /x/ anyway?

Nobody in /jp/ really cares about her killing herself or not. Some Chilean dude killed himself last week and nobody cared.

>> No.8295025

I cared. I just didn't pretend I knew the guy.

>> No.8295029

I've never been to /x/ besides in passing.

>> No.8295033

Chilean dude kills himself:
>Good riddance
>See ya in Gensokyo

Girl kills herself:
>Attention whore

/jp/ - Mysognia/General

>> No.8295036

The corresponding thread in /x/ is actually polite and has good discussion going on. I'm disappointed in you assholes.

>> No.8295037 [DELETED] 

I sat in the IRC chat where this was planned.

Would post the logs, but that's sell me out to anyone who's sat in the room long enough. This is from off board, and not any of the usual suspects though. The plan was to make the board unusable for chirstmas.

The blog was stitched together for a few months for some other purpose, but the person making it lost interest so they used it for this. The picture is one of the spammer/troll/shitposter's sister who doesn't have a social networking profile that would show up under scrutiny.

Happy holidays /jp/.

>> No.8295041

Chilean dude didn't expect us to give a fuck. Nor did he have delusions of ascending to a higher plane.

>> No.8295042

May i spam axles?

>> No.8295043

Your only mistake was having any expectations of /jp/ to be disappointed about.

>> No.8295044

Looks like the faggot who wanted to do this ended up ASSPLUNDERED instead.

the day /jp/ OWNED IRC

Someone toss me a baller Chen!

>> No.8295046

>board unusable for christmas

Since when was /jp usable?

Perhaps because it belongs in /x/ ?

>> No.8295047

Did he really commit suicide though? Havent heard anything about him (but i dont see the news or anything)

>> No.8295051

Learn how the media works. They're not supposed to mention it (unless it was a teenage white girl and they can champion a cause with it) becuase it's believed to spark copycats and all that. Seriously google this shit, learn something.

>> No.8295052

Who cares if he did or didn't?

Same with this girl.

Nobody cares in anyway.

>> No.8295057
File: 1.07 MB, 1213x1000, 2a8a29f636b4f94f342ad72e70e11f28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: People desperate for their own Ghost Yomi.

>> No.8295066

She was a /jp/sie, though, not a /x/phile.

>> No.8295077

on /x/

>Trust me, she apparently had figured out algorithms for time travel as well. I agree, she is quite the looker but she was also into self-hurt and posted pictures of cutting herself up consistently.

>I don't know, man. I just can't wait to get this solved. It is/was bugging the shit out of me.

Sounds like a real winner.

>> No.8295078

Attention whoring or no, I hope she didn't kill herself, same with that Chilean guy.

Someone who posts on /jp/ is probably different from normal people and hopefully, we can sympathize with each other. Just because you are on 4chan doesn't mean you are in a contest who can be the most uncaring, immoral etc.

>> No.8295084

but /jp/ doesn't give a fuck.

All you are doing is making /jp/ go from apathy to antipathy

>> No.8295086

>unless it was a teenage white girl and they can champion a cause with it

I seriously don't get why you are so butthurt she was white of all things. You remind me of all those jelly black 'lolitas' on livejoural who think there's a global conspiracy to make them seem unattractive.

>> No.8295088

It's not like there is a contest of apathy.

We just don't care.

>> No.8295098


>responding to athens

>> No.8295095

When female /jp/sies who are still pure maidens open the portal to go to Gensokyo, what do they become? Little boys?

>> No.8295105

I have no idea what you're talking about but it sounds like you've been spending too much time on /cgl/.

>> No.8295106
File: 669 KB, 800x800, 1301168343907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to keep posting. Maybe we can break the record!

>> No.8295107

FUCK my cock, dudes.

>> No.8295110

I thought you were >>8294550.

Sorry if you aren't, it just reads like something you'd hear from an angry black woman.

>> No.8295115
File: 62 KB, 189x211, get_out4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ - Mysognia/General

Not a bad thing.

>> No.8295116

I want to cum in her breastpussy,

>> No.8295118

Imagine this. A boy and a girl. Neighbors, childhood friends. As they grow up, the girl develops feelings for the boy, and the boy becomes reclusive and realizes her feelings for him. Over the years this girl slowly becomes less and less sane until all she does is spend her days fantasizing about this boy and becoming entirely enthralled with him. Finally realizing that he will never love her or notice her feelings, she kills herself.

Weeks later, the boy begins noticing lights turning on and off, doors opening and shutting, and hearing voices while he tries to sleep. Of course it would be the ghost of the yandere childhood friend trying to get noticed by him.

Do you think this sounds boring? I've always fantasized about fucking ghosts myself and I think it would be interesting to atleast try to turn into some kind of short story or VN.

>> No.8295127

It sounds like she might have had some gender identity issues due to /jp/'s misogyny. I hope she is free to be the little girl in Gensokyo.

It is when it's so intense that it's driving even fellow virgin social outcast autists to kill themselves.

>> No.8295130

Imagine this.
*grabs cock*

>> No.8295135

And never realizes, actually. Typed that while shitting, wasn't really thinking. Sorry.

>> No.8295136

Hey athens, since you're a professional in female relations, what's your take on her suicidal ramblings? She sounds pretty moe at times and yandere at others.

>> No.8295138

Not sure how she got gender issues.

Also if she killed herself because of /jp/ then she is better off dead

Sounds pretty good actually

>> No.8295143

Do you even know what moe and yandere mean?

>> No.8295147
File: 1.09 MB, 3648x2736, 1323923306774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She posted pictuers of her room.

>> No.8295149

I haven't read all of her stuff, but she seems to be one of a tiny proportion of femanons who never really goes through the whole social normalization process when she's 18.

What I mean by that is that you find most femanons, and awkward girls in general find out they're at least somewhat attractive at some point in their late teens and take full advantage of it.

She seems like the complete opposite of that. Becoming more insular the older she got and the more she realized how some people looked at her.

>> No.8295150

Of course he doesn't.
normalshit from another board who fell for this troll.

>> No.8295152

Says she hates being a girl here >>8295138

>> No.8295154

Those are Sainsbury's Caledonian Springs water bottles.

I drink those too. So if you're not just messing around, she lives in the UK I'm guessing.

>> No.8295157

Totally serious bro.
That's why it says /tv/, and the filename is in unix format.
You are too stupid to live.

>> No.8295159

With that kind of pretentious fuckery I'm glad she is dead.

She also doesn't say that she wants to be a boy.

/jp/ wanting to be the little girl is not because of gender issues, it's because those anons consider being a little girl to be a superior existance

>> No.8295161

>Vaginal fungi
>Bottles with piss lying around
>Hair sticked to the trash bin

Bitch deserved to die.

>> No.8295163

Well, maybe she posted a timestamp on /tv/ for some unknown reason, how was I supposed to know -_-

>> No.8295171



>> No.8295172
File: 529 KB, 960x1280, 1324896821931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She lives in NYC, but someone also saved a picture of her arm. There's also that youtube video of her playing the piano: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE2Gtp3uOgc

>> No.8295175

Nobody white knight that chilean dude or keep reposting his thread.
But here we have OP spamming and recreating this thread for the 1000x times just because one has vagina and tits while the other is a spic.

>> No.8295179

You're probably in on this anyways. But this is a very obvious troll. Her discussions are just ramblings on anything found in wikipedia that fancied the trolls interest, the image doesn't match what someone who would write these things look like, the blog AND the youtube channel have the same start dates (a huge blunder here, showing the date that this was started at).
People have already come forward outright saying this is a troll, and someone from the steam group linked irc logs.

Funny how with over two months to work with this, they still came out with a failed troll. It doesn't help that whoever posted this became tremendously butthurt when his thread started to get spammed. He showed desperation. Why would anyone care this much? Because they were already heavily invested int this ``killer" plan to totally own /jp/.
It completely backfired though. Hilarious how groups of random guys just fucking around with hardly any planning (/bun/ and the steamgroup), can get much better results. I won't pretend I wasn't amused though. more of pity for this guy. Someone just bombed his thread and he never had a chance.

>> No.8295180

>someone from the steam group linked irc logs.

So link them to us, fag.

>> No.8295181

Is that really her room? I find that pretty hard to fit with that photo we have of her. Unless it's fake, she looks pretty well kept; at least she doesn't look the type to be pissing in bottles and keeping rotting trash in her room.

Maybe her mental illness took a turn for the worse during the few last months before her supposed death.

>> No.8295182

Not all of us are like that! I keep my bedroom clean and shiny ! :3

>> No.8295187

what kind of response did they anticipate/desire from /jp/?

>> No.8295188
File: 214 KB, 190x100, 1321889627.07681711.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alright man. It's not your fault. You tried hard, but there is always next year.
/jp/ was just too smart for your shit.

>> No.8295191

That's a well known photo on /tv/, kind of like the basement with cracked walls room here on /jp/.

>> No.8295192

Who wants to write some erotic fiction about her ghost visiting /jp/ers? My erection demands this.

>> No.8295196

Maybe I can learn to draw and use some kind of VN program to make my own VN.

>> No.8295197

why should /jp/ care?

sage your response please

>> No.8295198


>> No.8295202
File: 59 KB, 467x394, 1320715985002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a mindreader, and I can't tie in motives for the creator of these posts. There was effort, but not thought put into this.
This is a similar pattern you see in people who claim they're very good at strategy when they in fact are not. OP never hid his tracks, he never obfuscated his thoughts. The best I can tie in here, is that they never anticipated deeply with how /jp/ would react. A rise is something they wanted, along with many threads to fool the denizens here.
There is a level of quality that should be expected for this type of work, and OP falls far too short.

>> No.8295209

Your observations are truly magnificent. I am glad I was not the only one.

>> No.8295214

I vaguely remember Jones & Co. coordinating shitposting from /bun/'s IRC channel. Is that still going on?

Also, why would I be in on it? I'm not cool enough for /bun/, don't they all have girlfriends anyway?

>> No.8295211

They really failed at picking their target if they expected /jp/ to care about a poster killing themselves.

>> No.8295217

It is pretty stupid of them to think that way.
I mean with the wealth of portal threads created daily, they should realize that /jp/ actually actively encourage suicidal behavior.

>> No.8295218

Where do you pulled /bun/ and the steamgroup from? That just sounds like those conspiracy theories /jp/ always posts about how all the shitposters are just guys from some random "steamgroup" who orchestrate everything. If /bun/ was behind it, why don't you post their threads?

>> No.8295221

>A rise is something they wanted, along with many threads to fool the denizens here.
While most of what you say is true, the one thing that does not add up is the motive behind doing this. Getting a rise of an anonymous community with something such as this seems like overkill but then again that could of been their intention to prevent people from thinking that was their goal.

>> No.8295225

I've scoped /bun/ and /tohno/, and while they have a few asswipes who dabble in shitposting, it seems to be frowned upon to even mention /jp/ in their channels.
They're alright guys in /bun/ anyhow; gone some rounds of code golf from some of their regulars.

>> No.8295223

As I'm sure you know, /bun/ has hidden threads that not all users can see.

>> No.8295232

Nothing on the bun or steamgroup seems coordinated. in clear contrast with this thread.
Looks like the folks at /x/ are far behind the curve though. Not that I'd expect any sort of analytical skills from the crazies there though.

>> No.8295234

Tohno-chan is like the ground zero of autism on the chans.

>> No.8295235

He said bun weren't behind it.

>> No.8295239

Hey athens, do you think it was real or fake? Somehow I doubt a girl would go to these lengths no matter how ugly or fat she was, and this bitch sure as hell wasn't.

>> No.8295240

I wouldn't call holding themselves to a higher quality standard ``autismal".

Before you go around tossing mental disorder labels though, I would like to direct you to this very educational excerpt.


Around 40 seconds of viewing should be enough to get the point across.

>> No.8295242

she sure as hell wasn't that attractive either.

>> No.8295245

>she sure as hell wasn't that attractive either.
Opinions. She had no deformities and was not overweight, hence, OPINIONS.

>> No.8295249

I don't mind TC's focus of discussion. I just think they get carried away with it to the point where discussion about anything else becomes rather difficult. I only spent a week or so there, but I've found the waifu-ism tends to bleed into every area of the boards.

>> No.8295251

She's decent enough that she wouldn't have any issues getting a boyfriend. She'd be a 5-7 out of 10.

>> No.8295253

Well according to >>8295179 it's an elaborate ploy.

>> No.8295254

fuck you all, she's my waifu. she belongs only to me.

>> No.8295255

I don't share their sentiment on the matter of waifu's either. Learn to tiptoe around the subject. You have all the time in the world to work on your response posts, so there should be no reason for any feelings to be hurt in that regard.

>> No.8295258

>an elaborate ploy.
Technically it is not. I'd rather you not give this person so much credit as to place the ``elaborate" label.
As an analogy, think of this as a mess of twine tossed around a box. One pull of a string unravels it all rather quickly. If thought were placed in tying a knot, it could have been much more effective with much less twine. If both paradigms were applied, this could have been elaborate.

>> No.8295263
File: 18 KB, 384x439, hbalt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8295269



>> No.8295272

>15 year old
I don't think this is a real psychologist.

>> No.8295271

>241 posts

What a shitty thread to wake up to.
