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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.12 MB, 2500x2338, None [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8294255 No.8294255 [Reply] [Original]

Here it is, the collage of /jp/ers spending their Christmas 2011. I could only gather a small number of pictures, since there are few people on /jp/ doing it this year.

This is my gift to you /jp/, Merry Christmas! Now chastise away~

>> No.8294259

That's a pretty shitty gift

>> No.8294256

Merry Christmas to you, too.

See you next year.

>> No.8294262

Good job! It was really fun seeing all of those go up, and I was waiting for someone to make one of these! Saved!

you forgot mine but that's okay ;__;

>> No.8294264
File: 25 KB, 493x335, depressed_man_in_bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when you get NTR'd on Christmas by Anon.

>> No.8294261

/jp/ cut back on funding

but did they regret it?

>> No.8294267

You're in love with Mugen too?

>> No.8294265

Omitting Saten, Sena and Homu.
This is just discrimination OP.

>> No.8294271

He left out Tokiko, too.

>> No.8294272

Weren't those from 2ch?

>> No.8294278

Did anyone even want a collage like this?

>> No.8294279

Ah, mine has the worst lighting...

Thanks for doing this though, it's neat. Nice to see everyone together.

>> No.8294276

Those were from Futaba.

>> No.8294286

There seems to be less than usual. Is /jp/...dieing?

>> No.8294291

Oh really. Feels good to know that my yuruyuri got omitted because they got mistaken for 2ch.

>> No.8294300

Some didn't bother to take pictures because they're afraid to be grouped with /a/, some submitted theirs at /a/.

>> No.8294296

Peer pressure

And I don't recall the first having that many.

>> No.8294297

You're used to looking at the /a/ one. This is normal for /jp/. A few of these aren't even /jp/ related though.

>> No.8294301

That doll with the sweet roll so adorable~ and silly. Dolls can't eat cake.

>> No.8294302

People aren't restricted to only liking /jp/ girls. Geez.

>> No.8294311

Which one? I monitored /jp/ to tried to save all the pics, and left out the ones that were from japan. Might have missed it, I'm sorry.

Oh I apologize I had you filtered, and somehow I thought the picture in >>8293305 was just a normal pic.

>> No.8294327

It is ok.
I only did it to insult the Saten/Sena anon taste in drinking yebisu. I didnt know they were from 2ch.

>> No.8294337

This was mine.

>> No.8294339

That's a repost from a bit after midnight on Christmas. And it's okay, don't worry.

>> No.8294341
File: 1.23 MB, 1063x3500, 1230249695837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was good when it was small and /jp/ related like OP's pic. Pic related

/a/ turned it into shit.

>> No.8294343

But not all of OP's pic is /jp/ related.

>> No.8294353

And neither was the original. I don't know what you guys are on about.

>> No.8294356
File: 764 KB, 1280x1280, 1324865897067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy from /a/ summed up the situation pretty well.

>> No.8294362

If you have ever watched an anime or read a manga you must remove yourself from /jp/ at once.

>> No.8294368

This (>>8294356) seems to sum it up nicely. It also seems like /a/ has new characters pictured every year, usually a character of an anime that aired recently. They don't commit to one or even multiple same girls. Their "love interests" are constantly being shuffled.

Yes, it does upset me.

>> No.8294376

How ironic.

>> No.8294379

I'm really sorry, I thought I'd looked through all /jp/, but apparently I didn't.

Anyway, cheers guys, I'm hitting the sack.

>> No.8294385

you know, at least this Christmas was a lot more quiet and clam then last year. I have a feeling we are finally starting to going back to being /jp/ again and losing the retards. For most of the day it seemed like only /jp/ers were here, which was nice.

>> No.8294398

Christmas Eve, for the most part, was nice here on /jp/. When I woke up it was really bad looking though.

I've noticed that when it's a normal time to be with people, /jp/ seems to get better. For instance, I don't think the last few Friday nights have been as bad as some in the past, and the same with last night. The board gets slower but the quality of posts seems to go up slightly.

>> No.8294400

At least the guys on /TC/ take it seriously.

>> No.8294401

Have you not watched rozen maiden?

>> No.8294410

because the site is basically a huge circlejerk? And if you love /tc/ so much, why don't you just stay there?

>> No.8294417

A smaller board is always better because its easier to understand the userbase and how too act and such. Also we form bonds better when its just a small group of people, thats why in the pst /jp/ allowed tripfags but then when the retards came they fucked it all up.

>> No.8294419

Yeah, why don't you just marry it if you love it so much?

>> No.8294426

I focused on the meal and completely forgot about presentation, eh oh well I had a lovely Christmas with my waifu.

>> No.8294434

>because the site is basically a huge circlejerk
But /jp/ is the same.

>> No.8294450

Brohno So do you guys go on /jp/ at all, or did you all just leave that place for good.
16:24 Notewell sometimes
16:24 Notewell I rarely ever post
16:25 Notewell I just check for news
16:25 Tohno_ i see no reason to go back, the guys are jerks and most of the topics are of little interest to me.
16:26 Brohno Well you should at least have some pity.. I mean with them getting raided from retards now. Its really sad, i kinda liked the userbase.
16:27 Tohno_ I guess...
16:27 Tohno_ was gonna happen sooner or latter though.
16:27 Tohno_ you can't expect to have a board on 4chan, without it going to shit and filling with retards.
16:28 Tohno_ not when those retards are just a click away.
16:28 Notewell /tg/ is the best one in my opinion
16:29 Brohno Yeah ever since they lost their meido things just kept on getting worse. its pretty quiet now though, hopefully those people will stop raiding for laughs one day.

>> No.8294468

How long more will you keep doing this Mr. Fake-chat-logs Troll?

>> No.8294480

ummm this one is real.

>> No.8294482

>filling with retards
Having a single surtic is like having 1000retards.
They cant be that deluded.

>> No.8294494

You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.8294511
File: 290 KB, 1280x1024, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.8294523
File: 19 KB, 187x244, WBC_protest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tohno-chan is better because they don't let in faggots.

Are you some kind of a faggot, son?

>> No.8294542
File: 49 KB, 704x392, 12470212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think nobody take this seriously, if they did they wouldn't upload a pic to the internet. 2ch feels like they are just trying to impress other otaku and in 4chan case they just want to appear in the collage.

Just saiyan.

>> No.8294572

Never hear the story about Nissan?
Or the story about real life marriage with Love Plus?

>> No.8294588

Sure, they don't let faggots in
>!WANDER (cancerous /a/ tripfag that plagues /ghost/)
>Makise Kurisu from Steins;Gate. (seasonal waifu shit)
>Tokiko (from our local Tokiko no less)

It's sort of like real life where you have to abide by formal social rules like "please, thank you, have a good day sir" even though you think the other person is a piece of shit. Everyone is just too spineless to call people out on their faggotry on /tc/, and so conditioned to be "nice" it's almost self-deception.

Pardon the bickering. Merry Christmas to you too OP, I appreciate what you did.

>> No.8294603

God forbid people don't act like assholes.

>> No.8294609

I take it seriously. I don't post my pictures online. I put them in a folder.

>> No.8294616

Don't try to strawman me now.

But forget it, this isn't the place nor the time to discuss such matters.

>> No.8294619

Take it easy drudes

>> No.8294688
File: 2.34 MB, 1000x2750, 1297836458075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the collage. Out of curiosity, are you the same person who did this?

>> No.8294719

Does the person who did the Teto pics have a trip? I don't use a filter nor do I browse /a/, but I want to download and set up a filter for this guy incase he shows his face around here.

I mean, I'd do the same, but I would do it much better. For starters, I would not post a picture. If I did, mine would have nice lighting and I would use the best gear I could get. I would probably rent a lens for such a special occasion. It feels like this guy bought some bread at Wal-Mart and put it down and took a snapshot. The bread does not even look crunchy, it is not French bread. This pisses me off so much. I've been practicing making bread (baguettes, no less) over the past two months so that I will be able to say that I learned to make bread for the girl I love. This guy has no passion. This is infuriating.

>> No.8294735

Eh those were all from /jp/, and the Teto guy is still here >>8294337

It's nice to see some similar faces.

>> No.8294740

Maybe he does not have enough money to afford anything else than stale bread sold for half price at the bakery at closing time.

Cant buy me love

>> No.8294779

Making bread is very cheap though. It comes out to less than a dollar per loaf. At the bare minimum, all you need is flour and water. A package of bread flour is less than three dollars and even then, you don't absolutely even need bread flour. Your bread will just come out softer than usual. Most households have all purpose flour. You can always use wild yeast.

Baguettes are nothing more than yeast, flour, water, and salt.

I refuse to believe this is the same person.

>> No.8294790

There aren't exactly many Teto waifufags. And check the monitor, it's the same guy.

>> No.8294796

Doesnt have time to make bread. Working three part time jobs to afford living in a small dirty shack feeding 14 rescued animals and doing volunteer work to keep the city clean. That bread is their food for the next week.

>> No.8294824

Personally, I think those monitors look different. One has an orange light and one has a blue light. The only connection I can see is that the Pixiv account which has the image posted on 4chan titled "teto xmas.jpg" also has the same image that is on the laptop in the collage picture.

It somewhat bothers me knowing that this guy might very well be here and is posting without a way for me to filter him. It doesn't seem like he posts much, unless he's the same guy that posts "teto kasane.jpg" all the time in Teto threads.

>> No.8294837

... are you delirious? That detective work is nice, but you missed the obvious.
He's even here right now, answering to your rambling about breads >>8294824

>> No.8294860

Im just a random guy having fun with bread obsessed teto fan.

>> No.8294892

However, if he is the guy posting that picture in all the threads I make, then I guess he can't be all that bad because he seems dedicated. I've really grown to like that guy over the years even if all he ever posts is that same picture. Seeing that cute little picture he posts of her in the thread hours after it's died keeps me going. I would probably start to feel worried if you stopped. If that is you, I really am sorry if I came off as rude or mean. I can't harbor hatred for anyone like you.

>> No.8294903

Oh wow, a real life tsundere

>> No.8295016

I was going to take part in this, but too lazy. Maybe for valentines. I don't see much importance in christmas.

>> No.8295030
File: 1.84 MB, 2500x4364, None [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, made a second version with >>8294262 >>8294337.


>> No.8295040

The picture with the small tree with the RAM in it with the anime character on an iPhone or iPod touch doesn't seem very /jp/ related to me. I don't even know why /jp/ would have either. Just saying.

>> No.8295074

Wow, you are so creepy. Why do you do this stuff? Is it paranormal? I should report you to /x/.

>> No.8295070

You don't seem very intelligent to me.

Just saying.

>> No.8295076

Yes, one would say it's rather shabby, but the guy shared it without being occupied with having it made into a collage, so in the holiday spirit, I say why not.

>> No.8295129
File: 1.85 MB, 2500x4370, jptakingiteasy-finalver(hopefully).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed a misalignment. I'm retarded today.

>> No.8295189

Maybe he didn't want to be in any kind of collage.

>> No.8295708

Bumping for quality.

>> No.8295784

where's the effort on half of those? you can't just take a photo of you holding a beer bottle in front of your computer

>> No.8295892

Well, I made a sword to go along with the beer, it took a fair amount of effort...

>> No.8296081

Tomoyo anon is there. Awesome. I thought he disappeared or something.

>> No.8296848

I got it finished pretty late in the day, and the thread I posted in got deleted by some kike janitor within five minutes.
Didn't think it was worth shitting up the board any more by reposting it.

I'm surprised whoever made the /jp/ collage even was able to find it.

>> No.8296848,1 [INTERNAL] 

