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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 165 KB, 800x600, 1309702599339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8293094 No.8293094 [Reply] [Original]

NEET/Hikikomori General.

Share your Christmas blues!

>> No.8293103

what the fucking shit is that. your battle station?

>> No.8293114
File: 309 KB, 1037x767, 1309703145065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With a filename like 1309702599339.jpg, what do you think?

>> No.8293115

Holy fuck my attention span is ridiculous.
I managed to somehow complete a sketch, and I was inking it using the fantastically easy and convenient linework options in SAI. And even though it was a breeze, whereas most of my art output is born in pain and frustration, I could only manage one-two lines at a time before alt+tabbing and refreshing /jp/.
I think I need to get myself banned for a while again.

>> No.8293120

I know that feeling.

Perhaps disconnect your network cable? Of course you can plug it right back in, so maybe make it awkward for yourself (e.g. unplug ALL the cables).

>> No.8293123 [DELETED] 

I spent the day looking at stuff I might need when I'm homeless in two weeks. My savings won't stretch too far, but I think I'll be okay. It makes me sad that I'll have to leave my desktop behind, and I don't know what I'll do for food once I use up what money I've got.

Fifth day /jp/, and all that christmas stuff to you, goyim.

My present was being told to go to college on money I don't have to be kicked out

>> No.8293128

I decided to play proper computer games today for the first time in forever. Turns out you now actually need (as in, need) Steam for everything. I have Half-Life 2 on a DVD in front of me, but I can't play it because I used the serial code for some account I remember and I've deleted every email account I've ever owned.
I can understand how it's convenient, but why do normal people put up with this? It's as bad as the "App Store" model, if not worse since you could have already paid for a game but not be able to play it.

>> No.8293133

I pirate things I would gladly pay for becuase I don't feel like fucking around with steam, and I don't trust them with my games.

>> No.8293151

I pirate because I can't afford shit anyway, but that's the reason I don't even feel guilty about it 99% of the time. Well, one of the reasons, the other is that almost all modern western games are unbelievably bland.

>> No.8293179

I tried to play Half life deathmatch, but it's full of faggots who have 3000 hours in the game, leaving no place for a noob like me.

Oh well, back to refreshing /jp/.

>> No.8293187

Go play Quake.
Quake is friendly.

>> No.8293194

High school/college students in for winter break general?
High school/college students in for winter break general.

>> No.8293197

I love you. It's like being a shut-in has made you a crazy conspiracy theorist.

That said, I don't blame you.

>> No.8293224

Just practice. You'll get better eventually through practice unless you have some sort of learning disorder.

Today feels like any other day for me. Loaded a save state to practice 2-5 in DoDonPachi DOJ earlier. I'm getting oddly consistent at no-miss no-bombing that stage. Though, I don't even want to think about Hibachi... Maybe I'll just bomb spam him.

>> No.8293233

Quake live? The absence of a native client really infuriates me. The "server browser in a browser" concept is ass backwards ass well.

But I thought it's hard shit? If I suck at this, then surely I'll be even worse at quake? I'll try it anyway though.

>> No.8293247
File: 488 KB, 700x1000, 1302438039267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steam a shit.

>> No.8293251

My last days of being a NEET ;__;

>> No.8293255

I have anal bleeding and have to go to the doctor to get it checked. What a good day to find it out on.

>> No.8293260

Hopefully your life as well.

>> No.8293264

Not him, but yes Quake 3 has a very high skill ceiling. Unlike Quake 3, Quake Live matches you with a similar skill level so you usually have a 0.5-1.5 KD

>> No.8293273

How severe is it?
Maybe it's just an anal fissure, those aren't bad.

>> No.8293278

Not severe at all, but its been going on for a week every time I go. I think its bec ause I ate loads of acidic food but I am worried.

>> No.8293284
File: 95 KB, 460x595, neet-xmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8293287
File: 90 KB, 463x496, 5384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8293286

No blues for me, today was a great day because of all the stuff I got. Enjoy your misery.

>> No.8293295
File: 62 KB, 460x643, neet-laptop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8293300

I've had steam for over 7 years and have had zero problems with it. Maybe you shouldn't delete important accounts.

>> No.8293308

Do you notice blood in the stool or just on the toilet paper when wiping? If the latter, try some sitz baths, softer toilet paper, and washing up instead of just wiping after defecating.
If it's large enough volume to be noticeable in the stool, get to a doctor asap.

>> No.8293325

I thought up a color scheme I'd like to make for a eventual "for fun" Imperial Guard army today. I was going to model it after the Lunarian Corps but I am having trouble thinking of the color scheme.

I was thinking of Black, Pink, Purple and Red with Carrot icons.

Later today I realized that I didn't have the skill to paint something as grand as this.

>> No.8293363

Tribes Ascend is fairly recent, and you can get beta invite keys all over /v/. They literally dump 4 on your per hour if you have a VIP account. Or you can get one by liking their facebook page, if you have one

Its a pretty high skill, high speed game, and since its still fairly new there isn't any grand masters of rape "i've studied the layout of this map for 3 years and know the mathmatics behind each shot I place"

But there are some previous tribes pros that place that will kick your ass, just like any game.

Plus its fun, jetpacks and shit man, fuck all this war shooter business.

>> No.8294008

Any army painted to be gay is always fun to win with and make up fluff for. Personally, once I find the time I'm going to paint my tau army to be a similar pattern to okuu. Green + white + brown gun and various symbols on different units.

I really need to find better people to play with, I'm not even good but I always end up winning or once in a blue moon a draw. It's fun for them but not for me. Seriously though, a dog is more strategic then them, it seems that no matter what advantage they have (they chose sides + all terrain + all objectives + first turn or they have 2.5k vs me using 1.5k points), they just can't win. It seems everyone I play with usually tries to have one "ultimate" unit that costs a ton of points that they hope will never die, just to have myself or another player destroy it as soon as it poses any threat to the outcome of the game.

>> No.8294027

See why tokiko is the cancer that is killing /jp/ now?
