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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 6 KB, 604x171, be8e8f77ea7a3b684a6d1ca5b76018fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8290746 No.8290746 [Reply] [Original]

Shall we continue from where we left off last night?

>> No.8290751
File: 9 KB, 809x189, Bild12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, why not.

>> No.8290754


>> No.8290762

This just made me unhappy yesterday.

Also what if this devolves into /b/ shenanigannery (or least moreso) and these threads never end? What then, /jp/?

>> No.8290768

I managed to run into a couple of interesting /jp/ers yesterday. It's really strange how posters on the board tend to avoid the whole emote thing, but once you start finding them outside of /jp/, they go full force with the XDs and all of that other crap.

>> No.8290772

Are you sure they were really from /jp/? I for one understand how ridiculous and obnoxious you look to use emoticons, no matter where it is.

>> No.8290775

Don't start with this shit again.

>> No.8290780

I do things like ":)" in email and IRC and such. I can understand why it's seen as immature on 4chan, but that doesn't apply to the rest of the internet. UNIX graybeards have been using them on mailing lists and newsgroups for decades, and probably invented them.

Sure you're not just projecting 4chan mentality where it doesn't belong?

>> No.8290788

I don't understand why you would have a one standard for emoticon usage on the rest of the internet and one for 4chan.

Either use them on both or neither. Otherwise, you're just posing.

>> No.8290794

Or just, you know, committing myself to a posting standard. But think whatever you like.

>> No.8290797

Because here it's frowned upon, anywhere else not.
It's basicly nothing but a way to identificate outsiders

>> No.8290802

I think it's reasonable. I have plenty of different standards for different communities. For instance I do things like _this_ and *this* if I'm dealing with plaintext in email or whatever, but I rarely do it on websites like 4chan because it would look stupid.
Emoticons carry different connotations in different places. If I type, "Welcome :)," on 4chan I look like a 14-year-old girl. If I type it on a mailing list I am warmly welcoming someone as a fellow adult. Different strokes and such.

>> No.8290806

Cool guys only use gook moonrune smileys.

>> No.8290811

Why would it look like that on 4chan and not anywhere else? In reality, you look like a 14 year old girl no matter where you do it. It's just than in a mailing list, they know you're not.

>> No.8290815

Because he wants to pose as a 14 year old girl on Omegle?

Jesus, how dense can you be?

>> No.8290813

(◕◡◕) = Quirky

>> No.8290819

Sup betas.

Just having a bit of an Omeg' are we?

>> No.8290823

Fuck off >>>/a/

>> No.8290825

how do I answer a question, I can only ask them. Can't find the button to answer them with someone else.

>> No.8290829

This guy is right. /jp/ is omega.

>> No.8290837

This alpha got it.

>> No.8290836

Choose text chat and after a session, you get prompted to try it.

>> No.8290844

take this subhumansm back to /a/

>> No.8290847

I don't see why you think this way. Again, grown adults type like this and have done for decades. None of them have a problem with it. Just because some AOL kids came and adopted emoticons doesn't mean everyone over the age of 20 has to stop using them.
I just don't do it on 4chan because it's frowned upon here, and I can sort of understand since this type of site DOES tend to attract the worst of people. If you use an emoticon here it's not going to just pass people by--it shows you haven't lurked and that you probably are a 14-year-old girl (teenage girls like anime and edgy Anonymous hackers now).
On the flip side of things I don't take 4chan sociolect to other communities either. I'd never "greentext" in a newsgroup even though the same quote style exists there. Even the "greentext" most /jp/ers would consider acceptable (paraphrasing, quoting things from images, etc).

>> No.8290854

Sure, I'd never quote anyone with > anywhere else. I still hold to my positions though. People who use emoticons are the worst types of people, anyway. Either 14 year old girls or complete normals.

>> No.8290861

For it to be seen a communal thing on 4chan, people first had to, generally, not use emoticons here. Why's that? Why didn't people just continue using emoticons on 4chan from the beginning, like they did everywhere else? There's a missing step in your reasoning because it doesn't account for this.

>> No.8290860

Are you this guy?

>> No.8290864

Eh, well each to their own. I can understand you though. Like all nice things they tend to be abused. Kind of like when Reddit or the greater internet gets ahold of something and abuses it to the point where it's better just to let it go.
You really shouldn't get into the "4chan style" of thinking though. I used to spend years here and then I couldn't have a real life conversation without thinking autistically or about some stupid meme, or even using 4chan speech patterns in real life (I am so sorry everyone).

>> No.8290867

I don't think so, but I share his sentiment. If I go to omegle (I try not to, I feel guilty when I do), emoticon usage is right up there with "asl" or "u a girl?" in terms of marking the quality of the conversation to come.

Or the conversation that would come if I didn't immediately disconnect and wonder why I bothered coming when the majority of people are like that.

>> No.8290868

Part of the reasons why emoticons are frowned upon here is because if you want to express a feeling, you have to use a reaction face.

Outside of 4chan, not using emoticons is more difficult, therefore less despicable. I personally don't use any, but sometimes it's difficult to express a kind tone of voice without a "^^" or a ":)" (and I hate those emoticons.)

>> No.8290869

If you guys are gonna omegle, use spy mode.

>> No.8290870
File: 12 KB, 603x269, 7c151e77648ba8d5e8171a3acc1f3a8e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well /jp/? What do you do?

>> No.8290875


my body pillows would never do such a thing

>> No.8290877

4chan is an image board, you don't need emoticons, we have reaction images.
That's all.

>> No.8290882

My theory is this:
* Internet happens.
* Everyone happily posts away on Usenet/BBSes/whatever.
* Someone notices when two or three ASCII characters are put together, they sort of look like a face.
* People adopt it and everyone is happy.
* The Web happens.
* AOL happens.
* Children are now on the Internet.
* They ignore the sensible bits of netiquette and take the "cool" bits like emoticons en masse.
* Emoticons are abused and some people start to reject them altogether.
* Communities like SA spring up and decide to shun them to encourage mature posting (not sure, never really bothered with SA).
* Carries on to 4chan.
Meanwhile, sweaty graybeards simply don't give a fuck and continue using emoticons as they always have. Seriously, go to any developer mailing list and you'll see people from all walks of life using them without irony or any complaints. It's quite refreshing.

I could be a little off on my timeline history, but I think this is basically what happened. It's a classic case of something becoming uncool when it becomes popular with the younger kids. There was probably a point in time when you said things like, "The internets are serious business," and thought it was funny (if you didn't you were bitter to begin with). Now if you said that you'd look 13.

>> No.8290886

i'm on the hunt for one of you guys.

I will find you.

and we will have a wonderful time together

>> No.8290889
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>> No.8290895

I love how we're all right here in the thread, yet we all want to find each other on a different website.

>> No.8290901

I don't feel we should use emoticons when we didn't see a reason to in written communication before the internet. And when you did, those little smiley faces and hearts or what not everywhere were still indicative of being a 14 years old.

Using them on the internet in the first place was a mistake. It's just like I understand people text each other in godawful ways regardless of age for convenience, yet still see how ridiculous it looks.

>> No.8290906

Fuck you for breaking my immersion.

>> No.8290907

So how do I get into chats with questions?

>> No.8290911


But the internets ARE serious business


>> No.8290912


step 1: go into the normal chat
step 2: get him to type 5+ lines of text and drag the convo on for a good 2 minutes or so
step 3: get him to disconnect (spam him)
step 4: you should have an option right away to join spy mode.

>> No.8290916


You have to go through normal chats for a while before you get the option of trying out the questions option. You can't just enter chats and hit ESC either, you (and the stranger) both need to make at least one response before you can get out of there. Just reply to their "ASL?" question with something and then leave.

>> No.8290919

News just in: conversational dialogue is different to a written exchange.

More at 11!

>> No.8290934
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>> No.8290935

We do have a reason, and that reason is autism. Seriously, first post to use an emoticon:
Guy didn't get something was a joke, a "joke character" was proposed, it was later expanded to ":-)" and emoticons were born. See also: Poe's Law.

>> No.8290939

You're right, you don't really have written conversations in the sense you can have typed ones now.

Yet, I can't help but feel it's clumsy to use an emoticon when you should convey your tone properly with your choice of wording. For instance, seeing ":P" to mark a joke or sarcasm is completely jarring, either make it obvious enough or, since making it overly obvious can also be jarring, stop dealing with retards who can't tell the difference.

As far as reaction images being their replacement, I don't see that. Reaction images can also be frowned on around here.

>> No.8290950

The > thing actually comes from mailing lists

>> No.8290956
File: 5 KB, 112x160, dracula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but they wont dress up as dracula how am i supposed to live my fantasies?

>> No.8290953

I can always talk to /jp/ here, talking to actual strangers is interesting too.
I just encouraged someone to join a bdsm club to find a dominant women

>> No.8290982

> Yet, I can't help but feel it's clumsy to use an emoticon when you should convey your tone properly with your choice of wording. For instance, seeing ":P" to mark a joke or sarcasm is completely jarring, either make it obvious enough or, since making it overly obvious can also be jarring, stop dealing with retards who can't tell the difference.
Oh god I agree completely. I remember reading some English style manual a few years ago and I had one of those, "YES. THIS." moments when it said something like, "Do not end humorous asides or jokes with a question mark. It makes the joke too obvious and takes away the reader's satisfaction of finding the joke for themselves." Adding something like ":P" or "lol" is basically like a joke-killing exclamation mark on crack.
Emoticons do serve a legitimate purpose though in that they show a lighter tone. You really can change the whole meaning of a sentence with a smiley face--you can change an outright insult into a playful, informal dig, or a serious remark into a sarcastic one. It's a lot more terse and friendly to say something like, "Well Mark, it's not like you've ever had problems with segfaults before ;-)" than, "Well Mark, it's not like you've ever had problems with segfaults before. TRANSLATOR'S NOTE: This is a sarcastic and playful jab at Mark. It is a reference to last month when his program segfaulted and crashed the server. I do not mean offense against Mark."
A picture says a thousand words, two or three characters can say at least a dozen.

>> No.8290998
File: 14 KB, 554x394, f8a9bcf0ca4801167d667b82589bdb09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea why, but people here tend to keep saying Embodiment of Scarlet Devil whenever they see the word Touhou.

>> No.8291019
File: 149 KB, 180x283, 23f9a04f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage for shitty snowfag

>> No.8291026


>perfect cherry blossom

>> No.8291062

There's nothing inherently wrong with emoticons. Not on 4chan, and not anywhere else. I don't like to use them, though. And I think associating someone with a specific group just because they use emoticons is pretty fuckin' retarded.

>> No.8291084

perfect cherry blossom = delicious flat chest

now you know japanese

>> No.8291086

Stranger: asl
You: this sentence was directed at the person who asked this question
You: 12/female/gensokyo
Stranger: ahhhhhhh.... germany'
You: what?
Stranger: gensokyo is in germany isnt it?
You: no

Gensokyo was here in germany all the time and I didnt realized it

>> No.8291093

You're unbanned from the Steam Group.
Go say hello.

>> No.8291120

Which steam group would this be now?

>> No.8291256

>which touhou would you disconnect omegle with?

>> No.8291300

I'm in a car on my phone, no steam for Android but thanks dude

>> No.8291324
File: 14 KB, 500x214, 1324842923789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone care to try this?

>> No.8291374

Should I ask the questions or chat?

>> No.8291420

Yesterday I had good long conversations with other /jp/ers some weren't even awkward at all. None of them used fucking emoticons, and if someone did I'd just disconnect and move on as they're obvious a shit quality person. If someone is incapable of expressing themselves with words alone, then they obviously have nothing to say and are not worth talking to.

While this was kind of fun, you should stop making threads about it. We all know where to go, and don't need to be pointed there anymore.

>> No.8291421

I was under the impression that the thread was dead.

>> No.8291422


dont think any /jp/ers are on atm. Tried for an hour.

>> No.8291426

Sorry jpsies, I always want to answer your funny 2hu questions but that arab I get paired up with always disconnects because he can't speak English.

>> No.8291447


i know that feel

>> No.8291459
File: 25 KB, 836x159, Capture2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you disconnect?
Maybe we could have become friends

>> No.8291528

Come one /jp/, ask questions please.
I will always be here to answer

>> No.8291540

If they're all asking questions who are you going to talk to? Are you just going to spam memes at the OP?

Everyone switch to answering in spy mode. If you don't know how to do this, and it's been mentioned a dozen times already, kill yourself.

>> No.8291550

epic raid guise

>> No.8291559

But I am bored of same old questions about God, or if I prefer reddit or /b/

>> No.8291563

I'm too afraid in joining a conversation without a question as ice breaker

>> No.8291571

I made a question saying:"with which touhou would you talk for hours until you eventually ask for her contact details so you can be friends but she refuses?"
The people who didnt knew about touhou came in and started talking about their depressing lifes for a hour but then I had to disconnect.
Can they still talk together regardless?
One was a boy one a girl and they got along really well.
I wonder if he will ask her for her contact informations......

>> No.8291575

Just say hi and then pretend to be someone else when the inevitable asl question arises.

>> No.8291577

>Can they still talk together regardless?


>> No.8291579

reminds me of when I met the love of my life over omegle and they disconnected

>> No.8291589

How utterly ridiculous.

>> No.8291605
File: 31 KB, 1018x308, epicmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah.. heheh... new meme!!!

>> No.8291606

Why is /jp/ so shitty?

Too much casual bullshit that would be more at home in /b/ with the rest of the normal shitbags.

>> No.8291609

which? the part that I met them or the part where they actually disconnected in the face of their soul mate?

>> No.8291613

That's why you should be the one answering, it won't do if they are hooked up thanks to you and you don't receive anything in exchange.

>> No.8291616

The part where you posted about it on /jp/.

>> No.8291629

I'd be happy if they are happy together and don't want anything, but I'd also be happy if the scenario in my questio occurs, minus the touhou of course.
That would be too funny.
Too bad I'll never know now

>> No.8291643
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>> No.8291647
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>> No.8291660
File: 49 KB, 443x365, 2hufuq3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so I learned Touhou means "Passion" in Czech.

>> No.8291662
File: 108 KB, 1024x768, 111225-155824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres the answer.

>> No.8291685
File: 271 KB, 700x840, school girl okuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come /jp/ and learn something new everyday!

>> No.8291687

man where all the jp questions at? I'm not getting any ;_;

>> No.8291710

I am asking them all the time

>> No.8291741
File: 57 KB, 574x635, Ikablech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello, mi name is Iñigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die...
>iPhone OR Android, and why?
>long distance relationships are....

This is all I'm getting. Just shoot me now.

>> No.8291744

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!

Question to discuss:
Have you ever visited /jp/-- Otaku Culture? If no, why not?

Stranger 2: no, i'm not a weebo and I've been to Japan, the real thing is much better
Stranger 1: I'd love to, but don't have money :(
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.8291782

Every time I ask a Touhou question they disconnect

>> No.8291793

You know what's worse than being from /jp/ on Christmas? Being from /jp/ and hanging out on omegle on Christmas.

>> No.8291805

Who cares what's worst?

>> No.8291812


Nobody knows how to use google.

>> No.8291821
File: 36 KB, 1168x387, omegle 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8291817
File: 28 KB, 1163x384, omegle 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8291819
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stranger 2 didn't seem too interested.

obviously gay.

>> No.8291825
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>> No.8291828
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>> No.8291833



>> No.8291842

I always get
"whats touhou"

>> No.8291860


I got "watsarouhou? D:"

>> No.8291869
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>> No.8291875

How long does it take doing random conversations before I get asked questions?

>> No.8291888

took me like 4 times

>> No.8291893


You have to keep one conversation going until it fills about half the page before you can get asked questions.

>> No.8291894
File: 55 KB, 420x248, にとりおはよう.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stranger 1: havent played touhou
>Stranger 1: but i luv marisa!

Fucking secondary.

>> No.8291906

Question to discuss:
Does yaoi turn you on?

Stranger: hell yeah motherfucker


Stranger: suck my cock dude

You: suck my cock, dude

You: you have to include the comma

Stranger: maybe

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Was that a /jp/er?

>> No.8291919

They were both meme spamming faggots and so are you.


>> No.8291920
File: 5 KB, 878x87, arc black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny, because Arc is black.

>> No.8291923
File: 18 KB, 500x382, Omegle chat log.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8291935

You: why did you ask me if i was horny

Stranger: cause i am

You: can't help you sorry.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.8291931

>You: you have to include the comma

lol no

>> No.8291940

>dont bully sudo
Stranger 1: sudo?

Stranger 1: sounds like a game

Stranger 2: sudoku

Stranger 1: yeah!

Stranger 2: it's a popular game in Germany

Stranger 1: and japan

Stranger 2: yeah, it came from Japan (or at least from somewhere in Asia) to Europe

>> No.8291942
File: 29 KB, 496x400, asdasadasdasa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8291945

>/jp/'s christmas
>2008-2010: waifu thread
>>2011: omegle thread

This is just sad.

>> No.8291948



>> No.8291947

Stranger: hi

Stranger: asl?

You: 14/f/gensokyo

Stranger: ok i am m 15 sweden

You: which realm is that?

Stranger: europe

You: i have never heard of it

You: i can help you open a portal to my world

Stranger: eeh ok

Stranger: :S

You: you have to do the following

Stranger: ok

You: buy 12 candles

You: preferably red

You: and then draw two overlapping pentagrams on the floor

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.8291953

You were in all three of them, mister.

Think about that before calling threads sad.

>> No.8291952

>BGM: Requiem for a Board

>> No.8291955
File: 16 KB, 500x319, Omegle chat log (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8291956


Who are you quoting?

>> No.8291958

I thought about it.

This thread is sad.

>> No.8291962

My frustration.

>> No.8291968

Get out of /jp/!


>> No.8291970



>> No.8291973

I keep having good conversations with interesting people and I'm so self-deprecating I disconnect in the middle of them.
What the fuck is wrong with me, /jp/?

>> No.8291982
File: 65 KB, 1027x315, Screen shot 2011-12-25 at 5.15.30 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas Stranger 2

>> No.8291991

You too.

>> No.8291995

Hey, at least you have the nerve to start a conversation in the first place.

>> No.8292005

Those threads are just for christmas, right ?

>> No.8292007

I plan on making one of these daily for the rest of my life.

>> No.8292010
File: 55 KB, 1043x510, maybe I should just stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8292011

Keep dreaming. Soon we'll have msn exchange threads too or whatever faggots use these days. Facebook?

>> No.8292020
File: 16 KB, 850x341, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find any of you. Found some new shitposting material, though.

>> No.8292028
File: 54 KB, 268x375, pocky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8292033
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>> No.8292037
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>> No.8292038

If you guys are just lonely why don't you post a email address? I promise I will talk to you.

>> No.8292041

I can't talk to people unless in the safe confines of anonymity

>> No.8292042


What the fuck is an email address?

>> No.8292045

Some sort of log in info you need to get accounts in porn or video sites. I don't know why anyone would give theirs up to complete strangers, what if they use it to sign up on weird sites?

>> No.8292047


/jp/ would never do such a thing.

>> No.8292051
File: 17 KB, 821x410, hidoiadventures of jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8292053

Question to discuss:
If you could try on lots of frilly dresses without anyone ever finding out would you do it?

Stranger 2: get back in your cage dorothy
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.8292055

Goodbye, ham anon. ;_;

>> No.8292058

I gave up after the 7th immediate disconnect after I asked my question in a row.

>> No.8292091

My strangers are arguing about whether stranger 1 is 16 f or not. The original question was ignored...

>> No.8292242

Really, you watch it for the "plot" huh? (you know what I'm talking about, sicko) (dat cutie mark) (Stranger 1: and Yes [...] Stranger 1: those ponies have a nice asses)
Stranger: what
Stranger: the fuck
You: i think bronies are faggots and should kill themselves
You: otakus will rage war on them
You: /jp/ will invade /b/ and get rid of the bronie terror
Stranger: wanna go out?(;
You: fuck that,
You: lets fuck now
Stranger: alright!
You: oh oh oh yeah keep it up
Stranger: oh yeahh that feels gooood
You: yes yes yes ahahhhhhhhhhh **bitchy screams
Stranger: :D
You: ** orgasmic yelps of glory.
Stranger: yeah, im all wet now
You: oh yeah
You: i
You: ummm
You: i have hiv
Stranger: how
You: i fucked moot
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.8292287

>The ones who have been spamming you are from the /jp/ board on 4chan.org. Please feel free to direct any comments or concerns you may have over the "raid" there. If you are from 4chan.org/redit/tumblr invite you're friends over to /jp/ for a christmas party, since they are so lonely that they've come here.


>> No.8292297


Wait what?

>> No.8292359

Spamming? We are like 6 guys over there.

>> No.8292371

I can't find anyone to talk to. Where are you guys :(.

>> No.8292404

How lewd, you two.

Question to discuss:
Cyber it out? ;)
Stranger 2: Yaranaika?
Stranger 1: Anonymous likes to watch.
Stranger 1: I dig.
Stranger 1: Hey stranger... lets bump it
Stranger 1: *whips it out*
Stranger 2: *grabs dick, is 300 lbs*
Stranger 1: Oh god .. it's so fat.
Stranger 2: Suck my cock, dude.
Stranger 1: *poops on stranger's chest*
Stranger 1: Take that, foul demon.

>> No.8292408

This fills me with immense sadness. /jp/ is my last smileyless refuge.

>> No.8292421


>> No.8292434


Stop pushing your standards to other people. /jp/ Omegle threads are so much better than any other board's. If you have a better thread to offer go ahead.

>> No.8292442
File: 9 KB, 194x259, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to get this after 3 conversations. What do I do with it?

>> No.8292447

What's that? Why is he putting tennis balls inside his shirt anon?

>> No.8292457

>putting tennis balls inside his shirt anon


>> No.8292459

It's the same meme spewing faggotry you see on any other board. And I can't even count how many of them mentioned /jp/ in their spam. So enjoy the increased raiders.

I used to worry about /jp/ getting better. But this finally made me see there's nothing here to value. It's better to just move on and forget my time here.

>> No.8292462

Pretend to be a girl and supply that image when asked for pictures.

Alternatively, post that on /b/ and claim that you'll post nude pictures if they jump through some silly hoops like getting some number or another. The bloodhounds over there will stalk the unwitting fool down and make her pay once they notice they aren't getting any pictures of naked 3D pigs.

>> No.8292464

I try not the mention /jp/ but mention things that only a /jp/er would know.

>> No.8292569

why haven't i met a single one of you? where are you, guys?

>> No.8292572

I know rite, we need some sort of code sign

>> No.8292579

I was spending my time talking to a Palestinian that claimed to be in his last year of uni for a major in information systems. It was a pleasant conversation until he tried to send me an image from his dad's restaurant by pasting the local file path in the chat window. I couldn't take it seriously after that.

>> No.8292587

I've encountered two /jp/sies.
Both were using full width font.

>> No.8292600

This is what I've been doing instead of yelling out memes to everyone I spoke to.

I've also ran into others doing it, but they didn't have the same reservations. I feel like I may be wasting my time with this. Actually, I know I am.

>> No.8292603

I encountered two or three shitposters, and had an awkward conversation with one other guy.

>> No.8292623

I propose the following "/jp/ recognization specification".
1. User 1 must send something that starts with "2".
2. User 2 must send something that stars with "h".
3. User 1 must send something that starts with "u".
4. User 2 must send something that starts with "j" and contains a "/".
5. User 1 must send something that starts with "p" and contains a "/".
6. User 2 must send something that contains either "frilly dress" or "silly hat".
7. User 1 must do the same.
