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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 105 KB, 620x400, jeff-mangum2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8288791 No.8288791 [Reply] [Original]

>Like things on the basis of how obscure they are
>Dislike things on the basis of how much /a/ likes them
>Constantly search for the latest fad from Japan's otaku community that hasn't been discovered yet over here

So I'm guessing /jp/ likes Neutral Milk Hotel right?

>> No.8288793

jesus christ

>> No.8288796
File: 1.06 MB, 900x900, NMH-Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes we do.

>> No.8288799

Yes, everyone knows /jp/ is like the Fatlus fanbase but a thousand times worse when it comes to being useless nerd hipsters. You aren't breaking any new ground here OP.

>> No.8288798

Stop posting that potato

>> No.8288802
File: 82 KB, 500x500, aero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8288803

I like Milk Closet

>> No.8288805

I hated it until I listened to it. I didn't want to associate myself with hipsterdom trash.
Once I heard aeroplane over the sea, I started crying. It was fucking beautiful.

>> No.8288829

The Atlus fanbase are worse than /jp/.

>> No.8288839

I feel asleep listening to Oh Comely last night, I was trying to make an effort and wake up at normal times for christmas, only got 3 hours sleep though.

>> No.8288860

I don't like things because they're obscure but most of what I like happens to be obscure. I don't give a fuck if that makes me a hipster.

NMH is good for what they are but it's not really my type of music.

>> No.8288891

Well it makes sense that hipsters like the potato head album unironnically.

Oh Comely was basically guitar 101 chords with intentionally vague lyrics for 8 minutes. Throw in random and dissonant trumpets at the end and bam you got deep music art.

>> No.8288901


I thought that would have been right up your alley ZUN.

>> No.8288903

The didn't shop reimu's braids onto the potato for nothing

>> No.8288908

Why /jp/ like Touhou?
It is pretty much normalfag materials now.
From the little girls singing cirno perfect math class in youtube, nips going clubbing with touhou tunes and gaiafags wanking over 2hus? I dont see /jp/ dropping them anytime soon.

>> No.8288913

You do realize that wasn't a real Japanese nightclub right anon?

>> No.8288924

It's not normalfag material in general. It's normalfag material relative to the rest of the fandom. It's kind of like how cosplaying basically got taken over by rave chicks looking to hook up with cute sk8erbois. It's not 'normal' by normal people standards, but they're still more normal than the original inhabitants.

>> No.8288945


Don't you mean guys from /fit/? That's the general impression I always got from /cgl/. You've got all the passive aggressive nerds from /fit/ who want to bulk up solely to fuck 3d, and then all of the general cocksleeves who go to con afterparties.

>> No.8288955

Are you saying HARDCORE TANO*C release parties are fake?

>> No.8288958

/fit/ doesn't work out for women.

>> No.8288965


I actualy love that song.

>> No.8288963

I dunno I didn't really like the lyrics. It's all subjective anyways I guess. I listen to hipster music anyways like Nurse With Wound, so I shouldn't be talking:


>> No.8288964

>guys from /fit/
Ever been to fit guy?
Most people there are either fat, or skin and bones. The few model types are the exception. Much of a chance of having a hot guy there as one in here.
Normalfags are in /soc/ and /b/ as far as I know.

>> No.8288967
File: 24 KB, 320x289, JESUS LAUGHING1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fit/ doesn't work out for women.

Ten minutes later in /cgl/ with accompanying topless pic:


>> No.8288969

Entry-level industrial is no more hipster than NMH is, friend.

>> No.8288974 [SPOILER] 
File: 64 KB, 360x480, 1321415132003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not /fit/
If you spent any time there at all, they look for this type of girl.
/cgl/ is fat chicks bro.

>> No.8288979

The Japanese Touhou fandom and /jp/'s notion of normalfaggotry have seriously fuck-all to do with each other. Anybody who thinks that the actual (read: Japanese) Touhou fandom was ever the exclusive domain of /jp/-types was is seriously deluded.

>> No.8288984

I know, that's why I said I shouldn't be talking in my post.

>> No.8288985

Really though, /fit/ is almost as autistic as /jp/, they've just never recovered from /r9k/'s deletion.

>Disregard bitches, acquire aesthetics.

>> No.8288988

No, /fit/ are, like the other anon said, passive aggressive nerds who channel their nerd rage into working out. Some of them are actually productive people who aren't doing it to get "femanon" cred, but a few are, and they're generally attention whores on other boards, which is why people have the impression /fit/ is like that in general.

/soc/ are that guy who always complains about being 'friend zoned' even though he's actually fucked a fair few girls. They're hipsters basically who whine when girls don't fall for the whole deep artist with sensitive fweelings schtick (even though a fair few of them actually do).

I think we can all agree the worst kinds of people are the hipsters who constantly run their mouth about "PUA" though.

>> No.8288990

The point of my post was that neither are hipster or obscure in the slightest. At least, not anymore.

>> No.8288996

There's that word again.

>> No.8289003

>Hipster doesn't mean anything because hipsters don't self-identify as such

Not this shit again. Anyone who has been to college in the past 6 years and has any powers of basic observation knows exactly who and what hipsters are.

>> No.8289000


>> No.8289007

How can NMH really still be considered hipster? They've got like 900k listeners on last.fm
I only listen to japanese bands with less than 10k top

>> No.8289011

Just because you and most people on /mu/ would recognize something like Nurse With Wound does not mean he is not obscure. Killing the artist in the studio and mastering the only copy of an album yourself is the not the prerequisite for obscurity. Go out and ask 1000 people about NWW. Go ask 1000 NMH listeners about NWW. See who actually knows what they're talking about.

>> No.8289017

I can't be the only person that finds independent rap more obnoxious than commercial rap. Just listening to some nigger think he's deep because he talks about how dat bes rayciss in his rapping is fucking annoying.

What's worse is that this shit seems to be everywhere. Aren't hipsters in love with that Tyler, the Creator faggot now?

>> No.8289027

Just because 1000 random people on the street don't know what something is doesn't mean it's obscure. Try that yourself with something like K-On! or Yume Miru and I guarantee you'll get many more blank looks than coherent responses. There's a certain "obscurity" in the hobby of something like music if you're looking past what your parents played when you were a kid or what you like on the radio. That doesn't mean that anything, however, to someone who is even slightly well-versed in the hobby.

>> No.8289052
File: 263 KB, 500x500, 1295488724946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on avery island is better.

especially the final track.

>> No.8289103

Not even listening to the trashy music, just watching the video.

>> No.8289112

Tyler is a HUGE faggot

try Lil' B

>> No.8289118

HELL yeah


>> No.8289359

>Throw in random and dissonant trumpets

...and you have the real reason why /jp/ would love it.

Nowadays, pretty much every person with a nonstandard taste will self-identify as hipster. Ironically, so far, but the meaning switch has long been underway.

It goes like this, really:
He listens to something I don't like. Do I know what it is?
Y: Media-fed ignoramus.
N: Hipster.
