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8288104 No.8288104 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Keine so unpopular?

>> No.8288109
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Clearly she hid her own history

>> No.8288118

Who says shes unpopular? Its my dream to sell her herbs when I start my garden in Gensokyo.

>> No.8288126
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Stop stealing my daydream material

>> No.8288130
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She's my 4th favorite touhou and she has one of the coolest themes (normal-keine)

But yeah, she needs more attention

>> No.8288129
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because Mokou is more popular but Mokou's best coupling is Moko-Kene I think.

>> No.8288138

Worst hat for the worst touhou

>> No.8288152


Keine's hat is awesome, though. It's probably my second favorite hat in the series.

>> No.8288168 [SPOILER] 
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If you are basing her rating on her hat, then she would be the second best touhou.

Headpantsu > all

>> No.8288174
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Uh, she isn't?

>> No.8288192

I'd like a story explaining her reasons for protecting humans. I think it would be best if it were tragic.

>> No.8288195

She just likes them

>> No.8288200

Hakutaku in legend have generally tended to help humans against youkai dangers

>> No.8288210

Keine kein gutt.
But honestly I like Keine she's just not one of my favourite touhous

>> No.8288219
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>> No.8288220
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>> No.8288223
File: 156 KB, 500x400, touhou keine mokou 18d0a9dd36f19227daa10553d0a4f1d9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8288248

Ever since moving to the human village she has been raped every single night by a gang of niggers. It started out with just one, but as she kept showing up every single night walking down the same dim road more and more took notice. Now each night they put their blackjacks in to every single nook and cranny she has. They stretch her small body past the point of endurance. For hours they brutally pump her over and over again until her mind breaks. Then as a natural reaction for self preservation her broken mind erases the event.

All she knows is that ever since moving to the human village, she wakes up feeling happy and refreshed.

>> No.8288285
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>> No.8288319
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Why hasn't this been translated yet??!!

>> No.8288342

because it never happened.

>> No.8288357
File: 188 KB, 850x1359, 1296404157087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should study japanese.

>> No.8288395


All it says is "it hurts", "please stop", "man that's tight".

>> No.8288402

Otonashi no Uta.

>> No.8288419

I love girls with their hair down like that.

>> No.8289074

What the hell is going on here, why does she have a tail? Did she always have a tail? If so why was I not informed.

>> No.8289102
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Because it's shit.

>> No.8289167
File: 239 KB, 554x835, 3f5b7bb8c70390436985177c1df810c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do so many people want Keine to suffer?

>> No.8289209

So is anyone going to answer my tail question?

>> No.8289213

No, you fucking secondary piece of shit. Get the fuck out of /jp/

>> No.8289222

Ive been here longer than you and Ive never heard of her tail.

>> No.8289228
File: 232 KB, 1000x760, 2cc59a490821c2aeed1db98d6c8868e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her EX form has always had a tail. What rock have you been living under?

>> No.8289250

Shes not my favorite Touhou.

>> No.8289263
File: 341 KB, 480x480, 129399476376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So? Not knowing EX-Keine has a tail is like not knowing Remilia has wings.

>> No.8289264

that not should have beed read as now

>> No.8289278

Does Remilia sometimes pack her wings away?

>> No.8289895

Because she's just a mere stage 3 boss with an EX bonus.

The only reason she has the current number of pics is because thousands of MokoKeine pics, which ruin half of Mokou's fanart because of shipperfags.
