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File: 612 KB, 900x1200, luna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8287977 No.8287977 [Reply] [Original]

Healthy, check.
Nice thighs, check.
Zettai Ryouiki, check.
Blonde, check.
Drills, check.
Tsundere appearance, check.

Why isn't this Luna canon?

>> No.8287984

Because ZUN wanted innocent fairies, not slut fairies

>> No.8287989

How is that slutty? It's refined and elegant.

>> No.8287999

While my hobbies have distinctly changed my perception, when I look at this and then translate it to 3D, it literally screams slut, the tight dress, short skirt, the expression, pose.

>> No.8288003

>translate it to 3D
Found your problem.

>> No.8288010

I still hate 3D, but I use it for an impartial comparison to avoid things like what >>8287989 said.

>> No.8288020

Why do you need impartial comparisons?

>> No.8288029

Fairies are childish in canon, both in appearance and mannerisms. It'd be silly for her to look like that.

>> No.8288199

As much as I love lewd Luna


That pretty much says it all

>> No.8288216

Imagine her introducing herself in a refined voice.

>> No.8288222

I wonder what her penis looks like

>> No.8290321

her mouth must the a fitting place for a cock

>> No.8290326

>Healthy, check
Maybe because Kill yourself.

>> No.8290328

looks like we have the a translation error.

>> No.8290338
File: 156 KB, 400x448, Th128LunaChild.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say the same about all Touhous. But fat and adorable it is for canon Luna. Let fanon draw the curvy arousing Luna.

>> No.8290357

Amen to that.

>> No.8290376

Luna Child would be a great name for the Queen of Fairies.
