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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 40 KB, 446x369, suck_my_cock_dude_epic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8287192 No.8287192 [Reply] [Original]

So over the past few years I've noticed a growing trend in the receding testosterone of many /jp/ users. It seems like there has been a transition in sexuality from:

straight/wizard > lolicon > futacon > trap enthusiast > gay

Now, I have no problem with any of this but what I do find somewhat disturbing is how basically all of the recently converted homosexuals have adopted a disgusting attitude towards casual sex, which is evident in the numerous gloryhole and anonymous gay sex threads that typify the board now.

In fact, it seems like everyone's turned into some mutant alpha male normalfag... just gay.


>> No.8287196

Instantaneously reported.

>> No.8287197

>Making metaphysical threads on /jp/ on Christmas Eve
>Replying, reporting, saging, and hiding metaphysical threads on /jp/ on Christmas Eve

>> No.8287198

Yeah, I figured I would touch a nerve.

Instantaneously called out as a normalfag gay slut.

>> No.8287201

I was going to reply with something funny, but then I desisted and reported you instead.

>> No.8287204 [DELETED] 

heterosexual has little to nothing to discuss, so not many discuss it. vocal minority != board tendency

>> No.8287205

Truth hurts.

Sorry, but this shit is hypocritical.

I remember when we were all pure little girls.

>> No.8287211

I'm still in the trap enthusiast stage.
And I'd only suck the cock of a /jp/sie who's in a loving relationship with me. Dude.

>> No.8287208

True, definitely true. Good point.

....but that doesn't make it have a place on an otaku culture board.

I'll admit, I thought the whole thing was funny at first, and I AM IN NO WAY HOMOPHOBIC but the mindset is running rampant.

>> No.8287210

Yeah, I guess I have to deal with not being as funny as I thought.

>> No.8287213 [DELETED] 

its just a spam trend, it'll die out and get replaced with something else annoying in time.

>> No.8287214

>....but that doesn't make it have a place on an otaku culture board.
They are Cock-Otaku.

>> No.8287216
File: 87 KB, 449x446, ohshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone explain to me what's so funny about the OP post?

I was crying tears of laughter while reading it, yet in retrospect I can't seem to think why it's funny.

Maybe I'm loosing it

>> No.8287219

A meme forced by shit posters does not necessarily constitute what the board is made up of.

Of course, were you not one of those shit posters, you'd realize this fact.

>> No.8287220 [DELETED] 

Really good pieces of music make me giggle. Clearly the music funny. I'll go with you and say I'm losing it.

>> No.8287223

I still wish to become the little girl, and I have set my hopes on mind uploading or some variant of it.

>> No.8287224 [DELETED] 

Really good pieces of music make me giggle. Clearly the music isn't funny. I'll go with you and say I'm losing it.

>> No.8287227

The gloryhole guys want to be cumsluts.

I have pure, homolove and want to cuddle with cute /jp/ men.

>> No.8287229

No, it's funny! Even if it isn't meant as a joke I don't have a problem with it... There's worse off topic things on /jp/. In fact, some of those threads are actually pretty interesting. But multiple threads on the front page is retarded.


It's funny because it's true.

>> No.8287231

It's kinda gone beyond meme status, dude.

>> No.8287234

Maybe it was an ironic meta-shitpost and you are the only one who was able to detect it.

If so, congratulations. You are the less autistic person on this board. How does it feel to be almost normal?

>> No.8287235 [DELETED] 

Seeing as how its less frequent than back when it first took off, I'm going to go with dying shitpost trend

>> No.8287239

I would say it's brainwashing but this is only my personal case

I was never really gay or anything and I can't really fap to anything gay related unless it is lesbian.

But over the last month or so I developed a sudden sexual interest in dicks.
Not men. Not Futa. But just dicks.
I would love to suck on one and drink all the warm cum gushing inside of my throat,
yet I feel disgusted thinking about kissing or cuddling with a man.

And there's only one thing I can blame that on,
and that would be those damn gloryhole threads.

>> No.8287241

epic male

epic male for the win ;-DDD

>> No.8287243
File: 11 KB, 190x187, 1315596264144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCKING hell why is this not getting spammed or completely ignored?

>> No.8287244



>> No.8287248

I don't think that's brainwashing.

I think that's your penis coming out of the closet before your mind... which is quite common.

>> No.8287250 [DELETED] 


Now to delete my posts here because I don't have a dynamic IP

>> No.8287252

Are you talking about this suck my cock dude shit or being gay?

I've been posting how I love /jp/sies for probably 18 months or longer now. And I literally do want to have a non-lewd but loving relationship with a sensitive and gentle male.

>> No.8287259
File: 67 KB, 640x480, 1310659386367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame saten-anon telling the stories and showing the glory hole cock pictures.

At some point the shitposters decided it was a great idea to create shitposting material from it.
And since then they have been spamming it.

It seems to be going well for them, a lot of people are butthurt over it.

>> No.8287256

No, Ive always been a alpha male pedophile OP. You just didnt notice.

>> No.8287255

I've only fantasized a bit more with a busty Saten sucking my dick, slurping sounds and all.

>> No.8287253

because he has a point

>> No.8287254


I shall weep for you.

>> No.8287258

Exactly the same with me.
Though if a /jp/sie was really feminine and put on nice clothes, I'd gladly cuddle with him.

>> No.8287262

I don't know man.
I don't think I could consider myself gay if I feel disgusted at kissing, cuddling or having any kind of sexual relation with men.

>> No.8287266

OK, well this isn't your fucking Craigslist personals section, dipshit.
Fuck off.

>> No.8287268

It's funny since /jp/sies are probably a lot more conservative in real life with respect to irl relations, adopting what would be a monastic lifestyle, or otherwise (and more probably?) just going out with someone feminine--I think this is probably where the OP goes off-track.

At times it's occurred to me that /jp/--and of course myself--might just be playing to a outdated notion of femininity, but I think we're each just dazzled with this imagery which might be something else entirely.

After all, "otaku" tends to involve recycling and reusing and repackaging "original material" (although there are purists who want everything to be representative of the original, which has its merits too). It's inherently a very metaphysical way of interacting with other people (since ultimately this is a board where people congregate and share images and talk about vns, touhou and neeting it up).

>> No.8287275


I myself think it's because those guys keep associating sucking cocks with ultimate pleasure. It's probably curiosity that makes you wonder, but don't give in.

>> No.8287274

But you like dicks. Who cares?

You'd probably like girly dudes.

>> No.8287280

It's not like that and you know it.

I swear, most of the people who are assmarauded over this stuff are new. /jp/ was always called the gayest board by people here and it's always been oddly feminine and pretty gay. None of it is new apart from the gloryhole/manslut/normalfag shit.

>> No.8287285

It might be just that and combination of no sexual experiences during the puberty phase.

It's not like I'd have a chance at giving in anyways.

>> No.8287294


    ( ´・ω・`)     ∧_∧
    /     \   (´Д` ) What the fuck is
.__| |    .| |_ /      ヽ this guy talking about
||\  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   / .|   | |
||\..∧_∧    (⌒\|__./ ./
||.  (    )     ~\_____ノ|   ∧_∧
  /   ヽ  Shut up man.  \| ( ´_ゝ`) Drunken bastard
  |     ヽ           \/     ヽ.
  |    |ヽ、二⌒)        / .|   | |
  .|    ヽ \∧_∧    (⌒\|__./ /

I'd give you a 0/10 but some colossal moron or samefag will fall for it.

>> No.8287295


Curiosity really is annoying at times, I've got the same problem. But from what you're saying, I think you'll be fine.

>> No.8287299
File: 198 KB, 999x999, Cirno - Arm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn... It sure feels good to be 100% straight...

>> No.8287304

10/10 squiddy. saved in my kopipe grimoire

>> No.8287338

There's nothing wrong with curiosity and there's nothing wrong with homosexuality.

But with the amount of bitching people around here do about "shitposting" and the fact that the direction this sexual revolution is taking people dangerously close to, "See this bro? I just sucked his cock, dude. Shit was SO CASH" I think it's time people got ahold of themselves a little.

This is /jp/ not a male meat market.

>> No.8287353


Well, I don't think curiosity or homosexuality is bad, but it's because I don't want anyone to do anything they'd regret because of said curiosity, like sucking a bunch of dicks just because they heard people bragging about it. That and it's silly for it to be on /jp/ in the first place.

>> No.8287355

Funnily enough /gif/ is currently having a very similar movement with many of the users becoming interested in dicks and sucking them, and they probably aren't the only other board. I think it's a matter of being conditioned by all the dicks we see in all the porn we consume.

>> No.8287374
File: 53 KB, 527x576, 1 (37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do no t worry op
i will get rid of lewdness from /jp/
lewd people are evil

>> No.8287394
File: 59 KB, 600x450, dawson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you so shitty

>> No.8287397

You will get "rid" of lewd people?
And you consider one of the nicest people on /jp/ your nemesis, and you call others evil?

Last i checked forcing your opinions on others is rather evil.
Not to mention the shitposting you do IS evil.

>> No.8287400

I love /jp/ so much

merry christmas everybody

>> No.8287407
File: 25 KB, 303x284, 1 (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are like nemesis she is not nice she is tyring to turn u all lewd!!
im nice.. im very nice

>> No.8287419

Rather lewd and free than pure and in the chains you wish to put around our necks.
You are nothing but a evil tyrant.

>> No.8287420
File: 1.35 MB, 1238x1772, 165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no your not!! u make up hurtful lies and spam tham

-toe kee koh

>> No.8287447
File: 50 KB, 542x590, 1 (35).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u are free to be lewd on other boards.. this is a SAFEFOR WORK and school board... blame moot not me

>> No.8287462

You can't control me!
My cock rises in rebellion!

>> No.8287463
File: 368 KB, 800x861, 1324574165866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homosexuality shouldn't really implicate some cliche macho attitude (which is really a gender-construct).

I don't see anything discordant with liking cute things and who you have a relationship with. There's no need to follow a trite notion of masculinity, and in the same line of thought it's fine to express your feelings however you want--I feel as though today it's more and more common for males to not feel the need to be as forward and domineering as historically true. There's no reason to have 0% bodyfat or something unless you're a bodybuilder, and it's not necessary for men to always take the initiative even though it's still common enough today.

I don't really mind being called whatever, but I don't really feel the need to brand it--I don't feel as though there's any merit in doing so as it's not descriptive and I don't know how to address a lot of the (metaphysical?) implications of using a conventional verbiage which has a lot of baggage. Everything doesn't need to be pinned down under a label after all.

>> No.8287469

>futacon > trap enthusiast

>> No.8287470
File: 78 KB, 862x865, 1324773243033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eww get it away from ME creep!!!
