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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8284868 No.8284868 [Reply] [Original]

How's your sister doing over Christmas /jp/?

Hugged her at all?

>> No.8284872

My sister is dead.

>> No.8284878

That's not funny, my brother died that way.

>> No.8284882

I don't have one, stop rubbing it in anon.

>> No.8284881

I don't have a sister.
If I did, she'd probably be a bitch anyway.

>> No.8284895

Spending it with her new husband.

>> No.8284898


>> No.8284906

She's homeless and I couldn't be happier.

But knowing her, she's either drunk as fuck at one of her friends houses or riding some guy's cock for a place to sleep.

>> No.8284912


People like you are so hilariously worthless. I'd love to beat your ass to the ground. Not even joking or playing tough guy here.

>> No.8284913
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I bought my sister some Doctor Who posters for Christmas.

Bitches love the Doctor.

>> No.8284917

My little sister is as mean as a bulldog, and as ugly too.

I'd sooner cave in her skull than hug her.
But she's family.

>> No.8284920


not that guy, but every family has one. That one person that never amounts to anything and is the shame of the family.

And if you can't think of who it is in your family, I got bad news for you.

>> No.8284924

>And if you can't think of who it is in your family, I got bad news for you.


Anyone else in this situation?

>> No.8284926

Awwww loooook someone who's only knowledge of sisters comes from chinese cartoons. Go make an incest thread on /a/ faggot.

>> No.8284928

I wish I had one. I can be my own sister, right?

>> No.8284932


You wouldn't be saying that if you actually have a sister.

All that shit you see in anime, mangas, and VNs with the nice sisters is mostly bullshit.

All sisters are bitches and cunts. And unless you live in the south, it never ends in sex.

>> No.8284929

Depends on which Doctor.

Matt Smith looks like a foot.

>> No.8284938

My little sister is going through her angsty puberty phase right now, she'd probably scratch my face off If I even tried to show a little love.

>> No.8284944

Cure her.
With your love.

>> No.8284946

Sister #1 is currently living in whoknowswhere after she ran off with her abusive husband. Last I heard, they divorced and she's stuck with the two kids. She's, naturally, too proud to just come back to the fucking family, and would much rather leach off some church group she's a part of, plus whatever she can get from the government

Sister #2 pretty much ignores me as much as she's able to, and, realizing that she does not want to be around me, I return the favor. Last I've seen, she got a boyfriend and has stayed over at his house a few times, and he's slept over once. I met the guy once. He's alright I guess. She's thankfully not as fucking retarded as her older sister, so hopefully she won't go get pregnant or anything, but even if she did, I guess it's not like I'd be able to help since she just wants me out of her life, so whatever

So yeah, pretty much ultimate bad end

>> No.8284951
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Doc Tor Who!

>> No.8284950

Trust me, you would not be saying that if you knew the bitch.

But keep on with your white knighting internet tuff guy act if that makes you feel better. Yes, even though you say you aren't, that's all you are.

>> No.8284959

My little sister tried to kill herself, now she thinks she's a witch. I hate my little sister.

>> No.8284960
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>> No.8284962

Gave me a shirt for Christmas.

Meat is murder, Tasty Tasty murder

>> No.8284965


>> No.8284968

Sisters are women and as men of /jp/ it is our duty to hate them all for that is our pride and duty as men. Women are only put on this earth to be made whores so a sister is useless because she can not become our whores so we must hate her twice as much because what we really wish for is a little brother to rape but because we have little sisters we can not rape them because the whores will get pregnant and tell us on and then we will go to jail and end up wearing koolaid on our lips and wearing pumps while big burly black men turn us into little girls but that is not okay because becoming little girls for big black men is a sin and that is all the fault of little sisters who must be hated and raped with glass bottles until their peepees fall out.

>> No.8284974

>liking kirino

>> No.8284982

Whores don't age.

>> No.8284985

I have an older sisters, but she lives on a different continent and it's been half a year since I've talked to her.

I'm sure she's doing fine, though. She's pretty much the complete opposite of me in terms of life skills.

>> No.8284988
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She was butthurt the other day because she got a rich boyfriend because he was rich but fell in love with someone else so she cheated on him, but she still rather wants her current boyfriend so she's really sad and tries to fix everything and right now she screams at everyone and everything.

tl;dr: beaches and shores

>> No.8284995
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Wow...That may be the most faggoty commet i have ever read in my life. Did your past girl friend break up with you or have women treated bad as a whole?

>> No.8284998

Are you enjoying your first week on 4chan?

>> No.8285000

I only have a cousin, she's two years older than me. She lives 3500 km away from me and I haven't seen her for eight years. She had a serious illness not long ago (lupus, to be precise, and no, housefags, that's not very funny IRL) and she had a surgery in order to recover joints in her legs. As far as I know, she's OK now, and I hope she'll have happy holidays.
Hell if I know why did I wrote that here, guess I went a little sentimental. Ugh, no matter.

>> No.8285003

You post like ugly woman.

>> No.8285016

My little sister is doing fine here, we're on good terms and we bought each other presents. She only argues with mum for nagging us all day every day. I don't think she's ever had a boyfriend, but she's nice, and some of her friends gave her 7/10 and 8/10 on looks.

>> No.8285022

sum nice /a/ thread is going here guiees

>> No.8285040
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My sis is currently asleep and probably will be till noon. We basically have a love-hate relationship, were we are either hugging each other all the time or at each other's necks.

>> No.8285038
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Got a text message from her actually.

"Merry Christmas! :)"
" Sure! Remember not to be as naughty as your big brother."

Not joking.

>> No.8285050

My big sis thinks i hate her because i have a custom of ignoring every birthday and holiday ever.
It takes a long time before people realize that i don't do this to make them angry.

>> No.8285057

No lie, I'm sucking her dick right now.

>> No.8285068

>All sisters are bitches and cunts.
Your sister is a bitch so everyone else's is too? Sorry, it doesn't work that way.

>> No.8285082

The trick is to have an non white imouto.

Being an asian imouto, the family actually teaches her things like manners and respect and shit.
So she's like this perfect smart little girl. And she isn't even personality dead, and loves her oniichan.

So proud.

>> No.8285099
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>> No.8285104

They're both going home for the holiday, and at least one, if not both, is sick with whatever it is I have.

Also, I have to work tonight. Before you cuss me out, I had to get a job or be kicked out. I'm not going to last long, anyway. Fairly soon I'll have a mental breakdown, then I'll be able to live on SSI. Or kill myself. That's a strong contender for what I'll do on the 25th.

>> No.8285137

Not if you live in a western country with shitty western values.

>> No.8285142

I have 2 older sisters, and both of them are good, fun and hardworking people, - pretty much the polar opposites of me.
The worst thing about each of them is that they both got pregnant around the age of 20, which is clearly too early as they visibly lack the parental sense of responsibility. Now we have 2 little accidents running around my parents' house, where I live, and that's not very cool.

And speaking of hugs, it was the younger one's birthday yesterday, so I got her a £10 bouquet and congratulated her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, because, unlike most of the sisters you hear about in these threads, she's deserving of it.

>> No.8285184

you mean the little accident got touched by her uncle?

>> No.8285186

Why would they teach her any differently than a White sister? If they aren't going to teach a White girl proper values then they aren't going to teach an asian any values.

>> No.8285189


Gotta disagree with this. Maybe it's because I'm Asian but I find it amazing how many people on 4chan claim their sisters are the scum of the earth and are never nice and whatever. My older sister isn't exactly anime material, but she's always tried to take care of me and my younger sister.

>> No.8285195

Women seem to be incapable of not being shallow, even if it means they net all the money in the world as a result.

Women are much more shallow than men in my experience.

>> No.8285196

She have supported me with huge, huge amounts of money the past couple of years, and helped with all kinds of problems I have faced.
Yet I have failed to even give her a single present on either christmas, or her her birthdays the last years, and I have had a really hard time to thank her and show her appreciation for what she have done for me, yet I have managed to be a total ass towards her when the few times she had it tough and I couldn't cope with it.

It's christmas again, and I have nothing, and she is as nice as ever, wheras I am admittedly ashamed of how I have behaved.
I feel like a shit brother.

>> No.8285204

None of my little sisters talk to me. At all.

They don't even know I exist. I'm the shameful, dirty secret of my dead father who decided to fuck a married woman, then bailed when he got her pregnant.

>> No.8285231

Why weren't you aborted?

>> No.8285236

Mom was supposed to be clinically infertile. Decided she desperately wanted a kid when she found out she was pregnant.

>> No.8285238

>Hugged her at all?
She's out working right now, but she'll be back for the Christmas even dinner, so I will.
She was in even worse mental state than me some time ago, but she got her shit together, and I'm still stuck ;_;

>> No.8285248
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I don't have any siblings.

>> No.8285249

I'll be your sister

>> No.8285252
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I have five sisters.
Hate four of them.
Get along with the one who hates the other four.
Glad I live with none of them.

>> No.8285259

She seems to be fine. She's living the NEET life with her boyfriend somehow. Don't really get along with her though and I rarely see her.

>> No.8285263

Also no I didn't hug her we don't get along that well for that.

>> No.8285264

>Durr I bet it's really cool to fuck your sister!

No, it really isn't. Take it from someone who ended up going down that path when he was 16. It can completely and utterly ruin your life and hers too.

>> No.8285268

Have you ever considered not everyone must be like you?

>> No.8285339

Hurray! I've always wanted a little sister so I could dress her up in cute little frilly dresses and watch cartoons/etc with her :3

>> No.8285350

Where I come from, hugs don't usually involve putting a penis in a vagina.
Must be different cultures.

>> No.8285449
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>> No.8288122

Dude, you're a sisterfucker? Gross, how can you live with yourself?

>> No.8288160

No, and I don't plan to. I dislike her.

>> No.8288170


My sister lives about 3,000 miles away, as does my niece and nephew. I haven't seen them since 2006.

>> No.8288193
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She's.... fine.
And no, she's a lecherous, ugly human being that scorns my existence when hers is just as pitiful as mine.

>> No.8288196

I wish my sister was more touchy feely. Shit sucks.
I don't ask for much, just spooning or something.

>> No.8288206


I once used my sister's naked ass cheeks as a pillow while laying between her legs.

haha, sucks to be you.

>> No.8288211

I am tremendously jealous.
The only thing I have to brag about it fairly gross.
she broke her arm and I had to help her use the bathroom to poop

>> No.8288217


Were you acting as the toilet? Some people are into that you know.

>> No.8288221


You'd be more jealous if I told you she rolled over at one point and asked if I wanted the other side... Oh shit, I just told you.

>> No.8288224

Pull pants down, wait outside, wipe her, and get back to my room in embarrassment.

>> No.8288228


No offense, but .... faggot.

>> No.8288229

meant for

Did her crotch smell nice?

>> No.8288230

She's being dead.
Like she has been doing for the past 19 years.

>> No.8288246


Seeing I was completely under the covers doing the tent thing, I remember it being rather strong and musky no matter what she did. It's very hard to place the smell... It's not bad, but not good either... More like just naughty smelling. I can't explain it well.


That's rather sad... Does it bother you?

>> No.8288250
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>I remember it being rather strong and musky no matter what she did. It's very hard to place the smell... It's not bad, but not good either... More like just naughty smelling.

Why wont mine let me asdhfoasihfoawhefohshf

>> No.8288269

That picture is how my sister bleeds all over my fucking toilet.

>> No.8288282


This. and i'm sure it's this for most of us

>> No.8288297

>she rolled over at one point and asked if I wanted the other side...
She wanted it, bad. Why didn't you two fuck?

>> No.8288300



You going to survive brotato? If it's any consolation to you, this was a very long time ago and I was young enough that I had no idea what was what. I won't say it wasn't entertaining, but it would be awesome if I could go back to that very moment with all the knowledge I have now.

Some might say it was abuse, but whatever... She was on the cusp of puberty and was experiencing what being horny felt like for the first time... it was cute. I don't blame her at all, in fact I thank her for the memories.

>> No.8288303

Next time my sister comes over, I'll try to place my head on her butt and pretend it's silly.
Hopefully she'll want to roll over and I can sneak a waft.
Underwear is okay, but to get it straight from the source...

Maybe I'll get super lucky and it'll be one of those days she's just in boxer shorts watching TV or something.

>> No.8288321

>That's rather sad... Does it bother you?
Does the death of a person you don't know bother you?
That's more or less what it's like.

>> No.8288335


Well of course... In hindsight, I'd say most girls are ridiculously easy targets at that age under those circumstances... They're just too horny to have better judgement. They either end up being dominated by someone far older, or they dominate someone younger, but for some reason rarely go after someone their own age.... how odd.

>> No.8288341

>You going to survive brotato?
i don't think I will. Everyone here has such affectionate family. I can't remember the last time I was given a kiss or a hug. Is it so hard? It's fucking Christmas and I can't be shown a bit of love?
It's horrible.

>> No.8288347


>Does the death of a person you don't know bother you?

Depends on who it is... I was mildly bothered when Hitch died recently, despite the knowledge that he was dying. I sort of see your point though.

>> No.8288377

A more accurate way to say it may have been "Does the death of a person you weren't even consciously aware of until some years ago bother you?"
Didn't even know I had a sister until I was 10 years old or so was looking through some old photo albums and what lead from there.

>> No.8288379

>I was mildly bothered when Hitch died recently
I asked for Hitch-22 for Christmas. Didn't get it.

>> No.8288428

this literally just happened

>getting ready for Christmas party
>sister walks in
>"Do I look okay?"
>bitch, I can see your underwear
>"oh, I knew that already! I was just wondering if the boots were too much"

>> No.8288441


too lewd.

>> No.8289175
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