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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8284790 No.8284790 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, do you ever realize that even if you try to do something after years of being useless--you'd probably fail because you have no experience in anything except being a loser who sits on the internet all day?

So why even bother trying? Why not just kill yourself now?

>> No.8284794

Because I still have money left, nerd.

>> No.8284796

me on the left as the hata-tan

>> No.8284810

Your money is worthless. When you run out of money, you'll wish you hadn't wasted it on stupid otaku figurines and bodypillows instead of a gun with which to shoot yourself. Why try to emulate the perfect 2D world with poor representations when you can go to Gensokyo right now?

>> No.8284856

If we all kill ourselves tomorrow, we'll see each other in Gensokyo and that'll be our Christmas presents. Also, since it'd be our first day in Gensokyo, we'd get birthday gifts from all the touhous as well.

Don't you want that?

>> No.8284857

I don't believe that at all. People can do whatever they want, given the time.

>> No.8284861

I see through your jew tricks.
My money is worthless, so I should just give it away, eh?
Fuck you, I will live a hedonistic life until I have no money, then kill myself.

>> No.8284870

Growing up I was completely programmable. Through ritual humiliation, stern discipline or just my own self loathing all I had was what other people told me to do, to think, to be.

Make fun of me and I'd never do that thing again.

Now though I have developed a rather extreme but ultimately healthy disrespect for others and authority. People are full of shit, fakers, posers and they'll do anything and everything to bring you down to their level.

Just watch me motherfucker. My life hasn't even started yet. I have turned over a new leaf. I'll show everyone what I'm made of.

The first step, leaving here.

>> No.8284876

If anyone is the Jew here, it's you. Go back to bunjew and take Aya with you.

Yes, all the unsightly NEETs here who didn't go to college and never had a job (and most dropped out of High School and can't do basic mathematics) will surely be something one day. So keep feeding them your autism bucks.

You know what? You can go to bunjew with that other Anon and then all two of you can finally have a discussion.

>> No.8284879
File: 25 KB, 500x375, nice try anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first step, leaving here.

>> No.8284889

That actually doesn't sound healthy.

>> No.8284890

All I want to do is absorb fiction, I've managed to do that quite well so far, I'll kill myself when I can't get my one meal a day / every other day anymore.

>> No.8284892

How long can you go with starving yourself?

>> No.8284902

Sure, why not? What's stopping anyone from going back to school to get a job that they want?

>> No.8284907

Thank god I'll have to get a job and move out soon. I won't be able to afford internet and I'll be free of this God, gods, demons, and ancestors-damned site.

>> No.8284915

You say that, but you know you'll be sitting on an empty stomach in an empty room with only the glow of /jp/ and the looming threat of eviction.

>> No.8284921

Ramen is 16 cents a pack at Wal-Mart.

>> No.8284943

Someone post that Kaiji screencaps. You know the one.

>> No.8285255

Because I'll fail at killing myself too, you fool. Didn't think of that, now did you?
