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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8283291 No.8283291 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /jp/, I need advice and was sent here. I’ll be going to my uncle’s place for a while and spending new years there. Their son, my cousin, is a 23 y.o. shut-in and has been so since the end of high school. We used to be close but dropped out of contact midway through HS. His parents seem to be growing impatient with him having made failed attempts to get him to work and having cut off his internet and cable years ago (still won’t leave the house).

Since we used to be bros I'd like to get him something decent. But I dunno what. The only thing I have to go by is that he likes Jap video games/anime… or at least used to. I was thinking of a Best Buy giftcard or another bottle of wine but any good suggestions around 100 USD would be appreciated.

Also, I don’t want to impose but my relatives have asked me to try to talk with him. I think it’s going to be awkward as fuck since he avoids people other than his parents. He was bright, comes from a good family and wasn’t bullied in school. I really have no clue why he's become like this. Do you guys have any tips for making potential conversation less… awkward? I don’t want him to rage at me or traumatize him even more.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.8283296

i suggest to kill urself
im too lazy to choose a picture
so i post here
every true jper is gone right?

>> No.8283300

He likes anime. That explains everything.

>> No.8283302

Alcohol is a great choice for a shut-in. I love drinking my problems away.

>> No.8283304

seems like the jp leaders are gone

>> No.8283329

Find out who his waifu is and get him a dakimakura.

>> No.8283363

A DVD of Welcome to the NHK!

>> No.8283386

suck his cock dude

>> No.8283390

Just give him money and give him peace.

>> No.8283399

If someone gave me a fucking card for best buy, I'd shoot them in the foot after drinking the wine and claim you were fucking with the gun.

Buy him a 1tb harddrive, and change the wine for vodka. Talking will be much easier after you two have split that.

>> No.8283410

Get him some books. It's always the safe choice.
Drinking is... somewhat risky. It might help, might not, he might just refuse it.
And make sure that his parents understand that he's like that not because he wants to slight them or something, but because he probably can't help it. Particularly if he continues after his entertainment was cut off.

>> No.8283433

Getting him a 1TB external HDD filled with a couple season's worth of recent anime would be a good idea too.

>> No.8283441

Externals are shit and prone to failure.

>> No.8283448

You are shit and prone to failure too, yet here we are.

>> No.8283451

He doesn't need talking to by anyone but a qualified therapist. The ones who need talking to are his parents, particularly this 'impatience' bullshit; what, did they expect him to start a Fortune 500 company or something? Only shit the vast majority are going to be getting straight out of HS is service jobs, and if he's got psych problems (pretty obvious he does), he'll be lucky to even get a single interview in this fuck-ass economy, much less actually hired over some barely-legal blonde 36D bitch that sucks the manager's cock on command.

As for a present, get him a fleshlight and a bunch of hentai.

>> No.8283459

You're the one trying to make the nice man give his cousin a faulty product.

>> No.8283468

OP here, thanks for the replies guys. I think I recognize the important point you are trying to make. Get him something that will 'work' without him needing to step outside and claim it such as with a gift card. His parents have nothing against alcohol and right now that's what I'm personally leaning towards. This is especially the case since I don't know if he'll have much use of electronic accessories if his internet has been severed and he doesn't go out to buy new games or whatever.
As for conversation, I don't believe in 'forcing' it and it seems others agree. I'm just planning to say a brief hello. I mean he's a grown up after all. If he wants to talk, he will seek you out right?

>> No.8283472

theres no need to talk
you should suck his cock dude for a while
everything will go fine

>> No.8283479

>If he wants to talk, he will seek you out right?
You'd think that, wouldn't you...

>> No.8283494

get implants
tell him parents you are his new gf
you'll have a while to stay in his house

>> No.8283495

Get the man a wifi card.

>> No.8283488

OP here:
I have a hunch he'd appreciate some 'newer' games and shows but I really don't know his preferences and whether or not there is a 'universal' show/game that would appeal to everyone including him.
His parents are both professionals in management positions. Even though he didn't attend college, they were still able to place him into some jobs (white collar, not dirty McJobs). The problem was that he simply didn't want to do them. But I agree. I am no veteran therapist so I probably should just be brief - say hi, give present and go away.

>> No.8283502


Ohh, maaan, I'd love to have a white collar job for saving up money.

>> No.8283513

1 TB is ~100-200 single season shows depending on quality. You could go ask /a/ for a list of like 30 recommended shows from the last 2 years and get them from somewhere like BakaBT to make it as quick and painless as possible, he'll enjoy at least a couple.
Where it comes to anime, there rarely are people with taste specific enough to enjoy less than a half of commonly recommended shows.

>> No.8283519

OP you manged to get a mostly positive response. In return all we ask is that you never return to this board.

The only reason this wasn't buried under a mountain of dicks is becuase all the shitposters are out doing stuff with their families, and all the regulars are out on vacation until the kids go back to school.

>> No.8283528

adderal xr

throw it in his room
"have fun"

>> No.8283532

Family? I'm right here.

>> No.8283537

Why aren't you doing your job?

Board will take forever to kill itself, you know.

>> No.8283544

The less time you spend close to him, the more he'll appreciate your visit.

>> No.8283545

OP here. Thanks for that insight. Never thought of it that way - putting in a fairly large number of shows so there must be at least one he'll like right? I know a subordinate of mine is a big fan of this stuff as well so I might just ask him to put a bunch of the newer, popular animes and other TV shows on an HD for him in addition to the drinks. Thanks for all your help guys. As >>8283519 suggested I will make my leave. Happy holidays gentlemen!

>> No.8283554

We'd appreciate it if you deleted the thread before leaving.
Not that it holds much value these days since it'll just be bumping off shitty threads.

>> No.8283558
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Should give him an HD full of homu pics.

>> No.8283560

Or a copy of the archive.

>> No.8283794

Tell him to run for governor of his state on a secessionist platform.
