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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 580 KB, 1437x1412, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8281624 No.8281624 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say for argument's sake that the Accelerator spammer has the entire CoDeeN network and every active Tor exit node in his delayclose.exe, and that none of them are banned. This is being optimistic, and there would still be fewer than 2000 proxies.
The moderation team has a Firefox extension that lets them ban a user with a single press of a button. Even if they fill in the usual ban reasons and duration by hand, this would still take less than 10 seconds per post. Given that there are 30-40 moderators on 4chan and that you don't even need to snoop through the report queue to find spam posts (just look at the front page of /g/), this problem should have been solved a long time ago.


>> No.8281638

sotp speaking internet mumbo jumbo

>> No.8281643

>Given that there are 30-40 moderators on 4chan

>> No.8281654

There are like 6 mods and 20 janitors...

>> No.8281679


>> No.8281722

You can fix the problem real easy with two words: Client-sides.

>> No.8281750

might be somewhat close if you count janitors as mods but even then you're missing like 15 mods

>> No.8281775

They're called proxies, anon.
Thousands and thousands of them.

>> No.8281787


Ban 'em all. I'll ban them if I'm given mod powers.

>> No.8281794

Then thousands and thousands more

>> No.8281807

that picture is hot as fuck OP

>> No.8281824

That feel if you were a janitor you could clean up this crap but moot's incompetence is boundless

>> No.8281825

That's all it takes to ban a proxy. Why haven't they all been banned yet, moot?

>> No.8281837

Just put more captchas.
Captchas can solve any problem.

>> No.8281852

Needs a captcha to enter the captcha.

>> No.8281854

>moot: I um er um have um 30, no uh um 40 mods (obvious lie)
>Hiroyuki: I have 300 mods (says confidently without stuttering)

>> No.8281865

I lol'd.

Moot is so beta.

>> No.8281873


Why not just hire more mods?

>> No.8281887

Where would you get them from?
How can you be sure that they won't just shit up the place for a few weeks by banning things along the lines of STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE then get bored and stop actually moderating?

>> No.8281883

then there's a possibility even a parasite like you could get the mod power. he doesn't want to spend his time babysitting the staff.

>> No.8281899

Well he tried to promote the older janitors to mods a little while back he doesn't really trust anyone unless he knows them personally or they've been here for a while.

>> No.8281903


Because we're fed up with the spam and the shitposting. I don't have anything better t do anyways.

>> No.8281906

Add a kanji captcha.

>> No.8281929
File: 361 KB, 800x933, 204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 30-40
More like 4-8.

>> No.8281924

I actually think moot is paranoid. Look at how finnicky he is about anonymity and such. We knew his name was Robert from the earlier posts and Otakons, but then he decided to invent an alias and even use it in court.
Most of the mods are his personal friends he knows and trusts, whether from real life or online. I don't think he'd be willing to hire a complete stranger (despite there being plenty out there) because he'd worry about them all the time.

>> No.8281936

>I've been here all summer

>> No.8281931


Wait, I thought his name WAS Christopher Poole.

>> No.8281940

>Christopher Poole

Sounds legit.

>> No.8281943


Two years now, actually. I don't go on /jp/ much though because I hate Touhou.

>> No.8281942

You can't send POST requests through Codeen

>> No.8281945
File: 155 KB, 500x500, 1308086964375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8281969

Many of them are. Mostly for posting CP and shit like that.

>> No.8281961

>I've been here two years now

>> No.8281973

I'm under the impression the staff already uses lists of known proxies, but obviously there are some holes in the net that don't seem to get patched up fast enough.

What I'm curious to know is if those lists are automatically updated / auto-banned, or if they're manually edited/adjusted. Someone could write something combining Perl's DB handling ability with some crawlers and probably knock 4chan spammers (and certain types of evaders) right out of the ballpark. I'm guessing the staff just doesn't care enough to do so.

>> No.8281979

using tor.
does 4chan work?
>ban reason CP

>> No.8281980

Some of them do actually let you.

>> No.8281986
File: 97 KB, 774x613, banker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to use tor

>> No.8281997

This is one of the reasons I think moot should do a Nazi Week, with:
* ROBOT9000 algorithm on every board.
* DISP_ID (like on Futaba Channel/4-ch/etc)
* Increased flood limits.
* Bumping as opt-in rather than sage as opt-out bumping.
* Stronger moderation (ask everyone to take the week off work/school for strangers on the internet or something).

>> No.8282001

The funniest part is, people think just because they are running tor they are 100% safe and cannot be found by police, like it is some "l33t h4k3r" internet.

>> No.8282018

Purges are nice but I doubt you can purge something whose borders are open as 4chan.

>> No.8282025

I wouldn't mind this other than the forced anon. Trouble is, there are some genuinely good trip users. I say some only because for every good trip user there are how many horrible trip users, too many to count.

>> No.8282026

I don't think anyone thinks that. The mechanics of it are pretty clever, but obviously it falls short on non-hidden services. Plus the US government funded its development, and it's not in their best interests to grant easy anonymity to all citizens. If I ran an exit node I would definitely harvest people's data on regular Web services. I'm sure many exit nodes do.
420chan's /i/ did something similar about three or four years ago. A few of us kewl kidz ran PHProxy sites that would work as regular HTTP proxies but harvest people's MySpace credentials. It all worked and quite a few accounts were "hacked", but then there was IRC drama and I'm not sure what happened. Maybe it's still going.

>> No.8282028

How are 4chan bans on tor nodes related to safety of tor users?

This is not a trick question. It is, however, rhetorical.

>> No.8282037 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 1086x700, ban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tried using Tor and got this.

Twenty bans for child pornography. Only one of them is in Spanish.

>> No.8282047
File: 97 KB, 216x240, moot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8282043

I've seen a ban in German before but that's the first Spanish one I've seen.

>> No.8282054

It isn't, meant it towards posting CP anywhere on the internet.

There are a lot who do surprisingly think it. They're the kind of people that think proxies are secure as well. Most proxies will give your info up upon any threat but I'm sure everyone here knows that.

>> No.8282051

That's Italian.

>> No.8282056 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 796x541, mods get down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/mu/mod-kun is so cute.

I hope he doesn't threadban everyone here.

>> No.8282058

well that's the first Italian one I've seen then

>> No.8282059

What the fuck

>> No.8282064

all of the romance based languages sound and look the same

>> No.8282068

Agreed. That's why I said week. FORCED_ANON as a long-term solution is stupid, no matter what pedophile "image board experts" might think.
I just think that if it was for a week or so, some people would think, "Hey this is pretty refreshing. I can say whatever I want! Why did I ever use a tripcode again...?"
Though there are good tripfags who use a tripcode as a pseudonym for the sake of having a pseudonym, and that's fine, so the option should still be there in the long term.

>> No.8282075

No, you're just stupid and can't see the difference, do you even speak spanish or italian?

>> No.8282076

He does sometimes. I like him, actually, because it's fun seeing everyone's reactions in the ghost board.

>> No.8282088
File: 25 KB, 960x539, saten_sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw that proxy you've been using to post on 2chan was found by someone else, who used it to spam and got it permabanned

>> No.8282086

He obviously doesn't..

>> No.8282092


>> No.8282094

What I would like is some kind of extension like 4chan x that would permanently filter out by IP any post set to block. So that over time most of the shitposters would simply cease to exist to the majority of the userbase. I know this can be done with extensive filter lists, but a complete "ban" of the shitposters IP would save a lot of trouble and be much more thorough. Unfortunately, this would have to be implemented server site and made part of the site to work, so it will never happen.

>> No.8282099

dynampic ip, what then?

>> No.8282096

Thanks for your opinion, romance lenguages and literature expert.

>> No.8282097




>> No.8282103

4watch sort of does this, though users can't see other users IP addresses.

But again, we shouldn't have to. We already have a form of user-based moderation with the reports system. I just wish it was paid attention to more frequently.

>> No.8282108

It takes me less effort to just hit ban again than it does for them to unplug their router. Eventually I'd have them.

>> No.8282114

Nearly all reports are ignored. Putting an option in the user's hand would at least be a nice stop gap. Though I agree, in an ideal world the moderation would actually moderate.

>> No.8282113
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, Sion doesn't know who to quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want to ban an autistic spammer's proxies? Isn't it incredibly amusing to you that he actually takes the time to solve each individual captcha for every post he makes? That is literally Asperger's Syndrome at work.
This board is dead anyway, regardless of any "Accelerator" spam (which I haven't seen, but then, I don't come here often), so there's no real harm in letting some retarded manchild solve 2000 captchas.

>> No.8282122

He might buy them. You can laugh at that too, but people have donated directly to 4chan and spent thousands of hours creating cat macros. Paying some Indians a few dollars to solve CAPTCHAs isn't that big of a deal.

>> No.8282138
File: 37 KB, 720x480, ZUN's airship just crashed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even paying several dollars to post spam on /jp/ is quite funny, and again, a clear sign of actual mental retardation.
There's nothing left to spam!

>> No.8282137

Report the dude using 4watch and remember to bump the threads you're following.

>> No.8282149
File: 167 KB, 409x605, 1315658766679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not paying mturkers $0.10 per Saten thread created on /jp/

>> No.8282209

moot's secret corporate sugar-daddies need to keep moot on a short leash to stay safe legally, moot therefore needs to keep all his mods on the same leash. AND they need to be "youth internet users," not formal employees. So basically they need to be people mootles knows personally. And he can't be afraid to "fire" them publicly if they expose his sugar-daddies to legal liability of any kind, so that narrows it down to people he knows and trusts but wouldn't be upset to have to piss off or alienate.

So, um, yeah. I'm surprised we have as may as we do.

>> No.8282237

as many*

>> No.8282245

I wish Accel-spammer killed of /jp/.
Anyone know how to contact him? I want to try convincing him.

>> No.8282248

Make Naruto threads in /a/ every fifteen minutes until he shows up.
